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Christopher Isherwood Diaries Volume 1

Page 149

by Christopher Isherwood

  Curtiz, Michael, 880

  Cutler, Max, 758

  Czechoslovakia, 10

  D-Day invasion (1944), xxi, 346

  Dahn, Felix: Ein Kampf um Rom, 868–9

  Daily Express, 578

  Daily, Starr, 101–2, 104–5, 108, 110

  Dakar, Senegal, 393, 394, 396

  Daladier, Edouard, 67

  Damn Yankees (film), 779

  Danelius, Dr., 696

  Daniell, Henry, 70, 505

  Daniels, Bill, 344–5

  Dante Alighieri: in C.I.’s novel (The Lost), 574–5, 580, 591–2; Inferno, xlii, 445–6, 506, 724

  D’Arcy, Father Martin Cyril, 770

  Darlan, Admiral Jean, 257, 261

  Darrow, John, 528, 531

  Daugherty, Jimmy, 522, 527, 529–30, 535, 833

  Davies, Marion, 75, 431–2, 490, 618, 795

  Davis, Bette, 481, 495, 858, 880

  Davis, George, 4, 181

  Davis, Vince, 845, 846

  Day Christ Died, The (film), 707

  Daya (Joan Rayne), 717

  Day Lewis, Cecil, 770

  Day’s Journey, The (projected film), xl

  Dead Sea Scrolls, 718–19, 738

  Dean, James, 512, 536, 596, 618, 632

  Death Valley, 152–3

  de Baum, June, 630, 657, 659, 690, 707, 718, 740

  Deering, Olive, 503

  de Finis, Charles, 836

  De Forrest, M. J.: The Gay Year, 785

  Degener, Mrs. (of Curtis Brown), 803, 805

  Delaney, Shelagh: A Taste of Honey, 898

  de Laval, Jay, xviii, 394, 417, 390, 455

  de Lichtenberg, William, 62

  Dell (novice monk), 446–8, 670

  Delpesh, Pat, 836

  DeMille, Cecil B., 398n, 810

  Dempsey, Jack, 643, 773

  Denison, Henry, 408–9

  Denmark: Germans occupy, 95

  Denny see Fouts, Denham

  DePry, Bert and Bess, 784

  Derain, André, 426

  Dermoût, Maria: The Ten Thousand Things, 729

  Devatmananda, Swami, 322, 324–7

  de Waters, Lillian, 793

  Dewees, Susan, 194–5, 262

  Dewey, Thomas, 407

  Diaghilev, Serge, 763, 850

  Diane (film), xxxix–xl, 478, 480, 482, 487, 493–5, 502, 506–8, 510, 512–13, 517, 535, 562, 569, 586, 611

