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The Alpha's Dilemma (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Mia Rose

  Dustin looked from Noelle to Declan and then back to Noelle. He studied her for a long time and a quizzical expression formed on his face.

  “What are you?” he asked Noelle.

  “I’m a hybrid,” she said quietly, afraid that others might hear her admission. Dustin’s eyes grew wide and he knelt on one knee before her.

  “I’ve never met a hybrid before,” he said smiling at her.

  “There’s not many of us around,” Noelle said. “Actually, just me if the facts are right.”

  Dustin’s face grew dark as a thought crossed his mind, but he did not share it with the rest of them. Instead he said, “Okay, let’s get going.”

  They walked into the woods and met up with Maria who was waiting for them. She glanced at Noelle, and her eyebrows indicated that she was surprised to see her there, but she made no comment about it.

  The four of them walked in silence, each consumed by his or her own thoughts. Declan’s mind felt as if it might explode, but the one thought which seemed to prevail above them all was the idea that Noelle was now a werewolf, and he was not. He knew very well that there were bigger and more important concerns to deal with, but he could not shake that from his mind.

  They finally reached the meeting area and found that they were the first ones there. “This is the same place from my dream,” Noelle whispered as though she immediately recognized the sacredness of the grounds.

  Dustin nodded at her. “Yes, this is why you came,” he explained. “I called a meeting of all the alphas to discuss what has been going on. Of course, now we have an additional topic of concern.”

  Noelle blushed at this as she was aware he was referring to her existence. “What has been going on?” Noelle asked, trying to divert the attention from her.

  Maria spoke up this time, “There are hunters in our area and they have been growing in number, and using weapons which we cannot fight against. Last night, another member of our pack was killed.”

  Noelle looked confused. “I don’t understand. There are no hunters in this area?” She looked at Declan as she spoke. She said, “My family were the only hunters.” At this, Dustin and Maria turned around swiftly.

  “What did you just say?” Dustin asked, walking dangerously close to Noelle.

  In that moment, Noelle realized it was probably not the best decision. It was silly to admit that she came from a family of hunters. But before anyone could say or do anything more, wolves emerged from every side of the meeting place. They entered the circle and changed into their human forms.

  Dustin shook hands with each member and asked about their trip, but Noelle could tell from his body language that he was still riled up. Maria smiled and said hello from a distance. Declan sat by himself, away from everyone as he observed the scene before him, and then Noelle quietly joined. Declan noticed that Gabriel was not there amongst the alphas, and he secretly wondered whether he had received Dustin’s message.

  Soon, the meeting was called to order, and all of the alphas sat down in their respective spots. Dustin began speaking, “I am glad to see so many familiar faces and I welcome the new ones.” At this, Dustin looked straight at Noelle. “It seems the world around us is changing drastically, and we must decide how to meet and overcome these new challenges.”

  Dustin explained in detail about the surge of hunters in their area. He described the weapons that they had started using. Ones which involved silver. At this, many of the alphas grew uneasy.

  “What can we do?” asked one of the older alphas who had traveled from Arizona.

  “We should try to kill them all before they get bigger and more confident; before they start to spread to other areas.” Declan could feel Noelle wince as the woman across from her spoke up.

  “What about a cure?” offered another woman who spoke quietly, and was much kinder looking. “Is there a cure that can save our pack if they are poisoned by silver?”

  At this, Dustin looked at Declan and smiled sadly. “This brings me to my next point. We have an alpha among us who was ripped from his inner wolf.”

  The alphas looked around at each other and there was a hushed gasp shared amongst them. Declan stood up from his spot and walked toward the center of the meeting place.

  “My name is Declan and I was the alpha of my pack,” he started. “Let me rephrase that. I am the alpha of my pack, but in an effort to find a cure for silver, I was poisoned. Now, I am unable to transform into my wolf, although he is still in me. I can at times feel him, but I am not able to call him forward.”

  The alphas stared at Declan, mesmerized as he spoke. They all felt for him and wanted to offer their condolences.

  “I appreciate your sentiments,” Declan continued. “But those will not help me at this time. Does anyone have any information or knowledge of past incidents that might be able to help me?”

  Most of the alphas shook their heads, no one had seen this happen before. But Declan noticed the kind, older lady sitting quietly as she contemplated something.

  Declan walked up to her and asked, “What is it? Do you know something?”

  She looked at him and offered a small smile. “There is a story around my parts of a similar occurrence. A witch once loved a wolf, but he betrayed her with another. Out of spite, the witch cursed him, making him unable to transform again. The man grew mad, unable to be human, unable to be wolf. He took his own life.”

  The alphas listened to her story intently. Declan asked, “And this witch? Is she still alive?”

  The woman nodded and quietly said, “I do not think she will ever die.”

  Silence settled over the group of alphas. Everyone felt as though the entire world was against them —hunters killing them, witches cursing them, humans ignorant of their existence. To be a wolf in this age was proving a difficult feat —and to be an alpha, even more so.

  Declan resumed his seat and Noelle watched him carefully as he considered the woman’s story. There could be a chance for him, still.

