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Page 26

by M. Never

  It’s sweet fucking affliction as my body succumbs, tightening, tensing. My muscles nearly ripping as I close in on the brink. My core catching fire seconds before the shock of the release.

  “Dev, Dev.” His name becomes a tortured whisper with every hammering thrust.

  “I’m right here.” He locks me in his arms as my nervous system comes to a screeching halt, my pussy clenching painfully as one raging gush alleviates three years of pent-up hostility. The sound that escapes my mouth is shrill, and for a few elongated, euphoric seconds, I’m a paralyzed vessel of erogenous pleasure.

  “Kayla?” Dev mutters my name. His body stiff, still. Plastered against me.

  “Mmm hmm,” I heave, fluttering my eyelashes as he clutches my face. The two of us sweating, panting and shaking, slowly recovering from the fuck-filled frenzy.

  One look is all it takes, one reconnecting, reviving, reawakening look from Dev, and I bleed with emotion.

  Fresh tears form.

  “Kayla, don’t.” He drops a loving kiss on my lips. But I can’t help it. What just happened, it was agonizing relief.

  “I missed you so much. I miss both of you so much.” I sob against him, hiding my face. I’ve been suffering since the moment he left, and I can’t contain the desolation any longer.

  “I know. I’m sorry.” He hugs me tight, peppering kisses wherever he can. “You know Reese didn’t set you up for failure. He knew what he was doing. He knew in the end, it would always be you and me.”

  If Dev had said that to me four years ago, I never would have believed him, but knowing what I do now, he’s right. It was always supposed to be us.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I walked away. But I meant what I said, I’m never leaving. Ever again.” He wipes some wetness away with the pad of his thumb.

  “Good, because I’ll have a very angry three-year-old on my hands if you do.” I laugh through my tears.

  “No one wants that.” He smirks.

  “No,” I agree.

  “Let’s go to bed, butterfly.” He nips at my lips. “I have a lot of time to make up for.” He kisses me indulgently, circling his tongue and his hips, his semi-hard cock still buried deep inside me. “I’m going to make you come all night.”

  My pussy involuntarily clenches, surrendering to just the sound of his husky voice. I willingly hand myself over, eager for Dev and all his dark desires.

  “Oomph!” I wake up to a twenty-two-pound sack of sugar on my chest. Cici giggles, her big blue eyes inquisitive and alight. “Morning, munchkin.”

  She looks back and forth between a sleeping Kayla and me, trying to figure out what I’m doing in her mommy’s bed.

  Cici isn’t much of a talker. She’s more a thinker. She absorbs, just like Reese. She shares so many of his tendencies. When I hold her in my arms, I feel a piece of him, my brother, my twin, and that is a precious thing. Both my girls are precious things.

  She shimmies restlessly on my chest in her little pink skull and cross bone PJs. She has a hard time keeping still, which is yet another of Reese’s attributes.

  I place my hands on her hips to calm her, but she only laughs, examining me systematically. This child is going to be a force. I can see it already. She takes her little hand and touches the tattoo over my heart. It’s a pair of steampunk clocks with the guts pouring out. One frozen at the time of Reese’s death, the other at the time of her birth.

  She traces all the springs, gears, and dials fastidiously. “Daddy,” she utters in her tiny voice.

  “That’s right, little one.” I place my hand over hers. Not satisfied, she slips her hand from my grasp and presses the tip of my nose. “Daddy.”

  My heart literally stops. Just dies right in my rib cage. I have never hinted, never even implied. I glance down at Kayla. She’s lying on her stomach, peeking up at us from the pillow. Her eyes are glassy, and there’s a small smile playing on her lips.

  “That’s right, baby.” She pushes herself up, my gaze following her vigilantly, as she gives Cici a kiss. “Daddy.”

  Kayla just destroyed me with one single word. If ever any of my wishes came true, this is the one. The big one. Kayla, a home, a family, and unconditional love.

  Content, Cici grabs the remote off the nightstand and shoves it in my face. “Mickey Mouse!”

  I turn on the television as a happy Cici makes herself comfortable between Kayla and me. I extend my arm so I’m holding both of them, the greatest amount of joy overcoming me. Kayla smiles as she settles back down onto her pillow. It’s a warm, rich expression that will forever be engrained in my soul.

  This is life.

  The very beginning of our life. Mine, Kayla’s, and Reese’s.

  I may have had to scale a mountain to get here, but I’m convinced the best view comes with the hardest climb. And now that I’m sitting atop the highest peak, I’m howling at the moon.

  I’m never letting go again.

  I’m never, ever, letting go . . .

  The End

  Thank you for reading Moto! I hope you enjoyed Kayla, Reese and Dev’s story. <3 M

  M. NEVER RESIDES IN NEW York City. When she’s not researching ways to tie up her characters in compromising positions, you can usually find her at the gym kicking the crap out of a punching bag, or eating at some new trendy restaurant.

