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All Thorns Eve

Page 5

by Diana Rose Wilson

  Unless they sensed something in her. In that case, she’d been so rude, Grandmother would scold her arrogance and ignorance. ‘We are not so wealthy to turn our nose up at the riches of an unexpected ally.’

  She pushed away the puzzle of old world mysticism and flipped the lid off the box to peer inside. A small glossy card rested just inside the box, nested into the metallic tissue paper.

  Scrawled in gold ink, the card read:

  Topax Lynx,

  My dear, I am horrified about what happened last evening with the musician. There is simply no excuse for this behavior from our staff, guests, or patrons. I was assured that you were safe and unharmed but please do not hesitate to come to me at any hour if you need anything.

  Be assured that I have taken steps to correct the problem and that person will not be in house again. I continue to strive for a safe environment for consensual hard play and sexual exploration. I cannot express my sorrow for what you’ve been put through and hope that this hasn’t soured you from enjoying the pleasures of the house.

  I hope you will accept this small gift in my hopes that it will sooth and relax you.

  With my deepest affection,

  House Mistress

  Her mood improved tremendously once she’d removed the first layer of golden paper. There was a set of amber crystal bottles of bubble bath, shower wash and lotion in a sweet berry fragrance. It couldn’t completely fix what happened the previous night, but it was a step towards improving her day.

  She would shower off some of her hangover, dress and get to breakfast. Her friends would help her sort the rest of this out. They’d put things into perspective so she could enjoy the rest of her weekend.

  * * * *


  Details of the previous night had spread fast. Lynx was met just inside the dining room by her four friends. She saw worried expressions behind their colorful masks. They begged her for details and she had to talk while they pulled her along, filling in information between their machine-gun questions.

  Their new playmates even seemed concerned for her.

  “My goodness! Lynxie, are you hurt?”

  “I heard the guy broke his neck.”

  “Who was it?”

  “Why didn’t you come get us?”

  Hugging onto Fox, Nina let them whisk her along, threading a path through the dining room, hunting for a table where they could all fit. “I don’t know how bad he was hurt. I just know he wanted my room number and my safe word and all the sudden Jackal was there.”

  “That guy you were flirting with last night? Oh, God! Meow!”

  “Yeah.” Nina felt a silly flutter in her chest. Red hot lust arrowed directly to her sex.

  “So, did you invite him back to your room and give him a great big ‘thanks big guy?’ with the back of your hand?” Emerald Bear asked with a huge smile.

  “No. He just left with the guy. He’s not submissive.” No question about that. The way he’d handled himself and took care of her problem left no question in her mind. She knew the type. Her father took protection seriously and had more than a few on the payroll. Glancing around the room, she tried to find him. He was a completely different type of man than the usual invitee, not one of those gym-guys with a body built off machines. That guy had been made through real life experiences. She knew it instinctively.

  There were several doormen lingering covertly around, but they seemed like toys compared to her guy. She groaned inwardly and shoved that thought away. Her guy. Right. It was starting to irritate her how strongly she felt the draw of the Jackal. She longed to see him, but her wishes weren’t answered.

  She settled into her seat and hunched forward over her plate to watch her friends. Instinctively she knew he was in plain sight on purpose.

  “Are you sure? Did you ask him?”

  “He told me what he wanted to do with me. No, he’s an enforcer type. Not submissive.”

  “Enforcer?” Bear asked, nose squishing up behind her mask.

  “Like in hockey. A goon. Ya know?” Nina looked at the amused faces of her friends and waved them off. “Never mind. Anyway, introduce me to your pretty playthings.”

  Her friends were too worried about her to tease Nina for not having a playmate. As they began the introductions, she realized that they were all new guests. Nina thought House Mistress had been trimming her guest list. Having a table full of new guests wasn’t what Nina expected. She wasn't sure what surprised her more, the fact that there were so many new additions, the looks of those newcomers, or that each of her friends had latched onto them.

