Book Read Free

Third Wheel

Page 6

by Lynn Burke

  “No. It’s just that—”

  “If anything, she’s an asset. She’s a Jessica mini-me, so it’s kind of like a two-for-one deal in my book.”

  Jessica’s brow furrowed in a “yeah right” look.

  “Go out with me.”

  “I can’t afford you.”

  “Go out with Reid Sullivan, the carpenter, not the man whore.”

  Her cheeks flushed again, the pink spreading down her neck.

  How far down, I wondered, my cock twitching at the memory of her large areolas and bitable nipples.

  “It’s not easy for me to find a sitter. I won’t just leave Skye with anyone.”

  I dared to hope. “Then we’ll all go out together.”

  Her mouth opened, but I put a finger over her lips. “No more excuses. Just say yes. We’ll go to the ocean tomorrow. Collect shells, swing on the playground swings, get ice cream, and take selfies.”

  “I don’t do selfies.”

  “Thank God, cuz I can’t stand the damn things anyway.”

  She inhaled a deep breath before her teeth went to town on the inside of her cheek.

  “What?” I asked, releasing my hold on her the slightest bit.

  She stayed pressed against me but glanced away.


  “While I’ve really enjoyed the past couple of weeks getting to know you better as a friend, I’m not the type of woman who can emotionally afford to get involved with someone unless I know there’s a chance for a real future. I can’t put Skye through something like that.” Jessica stepped back from me, and my hands fell to my sides. She crossed her arms over her chest, attention still riveted on my face as though trying to root out my secrets, my true intentions.

  “I’m falling in love with you, Jessica.” Her breath caught, but I plowed on. “I love your honesty, your passion for being a mother. You’re sexy as hell and intriguing enough I’ve slept all of twenty or so hours the last couple of weeks.”

  “I can’t sleep either,” she whispered.

  The corner of my lip rose. “Been thinking about me while lying all alone in your bed at night?”

  “Your fingers. Your lips.” Her gaze honed in on my mouth. “Your tongue.”

  Two strides and I grabbed her by the waist with one hand, the other on her neck, and kissed her like Armageddon blazed in the background. She sagged against me, fingers fisting in my shirt, and let out a moan. I slid my tongue between her parted lips and against the moist warmth of hers.

  Her sweet breath filled my lungs, and I wrapped her ponytail in my hand, tugging enough to turn her head to the side. I gently bit and sucked my way down her neck, pulling a deeper moan from her chest.

  “I won’t sleep with you,” she said as I traced her ear with my tongue.

  “No sex. Promise,” I murmured before sucking her lobe into my mouth.

  A shudder rippled down through her, but she pulled away.

  Not yet ready to give her up, I held her at arm’s length. “So … ocean and ice cream only.” I grinned. “Until you beg me otherwise.”

  She punched my chest. “Cocky jerk.”

  I kissed her again, taking my good old time turning her pliant beneath my hands. I didn’t pull back again until she sagged against me. “I won’t hurt Skye.” I lifted a hand to tuck hair behind her ear. “And, I won’t hurt you. I’m not like him.”

  “I know you’re not.” She heaved a sigh. “Okay. We’ll go with you tomorrow. But, no sex.”

  “No sex.” I grinned. “Got it.”

  Sex, I thought while walking out her door a few minutes later. Glancing down at my watch, I noted I had less than twenty minutes to get my ass to the evening’s client’s house.

  “I am not in the mood,” I muttered, slamming my truck door behind me and grabbing the bottle of blue pills from my console. I’d taken a two-week leave of absence, but Elite had given me an ultimatum—get my shit together and please their clients or take a hike.

  I considered the prescription label all of two seconds before dropping the bottle back down and picking up my phone.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Skye was perched on Reid’s shoulders, giggling like mad as he ran through the sand, chasing after seagulls. Lightness filled me through, and for the first time in months, no worry ate at my stomach. I laughed along with my daughter, uncaring that my heart softened toward Reid. Unable to help myself, I fell harder for him with his every word, gaze, and action.

  “How ’bout some ice cream, Munchkin?” Reid asked my daughter, short of breath and patting Sky’s shin beside his neck.