  Dick, Douglas, 623

  Dickens, Charles: Edwin Drood, 481; Our Mutual Friend, 616

  Dickinson, Dr., 530, 536

  Dickinson, Johnny, 208–9, 236, 250–1

  Diegaard, Kent, 863

  Diemhammer, Frank, 561

  Dieterle, William, 95

  Dietrich, Marlene, 68n, 116, 529

  Dietz, Mrs., 107, 110

  Dispecker, Franz, 297, 331, 362, 566

  Disraeli, Benjamin: Endymion, 763

  Ditis, Fred, 564

  Dobyns, Dick, 857, 882

  Dobrin, Arnold, 491, 746

  Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet, 91

  Dog Beneath the Skin, The (C.I.; with Auden), 900

  Dominguez, Jack, 628

  Dominguín, Luis Miguel, 821–2

  Doone, Rupert, 391, 569

  Doran (of Columbia Pictures), 362

  Doris see Barada

  Dostoevsky, Fedor: The Brothers Karamazov, 753; The Gambler, xxv, 387

  Dougherty, Richard: A Summer World, 897

  Douglas, Herbert, 246

  Douglas, Norman, 558–9; South Wind, 488

  Douglas-Home, William: Now Barabbas, 392

  Dover: bombed, 114

  Dowling, Constance, 880

  Dowling, Doris, 467, 792, 794, 816, 828, 854, 868, 881

  Down There on a Visit (C.I.; earlier titles The Lost, The Enemy, In the Presence of the Enemy and The Forgotten): C.I. uses diaries as source for, x; writing, xxix, xxxix–xl, xliii, xlv, xlviii–xlix, 475, 504, 506, 508, 512, 580–1, 590–3, 600–2, 610–12, 614, 617, 621, 625–6, 629, 631–3, 638, 640–1, 645, 649, 652–3, 657, 659–61, 664–5, 667, 670–2, 680, 686–9, 692–4, 701, 709–15, 720–3, 732, 734, 744, 758, 762, 771, 773–4, 777–8, 786–7, 798, 805, 807–12, 820, 822, 851–2; title, xlii, xlvii, xlix, 846, 862, 895–6, 900; publication, xlix; characters, 784; C.I. shows to Frank Taylor, 800; Spender praises sections, 850; see also individual sections: “Ambrose;” “Mr. Lancaster;” “Paul;” “Waldemar”

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 626, 670; “The Speckled Band,” 670n, 671, 685

  Dozier, Bill, 259

  Draper, Muriel, 4

  Dreiser, Theodore, 64

  Driberg, Tom, 55n; see also Hickey, William

  DuBois, Rachel Davis, 167–8, 176, 205–6

  Dudley, Bide, 802n

  Dulles, John Foster, 766

  du Maurier, George: Trilby, 523

  Duncan, Isadora, 68n

  Duncker, Dr. and Mrs., 189, 192, 199

  Dundy, Elaine see Tynan, Elaine

  Dunham, Arthur, 224

  Dunkard sect, 161

  Dunkirk evacuation (1940), 98n

  Dunnock, Mildred, 479

  Dunsany, E. J. M. Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron of, 98

  Duquette, Elizabeth (“Beegle”): Don Bachardy works with, 497–8, 500, 502, 508, 509, 512, 515, 520, 522–4, 526; birthday, 501; Don gives kitten to, 503; C.I. visits, 505, 598, 632, 740, 744, 836, 859; and C.I.’s Buddha script, 516; dislikes Tony’s ring for Don Bachardy, 524; visits C.I., 529, 668; birthday party, 618; provides costume for Don, 656–7; escapes fire, 674

  Duquette, Tony: Don Bachardy works with, 488, 491, 493, 495, 497–8, 500, 502, 508, 509, 512, 515, 519–20, 522–4, 526; friendship and meetings with C.I., 504, 508, 513, 519, 527, 529, 598, 632, 740, 744, 836, 859; plans theater in studio, 504–5, 508, 519; and Kismet, 514, 607; and C.I.’s Buddha script, 516; art collection, 519; designs ring for Don Bachardy, 524; and Pompey pictures, 547; visits C.I., 668

  Durant, Tim, 856

  Durant, Will: The Story of Civilization, 766

  Durst, John, 793–4, 875

  Dvorak, Nancy, 761

  Eames, Charles and Ray, 819

  Eamons, Mrs. (Denny Fouts’s landlady), 336

  Earl of Chicago, The (film), 133

  Easiest Thing in the World, The (film), xxv, 387, 394, 412n, 414

  East of Eden (film), 512n

  Easton, Harvey, 602, 786, 794, 875

  Easton, June, 794

  East Rustic Road, Hollywood, 387–8, 393, 406, 597, 678

  Eberhart, Gretl: life at Haverford, 189–90, 200–1, 215, 218–19, 222, 229; marriage relations, 205, 207; on suicide of Kate Blanc-Roos, 315; reports death of Behrendt, 357

  Eberhart, Hermann, 189–90, 200–1, 205, 207, 229

  Eberhart, Jeanette, 190, 205, 227

  Eça de Queiroz, José Maria: The Relic, 748, 751

  Eckhart, Meister, 28, 178, 250, 434n, 784

  Edds, Reginald, 406

  Edens, Roger, 727, 764–6

  Edington, George, 244

  Edmunds, Larry, 69

  Ehrensperger, Harold, 278

  Einstein, Albert, 216

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 257n, 654, 659, 705, 752, 856n

  Eisenstein, Serge, 861n

  Eisler, Hans, 312

  Elan, Joan, 498, 513, 518, 520, 534, 595, 599, 628–9, 740, 794, 822

  Eléna et les hommes (film), 563n

  Elg, Taina, 740

  Eliot, Don, 481

  Eliot, T. S.: quotes Upanishads, 153; and John Hayward, 591, 827; Aldous Huxley on, 797; “Ash Wednesday” (poem), 118; The Waste Land, 153n

