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Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  “Who took care of you after your parents…died?”

  “My uncle. Although, I wouldn’t call it taking care of. It was more like he took care of the family money and I was left to caregivers, doctors, and everything that came with my injuries until I took my company back when I was eighteen.”

  “At eighteen? I can barely decide what to wear let alone be in charge of everything.”

  “I wanted to have my father’s legacy live on. I wanted to prove that I could carry on.” Damn, the burn of my father’s disgrace felt even worse now. I was surprised that Dexter could even look at me without feeling rage.

  “Thank you for not hating me.”

  It was his turn to look at me like I was insane. “Hate you, woman. I could never hate you. I’m trying not to fall madly in love with you—until you’re ready for it.”

  “Please. That’s bullshit.” I rolled my eyes. Did he play that way with all the women? With that wicked smile, I knew it would work.

  “Yeah, you’re right. It’s bullshit. I fell in love with you from the first moment our hands touched. I knew you would be the one to rescue me from the pain of the past.” I gasped at his words because they were too good to be true. We don’t really have anything besides our pain in common. He came from a family that loved and tried to do right by him. My family didn’t care.

  “You’re the one rescuing me.” It was true. He made me feel alive and wanted.

  “I want to make love to you,” he admitted with a hungry look in his eyes.

  “Right now?” I asked wide-eyed and nervously excited.

  “Hell, two days ago, but after we take that fluffy troublemaker out.”

  I just nodded then took a drink of my water.

  Once we finished with dinner, he sent me to my bedroom to fetch some clothes and necessities because he planned to make me his in his bed. It took me a whole hour, but when I came out of the room with everything packed for Bruno and me, I saw our meal and all the dishes cleaned up.

  “Wow, you cleaned up? You didn’t have to.” My place was cleaner than when I did it. I couldn’t believe how amazing he was. If he kept this up, he was in serious trouble.

  “Actually, I did. I want you to leave with me right now. We can’t leave the place a mess because I don’t think I have any plans to let you go.”

  “Is that so?” I didn’t believe him. What if he saw my scars and ran? He may have his own, but he was used to them. I was sure he’d slept with plenty of flawless women. Trying not to be jealous was impossible, but there was nothing for it; I was. I hid my fear of not being enough when he walked up to me kissing me hard. Taking my things like they weighed nothing, he tugged me out of the apartment.

  My condo was lovely, but his was ten times more lavish and almost ten times larger. We walked into his place and I couldn’t believe how spectacular it was. The open floor plan worked to emphasize the beauty of all the décor. No offense to him, but this had a woman’s touch. “Did an ex decorate the place?”

  “No, I hired a decorator to pimp out the place. I saw some of the décor in movies and asked the designer to make it happen.” He smiled and wrapped his arm around me while placing kisses on my neck.

  “I like it,” I said honestly.

  I could feel his smile on my shoulder. “Good, I’m glad, but if there’s anything you don’t like, you can change it.”

  “Oh, no. This is your place. I couldn’t—especially if we broke up,” I exclaimed, tilting my head to look at him.

  He gave me a peck on my lips and chuckled. “You’re cute. I keep telling you that I have no intention of letting you go, but you don’t seem to get it.”

  “You haven’t seen me naked. I’m sure that you’ve had beauties in your bed. I’m not one of them,” I said throwing my cards out on the table.

  “You’re not beautiful? Now, I sincerely beg to differ.” I watched as he started undoing his shirt buttons then pulled the shirt from his pants. Taking it off completely along with his undershirt, he stood there for me to see his chest. “This is me. I can’t show you the rest until I get you naked and have my dessert, but you see these scars. Do they turn you off?”

  “No, not at all.” I was mesmerized actually. I wanted to lick his chest and rub it until I melted with all his sexiness.

  “But you think yours would bother me. Why? I’m covered in scars.” He shrugged at me.

  “Because you’ve been with so many women. And well…I’ve never done this before.” I let the cat out of the bag. I was shocked and nervous hoping that he would say something, but it took him a moment to gather his thoughts. So taken with his naked torso, I pressed my hand to his chest touching his scars, wanting to kiss each one of them.

