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Intrigued Out of the Office

Page 22

by Nicole Edwards

  “Blow over?” Justin snapped. “You let this shit fester since Saturday night? How the hell is it going to blow over?”

  “It’s not,” I hissed. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “You could’ve fool—”

  “Shut up!” I growled his way. “This is my business. I’ll take care of it how I see fit. Sometimes I think you forget we’re not all your submissives.”

  Justin sat back, his eyes wide.

  I hadn’t meant to go off on him, but this thing between me and Luci had gotten out of control. It was my own damn fault. I’d witnessed her reaction, knew she’d been upset by the submissive who had dropped to her knees in front of Langston. I could’ve very easily cleared it up at the time, but instead, I let my fucking emotions get the best of me. Rather than set her straight, I’d let my fucking jealousy eat a hole in my stomach.

  “You’re right,” Justin finally said, his tone once again normal. “I apologize. I have no right to interfere. This is the agreement. She belongs to you right now.”

  He sounded genuine, so I offered a nod. “Can I have a few minutes alone with my brother?”

  “Of course.” Justin got to his feet, straightened his tie, then nodded for Ben to follow him.

  When the door closed behind them, I turned to face Langston. “This isn’t how I imagined this going.”

  It appeared Langston had a difficult time looking me in the eye. “I know.”

  “No,” I snarled. “You don’t know. I’m not willin’ to give her up. I’ve made myself clear. However, this is not how I want things. I want you involved. That’s the way we’ve always planned it. Sure, I want to dominate her, but I need to know that we’re on the same page. That we have the same goal in mind.”

  “We do.” He looked torn, his eyes hooded. “I want the same thing you do. But right now isn’t the time. You need to spend time with her. Establish your role. She’s looking too much to me for dominance.” He sighed. “That’s my own damn fault. I get it. But this is the only way I know to fix things.”

  “It’s a fucking mess,” I admitted. “You should’ve seen her face. She was devastated. And I knew exactly what she thought and I didn’t bother to correct her because I’m so fucking angry with you.”

  Langston nodded. “You have every right to be.”

  “This isn’t a game for me.” That was the problem. I didn’t want to play this way anymore. I wanted Justin and Ben out of the picture. I wanted Luci to belong to me and Langston. Enough of the office bullshit. I was tired of it. The closer I got to her, the harder it was to think about her with the two of them anymore. It made me see red to think about sharing her with them, or anyone for that matter.

  “Address this issue with her,” Langston stated, his tone calm. “Punish her so she understands that you make the rules. She can’t walk all over either one of us. She certainly can’t top from the bottom, which is what she’s doing.”

  “I know that.” And I did. But I had let her get away with it. That was my fault.

  Langston leaned forward. “If I didn’t think this was what she needed, I would’ve been there on Saturday night. No one seems to see how much she wants to be dominated. She doesn’t want to make the rules. Hell, I even noticed how lost she looked this morning.”

  She’d looked lost since we left the club. I saw it, and again, I’d done nothing about it.

  “I’m tired of the fucking games,” I told him, locking eyes with my twin. “I’m in love with her, Langston. Don’t you get that?”

  “Of course I do.” He immediately looked away. “I know exactly how you feel. Which is the very reason this has to happen. Once you address it with her, come talk to me. We’ll figure out what our next steps are.”

  “I don’t want her to belong to Justin.” I hated admitting it, but I had to get it out there.

  “I don’t either.”

  “Yet that’s exactly what’s going to happen when my two weeks with her is up.”

  Langston got to his feet, righting his jacket and buttoning it. “Give it some time. Luci knows what she wants. We have to trust her to make the right decision.”

  I sighed, staring out the window as my brother left the room.

  He was right about one thing. I did have to punish Luci for what she’d done. I couldn’t go on with her thinking that she could act out in an effort to get the attention she wanted. I needed to talk to her, find out what she was thinking.