  Eliot, Valerie, 827

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 178

  “Emily Ermingarde” (TV series; C.I. and Lambert), 799n, 832, 835

  Empress of Asia (ship), 186

  Encounter (magazine), 803, 824n, 864

  Endore, Guy, 868–9

  England: C.I. visits: (1947), xxiv, 384–5, 391–2; (1948), xxv, 393, 403; (1951), xxxv, 442n; with Don Bachardy (1956), 564–95; with Don
Bachardy (1959), xlv, 823; bombed in war, 118; see also London

  English, Phyllis, 848

  Ensenada, Mexico, 30–1

  Entertainer, The (film), 872

  Ephron, Marshall, 756n, 780

  Epstein, Julius, 900

  Epstein, Philip, 900n

  Esquire (magazine), 814

  Etta see Hardt, Etta

  Evans, (Dame) Edith, 566, 579, 790

  Evans, Maurice, 804

  Evans, Meta, 356

  Evans, Rex, 390

  Ewing, Majal, 460, 462

  Exhumations (C.I.), xlii, 37n, 415n, 435n, 614n, 670n

  Exman, Eugene, 162–5, 172, 208, 225, 245, 411

  Face to Face (film), 503n

  Fadiman, William, 900

  Fairbanks, Harold, 441, 625

  Fales, Ruth, 213, 222

  Falk, Eric, 403, 442

  Faraday Box, 455

  Farash, Harry, 166, 177, 246

  Farmer’s Daughter, The (film), 533

  Farrell, James, 596

  Farson, Negley, 47

  Faulkner, William, 479, 604, 674; Requiem for a Nun, 875n, 878; Sanctuary, 875n

  Faye, Alice, 503

  Fechin, Nicolai, 394

  Fell, Dr. John, 176

  Fellowship of Reconciliation, 166

  Ferber, Edna, 518; Giant, 618n; Ice Palace, 618

  Ferrer, José, 390

  Ferrer, Mel, 563, 762

  Fiedler, Leslie, 864–5, 868; Love and Death in the American Novel, 865

  Fiedler, Margaret, 864

  Field, Gus, 470–1

  Fielding, Henry: Joseph Andrews, 557; Tom Jones, 723

  Fields, Bert, 874

  Finley, Peter, 79

  Finney, Albert, 899n

  Firestone, Berel, 815

  Fischer, Marcel, 644–5, 647

  Fisher, Eddie, 778, 837–8

  Fitts, George (Krishna): at Vedanta Temple, 266–8, 288–92, 371, 516; character, 267; photography, 268, 409; on Richard Thom, 277; draft board classification, 293; plays Indian music, 295; travels with Prabhavananda, 298, 302, 372; refuses to give up money, 305; sees Song of Bernadette, 331; records C.I.’s songs, 412; at Santa Barbara, 608; visits C.I., 622, 686; qualities, 717; in India, 741; returns from India, 744; in Laguna, 765, 890; drives C.I., 784; and Amiya, 785; brings turkey from Swami, 790; and Prabhavananda, 846

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 647; Babylon Revisited, 466; Tender is the Night, 738–740, 752, 792

  Flaherty, Robert, 58, 64

  Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary, 603

  Florence (Italy), 554

  Focus (Heard’s monastic community), 129, 154; see also Trabuco

  Fodor, Ladislaus, 387, 469

  Foiling, Sarada see Sarada (Foiling)

  Fonda, Frances, 670n

  Fonda, Henry, 670

  Fontaine, Joan, 749, 757, 762, 768

  Foote, Dick: at AJC ranch, 492–3; and Carter Lodge, 522, 645, 661, 685, 853–4; financial dealings, 522; and Don Bachardy’s appearance, 589; C.I. rejects, 628; and van Druten’s illness, 658–60, 662, 685; organizes concert, 661, 664; on van Druten’s break with Starcke, 683, 685; and van Druten, 688, 700, 731; catches pregnant fish, 709–10; and van Druten’s death, 733; relations with C.I., 754, 781; self assessment, 821; in Tahiti, 829, 831, 853; travels, 854

