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Intrigued Out of the Office

Page 34

by Nicole Edwards

  “She’s thinkin’ too much,” Master said, his voice drawing me from my thoughts.

  “Well, I know how to solve that,” Sir informed him. “Why don’t I help her clean the kitchen and you get the dungeon prepared.”

  Master nodded, then got to his feet and left the room. Now that I thought about it, I didn’t even know where the dungeon was in this house. I’d been upstairs already, so I knew it couldn’t be there. Unless there was some sort of hidden door.

  Doing my best not to think about it, I rinsed the dishes and loaded them in the dishwasher after Sir brought them to me. While I wiped down the countertops and the table, he disappeared into his bedroom. When he returned, he was wearing jeans and no shirt.

  My heart did that little flutter it had been doing ever since they said they loved me.

  I joined him in the living room, then sighed when he placed his hand on the back of my neck and guided me through the kitchen and into their office. Sure enough, there was a door. When Sir opened it, I noticed that it led downstairs, obviously into a basement.

  The space was nothing like I expected it to be. I had been envisioning something dark and gloomy, similar to the dungeon floor at the club. While the space was dark, it was far from glum. It was similar to the interior of a barn. The floors and ceiling were covered in hardwood, three of the walls a rich golden-brown while the other was all windows and a set of double doors. A walkout basement, then. It was dark, but I could see there was a patio on the other side of the glass.

  There were wooden beams with rustic lights interspersed throughout the room, the beams running both vertical from the floor as well as horizontal across the ceiling. I could identify several things I’d seen at the club, like the giant X thing that I’d heard someone refer to as a St. Andrew’s cross. There was also a spanking bench, a large padded table, and plenty of chains, cuffs, and other restraints throughout. Oh, and of course, there was a wall I would be referring to as their torture tools. Various paddles, floggers, and crops were mounted on the wall closest to the stairs into the house.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how many submissives they’d had there.

  “What’s on your mind, pet?” Master asked as he removed his shirt, placing it on a hook mounted to the wall.


  “I think it’s only fair that we go over the rules,” Landon said, leading me over to a set of restraints dangling from one of the wooden beams.

  “Strip,” Master commanded, his eyes hot as they traveled over me. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or turned on.

  With trembling fingers, I removed my clothes, doing my best not to look at them. When I turned back, I noticed they were both watching me intently.

  “Come here,” Master commanded.

  I stepped closer, placing my hands in his as he held them out to me.

  “First rule,” Master stated, his eyes meeting mine as he cuffed my hands to the restraints above my head. “No lying. Above and beyond anything else, we expect honesty at all times. If you don’t think we’ll like what you have to say, then preface it that way. But do not lie.”

  I nodded.

  “So, do you want to change your answer?” Sir asked as he secured leather restraints around me from behind, circling my thighs, with a strap that wrapped under my butt. “What were you thinking about?”

  I hated admitting it because it made me sound petty and jealous, but I blurted out my thoughts. “I’d wondered how many submissives you’ve had down here.”

  Master caught my gaze before he dropped to his knees and adjusted the straps around my ankles. “One.”

  Wow. That sounded far worse than if they’d said many. To have only had one, it meant they likely were serious about her. I tried not to let that bother me.

  Master got to his feet, staring down at me. His hand curled around my cheek, his thumb beneath my chin. He tilted my face so that my eyes met his.

  “You’re the only submissive we’ve ever had down here.”

  My eyes widened as his words sank in.

  “I once told you that I’d been waiting a long time for you. I don’t say things I don’t mean, Luci. No matter what you want to believe, I’ve been nothing but truthful since the beginning.”

  “Second rule,” Sir said, his hands gliding up the backs of my thighs. “From this moment forward, you will not be allowed to have intercourse with anyone else.”

  I nodded, unable to see him as he again adjusted something around me.

  “We share you between us,” he continued. “And only us. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That means the arrangement at the office is void,” Master clarified. “We’ve already informed Justin and Ben.”

  They traded places, Sir coming around in front of me as they both worked in tandem to secure me to their liking.

  Sir’s hands glided over my hips and then my feet were suddenly lifted. From what I could tell, they’d fastened me to some sort of swing. His hands glided higher, brushing the outer swell of my breasts.

  “We endured the agreement at the office, despite the fact that we’re extremely possessive. Going forward, you belong to us and only us. Your sweet little mouth, that sexy ass, and your lovely cunt have been claimed.” As he said the words, Sir’s fingers dipped between my legs.

  I moaned as he pushed one finger inside me.

  “Third rule,” Master stated, his arms coming around me from behind, his hands cupping my breasts. “We will all sleep in the same bed. Every night.”

  That sounded like heaven to me.

  “In case it’s not clear,” Sir added, “you will be moving in with us here at the house. You will also have things at the apartment for the nights we stay in the city. We’ll pay the remainder of your lease and both spaces will be as much yours as ours. You can decide which bedroom we should sleep in and even decorate it however you want.” He smirked. “Of course, we’ll add our own touches as we see fit.”