  “Listen to me and listen well. You think you’re the only one who’s nervous? Well, you’re wrong. I hated my scars until you told me that they didn’t bother you. No matter what anyone said, all I saw was a beast in the mirror. With your hands on them caressing me with such gentle tenderness, you make me feel like they don’t matter anymore.”

  “They don’t,” I replied looking into his soul-penetrating eyes.

  “I wasn’t done, my heart. I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve never done this either. No woman has ever been in my bed. Well, except you the last two days. I dreamed of you lying in bed taking me over and over again.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Could he be saying what I thought he was? “Are you telling me you’re a virgin?”

  “Yes, I am. I was too young to date before the accident. Afterwards, I never let a woman in. I felt terrible about my wounds. Strange looks and cruel comments can destroy a young man. Now, I can’t say I didn’t have urges, I was still a growing boy, but I handled those needs.” He eyed my body focusing on the wet heat hidden from his view through a pair of jeans. With a raised brow he asked, “Have you ever handled your needs?”

  “Yes,” I said nodding slightly. Ever since I saw his picture, I’d handled myself.

  “Good. We can learn from each other without me wanting to bash a man’s head in, and you not comparing yourself to anyone. I’ve never wanted anyone before I met you, and I won’t ever desire anyone else. You’re my beginning, middle, and end.”

  We left Bruno in the downstairs bathroom for the night with his doggy bed. Then Dexter picked up me and my bag and carried us to his bedroom.

  I pressed my warm hand back to his chest, rubbing one of the most prominent scars that intrigued me. I felt him shiver; and when I looked up, his eyes were warm and smiling at me. Once we reached his room, he set me down on my feet. I barely reached his chest, but I stepped up on my tip toes and kissed the spot I had caressed. That was all he needed to take my desire serious.


  Her body felt so perfect against mine as I carried her up the stairs. When her hand touched my chest, a thrill of excitement, hope, and love rushed through me. I couldn't get to the bedroom fast enough. Not acting like an eager pup, I maintained my composure and speed.

  Setting her down on her feet, I was surprised that she kissed the scar she had her hand pressed against. I took her mouth tenderly as my heart raced. She accepted my ruined flesh. Hell, she more than accepted it, she embraced it.

  I lifted the blouse she had on running my hands up her smooth sides until I reached the swell of her breasts. I felt her body shiver as my thumbs rubbed against her supple flesh hidden under a bit of material. They were large and round for her small figure and fucking tempting as hell, but I was on a mission to take off the shirt. Slipping it over her head, her breasts bounced in her lacy bra. I was salivating just staring at them. Immediately, I pressed my lips to her cleavage, kissing it softly. I wanted to worship the woman who was going to give me everything I thought I couldn’t have. I knelt before my queen and kissed my way down to her flat belly. I placed a kissed on her jean covered mound before unbuttoning her pants. She froze in place.

  I looked up at her and pleaded, “Don’t. You’ve seen my scars. Let me worship you.” She
relaxed just a bit, so I worked quickly to remove her pants. This was the first time I saw the scar that ran down her leg. It was jagged and red and looked like it hurt terribly. I placed gentle kisses along the broken line. She gasped but relaxed into my touch. My kisses moved down to the tops of her delicate little feet. Then my strong hands moved up her legs, gently rubbing her slenderness. I understood why she was afraid to show me her legs. The one was much thinner than the other. The muscles were weak and it was probably why she had a limp. Tomorrow I was going to look into a specialist to help her. Her appearance was perfect to me, but I knew it hurt her and that shit tore at me. When my hands reached her ass, I gripped the fuck out of her cheeks.

  “Mine,” I chanted, pressing my face against her pussy. After claiming my territory, I looked up at her thinking she had no idea what I mean by mine. There wasn’t a soul in this world that could keep me from her. I’d do everything in my power to become a man worthy of her, but for now, I just needed to give praise and devotion to my savior, my reason for coming alive. I wanted to show her what she meant to me.