  Unfortunately, right now, the only thing I wanted to do was punish her, to make her see that she had hurt me with her actions.

  The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Not necessarily at her but at the situation. At myself for allowing this to happen.

  More importantly, I needed her to tell me that she cared for me as much as she cared for Langston. Deep down, I knew it was true. However, I’d been far too passive over these past couple of months. I had allowed her to believe that I wasn’t capable of dominating her the way she needed. And my brother was right about that, too.

  Luci was nothing if not submissive.

  And now it was time I showed her who her master really was.


  I HAD NO IDEA HOW long I knelt beside Sir’s desk, but I knew it had been a while. My tears had long ago stopped and my entire body was numb. I heard Justin and Ben return from the meeting. At one point, I thought I heard Langston’s office door close, but I couldn’t be sure. Still, I remained where I was, not willing to get up until Sir instructed me. I needed to apologize, to tell him how I felt, to beg him to keep me.

  I played out what I wanted to say to him over and over in my mind until finally the door opened and Sir came inside. He closed the door. I didn’t look up, not wanting to disappoint him further.

  When he approached, Sir placed his hand on my head. “Stand and greet your master.”

  I slowly got to my feet, then turned to face him before lifting my head. I met his gaze head on. I knew he could see the tear streaks on my face, but I didn’t move to wipe them away. I wanted him to see my shame, to know that I recognized the pain I’d caused him, and more importantly to see that I was sincerely sorry for my actions.

  “Tell me what you did wrong, Luci.”

  I hate that he used my name rather than one of the pet names for me, but I understood, so I mentally shrugged it off.

  “I didn’t anticipate your needs, Sir,” I explained. “I was selfish, expecting you to tell me what you needed from me.”

  His eyes studied my face as he stared down at me.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I said, another sob contracting my chest. “I’m so very sorry.” I couldn’t stop the tears. “Please don’t let me go, Sir. I promise, I’ll do better in the future. You deserve more from me.” I rambled on as I cried, praying that he wouldn’t discard me. I wasn’t sure I could handle the rejection.

  “I’m not letting you go, Luci. That’s not even an option for me. However, we will address this.”

  When Sir’s warm hands cupped my face and he kissed my forehead, I cried even harder. I hated knowing that I had been so selfish, that I hadn’t seen what was right in front of me. It bothered me that I could do that to someone. Especially Sir.

  He placed one of his hands over my heart and I knew he could feel the way it pounded in my chest. I was terrified of what his decision would be.

  “What do you think your punishment should be, pet?”

  “I haven’t given it any thought, Sir.”

  He nodded. “Then kneel beside my desk until I acknowledge you.”

  Sir pulled one of the pillows from the sofa and dropped it to the floor.

  Once more, I dropped to my knees and lowered my gaze. Sir moved to his desk and took a seat.

  As much as I hated the idea of him punishing me, I knew I had to come up with something.


  After an hour of kneeling, Sir asked me to get to my feet. I did, although he remained where he was at his desk. He then ordered me to turn away from him. He left me in tha
t position for a long time, but I had no way of telling the time. It could’ve been an hour, or three, I wasn’t sure. However, when he finally acknowledged me again, my back was hurting and my legs ached. Plus, I had to go to the bathroom badly.

  I tried not to dance around, but I couldn’t help it and I suspected he noticed, which, I figured, was the reason he spoke to me.

  “Is there something you need, pet?” Sir asked.

  “I need to use the restroom,” I admitted.

  “Is this something you can handle on your own?” He sounded skeptical.

  “Yes, Sir,” I blurted, crossing my legs.

  “If you can’t handle taking care of my needs, how can I expect you to take care of your own?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” The urge to pee was so great I feared I was going to have an accident.

  “Go to the restroom,” he stated. “But leave the door open.”

  My gaze shot to the bathroom in his office and I noticed I could see the toilet from where I stood. Which meant Sir could see it as well. The thought of peeing in front of him was terrifying. I tried to fight back the urge.

