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Magi Saga 1: Epic Calling

Page 39

by Andrew Dobell

  Amanda walked about the room, stepping about the huge chunks of rock that were scatted about the place. It looked like Horlack had raged about the room when he had woken up. ‘It’s a real mess in here.’

  ‘When Horlack woke up, the whole Dig team was in here, he slaughtered them all. When we were here last, they had just removed bodies, there was dried blood everywhere. It is faded now, but you can still see it.’

  Amanda looked at a dark patch on the wall, ‘Gross.’

  ‘Look at this. We found this on previous visit,’ Gentle Water said, pointing at something on the wall.

  Amanda walked over, picking her way over the rocks, and looked up to where Gentle Waters torch lit up a circle of the wall. There was something written there, scratched into the wall, but it was hard to make out as it looked like Horlack had perhaps punched it so that it was in the middle of a crater with cracks running throughout it.

  ‘It say, ‘Do not lift the Slab. Horlack Lies within.’ We figured it out when we were here last. It seem like someone, maybe whoever seal Horlack away in here, try to warn people about danger inside.’

  Amanda turned back to the tomb, ‘Indeed.’ Amanda didn’t really like this place, it was more than a little creepy. The stone floor was cool beneath her bare feet and she could feel goose bumps appearing on her skin. ‘Do you think there’s anything else to be found in here?’

  ‘I don’t think so, shall we call it a day?’

  ‘Yes,’ Amanda said.

  The pair of them made their way out of the tomb and back across the sands until Gentle Water said they had gone far enough, and he Ported them back to Paris.

  Amanda dumped her bags on the bed and nearly fell back into the chair in her room. What a day it had been, first the trip to Egypt, and then the madness of Paris. Gentle Water had declined to go with her on a shopping trip, and she didn’t blame him, she doubted he would have enjoyed himself.

  She certainly did though, but she had to admit it was tiring.

  In addition to a ball gown and a few accessories, she couldn’t resist picking out a few other bits for herself, a few tops, a pair of jeans and a few other bits. The Lingerie here was amazing.

  It was late afternoon and there were a few hours to go before the Ball started, but she would need to make sure her outfit was just right. She walked over to her suitcase and took off her top, she needed to try the dress on once more. She opened up her suitcase and dropped the top inside it, she was about to take her skirt off as well but something caught her eye. It was folded up beneath a few other things, but there it was.

  Suddenly she knew what had upset Gentle Water at the breakfast table this morning. She had said she wanted to go and buy a new dress, and yet here was the dress he had bought her for her birthday, the Chinese style Cheongsam dress, sitting here, waiting to be worn out for the first time.

  Well, that was easily fixed, she would wear Gentle Waters Present to her tonight. She then rummaged through her things and pulled out a few bits that matched so that she was ready for later.

  Amanda stood on the roof top patio of the Legacy House, looking out over the vista of Paris with a glass of white wine in her hand. She thought back to just a couple of days ago to when she had been in Ireland, and how much she had seen in just a few days. It was incredible.

  Back in Ireland she had no idea that all this was waiting for her, she had no idea how much her horizons would be broadened within what was just a matter of hours.

  She wondered what Alicia or Georgina would have thought about all this. Georgina would have loved it, but she wasn’t so sure about Alicia, she would probably disapprove, and Amanda would roll her eyes at her. She laughed to herself.

  Back in the Orphanage was when she had first thought there should be more to her life. It was the first time she felt she had some kind of destiny or a calling, an epic calling to fulfil. It was silly to think of it in these words, but they seemed to fit, they conveyed the otherworldliness of the feeling she had about it.

  She felt she was finally fulfilling that destiny now, she felt she was finally walking the right path in life, she was following her calling. She felt contented and at ease with herself now she had found what she had been missing in life, and here, on top of this house in Paris, immersed in the world of the Magi, she felt very much at home.

  ‘Ah, here you are,’ Gentle Water said from behind her.