  “Ice key! Ice key!” She kicked her feet.

  “Skye! No kick!” I said, horrified by her action.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Reid tightened his hold on her ankles to still her movements and smiled.

  “Ice key!” Skye insisted again, eyes the same color as mine flashing in the setting sun.

  “Okay, Bossy-Boo.” I trudged through the sand toward the steps up through the surge wall hiding the road from view.

  We’d already enjoyed burgers for a late lunch and over two hours’ worth of chasing Sky around the beach’s playground. I was more than ready to sit and enjoy a strawberry frap.

  Ice cream in hand, we settled at a picnic table beside the stand. Skye attacked her cup of vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, and I studied Reid as he watched her, smile fixed on his face.

  “You’d think you never watched a little kid eat ice cream the way you’re staring at her,” I said before fitting my straw between my lips for a slurp. Cold sweetness hit my tongue as Reid turned toward me.

  “She’s cute as a button.”

  I swallowed my mouthful of strawberry frap and smiled. “She is.”

  “Just like her momma.”

  I grimaced.

  “What?” He laughed.

  “I’d prefer something like hot or sexy.”

  “Neither word does you justice.”

  Warmth swept through my face, and I busied myself with my frap.

  “Lucky straw.” Reid all but groaned the words, and I jerked my head up, cheeks doubtlessly burning like the rest of my body. “Sorry.” He shrugged and ran his tongue around the tall vanilla and chocolate twisted soft serve. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  My gaze followed his tongue as he took another round, thoughts of his face between my thighs creaming my panties to the point I expected I might leave a smear on the seat beneath me. Tearing my focus off Reid, I noticed rainbow-colored ice cream dripping down Skye’s chin. I grabbed a napkin to clean her up, my gaze flitting back to Reid again.

  His dark eyes twinkled with a knowing look. Cocky prick knew exactly what I’d been thinking. I made a humph sound and wiped my daughter’s chin.

  “No way!” she shrieked, jerking away, hand covering the cup in front of her.

  “I’m not taking your ice cream, Bossy-Boo. Mommy just needs to wipe off your chin before you get ice cream all down the front of your shirt.”

  “Ice key! Reid ah ice key!”

  The sexual tension left my shoulders as I smiled. “Yes, Reid bought you ice cream, and you didn’t say thank you, did you?”

  “Sank oo!” She grinned at Reid, and his returned smile melted my heart completely.


  “Want to come in?” I asked as Reid pulled his truck into my apartment building’s parking lot.

  “No s-e-x,” he spelled, not bothering to hide his smirk.

  “No,” I agreed, “but I actually have a six pack in the fridge. Signed five new policies this week and decided I deserved a reward.”

  “In that case, I’m in.”

  We walked up to the front stoop, Skye once more on Reid’s shoulders. I punched in my code to unlock the door and pushed it in for Reid. He had to duck to keep Skye from bumping her head.

  She giggled and pulled his hair. “Up goggie!”

  “He’s not your doggie,” I said, laughing.

  “Reid mah goggie!”r />
  “I’ll be your doggie, Munchkin.” Reid patted her leg again, and I stepped around them to lead the way up to the second floor.

  Once inside, I tossed my purse onto the kitchen table and held out my arms.

  “No way!” Skye grabbed Reid’s hair again.

  Shaking my head, I pointed toward the living room. “See if she’ll let you deposit her butt on the couch. I’ll turn on Sophia.”

  “Phia! Phia!” Skye chanted as we walked into the living room.

  Lucky for Reid’s hair follicles, Mini-Me let him put her down while I clicked on the TV. Her thumb popped into her mouth, and she flopped her head onto a pillow, gaze glued to the screen.

  “How ’bout that beer?” Reid asked, hands in his pockets, tipping his head toward the kitchen.

  He followed on my heels, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. “I’m actually going to be able to get ahead on my car payment this month,” I said, fighting to keep sudden nerves at bay.

  “Way to go, Idaho.”