  Dustin stood up again and coughed quietly, breaking the silence and directing everyone’s attention toward him again. “There is one additional matter which we should discuss,” Dustin said, his eyes lingering on Noelle. “And, I do believe that this could be related to the hunter issue.”

  Noelle furrowed her eyebrow, unsure of what he meant by this. Dustin waved his hand to Noelle, ushering her to stand before the alphas. She hesitated at first, but Declan smiled at her reassuringly, so she joined Dustin in the center.

  “This, ladies and gentlemen, is a hybrid wolf,” Dustin said proudly as though he had been the one who had created her.

  The alphas began murmuring to each other, animatedly. It was clear that none of the wolves had ever believed a hybrid actually existed, and to see one live in the flesh was simply… unbelievable.

  They began asking her questions, one speaking over one another. Noelle quickly became flustered by all the attention, and she looked up at Declan who was observing her intently.

  “Noelle, you can sit back down,” Dustin offered in a moment of kindness. Noelle quickly walked back to Declan and sat next to him. If she was hoping for some sort of comfort from him, she was disappointed.

  “Why do you say that she could be the source of the hunter problem?” the older man asked Dustin, once the group had settled down again.

  “I believe,” Dustin said slowly, “that they are hunting not to kill all of us. I believe they are hunting to find one of us.”

  All eyes turned to Noelle as he spoke, and she closed her eyes, praying not for the first time, that she could leave this place. When she opened her eyes, she noticed that only Declan was looking at her now.

  “We’ll be okay,” he whispered in her ear. And as much as she wanted to believe him, she couldn’t let go of the dread building inside of her.

  “She couldn’t explain it, but the further she walked into the forest, the closer she felt to finding Declan.”

  Chapter 11


“A true alpha has instincts instilled within from the day they are born, it’s not something which can be bestowed on the weak-hearted.”

  When Dustin called an end to the meeting, all the members left feeling more anxious than before. Conversations were spread in every direction as each alpha started to travel back to their pack. But, definitively, the questions were the same: what were they going to do? And how were they going to tell their pack?

  Declan managed to get additional information from the older woman who had recounted the tale of the witch who had cursed the werewolf. He felt somewhat hopeful about this lead, but he also knew it would take some time before he could follow up on it.

  Noelle walked next to Declan, completely absorbed in her own thoughts. She was afraid, mostly because of her vulnerability —the hunters knew of her existence and now werewolves across the country knew as well. As much as Dustin tried to assure her that they would do everything in their power to protect her, she felt more alone than ever before. She knew that she would not be able to stay there, or with any other pack, for that matter. Not without risking their safety. It was already clear that the hunters would stop at nothing to find her.

  Declan invited Noelle back to his tent while Maria and Dustin convened to discuss their strategy plans. Noelle sat down on the floor and pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes. She didn’t want to cry right there. She didn’t want anyone to see her in this state of weakness, especially Declan.

  “I’m so sorry,” Noelle whispered to him.

  Declan looked at her quizzically. His head was cocked to the side and his eyebrows were pulled together in concern. “What do you have to apologize for, Noelle?” Declan asked as he reached for her chin. He pushed her face up gently so that their eyes met.

  “If it weren’t for my blood,” Noelle said softly, “none of this would be happening. You would not have turned human. Hunters would not be killing off werewolves in search of me. This is all my fault.”

  “Noelle.” Declan sighed her name. He shook his head gently and looked deeply into her eyes.

  Declan brought his face to hers and kissed her softly. As their lips met, he was reminded of the times they had shared before —so much passion and desperation between them. Both craving some sort of escape from the life that fate had assigned to them. Now, in their kiss, as their tongues danced together in familiarity, he tasted their history —a bittersweet combination of sadness, and change, and chemistry, and love, which almost always involved a sort of sadness and change in and of itself.

  “Declan, I have missed you,” Noelle admitted out loud. As soon as the words left her lips, she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders.

  They had both been through so much together, but they kept finding themselves wrapped in each other’s arms —the only safe space where they could admit their hidden truths. A place revealing their identities, not as others expected them to be, but as they truly were.

  Declan sat down behind Noelle and put his legs on either side of her. He began rubbing her shoulders gently, kneading away at the stress which had curled up in balls within her muscles. He kissed her neck gently, pushing aside some of the hair which had rebelled against her hair tie. He trailed his tongue along the side of her neck, leading his way up to her ear where he gently grabbed the lobe between his teeth.

  Noelle shivered as her body heated up under his touch. Declan massaged down her arms, and to her hands. He lifted her right hand to his lips and kissed her palm gently. Then, ever so softly, he pushed her fingers into his mouth one by one and sucked them gently.

  Noelle’s heartbeat was picking up pace in anticipation. She knew where this would lead, but she did not want to rush this. She wanted to enjoy every moment with Declan as he was.

  Declan shifted his body so that he could push Noelle to lay down on her back. He climbed on top of her, straddling her hips and Noelle could feel that he was more than ready for her.

  He brought his face down to hers and kissed her deeply. He closed his eyes briefly and brought his forehead to hers. And in that moment, Noelle knew exactly what he was saying, although no words were spoken.