  Amanda turned round as her mentor walked up next to her. She smiled at him.

  ‘I was wondering where you had got too.’

  ‘I was just getting some fresh air before I got changed,’ she said.

  ‘No problem. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of time.’

  ‘Gentle Water, I’d just like to say, well…’ she sighed. ‘This is going to sound silly, but, feck it, I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done, for introducing me to Magic and all this wonderful stuff. Ever since I was a kid, I knew I had some kind of, I don’t know, it’s difficult to find the words, but the best I can think of is calling. Some kind of calling that drew me on. I knew I had to do something with my life but I didn’t know what. And for the first time I feel like I’m on the right path. I believe I have you to thank for that.’

  ‘Amanda, there is no need to thank me, you found me as much as I found you. You found this path just as much as I showed it to you. It is you who has to live your life, it is you who has to walk this path. I’m little more than a guide for you.’

  ‘But still, I feel the need to thank you for what you have done.’

  ‘Then I graciously accept your thanks.’

  Amanda smiled, ‘Then I think it’s time I got myself ready.’ She turned from the view over Paris and headed inside to her room to get dressed.

  When she had finished putting on her outfit, she admired herself in her mirror to check for last minute changes. The dress fitted perfectly, and she thought Gentle Water had very good taste to buy her this.

  ‘How do I look Mirror?’ she asked.

  ‘You look very well presented Amanda. I’m sure whoever you are going with will be impressed.’

  ‘Good,’ she said, and picked up her handbag from the bed before leaving her room. Gentle Water was waiting for her in the hallway, and couldn’t help but smile upon catching sight of her coming down the stairs in the white dress. Amanda felt warm and happy inside knowing she had pleased her good friend and mentor. Tonight would be a good night.

  The Musee D’Orse was lit up with spot lights and camera flashes outside the main entrance, but Amanda and the other Legacy Magi Ported inside into an empty back room and made their way through from there. They didn’t want the press getting photos of them heading inside, there were too many issues around images of some of them being published in national papers, international papers and magazines.

  Inside, the whole place had been decorated with lights and drapes which set off the majestic art within, accenting it wonderfully, and creating a mix of old and new.

  The Musee D’Orse was a converted train station and still had the arched glass roof high above them, while below that the tiered floors and side rooms held the huge amount of art that the Musee D’Orse exhibited.

  Amanda walked out into the growing numbers of people here and was soon presented with a glass of champagne by a roving waitress with a tray. All the men were in bow tie and tux, most looking fairly similar, but a few went with something a little more extravagant, some adding just a simple scarf, through to others who went with white or deep purple suits with bizarre accessories.

  Although the men looked smart and, to Amanda, quite delicious, it was the women in their magnificent dresses who stole the show, each one was high class and many were Haute Couture. There were diamonds and sequins, silks and low backs, basques and fascinators all on show here. Amanda felt slightly under-dressed next to some of them, but she was drawing admiring glances from the men, so she was doing something right.

  She spotted a few of the Legacy Magi she had met before amidst the thron
g of people and Gentle Water guided her over to a small grouping of them. She recognised Maria, Israel Roth and Royston Kendrick in the group of four she was approaching. Maria moved round next to her as she walked up.

  ‘Hi there, you made it. You look gorgeous tonight Mandy. Can I call you Mandy?’

  ‘Of course, and thank you, you look awful stunning yourself,’ Amanda said, admiring the long red dress Maria was wearing and carrying off with aplomb.

  ‘You’re too kind. So, what do you think?’ she said, indicating the room and the party.

  ‘I think it’s amazing, I really do. I’ve never been to anything like this before, I’m blown away.’

  Maria smiled, ‘That’s great, so, do you know everyone?’ she said, meaning the group of Magi that were stood there.

  ‘Yeah, well, everyone but the guy in the glasses, who’s he?’

  ‘That’s Ekkehardt Möller, he’s our resident tech guy. He does wonderful things with computers, technology and Magic. Careful though, you might scare him off in that dress.’

