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The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1)

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by Twyla Turner

  A Curvy Girls Club novel

  By Twyla Turner

  2016 ©Copyright Twyla Turner

  Cover Images:

  ©Zsolnai Gergely


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.


  The awkward. The clumsy. The fringe dweller.

  You’re not alone. Your tribe awaits.

  Table of Contents:


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Bonus Story: The Mia Chronicles


  About the Author

  Other books by Twyla Turner

  Connect with Author


  December, 12 years ago

  Why am I so incredibly lame? Payton thought as she sighed softly, gazing longingly across the library table at Brett Mason. This is my last chance to see him this semester and I can’t form a single coherent sentence about anything other than mathematics. Not like that’s different than any other time we’ve been in the same room all semester long.

  Brett was the mega-popular linebacker for the football team at UC Berkeley. He was a senior and beautiful. He had a bright future ahead of him as a pro-ball player if he could just get through his last two semesters. Which was the only reason why Payton; a super shy, socially awkward, and uber intelligent freshman had the opportunity to even be sitting across from him as she tutored him in college level algebra. She, herself, was already taking Calculus I, so getting extra cash for tutoring athletes in easier courses was a breeze.

  Payton Bailey was on a full-ride scholarship to Berkeley, with a double major in Web Design and Web Development. She excelled in school and failed miserably in life. Her thoughts always seemed normal, but when she opened her mouth to articulate them, they came out stiff and practically robotic. She didn’t have very many friends back home in Chicago and hadn’t gained any new ones since starting college in August. What she had gained was the ‘Freshmen Fifteen.’ Well, in her case, it was more like the ‘Freshman Twenty.’ But who’s counting?

  Payton was pretty sure that she’d heard somewhere that college was supposed to be the best years of your life. She was halfway through her freshman year and she was still waiting for those supposed good times. Instead, she spent her free time watching Star Trek reruns and finding chat rooms that catered to Star Wars fanatics. It was obvious she loved all things Sci-Fi.

  “Hey? What are you daydreaming about over there?” Brett asked her suddenly.

  “Oh! Uh…” Payton pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose nervously. Say something! Anything! “I was just thinking about the scheduled debate I have in my Stars Wars chat room later this evening. Tonight we’ll be going over the pros and cons of having Jar Jar Binks in Episode I. We all were supposed to go back and watch the movie again, take notes, and then come back tonight with our findings. I personally think Lucas could’ve kept Jar Jar out. There definitely needed to be that annoying, but funny character. Unfortunately, he was no C3PO.”

  Oh my God!!! Payton cringed inwardly. It was like she had diarrhea of the mouth. It just kept coming, though she tried to stop it.

  Payton looked up at Brett from under her lashes. Luckily, he looked more amused than anything.

  “You’re different, Payton.” Understatement of the century. “Cute, but different. I like it.” Brett grinned at her.

  Oh wow! He thinks I’m cute. Me! Payton Bailey!

  Payton looked away bashfully. Unsure of how to carry on what seemed to be definite flirtation, she reached for Brett’s paper, to check the math problems he had been working on. Instead of coming up with a witty and equally flirtatious response, Payton continued the tutoring session like nothing had happened.

  The next hour passed with no more playful banter. Talking about math seemed to be the only way Payton could communicate without completely embarrassing herself. So she decided to keep it that way.

  Once they were finished with the tutoring session, they headed out of the library together. Payton wanted to say something since she knew she wouldn’t see him until the New Year. His algebra final was tomorrow and then they’d be off for Christmas break. But for whatever reason, even Merry Christmas wouldn’t come out of her mouth. It was stuck in her throat. Lodged in deep and unwilling to come out.

  “Hey, let me drive you to your dorm. It’s late and dark, so you shouldn’t be walking across campus by yourself.” Brett offered sweetly.

  “O-Okay,” she stammered.

  Brett walked her over to a big SUV. Payton figured it was the only kind of vehicle he could fit in comfortably since he was so huge. She loved how big he was because he made her plump, somewhat tall frame, feel small next to him.

  She slid into the passenger side as he got into the driver’s seat. Payton clutched her book bag sitting on her lap anxiously as he drove her to the dorms. Once there, he put the car in park in the parking lot out front of her building.

  “So, good luck on your finals. Though I doubt you need it, seeing as how damn smart you are.” Brett looked over at her and smiled.