  “I love you,” Noelle whispered.

  Declan smiled at her sweetly. He kissed her lips and then her chin, and he trailed little kisses down the side of her neck, including her collarbone. He kissed her all the way down to the waistband of her pants. Pushing her shirt up, he kissed along her abdomen, making small circles with his tongue.

  Noelle shivered again as the anticipation built up. She was beginning to grow impatient and she wanted him, now. Declan undid the button of her jeans and slowly pulled the zipper down. He noticed with amusement that she was not wearing any panties. He looked up at Noelle playfully. She blushed in response as she realized what he noticed.

  “It’s a long story.” Noelle laughed. Declan smiled at her again and then pushed himself to his knees. He grabbed the waistband on her jeans and pulled them down from her body.

  “I kind of like this look,” Declan said, with a grin.

  Noelle blushed again as she watched Declan study her body. It was an interesting feeling because this was not the first time they had found themselves in this position —and yet, it felt different. Noelle wasn’t sure if it was because Declan was admiring her with human eyes. Perhaps it was her own elevated senses that were working at hyperspeed. And which offered the novelty of this situation, but there was something more at play here…

  Declan could feel it too. As his fingers made their way up her calves to her thighs, he noticed the goosebumps on her skin. He let his fingertips stop right at the meeting point of her legs and he pushed them gently inside of her.

  Noelle closed her eyes and groaned audibly. Declan pushed his fingers in and out of her rhythmically, and he could feel her muscles responding to the motion. Noelle sighed with pleasure and moved her hips with his hand. She opened her eyes and he could tell that she was ready for him.

  Declan stood up from his spot and unbuttoned his own jeans. He smiled as he watched Noelle’s hand reach for her clitoris and massage it gently. She waited for him to come back and take over.

  Declan pulled down his pants along with his boxers, and then he let himself spring free. He knelt in front of her and placed his elbows on either side of her head. He kissed her softly and then, in one swift motion, he plunged deep inside of her.

  Noelle gasped and groaned as he moved against her. She dragged her fingernails against his back gently which sent a shiver over Declan. He moved into her slowly, relishing the familiar push and pull of their bodies. His hips rocked into her and her body responded to him at every movement.

  Noelle wanted more from him. She grabbed his hips and pushed him further into her. Declan smiled down at her, happy to oblige. He picked up his speed and rocked himself against her body, moving harder and faster than before.

  Noelle arched her back in response, and Declan saw that she was ready to finish. He grabbed her hips with a firm grasp and plunged deep into her and pushed and pulled himself out and in, willing her to just let go. And she obliged him accordingly as her muscles contracted wildly, pushing out her sweetness onto him. Declan closed his own eyes and let himself go inside of her.

  They both laid there, breathing erratically. It had been a long time since Declan had felt truly satisfied by another, but as the sweet stupor fell over him, he welcomed it all. He pressed his body against Noelle and they spooned together, until slowly, they both drifted off into a much-needed sleep.

  They awoke the next morning in the same position where they had fallen asleep. Noelle turned to face Declan and he moaned in grogginess.

  “Good morning,” Noelle said quietly, brushing her fingers gently along Declan’s face. Declan smiled in response and his eyes slowly opened to meet hers.

  “We should get going,” Noelle said, her face turning serious. “If I could lay like this forever with you, I would. But the pack needs us and we have to show them that we are united.”

  Declan smiled at h
er again and then inhaled deeply. He felt happier than he ever had as they spent time together in this beautiful way.

  “What is it?” Noelle asked.

  “Those are words I never thought I would hear you say,” Declan said. “The pack needs us.”

  Noelle slapped his arm playfully. The two of them stood up and got dressed before heading out to where the rest of the pack was meeting. When they stepped outside of their tent, it was clear that there was something wrong.

  Declan and Noelle headed down to the center of the campgrounds where Dustin and Maria were standing, seriously, in front of the firepit. The pack was staring at them as they spoke, and it didn’t take an investigator to realize that whatever they were saying was not what the pack wanted to hear.

  “What’s going on?” Declan asked one of the women standing toward the rear of the crowd.

  She looked at him with a sad expression. “Dustin announced that we are going to be moving to a new campsite to protect the pack from the hunters.”

  Declan patted the woman on the shoulder, even though he knew there was not much he could do or say to make her feel better. They had been in this campsite for decades —this was their home. And now, they were being forced to leave it behind.

  “I say we just stay and fight them!” a younger boy yelled.

  Declan squinted his eyes and saw that it was the younger boy who had been egging on Ryan. Trying to get him try and fight him a few days earlier. Of course, he would suggest fighting, and yet, he’d probably be the first to run once it got serious.

  Maria spoke, but Declan couldn’t quite make out her words and then the pack disbursed. Some headed straight for their tents and others milled about in small groups grumbling under their breaths. Noelle and Declan approached the two other alphas.

  “Well,” Maria said, “that went over better than I thought!”

  Dustin smiled at her and shook his head. He had made the toughest decision he could as an alpha —once a pack finds a home, they are never supposed to leave it. It would be as though they were separating spirit and body.


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