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Stand By Your Man: (Three Bad Boy Romance Novellas)

Page 9

by Peter Presley

  “I don’t need you to bail me out. You’ve really gotten all high and mighty all of a sudden.”

  “No, I’ve gotten smart. Sooner or later, a life of crime will bite you in the ass, and there’s going to be nothing you can do about it.”

  “Yeah? How many years were you out there until you quit? You made a shit load of money, too.”

  “Money isn’t everything, dude. Not when you can end up on the wrong side of a jail cell. Did you forget what it was like when you and me were locked up?”

  “No, of course I haven’t forgotten.”

  “Then what the fuck are you doing then? You’ve got a record, bro, but you’ve always been able to get out. You know what? Sooner or later, there’s no out.”

  I’m looking down at the floor. I don’t know whether to just hang up or take more of this bullshit from him. “Easy for you to say, Colton. You own a fancy bar; you’re doing great. Meanwhile, I’m working my ass off every time I’m on the site.”

  “Hard work never hurt anyone.”

  “How the hell would you know? You’ve been playin’ all your life, all your life until now.”

  There’s a long silence. Colton knows he’s being a hypocrite right now. “Look,” he says, “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you. I can’t make you quit the life, but I hope you will.”

  “Is it really all that, Colton?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Yeah, well you’ve got yourself a nice girl to spend your life with. I don’t. I mean I met a girl, but I know she’s just in it for the sex.”

  “Why do you keep going for that type?”

  “Well, it’s a little more complicated than that. Her rich daddy doesn’t want her to date me, but she’s doing it anyway. But I know we’ll never get to the point where we’re serious, not with some guy like that in the picture.”

  “You need to take some time to really chill, Jackson, to think about what you’re doing with your life. Abby and I recently bought a little getaway in Colorado. We’ve only been there once, but it’s a great place to think about shit. You’re welcome to go anytime.”

  “Jesus Christ, you really have changed. I don’t even know who I’m talking to right now.”

  “You’re talking to Colton, your friend. If I didn’t give a shit about you, you’d know. You know damn well you’d know.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “The same thing I’m saying to you I tried telling a friend of mine. Axel. You remember him?”

  “Yeah, we met at the bar that time.”

  “Well, guess where he is now? Stateville. Twenty years. Dude threw his life away, and the scary thing is, that could have been me. I’m done Jackson, and I want you to quit too.”

  “Okay, Colton. Look . . . I gotta go.”

  “All right. Listen, Abs and me want to come to Milwaukee soon. Maybe in a couple months.”

  Colton is like a brother to me, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t love him, but I don’t want him and Abby to come to Milwaukee. I don’t need more lectures. I won’t tell him that, though. I just want off the phone. “Yeah, sure, Colton. Anytime.”



  It’s damn near 2 a.m. I’m driving home from the meeting, looking at the city lights as I go by. Being out here in the dead of night makes me feel good. I don’t know why, but I think it’s because at night I come alive. The daytime is for suckers.

  The plan is to hit one of the largest casinos in Vegas. It’s gonna take months of planning, and everything has to come off with zero mistakes. I’ve done nothing like this before, and I gotta admit, I’m kinda nervous. But if we pull this off we’re talking a huge payout, enough for me to lie low for a long time and just chill. Isn’t that what Colton wants me to do, chill?

  Tomorrow I’m heading into work and I’m quitting the construction shit. It’s not that Cameron’s dad is the boss. I don’t care about that. I just know ever since I left the life, it’s sucked.

  Four of us are working a beam into ceiling. It’s good exercise, but that’s about it. I don’t give a shit about this shopping mall.

  “Hey, Jackson?”

  I turn around. There’s Dave staring me in the face. What the fuck does he want? “Yeah?”

  “The boss man wants to see you. Now!”

  He probably needs to talk to me about Cameron. Well, I’ve got news for him too. I’ll wrap up my shift and then I’m out of here.

  Cameron’s dad has got me in his office. It’s in one of those mobile trailers they use on these sites. His secretary was sitting in here, but he kicked her out. The door is closed, and it’s just him and me.

  “I’m going to get right to the point.” Fisher stands, puts his hands on his desk and leans in, staring me in the face. I guess that’s supposed to scare me. It doesn’t. “Are you or are you not still dating my daughter?”

  I just look at him, but I do it with a smile on my face.

  “Answer me!”

  I stand. When I do, Fisher backs up a bit. He’s not so tough now. “I’m glad you called me in here, sir. I quit. I was going to quit after my shift, but fuck it, I’m quitting now.”

  He folds his arms. “You can’t quit.”

  “Oh, why is that?”

  “Because you’re fired. That’s why.”

  “Yeah, okay. Whatever.” I head for the door.

  “Answer my question! Are you seeing Cameron?”

  I turn around. I could tell him the truth, but why? Cameron hasn’t opened up. Why should I? “No sir, I’m not. You cut that off, remember?”

  He stands tall. “Yes, yes I did. Goodbye, Jackson.”

  “Goodbye, sir.”

  I walk out the door. Asshole.

