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Intrigued Out of the Office

Page 28

by Nicole Edwards

  “Please, lie back,” he instructed as he pulled out an extension on the table and lifted my legs onto it.

  I managed to lean back, once again careful to keep my gown closed, maintaining my modesty.

  He started by placing his fingers on my forehead, then on the sides of my nose. He lightly pressed down as though checking for sinus pressure.

  “Let me know if you feel any discomfort.”

  I nodded.

  He continued his prodding exam, persistent fingers making their way under my jaw, then my collarbone. When he went to untie the gown, heat slammed into me.

  “I’ll do my best to keep you covered as much as I can,” he said, as though he was being professional.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  He pulled the gown back, revealing my right breast. His hands were warm and demanding, although they felt almost clinical as they pressed around the soft tissue. It was hard not to be turned on by what he was doing. That was what did it for me, I guess. Knowing he was in charge and I was under his care…it made my pussy throb with need.

  “Are you doing monthly breast exams?” he asked.

  “I am,” I confirmed. And it was actually the truth. My real doctor said it was important, so I followed her instructions to the letter.

  “Very good.”

  His hands were warm as he kneaded my flesh. His fingers brushed over my nipple as he put the gown back in place before performing the same steps on my other breast. My nipples were hard, but he pretended not to notice.

  When he was done, he covered me again before jotting something down on his paper.

  “When’s the last time you had a pelvic exam, Miss Wagner?”

  Maintaining the ruse, I shrugged. “It’s been a while.”

  He made another note before returning to the table and pulling out the stirrups. I found it interesting that the man had an actual medical table, complete with stirrups, in his playroom. He was obviously fond of this particular scene.

  Gentle hands situated my feet into the contraptions, which then forced my legs wide. Once I was in place, he pushed the extension back into the table. I tried to close my knees, but his big hands slid up to my thighs, gently pressing them open.

  “This won’t hurt,” he informed me. “I’m going to need to open the gown.”

  I nodded but stared up at the ceiling.

  Cool air caressed my skin as he pulled the gown back, revealing my most private parts. Unlike at the real doctor, I was immensely turned on, eager. I wanted his hands to explore me.

  “You’re rather wet, Miss Wagner,” he said, his tone professional as his eyes met mine.

  I blushed.

  “Is this a normal occurrence for you?”

  Where he was concerned, absolutely.

  I nodded.

  “Well, please relax.”

  Focusing on my breathing, I continued to stare at the ceiling as his warm hands slid between my legs.

  “I’m going to poke and prod a bit,” he informed me. “I will just be using my fingers.”

  Swallowing hard and feeling deliciously naughty, I nodded my understanding.

  For several minutes, Master Parker teased my pussy with gentle fingers, gliding over my labia before compressing and rubbing my puffy outer lips. His fingers moved on to my clitoris, where he pulled back the hood, then held the sensitive bundle of nerves between his finger and thumb, massaging it. There was no denying how deliciously wicked his examination was.

  He lifted his head. “How many fingers can you usually take in your pussy, Miss Wagner?”

  Okay, so that was definitely not something my doctor had ever asked. The dirty words made my body tremble. Staying in character, I answered, allowing a slight tremor into my voice. “Mostly one. Sometimes two.”

  “Very well. I’ll start with one, but I’ll gradually move to three. I’d like to see how well your inner muscles can stretch.”

  Oh, God.

  Master Parker’s finger pushed into me. It was a gradual move, inching in slow and easy, brushing over nerve endings that were now greedy for stimulation.

  I held back a moan as he fucked me with one finger. It was a leisurely in-and-out motion, certainly not enough to bring me to orgasm.

  “I’m adding a second finger,” he informed me as though that was the professional way to handle things. Never mind the fact that he was finger-fucking me in his mock exam room.

  I sucked in a breath when he pushed in two thick fingers.

  “You’re very tight, Miss Wagner. Your pussy’s squeezing my fingers nicely.”