  “Thanks. Um…good luck to you too.” Payton got out softly without making any awkward blunders.

  “Hey, I have a Christmas present for you back there.” Brett pointed to the backseat of his SUV. “Come on. Come get in the back and I’ll give it to you.”


  Payton’s heart fluttered with joy that Brett would even think enough of her to get her a present for Christmas. She’d tried to buy him something, but was so embarrassed looking at football paraphernalia that he might like, she’d run out of the store practically having an anxiety attack.

  With sweaty palms, Payton followed Brett’s lead and got out of the car and opened the door to the backseat and got in. Once the doors were closed, Brett slid a little closer to Payton and she looked down at her lap, unable to make eye contact. She felt his hand stroke down her cheek to her chin. He raised her face, forcing her to look up at him.

  “You’re so beautiful, Payton.” Brett complimented her and her stomach flip-flopped with excitement.

  “S-So, what’s the p-present?” Payton stuttered.


  Brett didn’t give Payton any time to process what he’d just said before his lips were on hers. Payton had never been kissed before, so she was unprepared for the invasion. She had imagined that her first kiss would be slow and soft. But this was fast and harsh. Her happy heart of a few moments ago, was
now gripped with panic as he shoved his tongue between her lips.

  Payton pushed at Brett’s wide chest and he barely moved. Actually, he just groaned and moved closer. She continued to push at him, but to no avail. In that moment, she knew. The only way he was going to stop was because he wanted to. She had no power over the six-feet-three, two-hundred-and-fifty pounds of muscled linebacker.

  “Come on, baby.” Brett broke the kiss long enough to pant in her ear. “You know you want it. You’ve been eye-fucking me all semester long. Now, don’t be shy.”

  His tongue plunged back down her throat a second later. Terror seized Payton’s heart because she knew deep down that he would not stop. It was always something girls were told about, but nothing could actually prepare someone for it. She beat at his chest, which seemed to only infuriate him. Brett grabbed at her sweater and ripped it into pieces, exposing her white cotton bra. He released her mouth and kissed down to her chest.

  “P-Please don’t,” Payton begged. Brett continued as he tugged down the cup of her bra and she panicked at the feel of his mouth on her. “I said, NO! Stop! Someone help me!”

  “Shut up, you stupid bitch!” Brett whispered angrily.

  He covered her mouth with one hand as he straddled her hips and reached down with the other hand to push up her brown corduroy skirt. He tried to pull down her navy blue tights, but Payton fought him off. Her nails scraped and clawed at his skin. Brett released her mouth and she sucked in precious air, ready to scream, but the back of his massive open hand connected with the side of her face before a sound could escape her lips. Stars exploded behind her eyes and pain radiated across her face. Payton felt disoriented from the punishing backhand. Brett took advantage of her dazed demeanor and shredded her tights from her limp legs, before opening his jeans. Payton struggled out of her stupor and began to fight once more. She heard hysterical screams before she felt them scraping at her throat, turning it raw. His massive hand pressed hard against her mouth, smashing her lips painfully against her teeth and almost blocking her nose as well. Payton’s breathing was labored as she began to hyperventilate. His other hand held her wrists against her chest as he attempted to separate her legs with his knee.

  No! Not like this! I can’t lose my virginity like this.

  She started to feel lightheaded from lack of oxygen as he finally got her legs apart. Payton saw her very last opening to escape and she took it. With a sharp jerk, she kneed his exposed genitals as hard as she could and he howled in agony. Brett collapsed on the back seat, in a crumpled heap, as he cupped his testicles.

  While he was distracted, Payton scrambled for the door handle and slid out from under him. When the car door flew open, she fell to the rough asphalt, bruising her hip. Quickly, she regained the wind that had been knocked out of her. She gripped her sweater closed and pushed down her skirt that was up around her waist as she made a run for it.

  “Help! Help me, please!” She screamed as tears ran down her face and she stumbled through the parking lot.

  “Come back here, you fucking slut!” Brett growled in pain and uncontained fury from somewhere behind her.

  Payton ran blindly through cars as he tried to chase her. She tripped up onto the sidewalk and ran through the grass in front of her building. She ran blindly as tears clouded her eyes when she collided with another body. They tumbled to the ground in a heap of flailing limbs.

  “What the hell?” A feminine voice grumbled.

  “Help me!” Payton gripped at the person’s clothing.

  “You’re okay.” The voice tried to soothe her.