  “Suit yourself,” Sir said, the keys on his keyboard once again clacking. “When you have to go, you have permission. But you must keep the door open.”

  I swallowed hard, staring at the toilet. With every passing second, the urge was getting greater. If I didn’t give in, I was going to pee on myself, which, honestly, would’ve been more embarrassing than using the bathroom in front of him.

  Several minutes later, I lost the battle and ran to the bathroom. I kept my eyes down as I sat on the toilet. I didn’t look up, but I could feel Sir watching me. I knew he was doing it because it made me uncomfortable. My shy bladder finally released and I sighed heavily as the relief swarmed me.

  Once I was finished relieving myself, I wiped, flushed, then went to the sink to wash my hands. I knew my face was red because my ears felt hot. I wasn’t sure I would ever forget that he’d made me pee in front of him.

  “Return to your spot,” Sir commanded.

  I took a deep breath and walked back over to him. This time, he swiveled his chair, leaning back and regarding me intently.

  “Have you given some thought to your punishment?”

  Personally, I thought having to pee in front of him was enough. Obviously, we weren’t on the same page.

  “I haven’t come up with anything, Sir.”

  “Well, spankings are out,” he said blandly. “And I’m not ready for serious orgasm denial just yet. However, I think I have an idea of what you don’t want.” His gaze shot to the bathroom.

  I swallowed hard, refusing to look away from him.

  “For the next twenty-four hours, you will ask my permission before you do anything. Whether it’s to get a cup of coffee, to use the restroom, to eat, to drink, to sleep, to read, to call someone. Every single one of your needs must be approved by me.”

  Although the thought was not appealing, it seemed fitting. After all, I had disregarded all of his needs. Then again, the idea of asking him seemed as though it would be a tremendous burden on him. He was already dealing with his own life, plus being my master.

  Damn, I’d made a terrible mess of this.

  “Yes, Sir,” I agreed humbly. “I will ask your permission.”

  “Good.” He went back to his computer.

  I turned to head out of the office, but he cleared his throat. I realized I hadn’t asked permission and I instantly knew this was going to be far more difficult than I originally thought.

  “Sir, may I return to my desk and work?”

  “You may.”

  “May I get dressed?”

  “No, you may not.”

  I nodded, then headed for the door.

  “You need to thank your Master, pet. It’s a privilege to be allowed to do anything at all.”

  I turned to face him, wanting to show him the respect he deserved. “Thank you, Sir.”

  He nodded and I took that as my dismissal. I hurried out of his office and went right to my desk. I called Jordan to let him know he could send any calls to me. When he tried to see if I was all right, I told him I couldn’t talk. No way was I going to go into detail about this.

  And for now, I was going to take full advantage of being able to catch up on my job duties.


  When five thirty rolled around, I hadn’t seen Sir. He was still in his office. The only person who’d talked to him was Langston, but even he had left half an hour ago. I was still naked, and in order to get dressed, I would have to go into Sir’s office to get my clothes.

  I felt bad for interrupting since I’d done so at least a dozen times already since he’d allowed me to go back to work, but I was supposed to leave at five thirty. Anything after that would be overtime and they hadn’t approved for me to work additional time. So, I forced myself to my feet and went to Sir’s office door. I knocked and listened for him to invite me in. A second later he called out.

  I opened the door. “Sir, I’m finished for the day.”

  “Please, come in.” He didn’t look up from his computer. “Have a seat.”

  Before I could put my butt in the chair, Sir reached into his desk, then held out his hand to me. I instantly recognized the small bullet vibrator. Knowing what he wanted, I reached over and took it from his hand. When my fingers brushed his palm, electricity shot up my arm. I missed his touch.

  “I want to watch,” he informed me. “I need thirty minutes or so before I’ll be ready to leave. While I work, I want you to tease yourself.”

  I realized he didn’t say that I couldn’t come; however, I knew that would be something I would have to ask permission for.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I said, repositioning myself in the chair so that he could see between my legs.