  A real blush infused my face and neck, heat swamping me.

  I inhaled sharply, my hips bucking off the table as he fucked me more insistently with two fingers. Then suddenly he stopped.

  “I’ll be right back, Miss Wagner. I need to consult with my partner. I’d like him to provide a second opinion.”

  My eyes were wide as I watched him disappear from the room. I hadn’t expected this strange turn of events.

  That didn’t mean I wasn’t curious about what was about to happen.

  I most certainly was.


  I REMAINED EXACTLY HOW I was, spread open with my feet in the stirrups, for what felt like a ridiculously long time. When the door finally opened, I held my breath in anticipation.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Wagner,” Master Parker said as he entered the room, followed by Ben. “It’s been a busy day. I hope you don’t mind that I’m going to examine my other patient while I wait for my partners to respond to my request.”

  I peered over, my eyes following Ben as he moved to the second examination table. His wasn’t as fancy as mine, more like a padded massage table with a sheet of white paper laid over it.

  “Mr. Snowden, please remove your clothes and have a seat on the exam table.”

  Master Parker pulled the curtain between us, but he left it open enough that I had a perfect view as Ben began to strip. He obviously wasn’t as modest as I was when he went to the doctor because he didn’t have an issue shedding all of his clothing. I couldn’t look away as he peeled away the layers, giving me an unobstructed view of all that dark skin covering delectably sculpted muscle. I knew if Master Parker were to check me now, he’d find me wetter than before.

  “Are you having any issues, Mr. Snowden?”

  “I’m having difficulty maintaining an erection for extended lengths of time,” Ben said, his voice deep, sturdy.

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “About two weeks.”

  “Have you been sexually active?”

  “A few times,” Ben replied.

  “Did you have issues at those times?”

  “I was able to come, but not more than once. That’s where I’m having the issue.”

  I smiled to myself. Of course the man wasn’t having an issue maintaining an erection in order to climax. He was looking to maintain one much longer than that.

  “Do you normally orgasm more than once?”


  “Please lie back on the table,” Master Parker instructed. “I’m going to do a thorough physical exam. Let me know if you feel any discomfort.”

  Unfortunately, the curtain didn’t allow me to watch everything that was going on. I was definitely interested in watching Master Parker touch his submissive.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Snowden,” Master Parker said. “If you’ll excuse me a moment. I need to return a phone call.”

  I didn’t hear a phone ring, but I wasn’t about to call attention to it. The man obviously had a plan and I was eager to see how this played out.

  “Sure. No problem.”

  Master Parker stepped out of the room, leaving me and Ben on the exam tables. We both remained silent for a few minutes, but then I heard Ben move, the shift of his body on the paper-covered table obvious.

  The curtain moved back, revealing the sexy naked patient in the room adjacent to mine. His cock bobbed proudly between his legs.

  “Do you mind if I keep this open?” Ben asked. “I feel a little claustrophobic with it closed.”

  “I don’t mind,” I admitted, trying not to ogle him.

  He, however, didn’t do the same. I noticed how his eyes slid between my legs, admiring my pussy, which was still on full display.

  He didn’t visually feast on me for long, though, returning to his table as the door opened.

  “I’m sorry to keep you both waiting,” Master Parker said as he closed the door behind him. “Unfortunately, my partner is unable to come in for a consultation; however, I think I might’ve come up with a solution that will help me to make a successful diagnosis.”

  I wasn’t sure who he was talking to, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “Mr. Snowden, you mentioned you’re having trouble achieving multiple orgasms, correct?”

  “That’s correct.”

  With the curtain pulled back, I could see everything taking place beside me as Master Parker approached Ben.

  “Let me proceed with my exam first.”

  It was erotic to watch Master Parker’s hands glide over Ben’s hard body. He performed the same procedure he’d done on me, pressing on his forehead, the sides of his nose, his jaw, before trailing downward. Ben’s response to the man’s touch was apparent as his cock thickened nicely between his thighs.