  ‘I’ll introduce myself later I think,’ she said. ‘Did I spot a few celebrities in here a few moments ago?’ Amanda started to walk away from the group of Magi with Maria, off to a gallery overlooking the main gathering of the rich and famous.

  ‘You did, there’s a few in here tonight, I think we have Brad and Angelina and a few others. You could introduce yourself a little later if you like, this is an event the Legacy sponsored, through a dummy company of course, so just say you work for the organisers and wanted to say hi.’

  ‘Oh, it's no bother, I wouldn’t know what to say,’ Amanda said shyly.

  ‘What? But you’re a Magi, just think of everything that you can do that would scare the socks off of them both and I’m sure you’ll do fine.’

  ‘Okay. Say, where’s Feather tonight? Isn’t she…you know…with you?’

  ‘Oh, she’s off into town tonight, no doubt making someone’s night. We have a very open relationship. Are you involved with anyone?’

  ‘No, I’m afraid not. I’m free and single at the moment,’ she said, looking out at the many couples throughout the room. As she did so, she felt Maria’s fingers gently touch her behind her shoulder, and trace a line down to the small of her back. Amanda looked back at Maria with a slight frown, wondering what she was doing touching her like this. As she gave Maria this confused look, Maria’s fingers went lower, and then over the rise of her bum. Amanda squirmed away slightly, a shiver running down her spine.

  ‘Maria, a-hem, I’m not sure what you think you’re d…’

  ‘Are you sure I can’t tempt you with some forbidden fruit Mandy?’ Maria purred, looking up into Amanda’s eyes, her expression filled with lust. She stepped into the space Amanda had created between them and with the same hand she had traced the lines of Mandy’s back with, she took firm but sensuous hold of one of Amanda’s bum cheeks and pulled her close, their hips touching.

  Amanda’s eye’s widened.

  Memories of a night back in New York flooded back to her, back when Georgina had been her closest friend.

  During their time as prostitutes, Georgina had also continued to get the odd job from the Escort Agency that she used to work for. She was on good terms with them still and they would occasionally throw jobs her way, or sometimes an old regular would ask for her. Georgina had once asked if Amanda wanted to come along on a job some time if the situation was right? Amanda had agreed and Georgina informed the agency.

  Before long one had come up and Amanda went along. It was totally different from the street work. The money was OK, although the agency took a chunk, and the job was very different. She had to spend time with someone and give him the total girlfriend experience.

  Afterwards Georgina asked what Amanda thought to it? Amanda said it was OK. It felt a little weird because by the time the actual sex came round she felt like she knew the guy she was with, so it was harder to switch off, but at the same time it felt less seedy, less dirty, she said she would do it again.

  The particular night Amanda was thinking about though was the third Escort Agency job Georgina had been asked to do with Amanda, and the client had been asking for something new. Georgina had just got off the phone and turned to Amanda.

  ‘We have another Agency job if you're interested AJ?’

  ‘Sure, what is it? Two guys again?’ she had asked.

  ‘Err, no, this is something new. You don’t have to do it, but I thought I’d ask. It’s one guy, he wants a threesome, and would want us to touch and stuff too.’

  Amanda’s eyes went like plates, wide and round. She just looked at Georgina, dumb struck at the thought of it.

  ‘Erm, no offence Georgie, but I’m not a lesbian!’ she had eventually said.

  ‘I know AJ, and neither am I.’

  ‘But you would be ok to do this?’

  ‘Sure! I’ve done it before. It’s no big deal. Look, there’s another girl I can go with who I’ve worked with before so don’t feel pressured. I just thought, you know, we know each other well enough to know there’s nothing in it. So I thought you might be up for it. That’s all.’

  ‘Sorry Georgie,’ Amanda said, feeling very hot and flustered, ‘I don’t think that’s for me, but you go ahead.’

