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Bad Bear: BBW Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (BRIDES fur BEARS Book 1)

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by Natalie Kristen



  Natalie Kristen


  Bad Bear (Book 1)

  Copyright © 2016 by Natalie Kristen


  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously or are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual locales, events, establishments or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  About this Book

  Staci Castillo is the new girl in town. She has just accepted a transfer to the small town of Shadow Point and is having a girls' night out with her new colleagues. She has never slipped out of a bar to make out with a hot, handsome hunk in an alley before.

  But she didn't move to a new town to live the same unadventurous, unexciting life. Why should she say no to some harmless no-strings-attached fun? What could possibly go wrong?

  But of course in Shadow Point where paranormals outnumber humans, magic and mayhem rule and it's Murphy's law that applies.

  Marcus Beck knows that one taste of that sexy, curvy human woman isn't going to be enough. Staci is mortified when a whole conga line of unapologetic, infuriating witches interrupts them in the alley. She leaves in a fluster but his bear promises to track her down. Nothing can keep a bear from its mate.

  But Marcus has skeletons in his closet, skeletons which aren't really dead and done. Will Staci run from him when she learns of his past?

  Or is she brave and foolish enough to love him?

  Either way, Staci's life is about to change in a way she could never have imagined...

  * * * * *


  Staci Castillo sat at the corner of the bar and watched two elderly ladies belt out a catchy pop song with gusto on the stage. If not for the large karaoke screen behind them displaying the title and lyrics of the song, Staci would never have recognized the song. The two silver-haired ladies sang with enthusiasm and energy, but it was clear that they were completely and hopelessly tone-deaf. But that didn't stop them from giving a bawdy, boisterous booty-shaking performance. Staci hooted and clapped supportively. She suspected that nothing stopped these two vivacious, bubbly elderly ladies.

  “Those two, um, musical grandmothers on the stage, that's Gramma and Ne-ma,” her colleague, Melanie, leaned over and told her with a grin.

  When Staci canted her head quizzically, Melanie went on, “They're the grandmothers of the Gray brothers, but everyone calls them Gramma and Ne-ma. The four Gray brothers are bear shifters, but Gramma and Ne-ma are witches. They run the Broomstick Inn together, and...” Melanie lowered her voice to a dramatic whisper. “I heard that they've been casting spells over quite a number of our townsfolk in Shadow Point.”

  “S-spells?” Staci's eyes widened in alarm.

  Melanie laughed. “Don't worry. Their spells are benign. Their spells don't always work, but they're good witches.”

  Staci studied Melanie for a beat and said, “You're a witch too, right?”

  “Half witch,” Melanie answered. “But Gareth doesn't really care.”

  “Who's Gareth?” Staci looked around the crowded bar. The Round Table was a really nice bar. The little bar was tucked away in a small side lane and looked like just a hole in the wall on the outside. But the inside of the bar was cleverly decorated to resemble a medieval castle, complete with ornate swords and daggers, flags, and even a full-sized knight's armor.

  “Gareth Knight is the owner of The Round Table,” Melanie said, pointing to the tall, handsome bartender. “On Witchy Wednesdays, the first twenty witches to sing in tune will get free beer the whole night.”

  “Oh.” Staci glanced at Gramma and Ne-ma who were twerking in time to the music on stage. “That means Gramma and Ne-ma are out of the running...”

  Melanie chuckled. “Nah. Gramma and Ne-ma can get free drinks anytime! They helped Gareth find his mate. That's Tara, his mate.”

  Staci turned and saw a pretty redhead serving drinks and chatting animatedly with the regulars. She saw that even though Gareth and Tara were busy the whole evening, serving their customers and laughing and joking with almost everyone in the bar, they would frequently sneak up to each other to exchange a meaningful smile, a quick kiss or a whispered word. There was just so much love in their eyes when they looked at each other. It made Staci sigh with both resignation and longing.

  Once upon a time, she too had believed in love. But...ah well. Staci shook her head sharply and straightened up.

  She was here in Shadow Point, and so far, she seemed to be settling into her new life in this small, quirky town pretty well.

  In fact, Staci was glad that she had taken up the offer to be transferred to the Shadow Point branch.

  She had worked at the same bank for nearly eight years, and been with the same man for almost as long. When their relationship went belly-up, Staci had seriously considered resigning and getting a new job. She just couldn't paste a smile on her face and pretend she was fine when her ex-fiance and his new girlfriend flaunted their romance and acted all lovey-dovey right under her nose in the same office.

  But when she walked into her bank manager's office with her resignation letter in her hand, her manager had eyed the envelope in her fist and asked her to sit down. Before she could say anything, her manager asked if she would like to be transferred to a small town branch of their bank. “Pamela, the Shadow Point branch manager, had just put in a request for a Financial Consultant,” her manager said in her usual brisk, efficient manner. “Pamela said that many new businesses had sprouted up and the town was expanding quite rapidly, so she wanted someone trustworthy and experienced who could give the business owners and town residents sound financial advice. I thought of you, and...”

  Without a second thought, Staci had given her reply. “I'll go. I'll go to Shadow Point.”