  I laughed and grabbed two beers out of the fridge. “Skye isn’t old enough for Toy Story just yet.” Rummaging around in my messy silverware drawer produced a barely-used bottle opener. I popped both open and handed him one as he leaned against the counter.

  “Thanks.” He tipped it up and swallowed, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob. “Being a goggie is hard work.”

  We both laughed, and I sipped the pale ale. We drank a few more swallows in silence, but I didn’t mind the hovering stillness. Sexual tension strung tight between us, and although I didn’t really want to get involved with Reid, my body felt otherwise.

  Why not let loose and enjoy my time with him? Why not keep my emotions in check and shag the night away?

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, his focus on my chest and the hard nipples I felt poking against my thin bra.

  “Sex,” I answered without thought.

  “No sex, you mean.” He lifted his gaze to my eyes, and the desire I saw nearly buckled my knees.

  “More like the throw-me-to-the-floor-and-pin-me-in-place kind of sex.” My voice escaped breathless with need, but I didn’t care. I wanted Reid, man whore extraordinaire. One casual fuck, a few good orgasms to get me through the next couple of celibate months or years.

  Reid groaned and lifted his beer. “There’s a kid in the other room, or I would gladly make that dream come true.”

  “It’s almost her bedtime.”

  We stared at each other, the energy crackling between us like a surge of electricity looking for skin to zap.

  “You’re serious?” He finally broke the silence.

  “I’m not looking for a fairytale ending,” I said. “Just sex.”

  “What if I can’t do that?”

  I frowned. “You’re a pro, Reid. Don’t get all shy on me now that I’m finally giving in.”

  A flicker of hurt glinted in his eyes, and he glanced away, putting his drink on the counter beside him.

  “Sorry,” I said, looking down at my beer bottle. “Runaway mouth.”

  Reid took two steps to close the distance between us, and placing his hands on my waist, pulled me close. “I quit Elite.”

  My head jerked up, and I searched his eyes. No twinkle, no smirk, but I snorted anyway.

  “I’m serious. I’ve never found a woman I wanted as much as I want you.”

  “You have a different woman every weekend, Reid. One will never be enough for you.”

  “I’ve never wanted to try until you.”

  God, how I wanted to believe the sincerity in his eyes and voice.

  “Mah,” Mini-Me mumbled from the other room.

  “I’m going to put her to bed,” I said, stepping out of Reid’s embrace. “Why don’t you go on into the living room and finish your beer? I’ll be back out in a few.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  I muted the TV and listened as Jessica readied Skye for bed. Her voice carried from the bedroom as she read Good Night Moon. The light clicked off, and seconds later, she returned, curling a leg beneath her as she sat on the couch.

  “She go down for you?” I asked, leaning forward to put my empty beer bottle on the coffee table.

  “Yeah. She loves her crib.” Jessica sighed and leaned back against the couch’s armrest, head tipped against the back. “She’s usually pretty good about bedtime. It’s one of the few times she doesn’t holler ‘no way’ at me when I say it’s time to do something.”

  We shared a laugh, but the chuckles faded. The pull between us doubled in intensity, and even though I didn’t want to fuck just for the hell of it, I found myself climbing her way and tugging her down to lay on the couch.

  I settled between her thighs, propped on my elbows. Eyes wide and pupils dilated, she stared up at me, her mouth parted. I licked along her lips like I had my ice cream, and her body melted into the couch beneath us. Her tongue flicked out to touch mine, and with a groan, I captured her mouth, flexing my hips to show her how hard she made me.

  Like a couple of high schoolers, we kissed and dry humped until Jessica started whimpering. “Please, Reid.”

  “Please what?” I kissed down her neck.

  “I need more than kissing.”

  I sat up, and gaze latched on her whiskey-colored eyes, unclasped the button to her capris, telling myself to hell with getting more emotionally involved than I should. “You sure about this?”


  “Just so we’re on the same page … sex is a go?”

  She tried to bite back a smirk. “Promise.”

  With her help, I shimmied the capris down her legs. A mere scrap of cotton hid her pussy from sight. I sprawled between her legs and used my nose to nudge them aside, the scent of her arousal turning my hard-on down right painful.