  Fox looked sheepish as she presented the handsome specimen behind the leaf mask as Fern. He looked sculpted in black glass. Lovely, but far from fragile. No, the man who sat at Foxy’s feet looked like he would cut you if not handled properly. From the small, uncertain smile on her friend’s lips, Nina imagined the man was keeping Foxy on her polished toes. This man was far removed from her past lover who was soft and simpering.

  Bear had paired up with Copperhead. The handsome man wore a lazy smirk, sitting beside Bear. His covert teasing and poorly veiled flirtations had the usually serious Bear distracted through their meal. Bear’s blushing was one of the most amazing changes. In the past few years, little had held Bear’s interest and she was forever saying how nothing surprised her sexually. Apparently, the snake man was proving she had just not looked in the right place.

  Badger introduced the man behind a constellation mask as Saturn. He acted rather haughty, but it oddly complimented stubborn Badger. A little sass to go with the roughly handsome features. He didn’t say much but neither did Badger, as though the two were just waiting to have some serious conversation when the breakfast and small talk was over.

  Otter was pleased to show off the Ox masked man who wore the marks of their previous night’s play across his broad, furry chest. He was not one of those oiled pretty boys either. Nina stared from Otter to Ox and back again. Otter lifted one shoulder as though she were helpless against the allure of the big beast.

  Nina’s head was spinning as she drank several glasses of water and tried to nibble on the fruit. Her head would not stop pounding, and it was surreal seeing her friends so damn happy. Normally they were having fun and enjoying themselves, but this was so much different. Otter and Bear were practically besotted.

  Owl and her Archer joined them at the end of introductions. The small woman was even more radiant than the night before, as though there was a little sun glowing behind her head. And Archer, gleaming and dark, cuddled her hip where he knelt on the floor. His dark eyes were heavy lidded behind his mask from whatever sweet torments his owl had put him through.

  Nina admired his broad shoulders crisscrossed by scars. Owl caressed the dark welts like they were something precious to her. Archer had politely refused Nina multiple times. She never understood why. He was a self-admitted pain slut, and Nina knew they could have had fun together. It wasn’t until she saw how incredibly gentle he was with Owl that she realized he needed more than pain. Where Owl was full-figured and softly curved, Nina was thin, willowy, and hard-edged.

  Alone among her friends, hungover with the dread of the attack hanging over her, Nina’s self-pity only sharpened her mood. Conversation swirled around her. Everyone else discussed their plans for today. Some were going to the pool, others were going to the pony races. There was a game of hide-and-seek blindfolded in the garden. The reminder of Jackal’s offer made her stomach sink.

  Her friends halfheartedly teased that they could share their partners with her. They had shared before, other parties, and playmates in a much different time. Something significant had changed overnight. There was no possibly way she could accept their offer now. Not only because of the hangover or because she was worried about what happened last night. She saw the possessive expressions around the table and she liked them.

  Her friends were different. They might not admit it right now, but these were not playmates that her friends would share
. Also, if she could be honest with herself, she was thinking of too much about Jackal.

  Her skin prickled.

  She jerked her head up and spotted the man in question. He was a shadow separating from the greater darkness, slowly prowling the outskirts of the room. Sucking at her lower lip she watched him sweep a look around the space. It was casual, but she’d seen it before with people in her father’s employ. He poised as though expecting trouble. After his scan he casually tipped his head towards the door. A moment later House Mistress and her consort entered. No one else seemed to notice this skillful bit of guardianship.

  Her stomach did interesting flips and spins inside her. God, he was sexy as hell in the daylight. How could he be erotic when she couldn’t see anything about him? He might be a buck-toothed freak under that mask. Looks had always been so important to Nina. Appearances were so important because they were what she dealt with every day. For once, the physical had nothing to do with this man. It was his posture and the way he moved that had her breathless. The realization that she’d found something more rocked her. Heat raced to her face, making her skin feel too hot.