  I couldn’t deny that my body instantly warmed at the thought of Sir watching me masturbate. Although I should’ve been embarrassed, I found that I wasn’t. I was eager to get close to Sir again and I hoped that this was a step in the right direction.

  I turned on the vibrator, then eased it between my legs, hovering over my clit so that the vibration was a light caress. I continued like that for several minutes, teasing my labia, my clit, my entrance. I continued to watch Sir, but he didn’t look up at me one time, much to my disappointment.

  It didn’t take long before I was panting, my body fully engulfed by my arousal. I held the vibrator against my clit, applying enough pressure so that the stirrings of my orgasm were present. I backed off a little, inhaling deeply.

  Sir’s gaze darted over briefly before returning to his screen. His expression never changed and I wondered if he was intrigued or merely checking to see that I was doing what I was told.

  “Spread your legs wider,” Sir instructed.

  His direction brought me out of my sensual haze and I repositioned so that my legs were farther apart. It wasn’t a comfortable position, but I was so close to orgasm I didn’t care. I continued teasing myself, my eyes drifting closed as the heat inside me built to a crescendo.

  A moan slipped past my lips, but I didn’t stop. I was so close.

  The creak of Sir’s chair had me opening my eyes. He had moved around the desk and was sitting in front of me. His posture said he was merely observing, but he couldn’t deny the erection tenting his slacks. The sight of it only spurred me on, intensifying my pleasure.

  “Sir…” I moaned loudly. “Oh…Sir…may I come? Please?”

  “You may come,” he replied, his voice gruff.

  I didn’t hesitate, giving in to the electric storm that erupted in my womb. It spiraled out of control as I held the vibrator securely on my clit. I could feel the gentle pulses as I came, the warmth radiating out from my center.

  When I opened my eyes, Sir was still watching me, his eyes locked on my face. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. It took a moment for my breathing to get under control, and when it did, Sir instructed me to get up.

  “Please me, sw
eet girl.” His voice was rough.

  I didn’t want to make any assumptions about what he wanted, so I whispered, “What’s your pleasure, Sir?”

  “You,” he answered simply. “You are my greatest pleasure, pet.”

  My heart soared as his words hit somewhere in the center of my chest.

  “May I suck your cock, Sir?”

  “You may.”

  I slowly moved closer, then went to my knees before him. I reached for the buckle on his belt, then worked his slacks open, freeing his cock. I maintained eye contact while I slowly stroked him, gauging his reaction. I didn’t want him to tell me what he wanted, but I intended to use his expression to guide me.

  Leaning in, I licked the head of his cock and he moaned. I did it again, remembering how he had instructed me on Friday night. The way he had urged me to take him deep into my throat. I knew he had enjoyed that, so I focused on pleasuring him that way.

  “Ahh, sweet girl,” he groaned, his hands sliding into my hair. “I do love your mouth. Take more of me. All the way.”

  It took me a few minutes to get it right, but I managed to take his thick cock deep into my throat without gagging. When he held my head down, I swallowed, shifting my head so that his cock worked deeper. I finally pulled back as I fought for breath.

  Before I could go back down on him one more time, Sir surged to his feet, bringing me with him. He spun me around, forcing me over his desk.

  “I’m going to plow this little pussy. Feel free to come as many times as you’d like, but you must ask my permission each time.”

  I moaned as he thrust inside me without warning. I was still wet from my orgasm, but also from the blow job. It didn’t take much for this man to turn me on and I was desperate and aching for him.

  Sir held my hips and fucked me, the desk creaking beneath me. I grabbed the edge, forcing myself back so that I met every punishing thrust.

  “Sir! Oh, God…may I come, Sir? Please?”

  “You may,” he growled as he slammed into me again and again.

  My body tensed, my pussy clamping down on him as my orgasm had every muscle in my body locking up. The intensity of it had my mind spinning. I hadn’t expected that.


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