  I licked up through her wet lips and flicked my tongue across her clit, holding her panties out of the way with one of my hands.

  Her fingers tangled in my hair on a groan as her hips lifted.

  Nose burying in her pussy, I ran my tongue up across her puckered hole beneath, and she squirmed in my hold. She’d said yes, and I was going to take every single inch she’d allow. Lay claim to every hole in her body—even if she didn’t realize I’d be making them mine.

  “Please, Reid.”

  “Please what?” I asked, lifting my head to peer up at her.

  Whiskey-colored eyes hazed, she stared down at me. “No more waiting. It’s been too long, and I—”

  I hopped off the couch and grabbed her up in my arms. A quick stroll back the hallway, and I made for the bedroom with the wide-open door. I sat her on the edge of her bed and pulled the shirt up and off her body. Her nipples pebbled against her bra, and I leaned in to capture one between my teeth.

  She gasped and grabbed my head again, holding me in place.

  I suckled her through the thin fabric, my other hand squeezing and thumbing her other full breast.

  “G-God.” Jessica tipped her back and pressed her chest toward me. “I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”

  “I’ve never met a woman so responsive.”

  A frown puckered the skin between her eyebrows. “Probably because I haven’t been touched in two years.”

  With a flick of two fingers, I popped open the back of her bra and slid it down her arms. Her breasts fit perfectly in my hands as I weighed them and lifted both, pushing together until both nipples brushed my lips at the same time. I flicked my tongue across them, and she shifted her hips on the bed.

  “I don’t want to come until you’re inside of me,” she whispered, pulling on my hair to keep my face away from her chest. “Please tell me you have a condom.”

  I tried not to grin. “I’m an optimist,” I said, pulling my wallet out of my back pocket. “Put in a fresh stash this morning just in case.”

  “Thank God.” She yanked off her panties and scooted up the bed. “Hurry.”

  Blonde hair splayed across her pillow, light-brown e
yes almost hid by the black of her pupils, she looked like a woman in need of a good lovin’. Forget a casual fuck, I thought, unbuttoning my jeans. I didn’t expect the first go-round to last too long, but I planned on staying in her bed until she lay like a limp noodle, satisfied, sore, and smiling.

  Her gaze zoned in on my cock as it sprang free. “My God.”

  I chuckled. “No one has ever called it a god before.”

  Heat flushed her cheeks, but she didn’t look away as I slid a condom down over me.

  I climbed onto the bed, and starting at her clit, kissed my way up her body until I captured her mouth. She slid her tongue along mine and wrapped her legs around me, squeezing tight.

  With practiced ease, I angled my hips and nudged with the tip of my cock until her wet heat opened to me. Propped on my elbows and hands clasping either side of her head, I kissed her deep and slid in slow and easy.

  Her inner walls clenched at me as she moaned into my mouth, and with one more slow thrust, her climax rolled through her body, tugging on my cock. Fingernails ran down my back as her legs tightened their hold and her mouth pulled away from mine.

  “H-harder.” She gasped, still riding her wave. She bit her lip, trying to muffle her cries.

  I ignored her and moved slow and easy, milking her climax until she loosened her hold on me. Hardest goddamn thing I’d ever done. I leaned down and bit her earlobe. “I want another one.”

  “Mmm.” She lifted her hips on my next glide in.

  I pulled back and out, and she whimpered, trying to tug me close again. “On your knees,” I said, palming her hip and helping her to roll. Her beautiful, round ass lifted, and my gaze landed on her puckered hole. Rubbing my thumb through her cream and up over her backside, I asked, “Anyone ever take you here?”

  “J-just fingers.” She shuddered as I traced her rosebud hole and pressed back. My thumb slid in to the first knuckle, drawing a deep groan from her.

  Cursing myself for not bringing any lube, I withdrew my thumb, lifted her hips, and slammed balls deep in her tight pussy.

  She cried out and grabbed hold of the sheet beneath her, but I didn’t bother taking my time. Within a handful of pumps, I knew I wouldn’t hold in my load much longer. I coated my finger in saliva, and on my next withdraw, slid my finger up her ass.


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