  I had no clue on how to eat out a woman. Porn was my only experience; hopefully, those solo sessions paid off. With a slight push, Elena’s ass hit the bed. She had short little red curls covering her treasured heat. I parted her sweet lips letting her fragrant, berry scented pussy invade my senses. Growling before I took my first taste, I latched my mouth onto her pussy lips sucking on her flesh. My mind and body became frenzied with desire. Her taste engulfed me—a sweet drink. I lapped up her flavor teasing and coaxing more out like only her pussy could quench my thirst. I moaned on her clit before sucking on that tiny nub. Elena’s body stiffened and she let out an animalistic sound with my name written on her breath.

  “Dex,” she cried out, her thighs shaking out her orgasm.

  I groaned, fighting off the need to come. Not caring about the rest of my scars, I scooted my little siren up to the center of the bed. Kicking off my shoes into the corner, I wrestled to get my belt undone. I needed to be inside her, wanted to hear my name from her lips, purring from deep within her throat.

  Naked and opened to her perusal, I stood there proudly. I didn’t have to worry about the scars because once she was strong enough to lift her head, she took in my cock. Her eyes were wide and anxious. I may be scarred, but I was gifted enough to be hung like a horse. Although looking at her small frame, it may not be such a gift.

  “I’ll try to be gentle,” I offered though I knew it was going to hurt her.

  She bit her lip in that way that had my cock leaking. Fucking woman. She had no idea what I was holding back. My hand mindlessly went to my shaft stroking it in an attempt calm myself down. The tip was fucking purple and ready to come hard. I joined her on the bed and moved into position. Fuck the preliminaries, I was too close to tease us anymore. I rubbed the head against her little pink lips making my cock squirt a bit of cum onto her clit that was playing peek-a-boo through her parted folds. My pre-cum coated her entrance while the next batch worked its way through my balls. I pushed gently in between the tight but slick walls. I felt the tiny barrier and it made me give her just a little more of my juice. I dropped my head down to hers kissing her deeply until I had the control to claim the pussy that belonged only to me.

  “Elena, you’re mine. Every inch of you belongs to me.” With that, I slammed my way through; her cry echoed around the room as she tried to push me away from her. My one hand teased her breast, pinching her nipple to distract her from the pain I knew she felt, but there was shit I could do about it. Her pussy was so fucking small and my cock was fucking huge.

  I grabbed her stronger leg, wrapping it around my waist tightly. We needed to ease the pain away and the only shit that would work was to take control. “Relax, Elena. The pain is easing up isn’t it?” I asked and she nodded in return. “I can feel your walls starting to welcome me. Let me in, Elena, because I won’t let you say goodbye to me after this.”

  Her walls opened up more letting me all the way in. “You like that I want to possess you. To keep you with me. Don’t you? Your pussy opened to me. I can feel the way your tight, little body is holding my cock like you’re not going to let it go. Are you going to let me go, Elena?”

  She shook her head; her body grinding against mine. Her hips worked upward pushing her ass off the bed and her mound impaled itself on my shaft. Fuck. I started to pump down into her, gripping her ass and pounding away. With shouts that could wake the dead, we came together. Our bodies were covered in sweat that seemed to only fuel the fire for more.

  With my cock still deep within, I started to pump slowly, rocking in and out using my toes against the footboard. “Round two, Dex?”

  “Yes, baby. I think your pussy agrees with me,” I said with a smirk and she cheerfully nodded. Our next round was slower paced than the first time. My hips rolled, screwing my cock into her depths. Fuck, I let out a loud moan when she ran her fingers down my chest. I felt complete as my body fucked hers.

  “Damn, Elena, tell me how much you want it.”

  “Oh, God,” she moaned.

  “Thanks for the title, babe, but I’m not that powerful. Dex will do.”

  “Fuck. I’m coming, Dex.” I followed her with my own orgasm, blissfully sated.