  Georgina went with the other girl, and had reassured Amanda that she wasn’t interested in her in that way at all. It was a job, nothing more, and eventually Amanda had been put at ease. It was the second time Georgina had shocked her like that. The first time was when she admitted she was a Hooker, and then this revelation, that she swung both ways.

  When Georgina had returned from the job, Amanda just couldn’t resist asking about it. It had been on her mind all afternoon, she wondered if she should have done it, what would it have been like, would she have enjoyed it? When Georgina had got back, Amanda just had to talk to her about it, asking her what it was like? Georgina had laughed.

  ‘I thought you weren’t interested in it? You’re not a Lesbian are you?’ she giggled.

  ‘No,’ Amanda replied. ‘I’m just, you know, curious. That’s all.’

  Georgina laughed once more, and smiled warmly to Amanda before telling her about the first time she went with a woman for a client and how it had felt. She had said it felt exhilarating and incredibly arousing. It was the forbidden fruit, something you only thought about in your most private moments, and there she was actually doing it. Being with another woman was different to being with a man, it was more loving and tender, and your partner often knew just where to touch you. It was some of the most explosive sex she had ever had, she explained.

  Amanda had listened, and oddly, she found herself getting vaguely aroused by it. She didn’t quite know what to think about that, she was a bit disgusted at herself for having these feelings she didn’t think she wanted, and she did her best to banish them from her head. She had stayed in the shower longer than usual that night.

  Forbidden fruit, the same phrase Georgina had used, and now Maria had used it too. Amanda didn’t consider herself any different to most straight girls, her interests were in men, but she would be lying to herself if she said she had never ever thought of what it would be like to have sex with a woman. These were private thoughts, something you barely dared admit to yourself, let alone someone else. But she had indeed had them. After Georgina had gone on that job with the agency, Amanda had occasionally thought about Georgina in that way, but only in very private moments.

  Now she stood here, in her slinky dress and sexy underwear with, and let’s be honest here she thought, a really quite beautiful and voluptuous woman who’s right hand was now kneading and squeezing her left buttock and pulling Amanda closer, their tummies touching. For those few seconds she let her do it, it was exciting, she felt a warm tingling sensation in her groin which was very pleasant and quite seductive, but her conscious mind took over, and she gently took hold of Maria’s wrist and removed her hand.

  ‘Maria, I’m flattered, I really am. But I don’t th
ink I really swing that way. I like you, I really do, but let’s just keep it friendly hey?’

  Maria didn’t resist Amanda, and smiled warmly, ‘Can you blame me for trying? No harm done, don’t worry about it.’

  ‘I hope I’ve not offended you.’

  ‘Offended me? Heavens no, not in the slightest.’

  ‘Grand, I was worried I might have.’

  ‘All you did Amanda was to let me know your position in regard to me. That’s it, nothing else. I’m not offended.’

  ‘Ah, that puts my mind at rest.’

  ‘That isn’t to say of course, that I don’t still find you attractive. Whoever you give yourself too is a lucky person.’

  ‘Heh, well, thank you, but the feeling needs to be reciprocated I believe.’

  ‘Indeed it does. So, in the meantime, see any guys in here we should grace with our presence, and perhaps have some fun with?’

  Amanda smiled for a moment, ‘Well now, let us see?’

  These children have been exposed to horrific events over the past couple of nights, and I recommend a full mental evaluation to help them recover from what they have seen.

  Experts from the natural history museum will be here in the morning to take a look at the artefact the boy brought in.

  We’re returning it to their room for the time being as its removal seems to have agitated all of them.

  - Notes on a Police report




  Stephan tapped his fingers against the chair he sat in. It was grubby and identical to the two which Liz and Fran were sat in next to him. The small interview room had been plainly decorated with a small table and a few other spare chairs. One other person stood in the room, a woman, dressed in her Police uniform who sat opposite Liz trying to console her. Liz had been crying for nearly half an hour now, but she had calmed down a lot from when the other officers had first informed her that Ben’s body had been found within Stephan’s house.


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