  Yes, they did have a penchant for restraints, so I would likely have to work around those.

  I nodded, not sure what to say other than okay. I wanted to be with them, morning and night, so I wasn’t going to argue.

  “Fourth rule.” Master swept my hair away from my neck. “You will continue in your role as our secretary; however, your position will be adjusted. You will no longer work for Justin or Ben. They will be seeking a secretary of their own.”

  Sir picked up where he left off. “We’ll be making some modifications to the office arrangement so that we’re relocating to another floor. It will give us more…privacy during the workday.”

  “As well as more space,” Master inserted.

  I should’ve known.

  Master traded places with Sir, coming to stand in front of me. He stepped in close, his lips gliding against my neck. Sir’s mouth brushed the other side of my neck and I found myself sandwiched between them.

  “Final rule,” Master whispered, pulling back to look directly into my eyes.

  I swallowed hard. I could tell, whatever this rule was, that he believed it could possibly be a game changer.

  “You will wear our collar.”

  My heart skipped a beat.

  Sir’s hands came around as he placed something around my neck. I had no idea what it looked like, but I certainly knew what it meant.

  “There are two locks,” Master informed me.

  I could feel one of the locks click into place. Then Master’s hands went around behind me and another clicked.

  “There are two keys,” Sir added. “We each wear one.”

  Master met my gaze as he adjusted the collar to the way he wanted it. I’d never been the type to wear much jewelry for the simple fact that it felt too confining. However, the collar felt perfect.

  Master stepped back and my eyes were drawn down his torso when he freed the button on his jeans as he continued to speak. “No matter what, you will never be without a collar. If you’re not wearing this one, you’ll be wearing your
play collar. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, lifting my gaze to his. “Yes, Master.”

  “It’s a reflection of our ownership,” Sir stated, his voice sounding from behind me. “Do you willingly give yourself to us?”

  Master moved in closer, his hands on my thighs, while Sir pressed against me from behind. I could feel the hard ridge of his erection pressing intimately between my butt cheeks, while Master’s thick cock prodded the entrance to my pussy. I knew what they were going to do and my body was ready and willing.

  A tear trickled down my cheek as the love I felt for both of them overflowed from my body. “I do. I freely give you both my body, my submission, and my heart.”

  Master leaned in and kissed me. “Thank you, pet.”

  Unfortunately, he didn’t linger.

  “Do you have any questions regarding the rules?”

  “No, Master.”

  Within seconds, they were both buried inside me. I was filled to capacity by their bodies and their love. They weren’t gentle, but I expected nothing less. These men understood me. They knew what I needed, what I wanted, what I craved, and they gave it to me without question.

  I moaned as they rocked me between them, their thrusts alternating as they fucked into me, deeper, harder, faster. I tried to hold on for as long as I could, loving the way it felt to be owned by these two men. I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life right here between them.

  When I finally gave in to my orgasm, I cried out their names, begging them not to stop. They fucked me harder, faster, their combined grunts carrying me on wave after wave of pure ecstasy. I had no idea how long they fucked me, but I didn’t care. I succumbed to one climax after another, knowing that it wasn’t merely the pleasure they wrought on my body but the love they were giving me in return that heightened every sensation.

  And when they both came, slamming into me at the same time, I knew without a doubt that I would never belong to anyone else.

  I was theirs.

  And they were mine.


  THE FOLLOWING MORNING WASN’T MUCH different than when I had stayed with Landon during those two weeks. Well, with the exception that the three of us had slept in Landon’s bed. I hadn’t yet decided which room I wanted to be ours, nor did I know how I wanted to decorate it, but I was bound and determined to come up with something.

  I learned that they fully intended to change my hours once I was settled into the house. Master insisted that we not get up at the ass-crack of dawn. He said he would rather I work late into the night than have to get up with the roosters. His words.

  As long as I was capable of getting my work done, I didn’t mind what hours I kept.

  Surprisingly, we arrived at the office before Jordan did, and I was a little disappointed. For whatever reason, I wanted him to be the first person I told about what happened. He truly had become my best friend and it was important to me that I share this news with him.

  So, after Master and Sir went to their offices and I delivered their coffee, I made my way up front to find Jordan getting his own coffee in the break room.

  “Good morning,” I greeted.

  He turned around, a smile already on his face. The second he looked at me, his eyes widened.

  “Holy. Smokes.”

  Jordan rushed over to me, his hands lifting quickly only to pause right by my neck as he gazed down at the collar I was proudly wearing.


  “I know,” I squealed. I still couldn’t believe it.

  Last night, after they’d carried me up to Landon’s bedroom, I’d fallen fast asleep. But this morning when I woke up, I spent a good ten minutes admiring the collar in the mirror. The sterling silver band had an intricate Celtic knot design and went around my neck, but it was relatively loose. Sort of like a necklace, only not as limber as it would’ve been if it were a chain. There were two locks that connected the back together.