  So here she was.

  In the small town of Shadow Point where humans were the minority and paranormals ruled the night—and the karaoke mic.


  “Okay, my turn,” Melanie said, clambering off her bar stool and rushing to the side of the small, narrow stage.

  Staci whistled and cheered when Melanie bounded onto the stage as soon as Gramma and Ne-ma finished their song on a surprisingly pitch perfect high note.

  Taking the mic, Melanie launched into a soulful ballad and appreciative applause broke out. Staci gasped. Melanie had the voice of an angel. The crowd began to sway and some couples even got to their feet and began to slow dance.

  Staci smiled. There were shifters, vampires, fae folk and humans crammed into the little bar, and everyone was having a good time. She had made the right decision moving to Shadow Point. She was going to like it here, she decided.

  When Melanie glanced her way, Staci grinned and flashed her friend two thumbs-up. Melanie was one of the tellers in the bank. It was a small branch, with just two tellers, a receptionist and the branch manager. Staci made five. Staci got on well with her new colleagues. Pamela, the branch manager, was a single mom while the other teller, Matthew, was a newly-wed and was always eagerly rushing home to his love nest. Claire, the receptionist, had come with them to The Round Table, but after a few drinks, she had happily chatted up a well-dressed vampire and headed out with him. She h
ad winked to Melanie and Staci and waggled her eyebrows. I am so getting laid tonight, her eyebrows said.

  Staci whooped in delight as she watched Gareth walk up to Melanie after her song and hand her a gold star. Melanie squealed and pumped her fist in the air. She was getting drinks on the house tonight.

  Melanie came and threw one arm around Staci's shoulder. “I did it,” she beamed, admiring her glittering cardboard star. “Yay! Free beer!”

  Staci laughed. “Don't get too drunk. We all have to work tomorrow.”

  Gareth sauntered over with two frothing mugs of beer. He handed one to Melanie and smiled at Staci. “Hi. Haven't seen you around. You new in town?”

  “Yes. I'm the new transfer at the bank,” Staci began. “I...”

  “Oh. You're the new Financial Consultant that Pamela promised us.” Gareth's eyes twinkled as he held out his hand. “It's real nice to meet you. I'm Gareth Knight.”

  “Staci Castillo.”

  Gareth pushed the other mug of beer into her hand and said, “Since this is your first visit to The Round Table, you get free drinks too.”

  Melanie spluttered and cried, “No fair! I didn't get free drinks on my first visit.”

  Gareth was already walking away but he turned to smirk over his shoulder. “My bar. My rules.”

  Melanie raised her mug and said sincerely, “I know that this is just a temporary transfer for you, but...I hope you'll decide to stay. It's a good town.”

  Staci nodded. “I know. To Shadow Point!”

  They drained their mugs and thumped each other on the back. “Well done!”

  The music started up and a group of giggling women surged towards the stage. “I love this song!” Melanie shrieked. “This is like the witches' anthem! Come on, girls!” Melanie yelled to her fellow witches and rushed to get on the stage with them.

  Gramma and Ne-ma who had planted themselves at the front of the stage pulled Melanie up and made room for her between them.

  Gramma and Ne-ma raised their wands and yelled, “Altogether now!”

  The witches didn't need to be told twice. They all raised their voices and glasses to the ceiling, and some sloshed beer all over themselves and whoever happened to be standing beside them.

  The witches were heedless to the guffaws and groans around the bar as they sang and danced with wild abandon. Those witches really knew how to party.

  Staci hiccuped loudly, feeling a little light-headed. She felt the sudden, urgent need to pee. The beer seemed to have filled her bladder pretty quickly.

  Sliding off her stool, Staci wobbled her way across the crowded bar towards the washrooms.

  She stumbled on a step and would have fallen flat on her face if someone hadn't caught her arm and steadied her.

  “Easy now,” a deep voice said.

  Staci looked up and every nerve in her body sizzled and came alive as though she had just received an electric shock.

  She had seen her share of good-looking men, and the vampires in Shadow Point were all suave, smooth and very attractive. Most of the shifters were naturally strapping and athletic, and the fae folk were beautiful. But this man was…

  Staci lost her train of thought as she stared into a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

  She blinked, but that handsome face didn't disappear. He wasn't a beer-induced hallucination.

  The man had short, sandy hair and the corners of his sexy, kissable lips were curved up.

  Hi handsome, a voice purred inside her head.

  She saw laughter in his blue eyes, and she clapped her hand to her mouth.

  Oh shit, she had blurted the words out loud.


  “Hi handsome,” the woman slurred.

  With a gasp, she covered her mouth and took a small step back. She seemed steady enough on her feet, but Marcus Beck held the woman's arm for a moment longer.

  She was really pretty, with wavy brown hair and deep chocolate eyes. Her long-sleeved blouse flowed down her curves and was tucked into an A-line skirt which reached past her knees. The navy-blue skirt hugged her rounded hips snugly and Marcus had to suppress a growl as his eyes trailed down her lush, curvy frame. The woman was dressed primly in neat office attire. But she was mouthwateringly sexy.