  “I see you don’t have an issue gaining an erection,” Master Parker noted.

  “No, I do not.”


  Master Parker’s hands drifted lower, his fist curling around Ben’s cock. He pumped it several times before moving on, fondling Ben’s heavy ball sac.

  “I’d like to check your prostate, Mr. Snowden.”

  Master Parker moved over to the counter and pulled out a latex glove and some lubricant.

  “Please, pull your legs into your chest. It’s not the most comfortable position, but I find it works best.”

  Ben pulled his legs up and held them with his hands. Master Parker returned and methodically began probing inside Ben’s ass. I watched, transfixed by the sight. Ben reached down and gripped his own cock, fisting it tightly.

  “Is there any discomfort?” Master Parker asked.

  Ben’s response came in the form of a grunt.

  “Would you like to come, Mr. Snowden?”

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  Master Parker proceeded to finger him, likely fondling his prostate, which I’d heard could be intensely satisfying for a male.

  Ben grunted a few times before his cock exploded, spurting on his stomach and his chest.

  “Very nice, Mr. Snowden.” Master Parker pulled off the latex glove and tossed it into the garbage before handing Ben a towel. “I’m going to check my other patient while you clean up. Once you’re done, you may sit up.”

  Watching Ben come had made me wetter than before and I saw the recognition in Master Parker’s eyes when he returned, standing between my legs.

  “It would appear that you’re quite turned on, Miss Wagner. May I ask what caused it?”

  I swallowed hard, remembering that I was supposed to be his patient.

  “I…enjoyed watching him come.”

  “Interesting. I’m going to resume my exam. I believe we were up to two fingers, correct?”


  Master Parker inserted two fingers into my pussy, pushing in slightly more insistently than he had before.

  “I’m going to tease your G-spot for a moment, Miss Wagner.”

  Words wouldn’t form as those intruding fingers found the sensitive tissue and began rubbing it. The moan that escaped echoed in the room.

  “Very nice. Now, I’m going to attempt three fingers,” he informed me.

  When he added another digit, I felt intensely full, my pussy stretching as he thrust in and out, making my breaths come in rapid pants. I thought for a second he was going to make me come, but he pulled out before I was launched into the abyss.

  “You’re quite responsive.” He moved around to the side of the table, his blue eyes coming to rest on my face. “Would you be open to an experiment, Miss Wagner?”

  I wanted to scream, “God, yes!”, but I managed to hesitate momentarily, then asked, “What type of experiment?”

  “Since my other patient is having issues with multiple orgasms, and you’re clearly in desperate need of release, I thought I’d try something that might help both of you.”

  I glanced over at Ben, who seemed to be chilling while he waited for the doctor to return.

  “I’m…okay with that.”

  “Very good. You may put your legs down now.”

  After I removed my feet from the stirrups, Master Parker held out his hand and I took it. He helped me to sit up.

  “Mr. Snowden, would you mind coming over here for a moment?”

  Ben got down from the table and walked over, his rock-hard cock bobbing between his legs. And the man claimed he had an issue maintaining an erection. He’d already come once, for goodness sake.

  “Miss Wagner has graciously agreed to help me with an experiment. However, I think it’s only fair that we offer her something before she assists in making you come for a second time. Would you agree?”

  “I would,” he said, his golden eyes meeting mine. “I’m at your service.”

  “Miss Wagner, I’ll need you to remove the gown.”

  I pretended to want to hold on to it for a moment longer before slowly removing it from my shoulders and letting it fall to the table.

  “Mr. Snowden, what do you think of Miss Wagner’s body?”

  “Stunning,” he said, his gaze sliding over every inch of smooth skin.

  “When you see her like this, what’s the first thing that you think about doing to her?”

  “Feasting on her cunt.”

  My body trembled from the crudeness of his words.