  Forbidden Planet (film), 490, 495

  Ford, Ford Madox: Parade’s End, 429

  Ford, Glenn, 879–80

  Forest Lawn, California, 817

  Forever and a Day (film), 103n, 107

  Forgotten, The (C.I.) see Down There on a Visit

  Formosa (Taiwan), 466

  Forster, Edward Morgan: C.I. admires, x; C.I. sees on trips to England, xxxv, 391, 403, 405–6, 569, 581, 583, 592–3; at C.I.’s emigration, 4; on C.I.’s pacifism, 7; in wartime England, 47; attitude to war, 136–7; life style, 151; in C.I. dream, 176; Cadmus admires, 209; C.I. writes to, 299; article in Talking to India, 364; visits New York, 385, 392; friendship with C.I., 442; letter to C.I., 452; lumbago, 569; in C.I.’s short story anthology, 639; Aldous Huxley on, 797; Trilling’s book on, 833; understatement, 893n; Howard’s End, 137; Maurice, 858; Nordic Twilight, 136–7; A Passage to India, 886; “A Room Without a View: Old Friends Fifty Years Later” (article), 770; Where Angels Fear to Tread, 850

  Forster, Rudolf, 421–2

  Fort, Charles: The Books of Charles Fort, 534

  Forthman, Bob, 149, 246

  Forthman, William, 149, 413, 471, 509, 515, 612

  Fortune, Jan, 53

  For Whom the Bell Tolls (film), 344

  Foster, (Sir) John, 777

  Four Freedoms, 265

  Four Girls (film), 507

  Fouts, Denham (Denny): registered as conscientious objector, xvi, 154; relations with C.I., xvi, xxiii, 123, 125, 155–6, 171, 173, 231, 236, 239, 256, 265, 274, 297, 300, 314, 316, 335–6, 341–2, 347–50, 367, 375, 377, 384; C.I. and Caskey occupy apartment, xxiii, 383; quarrels with Caskey, xxiii, 384; depicted in C.I.’s Down There on a Visit, xlix, 591–2; arrives in California, 118–19; aspires to religious life, 122–3; relations with Heard, 123, 125, 129, 144, 154; behavior and life style, 140, 144, 274, 316; and Joe Valentine, 140, 236; accepts money from Heard, 154–5; accompanies C.I. on social work visits, 158; Vernon Old dislikes, 158–9, 360; back trouble, 159; and Kagawa, 160; at La Verne Seminar, 162, 164, 170, 171–2, 178; C.I. tells dreams to, 174; on grace, 178; at San Dimas camp, 180, 232, 265, 274, 298; on Heard’s Trabuco community, 217; sourness, 218; on leave from San Dimas, 231; operation, 252; and Collins George, 254; convalescence, 254; hopes to become psychologist, 256; in bungalow colony, 298; and Goodwin, 300, 349, 351; donates blood, 332; takes apartment in Entrada Drive, 336; meets Sudhira, 348; predicts C.I.’s leaving Temple, 349; hurt in fight, 352; denigrates Prabhavananda, 353; temper, 367; party for Stefan Brecht, 370; amputates seagull’s wing, 378; C.I. sees in Paris, 386, 393, 400, 402; death, 387, 393; works at Bel Air Bay Club, 390; and Gore Vidal, 402; and Watson-Gandy, 420n; Dylan Thomas praises, 460; C.I. visits grave in Rome, 550; and Jean Marais, 563; Aldous Huxley dreams of, 834

  Fowler, Norman, 594

  France: Vichy government severs relations with Britain, 102n; C.I. and Caskey travel to (1948), 386, 393, 394–401; C.I. visits with Don Bachardy (1955–6), 557–8, 562–4; (1959), 824–5

  Francen, Victor, 81

  Franciosa, Anthony, 847

  Francis of Assisi, St., 29, 880

  François de Sales, St., 440n; Introduction to the Devout Life, 363

  Frank, Bruno, 45, 138

  Frank, Lena, 57

  Frank, Leonard, 57n

  Frank, Liesl, 45–6

  Frank, Pat, 674

  Frankau, Pamela, 731

  Free and Easy (film), 147–8

  Freed, Arthur, 512, 515

  French, Hugh, 881, 886–7, 897

  French, Jared, 386, 392

  French, Robin, 886

  Frenke, Eugene, 638, 650

  Freud, Lady Caroline (Lady Caroline Blackwood), 677, 688, 699, 737, 767–8, 779, 803, 814