  When Master had caught me looking at it, he informed me that it wasn’t my play collar. They had one of those that I would wear when at the club. Nothing would ever be hooked to this collar, because it was too delicate for that.

  Jordan pulled me against him, throwing his arms around me. I hugged him back.

  “I’m so happy for you, kiddo,” he whispered. “So damn happy.”

  “Thank you.”

  When he pulled back, he stared into my eyes as though trying to read my mind and find out everything that had happened.

  “Lunch?” I asked, giggling. “I’ll tell you everything then.”


  With another glance at my neck, he smiled and I could tell he was genuinely happy for me. It also reminded me that I needed to call Kristen to let her know. And I had to find a way to tell my mother the news. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say to her, but she might want to know that I was moving out of the apartment.

  “I have to get back to work,” I told Jordan, my brain already scattering in a million directions. “I’ll see you at lunch.”


  The day passed quickly, including lunch with Jordan. I told him everything from the beginning, at least the parts he didn’t already know. I shared as much detail as I could remember and I answered every question he had. It felt good to have someone to talk to.

  Granted, he wasn’t all that thrilled that I had tried to quit. He told me if I pulled that shit again, he would be breaking out a paddle of his own.

  Shortly after I got back from lunch, Master and Sir asked me to come with them. I followed them into the lobby, then into the elevator. They informed Jordan we would be back soon.

  Surprisingly, we only went up one floor. When we stepped off the elevator, we were met with a space that was set up similarly to their office space now. There was a large conference room and a plush lobby. The only difference was this one was not decorated. The walls were white and the floors lacked tile. It was obviously a work in progress.

  “We’ve already designed it,” Sir informed me. “They’ll be starting work on it next week. According to the general contractor, we’re looking at roughly three months before it’s complete. And that’s pushing it.”

  I figured Master and Sir had a time frame they were shooting for. They weren’t the types who would leave something open-ended.

  “The back offices haven’t been designed yet,” Master said as we walked down the hallway. “We’ll have doors here, like downstairs. And we’ll have three offices beyond them.”

  I felt giddy at the thought. “I get my own office?”

  “You do,” he assured me. “However, we won’t have a second conference room, so the open space will be set up for…a recreational area.”

  I liked that idea.

  “We’ll let you work with the designer on how you want this space to be. She’ll get our input, but we’ve decided to let you have the final say.”

  Wow. I hadn’t expected that. The only thing I knew I wanted for certain was a little color. Although I liked the modern design, it was a little too sterile for my taste. I was sure I’d come up with something.

  “Justin and Ben will be looking to hire a secretary when they return. We’ll need you to train whomever they hire.”

  I grinned, thinking of the training I’d undergone.

  Sir pulled me into him. “Not that sort of training, naughty girl.”

  “Oh, I know,” I said sweetly. “I’m sure she’ll get that training from her two bosses.”

  “It’s possible.”

  “We might have to do some shifting around for a while,” Master said as he walked around the space. “Ben and Justin will be reconfiguring the downstairs offices as well.”

  I turned around to look out the windows overlooking downtown. Sir placed his arms around me, his fingers playing with my collar.

  “With the go-ahead from our structural engineer, we’ll be putting in a set of stairs between the two floors to make access easier,” he said, his words raspy against m
y ear.

  “Where will Jordan be working?” I asked.

  “Where do you want him to work?” Master stepped in front of me, his hands moving to my hips.

  “I would prefer that he be on our floor.”

  “Reasons?” Master prompted.

  “Well, for one, he’s an integral part of this company.”


  “Two,” I continued, “he’s part of the lifestyle, therefore he knows that discretion is required.”


  “Three, he’s my friend. And four, I will need his help in preparing for the quarterly meetings as well as other conferences that we may have.”

  “Other conferences?” Sir leaned around to look at my face.

  I shrugged. “Come on. You know that the only way to go from here is up. And teamwork is the key to making that happen. Therefore, I see some changes in the future.”

  Master chuckled. “Is she topping from the bottom?”

  I laughed. I’d heard that term before.

  “It sounds like it.” Sir chuckled.

  “You know what happens to bratty little subs who like to top, don’t you?”

  I put on my most innocent face. “No. What?”

  “They get to work naked,” he said, moving in closer.

  Sir’s lips brushed over my ear when he added, “And they get fucked on their desk.”

  A shiver ran down my spine.

  Oh, I was definitely looking forward to that.

  Unfortunately, neither of them seemed to be ready to make good on their promises just yet, so we returned to the thirty-second floor. On the way down, I asked them when I would get to relay the details to Jordan. They told me to wait until our next Monday meeting, when Justin and Ben were back. That way everyone was on the same page.

  It wasn’t easy, but I agreed to keep my excitement to a minimum.

  After all, it wasn’t like I really had a choice.


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