  He turned and although the mask shielded his expression, his attention sharpened on her. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. On the lapel of his jacket he wore her token. When he caught her looking, his head tipped, just slightly in her direction. He prowled a few steps behind House Mistress and the Outlaw before slipping back into shadows and out of her line of sight.

  Glancing around the table, she realized Owl’s bright eyes were on her, as watchful as her night huntress totem. Her green-hazel eyes held Nina’s as the small woman grinned from ear to ear. She’d not only noticed, but she’d also seen Nina’s response. Tipping her head in the direction the guy vanished. Owl gave a little, go get him chin, bob.

  “Um…hey, I’ll be right back.” She grinned at the baffled looks of her table mates who gawked when she jerked to her feet. Rather than let them stall her with questions, she hurried after the lord of the dead. She threaded her way along the wall and found herself down a hall and following the sound of voices, towards the kitchen.

  “I don’t know if I’m up for this.” The man’s voice was younger, pitched high with nervous excitement.

  “How long have you been playing the piano?”

  “I’m not talking about playing. I’m talking about all the naked people. Oh, man, I don’t know if I can do this.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  Nina peeked around the corner where one of the chefs adjusted the mask on a tall young man. Lingering nearby was the shadowy, still form of the enforcer. He watched this all and somehow showed his amusement in the slump of his broad shoulders. Relaxed. Comfortable. Sexy as hell.

  “What happened to the other pianist?” the new musician whispered.

  “He got grabby with someone he shouldn’t have,” Jackal rasped. There was a dangerous edge to his voice. “Some things should be looked at and not touched.”

  “Why can’t Mambo play the harp or something?”

  “He is busy,” Jackal said. His answer brightened with a near laugh.

  She shifted to get a better look and suddenly found all three sets of eyes pinning her. She had not made a sound but they all zeroed in on her.

  Jackal instantly stood straighter, looking every inch the enforcer. “Lady. Is anything wrong?” He jerked a look over her shoulder and then she felt him focus on her. His attention caressed her more intimately than a physical touch.

  The younger men, chef and musician glanced up at Jackal, and then at her as she moved forward. “Nothing is wrong,” she said, shaking her head.

  “You should return to your friends and the party.” His voice was quiet, but firm. He started to turn away, but she hurried forward to put a hand on his arm to stop him.

  “But you are wearing my token. That means you are mine. For the weekend at least.”

  The other younger men exchanged wary looks but stayed silent. They were obviously surprised by her advance on the man.

  “Yours?” There was an edge to his voice and she realized he might think she was teasing him. His gloved hand covered the token though, as though he were afraid she was going to reclaim it. “I found your answer clear enough last night.”

  Except since turning him down she’d seen him stroke himself while she sang. And he’d saved her from harm without any hesitation. She glanced at the two younger men and then cocked her head back to peer up into the dark mask. “Am I not allowed to change my mind?” She pushed herself into his personal space, surprised that he looked down at her with what she thought was bafflement. His companions sure seemed dumbfounded by her forwardness.

  He bowed forward towards her with a posture of listening. “I guess that is your choice, lady.” The whisper echoed darkly within the interior of his mask.

  “Lady, do you know what you’re getting yourself into?” That was the tall, lean musician. He could hardly be more than twenty or twenty-one, his hair a neat arrangement of styled black curls and his eyes vivid green behind his black mask. When she pulled her attention off the big man he stood a little taller, lips pulling into a shy smile. His skin was a light chocolate brown making his eyes even more luminous in the dim hall. There was a whimsical charm about him, right down to the dimples.

  “I think you should be more concerned about yourself. The cougars are going to pounce you,” she replied.

  Jackal rumbled a low, delighted laugh. “Ah, she’s got your number, little prince.”

  “C’mon, let’s get you to the instrument without you ending up in the clutches of someone,” the chef said, giving the other young man a light push. “Excuse us. I think we’re just in the way.”