  I’m in my apartment and Cameron is here. It’s the first time she’s been at my place. She’s not in a fancy dress and there’s no perfume and makeup, but this woman is hot as hell. She’s in a simple sweater and jeans, but like everything else she wears, her clothes look amazing on her, making the most of her curves.

  She sits on my sofa holding a glass of wine. “So . . . I understand you and my dad had quite the confrontation.”

  I take a swig of my beer. “You heard about that?”

  “Yes, he called to tell me about it. He also said he’s glad you’re out of my life.” She smirks.

  I look her in the face. “Yeah, I quit that place. As far as you and me, I’ll let you decide how long you want to see me. But I’m out of it. I’m not dealing with the shit between you and your dad.”

  She cozies up to me on the couch. “Oh, Jackson. Don’t worry about him. I told you, what I do with my life is my business.”

  She kisses me on the neck. Her long blonde hair falls on my skin. I put my hands around her face and bring her lips to mine and she falls into them as if she hasn’t been kissed in years.

  Her hand falls to mine and she brings it to her breast, begging me to squeeze. No problem. I want to do more than just squeeze, I want to bring her to my bed, take off her clothes, and make love to her soft body.

  She gets to her feet and reaches her hand out to me. “Let’s take this to your bedroom, okay?”

  I don’t answer, I just get to my feet and lead her to where I sleep. I actually made my bed today. But she wastes no time pulling the covers back exposing my sheets. She hops on the bed and stares at me with those big blue eyes.

  “Get over here!”

  I do what I’m told.

  She’s on top of me now, kissing me furiously. Her huge breasts smashed into my chest and I put my hands on her ass, squeezing it tight.

  She rolls to her back and pulls her sweater over her head, revealing a lacy white bra. I know what’s under that bra, and I can’t wait to get it off and drown my face in it.

  Before I can do that she pulls her boots off and throws them across the room, breaking a glass vase I bought.

  “Oh, God! I’m so sorry,” she says.

  “Baby, I don’t give a shit about that vase.”

>   “I’ll buy you a new one,” she whispers while she takes off her jeans. Then her lips are on mine again. She pushes her tongue into my mouth while she helps me remove my shirt. By now my cock is so hard it’s pressing against my pants to the point I gotta get these things off.

  Her hand goes right to my crotch. “Is that for me?”

  “I believe so.” I laugh.

  My shoes are off; my pants are off. We’re rolling around in our underwear, still kissing like crazy.

  She’s got me on my back again. This chick likes to take control, but I like that.

  She’s staring at me with those eyes; I can’t fucking take it. She undoes the clasp at the back of her bra and lets it drop. I’ve never been with a woman with tits this big. I grab one and push it into my mouth, licking like I’ve never had a tit in my mouth before.

  She’s moaning now, grinding her pussy against my thigh. She’s still got her panties on, and they’re wet. Like I said, this woman is like a fountain.

  She rolls to her back and rips her panties off in record speed. Cameron is naked and now it’s time for me to get that way too. I pull my underwear off and throw it to the floor.

  Then I spread her legs and drop my mouth to her pussy. She moans while I do it, pushing my head into her, drowning my face in her juices. Her magnificent thighs press against my ears. I can barely breathe, but I’m not pulling away. I can stay here forever.

  Before long I’m inside her, pushing hard into her.

  “Fuck me, Jackson!” Cameron screams.

  She grabs my face and kisses me as hard as before.



  It’s 1 a.m., and I’m wide-awake. Jackson is in bed sound asleep, and I’m sitting in his living room after snooping around. I had to. I had to know what this guy is up to.

  There’s a black safe in his living room closet, and I figured it would be locked, but it wasn’t. I wish I hadn’t found anything inside, but I did.

  There are two guns, but there’s something else there too - money, lots of it. I’m guessing he’s got at least 100 grand sitting in there. I mean, if that doesn’t look like there’s some criminal activity going on, I don’t know what does.

  We didn’t use a condom when we fucked. So I’m a little worried about that. But not as much as what I’ve found.

  My dad told me Jackson quit working for him, and now I want to find out what he does. He drives a freakin’ Ferrari for Christ’s sake, and this apartment, well it’s not exactly low-rent. This place is nice. Shit, it’s almost as nice as mine.

  “What are you doing, babe?” Jackson is standing in his underwear, rubbing his eyes. Messy hair. Sexy and hot.

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Well, come on back to bed. Snuggle up next to me and go to sleep.”

  “I can’t.” I stand. I’ve got butterflies, but I ignore them. I need to say this. “I found your guns and your money.”

  Jackson’s expression changes. “What?”

  “I said I found your guns and your money.”

  “You were looking through my shit?”

  “Yes, I was. I’m sorry. But you’re hiding something from me, and I want to know what it is.”

  Jackson walks over to the safe and locks it, and then it stares at me. He’s got a strange look on his face and he’s smiling. Now I feel uneasy.

  “I’m a criminal. Is that what you wanted to hear? And you want to know something else? I’m robbing a casino in a few months.”

  My heart feels like it’s going to pound right out of my chest. I run to the bedroom and grab the rest of my stuff. Now Jackson is in the bedroom with me, just standing there. I want to get the hell out of here.