  Chapter 4

  He was sleeping on his back when I got up this morning. Gosh, I could feel my body aching in places I didn’t know were possible. Even my leg hurt less than my cooter. That shit felt broken. I looked down to view the offending beast that had abused my body, and he was standing proudly like “Look at me. I beat that pussy up. Come try it again.” I gave the big bastard a dirty look and snarled at it.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Is there a reason you’re mad at my cock?” he said in a sexy, sleepy voice.

  “Because it broke my pussy. I feel so stiff,” I grumbled at him.

  “So do I,” he smirked, rubbing his cock through the sheet.

  I gave him a scowl. “Awe, babe. Don’t get mad at me. I’m sorry. I’ll go run you a bubble bath.”

  He jumped out of the bed stark naked; his ass cheeks looking delicious. I couldn’t believe how fast he was moving. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” He put on a pair of boxers and slowly lifted them over his hard cock. “Damn, I think you broke him.”

  “Yeah, right. He’s looking ready for action.” I pointedly look right at his cock that was already stiff as it could get.

  Wagging his eyebrows at me, Dex said, “If you wanted him, I’m certain he’d work through the pain.”

  I launched a pillow at him. “Leave me be, mister.” He ran into the bathroom laughing.

  He was taking a long time, but I didn’t hear the bath running so I asked, “You’ve got bubble bath stuff here?”

  He ducked his head out of the bathroom a second later and said. “No. But wait a minute.” He ran to grab his phone and called the bellman.

  “Okay, in a few minutes you can take a nice, hot, relaxing bath.” He climbed up onto the bed happily giving me a goofy smile.

  It did things to my naughty parts. “Will you be joining me?”

  He gulped. “No…that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  “No?” I teased asking for it again. Damn, I was turning into a freak overnight.

  “No…a very bad one. You’re supposed to be easing that ache not making it worse.”

  “Fine. Whatever. If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the ladies’ room.”

  “Don’t got one of those. I do have a room for my wife, though.” He helped me to the bathroom because I was shaky on my feet. It was normal for my one leg to ache when I woke up, but I was more sore than usual and completely naked. Thankfully, I didn’t feel insecure anymore.

  I saw the guilt in his eyes when he noticed my instability. “I didn’t mean to hurt you that much. Damn, I’m so sorry, Elena.”

  “You did hurt me, but just my pussy. My leg is ordinarily weaker when I wake up and when I’m too tired.”

  “We’re go
ing to see a specialist for it,” he stated adamantly.

  “I thought you liked me for who I was?” There was the insecurity rearing its ugly head. I pulled his hand off my waist.

  He stepped completely in front of me. His hands went into my hair tugging enough to pull my head back, but not to hurt me. “Babe, I think you’re perfect, but like you said, you’re in pain. I don’t want to see you hurting for any reason. I want to make sure there’s nothing we can do to fix your pain before I give up. Understand?”

  “Yes, sorry. I’m defensive about my injuries.”

  “If anyone understands, it’s me, babe.” We heard the doorbell ring. “Go, hurry up and use the bathroom.” He left me standing in the doorway before slipping on his robe and heading to the front door.

  I looked in the mirror after using the bathroom and I looked different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until I thought about the trouble he was going through for some bubble bath, and I smiled. I knew what it was; I was so happy and madly in love with Dexter Price.

  I opened the door when he knocked. “Can I help you, sir?”

  “Yes, you could but right now, let me help you.” He kissed me quickly before passing by and filling the tub with half a bottle of bubble bath.

  “You sure that’s enough bubbles?” It was so bubbled out that I thought it was.

  “It depends if it hides those sexy-ass tits of yours.”

  “You don’t want to see them?” I attempted to be sexy and pushed them together.

  “Fuck, Elena. You’re trying to kill me.” He pushed my hands away from them then pressed his tongue hard against my left nipple. The pressure went straight to my pussy in the form of pure desire. Dex sucked my nipple into his mouth making me moan loudly.

  “Are you sure…you don’t…want to join me?” I panted. The look in his eyes told me he was debating the issue. As much as he wanted to let me bathe alone, he wanted to join me even more. “I promise to behave.” And like that he relented.


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