  “Miss Wagner, is that something that would interest you?”

  I couldn’t find words, but my head bobbed up and down in response.

  “I’m glad to hear it. Now, would you please lie back again?”

  Swallowing hard, I returned to the horizontal position, my legs hanging over the end of the table.

  “I’m going to place your feet back in the stirrups. It’ll give Mr. Snowden better access to eat your pussy.”


  I couldn’t help the fact that their direct words were burning me from the inside out. It was so hot. The setting, the men, the “experiment.” There was definitely something to be said about this role-playing thing.

  Once I was situated to his liking, Master Parker rolled over a small stool.

  “Mr. Snowden, please have a seat between Miss Wagner’s legs. I’d like to observe while you pleasure her with your mouth. Please keep your hands by your sides at all times. In the interest of the experiment, you’re only allowed to use your tongue, lips, and teeth. Because of another appointment I have, I’ll request that you make her come within three minutes.”

  I smiled to myself. I seriously doubted that was going to be a problem.

  Ben’s warm breath fanned over my pussy lips. His tongue then trailed through my wetness, licking and teasing. He didn’t seem to be in a rush, which allowed me to savor every graze of his raspy tongue as it made contact with my clit.

  Since I was unable to see Ben, I kept my eyes trained on Master Parker. He alternated between watching Ben and me. I could tell he was enjoying this immensely.

  Ben moaned and the vibrations shot through my clit, triggering the beginnings of my orgasm. I gripped the table edge with both hands.

  “She’s close,” Master Parker noted. “Send her over now.”

  Ben suckled my clit, flicking it relentlessly with his devious tongue. I skyrocketed right over the edge into a mind-numbing release.

  “Miss Wagner, you come very nicely. I’m pleased.”

  I was panting, but I managed a breathless, “Thank you, Dr. Parker.”

  My chest rose and fell rapidly as I tried to
gain some sense of balance after that. They left me there on the table as Ben got to his feet.

  “If you’ll be so kind as to wait right there,” Master Parker told him. “I need to perform one more examination, then I’ll have you assist me one more time.”

  Master Parker removed my feet from the stirrups, then pushed them back into the table before taking my hand and helping me to sit upright. I was then on my feet and he was urging me to turn around.

  “Please, get back on the table, only this time I’d like you on your knees, Miss Wagner.”

  I did as he asked.

  “Now, place your knees together and I want you to bend over, placing your chest against your thighs, your head on the table.”

  The position was not one any doctor had ever asked me to get into, but I obliged him, which left my naked behind spread wide and exposed.

  I heard the snap of the latex glove.

  “I’m going to see how many fingers you can take in your ass, Miss Wagner.”

  I moaned when he pushed one lubed finger inside me. He began fucking me, rocking in and out in a rhythmic motion that ratcheted up my need. He added another finger, scissoring them and effectively stretching me. When the third finger pushed inside, I grunted as the pain intensified.

  “Relax, Miss Wagner.”

  I tried, but it wasn’t easy.

  “You have a very tight ass. I’m wondering just how much we can stretch it.”

  His fingers continued to fuck into me, causing the initial pain to fade, morphing into pleasure. I was riding the sensations, enjoying what he was doing, when he suddenly stopped. The man seemed to have a penchant for doing that.

  “Mr. Snowden, if you’ll please move to where I was standing.”

  He discarded his used glove, then returned to my side. Suddenly, the table began to lower as Master Parker pushed a button on the side. I knew that I was now at the perfect height for Ben to fuck my ass. A frisson of fear trickled through me. The thought of Ben’s monster cock inside my ass was a terrifying notion.

  There was a knock on the door and I nearly panicked, wondering who could possibly be there. After all, this wasn’t really a doctor’s office. This was Master Parker’s apartment.

  “While I tend to that,” Master Parker said to Ben, “please lube yourself liberally and put some on Miss Wagner’s anus while you’re at it.”


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