  “What? You’re going to leave me now?”

  “Yes! What the fuck do you think? I don’t want to have anything more to do with you. My dad was right. You are trouble.”

  “I wouldn’t be trouble to you if you had just minded your own business.”

  My heart is still pounding like crazy as I race past Jackson and head for his front door.

  “Let me walk you out,” says Jackson. “It’s almost 2:00 in the fucking morning.”

  I brush him off. “No! I can get to my car myself.”

  “Did you park in the garage?”

  “No, I parked on the street. This is a safe neighborhood, Jackson. Hell, your apartment is almost as nice as my condo. You can buy a lot of nice things with drug money, can’t you?”

  “I’m not a drug dealer, Cameron.”

  “I don’t care what you are. Just leave me alone.”

  I walk out the door, but Jackson is following me.”

  I look at him. “What are you doing? You’re in your underwear.”

  “I’m walking you to your car.”

  “I just told you I don’t need your help. Leave me alone.”

  I rush toward to the elevator, but Jackson is still following me, in his underwear. He’s crazy.

  Now we’re in the elevator. I’m staring at the elevator doors. I want to look at Jackson, but there’s no way I’m doing that. I wish he wasn’t so good-looking, but I’ve got to get away from this guy.

  We walk past the security guard and go to the street. “Hey, Mike,” Jackson says to the security guard. The guy just smiles and winks at Jackson as he’s walking in his underwear. Screw both of them.

  My car is parked right in front of the apartment building. Jackson stands there while I get in. “Goodbye, Cameron.”

  I don’t say anything to him. I just drive off.




  “Jackson Smith? This is Brandon Fisher, Cameron’s father.”

  Why the hell is Fisher calling me? “Yeah, what do you want?”

  “I have a favor to ask.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “Not over the phone. Let’s meet at Northwood.”

  “Sir, I’m not meeting with you any place. Why are you calling me?

  “There’s a substantial sum in it for you. Please get together with me, son.”

  Cameron split with me two days ago, and I miss her like crazy; I can’t deny that. Now her dad fucking calls me wanting to meet. What the fuck is going on with these people? But he says he’s got some money for me, so he got my attention.

  I’m here in Northwood Bar finishing the rest of my beer and in walks Fisher, looking around as if he wants to make sure nobody he knows sees him in here. What is this dude up to?

  He approaches me. “Hello, Jackson.” He holds out his hand. I shake it. “Thank you for seeing me.” He never smiles when he’s around me, but he’s smiling now.

  “What do you want, man?”

  “You’re drinking beer. Would you like another one?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  He asks the bartender to fix him a whiskey and then he looks at me. “I have an offer for you.”


  “I need you to do some spying for me.”

  “What makes you think I’m a spy?”

  “Jackson, Cameron told me about you. She told me about the money and the guns.”

  “Is that some sort of threat?”

  “No, no! Just hear me out. There’s $25,000 for you if you can get some information for me from one of my competitors. There’s a building I badly want to buy. But he wants it too. You get me this information I need, and I can stop him from taking it from me.”

  I try not to let him know, by the look on my face, that $25,000 is pretty sweet. “I’m not good enough for your daughter, but I’m good enough for your dirty work? You’re full of shit, you realize that, right?”

  “Yes, well, I don’t want my daughter to be with a man like us.”

  “Like us? Maybe you should explain yourself, Fisher.”

  “Do you want the job or not? I can tell you exactly where to look. It shouldn’t take you more than an hour or two from start to finish. Twenty-five grand, you want it?”

��When do you need it done?”

  “Friday. I’ll call you on Thursday with the details. Deal?” He holds out his hand. I shake it.

  “Fine. Thursday.” I take a final swig of my beer, place it on the counter and walk out.



  I never met with Cameron’s father, and I dropped out of the casino job. Do you know where I am? I’m here alone in Colton and Abby’s cabin in the mountains in Colorado.


  Something hit me after that meeting with Fisher. I was all set to do it, all set to take the 25 grand, all set to clear millions from the casino heist. Yeah, that’s right, millions.

  But it was all such bullshit. You got Fisher acting all high and mighty with me about his daughter, except it turns out that bastard is shadier than I am. I found out he’s been involved in crooked deals for years. Hell, he almost went to jail for one of them, but his fancy lawyer got him off. But obviously that hasn’t stopped him. He’s still at it.

  So I called Colton, told him I wanted to get the hell away. He was glad I called him, but he tried to act like he was my therapist again. I told him to back off and just be happy that I want to spend time figuring out what I want to do with my life. I barely finished high school, and I never went to college. I need to get myself an education; you know? I’m still young, and I’ve got time to turn it around. I don’t have to be a dumb ass all my life.

  Colton and Abby’s place is great for privacy. There are other cabins out here, but they’re spread far apart. I don’t have to talk to anybody and I don’t want to talk to anybody. The sun shines through the windows and I hear nothing but the birds and the wind. Colton wasn’t lying when he said it was quiet up here. I’m not used to it being so quiet, but this is exactly what I need.

  But now I hear a car. Who the fuck can that be? I look out the window and I see Cameron. What the hell? How did she find me?


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