  “Ah, thank you,” she managed.

  Marcus smiled and forced himself to release his grip before his claws sliced out.

  “I...” She spun round, looking a little disorientated. “I'm looking for the...”

  “That way.” Marcus jerked his head towards the washrooms.

  “Yes, yes. Thank you.” She smiled. “I...I'll talk to you later,” she said, half bashfully, half hopefully.

  “I'll be right here.” After a short pause, he said quickly, “I'm Marcus Beck.”

  She smiled sweetly. “Staci.”

  He watched her totter off to the ladies' room and kept staring after her even when his two younger brothers came up to his side and peered at him.

  “Whacha doin?” Jax asked, frowning at him. “Why are you staring into space?”

  “He's waiting for his lady friend,” Joshua answered.

  “What's that?” Jax inclined his head and leaned closer.

  “I said, Marcus is waiting for his woman,” Joshua repeated into his brother's other ear. Jax couldn't hear so well out of one ear, but nobody made a big deal out of it. Sometimes they even forgot that and whispered to him in his bad ear.

  “You mean the brunette who tripped and almost landed in your lap?” Jax asked Marcus with a cheeky grin.

  Marcus frowned. “You saw her?”

  Jax tapped his ear and pointed to his eyes. “I can't hear, but I can see!”

  “She's coming out,” Joshua said, elbowing Marcus.

  Jax winked and said too loudly, “We'll just disappear now. We were coming to get you, but it looks like you won't be leaving with us.”

  Marcus glared at the twins as they chuckled and weaved through the crowd. Then he rolled his eyes when they turned around and craned their necks, hoping to get a better look at his mystery lady.

  Brothers, he huffed.

  He and the Carlan twins didn't share the same blood and last name. And with their dark hair and eyes, Jax and Joshua looked as different from him as night and day. But none of that mattered. They were his brothers. He would kill for them. And he had.

  Marcus felt his bear pushing against his barriers, the predator rising to the fore. The memory of what he had done all those years ago pulled his bear to the surface, and a sharp jolt of horror and pain lanced his heart. He had done something terrible, but—he knew that even if he went back in time, he would do it again.

  Marcus took a deep breath and shook away the memory. There's no danger now, he told his bear.

  But his bear made it clear that it wasn't happy to back down. It prowled agitatedly under his skin, and Marcus scanned the bar quickly.

  There was nothing here to upset his bear. He had come to his favorite bar with his brothers to chill after work. The atmosphere at The Round Table was usually lazy and relaxed, but on Witchy Wednesdays, the cozy little bar transformed into a madhouse.

  The witches provided great entertainment, but he couldn't even hear himself think with their endless and mostly tuneless warbling.

  His bear rumbled again and Marcus spun round to see Staci coming out of the ladies' room. She glanced at the stage where the witches were still having the time of their lives and walked towards him.

  “Hi...Marcus,” she said shyly. She looked more sober now.

  “Can I buy you a drink, Staci?” It was the lamest line ever, and his brothers would never let him get away with it if they knew but he couldn't think of anything else to say.

  “Oh, I have free beer,” Staci said brightly.

  Marcus frowned. “I didn't see you sing.”

  “I didn't. And I'm not a witch, so I don't qualify. But—newcomers get a free mug of beer,” she beamed then frowned. “I think

  “I came with my two younger brothers, but they've abandoned me,” Marcus told her.

  Staci laughed. “I know how it is. I came with Melanie and Claire, but Claire snared herself a dark, brooding vampire and Mel...” Her jaw dropped. “...has just taken off her bra!”

  Marcus followed her unblinking gaze and saw that the witches had snapped their bras off and were swinging them jauntily above their heads like lassos.

  Ne-ma was the first to hurl her bra at a beefy, tattooed wolf shifter. “He's mine!” Ne-ma hollered gleefully and scampered off to claim her prize.

  The other witches cackled and began to aim their bras at their targets.

  Gramma's sharp eyes landed on Marcus suddenly and she gave him a knowing, warning smirk.

  Panicking, Marcus gulped audibly and mumbled, “We should get out of here. Fast!”

  To his surprise, Staci giggled and tugged at his hand. “Yes. Let's!”


  Staci saw Melanie wink and grin approvingly at her as she made her way to the door with Marcus.

  Emboldened, Staci winked back. She had never slipped out of a bar with a big, handsome stranger before.

  Staci had never, ever picked up a stranger in a bar. She just wasn't the type. She wasn't confident enough, flirty enough, carefree enough. And she knew that men didn't go for chubby chicks like her. But tonight, she was feeling uncharacteristically bold, reckless and...horny.

  Staci was of average height and she was curvy, not thin and toned. Her ex-fiance, David, had dumped her for the ultra-skinny, ultra-fashionable new colleague. Staci knew that nobody was perfect, but after that fiasco with David, her self-esteem had taken a beating.

  Staci wanted to feel good about herself again, and this man, this handsome, sexy stranger made her feel...beautiful and desirable. He looked at her with undisguised want and longing, and he allowed her to see herself through his eyes.


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