  She has a dependence on sushi and a fetish for boots. Fall is her favorite season.

  She is surrounded by family and friends she wouldn’t trade for the world and is a little in love with her readers. The more the merrier. So make sure to say hi!


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  Join M. Never’s Readers for sneak peeks, giveaways, and more: M. Never’s Naughty Readers

  Owned (Decadence After Dark Book 1)

  Claimed (Decadence After Dark Book 2)

  Ruined (A Decadence After Dark Epilogue)

  The Decadence After Dark Box Set (Books 1–3)

  Lie With Me (Decadence After Dark Book 4)

  Moto was a bitch to write. I won’t lie. Three POVs? I won’t even start. Motorcycle racing? I knew zip.

  Like, zero.

  So, I embarked on a journey, immersing myself in hours upon hours of documentaries about MotoGP. Learning about the sport, the culture, and the racers themselves. I have to say I loved every second of it, and now I’m pretty sure I can not only build my own bike, but race it as well. (Maybe not.) I have to thank my husband for letting me interrogate him since I’ve never actually driven a bike. Him, Google, and YouTube were very patient educating me and walking me through the basic steps (like how to turn one on).

  If you do follow MotoGP and are wondering who my inspiration for Reese was, Nicky Hayden would be it. His career was the biggest influence for the character. (Although not based directly on him.)

  I’ll give you a little background as to how this book came to be. I had the idea for almost two years. An idea, and then a picture of a hot guy on a bike. (I never thought in a million years the Michael Stokes photo that helped inspire this novel would actually become the cover one day——> insert happy tears.) I knew the end before I knew the beginning. It’s how I write all my novels. I always knew from the start who Kayla would end up with, although I didn’t foresee readers loving Reese as much as they did. The epilogue was the whole point of the story. I wanted to get to there, as tragic as it was. My career really started in contemporary romance, so this book was a familiar place (as opposed to my dark works that I write by the seat of my pants!) Reese (Cici) was originally supposed to be a boy, the storyline wasn’t supposed to be a ménage, but a love triangle, and Reese’s character was supposed to be much darker. But as I wrote, Reese, Kayla and Dev’s relationship evolved, and the more I learned about the sport, the more my viewpoint on the plot changed. So it ended up being an erotic racing novel instead of a dark one. Which is fine by me. I love the end result. My vision came to lif

e the way it was supposed to.

  With all that being said, I have a lot of people to thank. When I first started writing, I read an exorbitant amount, (not much has changed) and with every book I would always read the acknowledgements, (again, not much has changed) devouring that little look into the author’s life. What fascinated me the most was the people they would acknowledge. Family, friends, bloggers etc. and I often wondered if I would ever get to a place where I had a core. Had a team of people to thank for undying love and support and extra effort. Well, after almost ten years of writing I can tell you with certainty that I do have a core. I have amazing people who surround me and support me and have become dear, dear friends. I don’t know where I would be without them. Wait, yes I do, nowhere. They go above and beyond and I am so unbelievably grateful.

  To my core—

  My awesome friend and cover designer Marisa Shor, (Cover me, Darling). How many covers is this now? Linda Russell, (Sassy Savvy Fabulous PR) thank you believing in this novel from day one. You believed in its potential way before I did! I love the intellectual orgasms we share! Sarah Piechuta and Melissa Gaston, my teaser extraordinaires and fantastic PAs. You make me smile each and every day! For a writer that is so critically important. My beta readers Candy, Jennifer, Amy, Alecia, Debbie, Missy, Serena, Jaime and Sarah thank you suffering through a horrific first draft and being blunt with your feedback. Like always, you lifted this novel up and made it one thousand percent better. My editors Holly, Candy and Jenny, one day I will conquer the comma. To Nichole and Christine, the amazing and wonderful (and patient) duo who make up Perfectly Publishable. I am still vying for the title ‘biggest pain the ass client.’ Thank you for just putting up with me. Especially you, Christine! To every single blog that has posted, reviewed, and/or shared anything I have ever written—THANK YOU! Your time and effort does not go unappreciated or unnoticed! Especially KinkyGirlsBookObsessions, Alpha Book club, One Click Addicts, Give Me Books, Schmexy Girl Book blog, Stephanie’s Book Reports, The Literary Gossip, and Holly’s Red Hot Reviews. To my Naughty pimps, thank you for taking time out of your busy life to read my novels, love them, and share that love with the world. Those freaking fan made teasers! You don’t know what seeing them does to me. <3 <3 <3 <——Dani Rene, this includes you too!!

  A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO Carley Phillips, Alessandra Torre, Erika Wilde, Clarissa Wild, and Jade West, for reading and blurbing Moto for me. I know how busy each of you are and I am eternally grateful!

  LAST BUT NEVER, EVER, LEAST my readers. You blow me away every single day. I am so lucky to have the rabid following I do. Thank you for making it all worthwhile!

  Till the next!!






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