  The young man blushed furiously and grinned even wider, ducking his head towards the chef. “Damn.” He whispered something else, but his friend was pulling him away.

  He watched them go and then turned back to her, letting out a low, deep breath. “You don’t have to feel obligated to me. I always put my nose where it’s not wanted. I’m just glad you’re all right.”

  She leaned in closer, drawing a deep breath of the scent of him. Peaches. That’s what it was. He smelled like fresh peaches! Forcing her voice to be steady she murmured, “I’m not doing this because of any obligation. I…want to see what you had in mind.”

  Her movement and words unbalanced him. Clearly, he’d decided she was not interested. For a moment she stood there gazing up into his mask, longing to reach to his chest and lay her fingers over the broad expanse. Her heart beat so hard she was afraid he felt it thrumming the air between them. “I thought you wanted to be in control. Wanted someone to beat for your pleasure.”

  The tone startled her, it sounded almost cold. “No. That is not what I….”

  “I told you that I wasn’t a lap dog you could kick around, and you seemed like that was a deal breaker. I haven’t changed since last night. You gave me your token despite telling me how we couldn’t possibly fit.” The cold edge warmed into a soft chuckle. “You are very confusing, Kittycat.”

  “This is a first for me. I’m normally the one in charge. I…yeah, usually I like to give pain, but only if my partner likes it. I’ve never trusted anyone to have that sort of control over me.”

  He was silent for a long moment. He didn’t back away or withdraw from her. His attention caressed across her like a physical touch as he pondered her words. After a time, he let out a low growl, his chest rising and falling as the breath hissed out of him. “I’ve never done anything like this. Ever.” He quirked his shoulder and slipped a hand into his jacket and drew out his token.

  She watched it swing back and forth and reached for it before it could swing back again. He didn’t release it though, curling his fingers around hers, engulfing her small hand in his. He was so hot through the soft leather, almost burning her. Her heart galloped as she jerked a look back into the mismatched eyes of his mask.

  He rumbled a faint, troubled sound, as though he smelled t
he sudden rush of her excitement. “For the whole weekend?” The words came out in a low, vibrating growl, for her ears only. Underscored with an unspoken, do you know what you’re getting yourself into?

  “Yes!” she answered without hesitating. The air charged between them, and she wondered if he felt it too. It startled her how much she wanted him to be as spellbound by this as she was.

  After a heart thundering moment between them he murmured, “You would be far better off with a different companion.” He sounded so stricken it was an effort not to reach up and cup his face and assure him that there was no one else in the whole house who commanded her attention more than he did.

  “If Mambo put you up to this—” he said very quietly, an edge of warning cutting along the words pitched for her ears only.

  “Who? No! No one puts me up to anything. I don’t play those kinds of games.” It made her angry. Her flare of warmth raced up to rival the heat coming off him.

  “Lady. Forgive me.” He ducked his head, almost a formal bow. “You see—here are my flaws plain to see. I am not accustomed to this treatment.”

  Silence swept around them. She broke it first with the soft question, “What treatment would that be?” The anger still burned hot and quick to spark. What sort of women had made him so defensive? She threaded her fingers through his, squeezing until she felt his focus on her again.

  “Flirting,” he growled. “You are so beautiful. I’m certain you’re a dream. I think I may have seen you once in a fever.” The lowered rumble of his words plucked at her and she took a step closer to him. He cleared his throat lightly and held up his free hand as though to ward her away. “You are too fine a woman to get dirty with my fingers.”

  The tone in his voice tore at something in her heart. Like he thought those big, strong hands were unclean somehow. “Ssshhh! Nonsense.” She reached for his hand that tried to hold her off and pulled it to her. Boldly she pressed it to her breast and coaxed the strong fingers to curve around the soft flesh. Her nipple tightened instantly at the contact of the gloved fingers through the silk and she helped guide him to brush against the hard peeks.


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