  Freud, Lucian, 403–4, 513

  Freud, Sigmund, 30

  Friends Service Committee see American Friends Service Committee

  Friends, Society of (Quakers): C.I. works with, xvi–xvii, 157–8, 182–220; in C.I.’s writings, xxxi–xxxii; Heard and, 164–5; character and appearance, 182–3; C.I. decides against joining, 210–11; phrases and idiom, 223; opposes monasticism and celibacy, 287

  Fritz see Mosel, Fritz

  Fritz-Szold, Bernadine, 468n

  From Hell to Texas (film), 724n

  From, Isadore (Eddie), 387, 394, 439, 626

  From, Sam, 387, 394, 439, 444, 626

  Frost, Bede: The Art of Mental Prayer, 247

  Froug, Bill, 600

  Fry, Basil, xxxix, 464

  Fry, Christopher, 678n, 881n

  Fry, Elizabeth, 211

  Fuller, Brad, 552, 670

  Fuller, Buckminster, 841n

  Furst, Robert, 541, 545–6
, 561–2

  Furtmueller, Carl, 190, 198–201, 207, 220, 223, 226–7

  Furtmueller, Mrs. Carl, 190; death, 198, 201, 213

  Gaby (film), 532

  Gabzel, Mr. (Haverford refugee), 210

  Gagaku (Japanese court dancer–musicians), 817

  Gage, Margaret, 509, 515, 611–12, 746, 770

  Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer, 399n

  Gale, Marian, 166, 246–7

  Gale, Rodney, 166, 172, 246

  Gallagher, Bob, 628

  Galsworthy, John, 100

  Gambhirananda, Swami: History of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, 668, 674–5

  Gandhi, Mohandas K. (Mahatma), 219, 334, 424

  Garbo, Greta: and Madame Curie film, 45; C.I. meets at Huxleys’ party, 49–51; qualities and manner, 67–9; fear of cancer, 115; beauty, 135, 269; in Two-Faced Woman, 209; C.I. meets at Viertels’, 290, 300, 391; and Shaw’s St. Joan, 290; visits Ivar Avenue, 308; at New York party, 386, 392; and Capote, 485; Salka Viertel on, 761

  Gardner, Ava, 387, 585

  Garland, Judy, 495, 498–9, 687, 727

  Garland, Rodney: The Heart in Exile, 785

  Garner, John Nance, 18

  Garner, Rachel, 184, 194, 199–200, 214, 222, 225

  Garrett, Eileen, 455

  Garrett, Tony, 583

  Gary, Romain, 727–8, 755, 757

  Gaulle, Charles de, xxi, 754n

  Gaumont-British (picture corporation), 264, 291, 299

  Gay, Jan, 772

  Gaynor, Janet (Mrs. Gilbert Adrian), 688–9, 749, 765–6

  Gazzara, Ben, 479–80

  Gazzo, Michael: A Hatful of Rain, 538

  Geller, James: rejects C.I.–Huxley movie story, 336; C.I. meets, 598, 616; cataract operation, 643–4; and Jean-Christophe project, 646, 650, 705, 715; in New York with sick wife, 699; and Gingold project, 722; reports Selznick’s satisfaction with C.I., 779; and Magdalene film, 782; and The Vacant Room, 800–1; relays MGM’s invitation to C.I., 857; and Charles Laughton’s Plato project, 889, 891; Hugh French attempts to tempt C.I. away from, 897

  Gendel, Milton, 550

  George see Fitts, George

  George, Collins, 254, 274, 298

  Georgian Poetry 1911–12 (ed. Marsh), 491

  Germany: C.I. visits, 442n, 560

  Gershe, Leonard, 727

  Gershwin, George, 506

  Gershwin, Ira, 746

  Gershwin, Mrs. Ira, 801

  Gert, Valeska, 90–1

  Ghislandi (Fra Galzario), 557

  Ghosh, Asit (Prabhavananda’s nephew): at Ivar Avenue, 125, 266–7, 270–1, 277, 291, 293, 296, 303, 353–4, 408; C.I. fears disturbance from, 264; qualities and character, 267; plays Indian records, 295; works at photographic studio, 299; and Vishwananda, 302; Vernon Old teases, 360; drafted and discharged, 368–9, 389


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