  “No! He’s coming!” Payton sobbed.

  The person wiped at her face and Payton could finally see it was a girl about her same age. She had long curly hair and a fierceness in her eyes as she looked back at Brett as he limped towards them, trying to pull up his pants.

  “Get back here! You owe me, bitch!” Brett shouted.

  “Over my dead body, pinche cabrón!” The girl screamed in a mixture of English and Spanish.

  “What the fuck are you gonna do, bitch?” Brett spat out.

  The girl stood up and she was tall. Not as tall as Brett, but a few inches closer than Payton was. Two other girls that must have heard the commotion, came running up as well. They stood on either side of the first girl. All three blocking Brett from getting to Payton.

  “You can’t fight all of us, asshole.” One sneered.

  “You might want to adjust your undies. I can see your teeny-weeny.” The other taunted.

  Brett gripped the front of his pants, but not before his face turned bright red.

  “Watch your back, bitch.” He growled at Payton before he turned and ran back to his car.

  The three girls dropped down in front of Payton after Brett squealed his tires out of the parking lot.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay?” The really short one asked. “The side of your face is all swollen and your eye looks like its closing.”

  “I-I’m okay,” Payton said softly. I think.

  “Did he…?” The pale redhead asked, but let the question trail off as she looked down at Payton’s tattered, hanging tights.

  “N-No. I-I kneed him in the testicles before he could do anything else.”

  “Good! He deserved that shit. What a dick!” The first one that had come to her aid said angrily before introducing herself. “I’m Mia.”

  “Hello, Mia. I’m Payton.”

  “I’m Kennedy.” The redhead announced.

  “And I’m Royal.” The short one introduced.

  “We should call the cops. You need to press charges against that asshole.” Mia suggested.

  “No! I-I couldn’t.” Payton said in a rush.

  “Payton, I know him. I know he’s a popular football player that thinks he owns the school.” Royal added. “Who knows if he’s done this before. And if he gets away with it, he’ll probably do it again. You can’t let him get away with it.”

  “I’ll testify as a witness,” Kennedy said sincerely.

  “Me too.”

  “So will I.”

  Payton took a deep breath and looked to each of the girls. Something about the looks of encouragement and sincerity written on their faces gave her the courage to nod her head. Mia nodded back once and grabbed her cellphone. She pressed three numbers and then hit send.

  “Yes, my friend was just sexually assaulted,” Mia said into the phone.

  Payton’s eyes flew up to the other girl’s at the word ‘friend’ and Mia smiled at her reassuringly. Royal rubbed her back and Kennedy held her hand. A sudden support system, she’d never had before was there soothing her.

  That night would be the single worst and best night of Payton’s life. The night she learned never to trust men. As well as the night she found the three greatest best friends she could have ever asked for. Her sisters.

  Chapter One

  Twelve years later…

  Payton pulled up to her and her friends’ favorite restaurants in San Francisco. A sushi place called Raw. It was their customary Saturday lunch and drinks with the girls. They had remained best friends since their freshman year at UC Berkeley. Practically inseparable for well over a decade. Once they were out of college and had entered into adulthood, if nothing special was happening on Saturdays, they always made sure they met for lunch to catch up. Which often turned into dinner. Which then turned into several drinks and another memorable CGC night.

  CGC was something they had made up while in college. It stood for Curvy Girls Club. They were all different levels of curvy, ranging from size 10 to 16. All beautiful in their own right.

  Payton shut off the engine to her little silver Prius. When she got out of the car, she scanned the parking lot and saw Royal’s custom made white and pink Harley, Kennedy’s cute red Fiat, and Mia’s sleek, blue Audi TT. They were all there and waiting on her.

  Payton smiled fondly as she walked into the restaurant and spotted her girls through the window, in their usual spot on the back patio. T
he restaurant staff knew them well and made sure to leave their table open on Saturday afternoons. They even knew what the women would order, so now the staff just brought out their food once it was ready, after they’d all arrived.

  Each of the four women were all very different in looks, personality, and temperament. Royal King’s skin had a coppery complexion, extra full lips, almond-shaped dark brown eyes, and a cute little nose. She was a size 10, but at only five feet, her compact curves were voluptuous.

  Royal’s tastes were very much, rocker chick. She had always preferred rock music to Hip Hop. Leather to lace. Her hair was cut in an angled bob, shaved on one side with peekaboo rainbow colors in an under layer that peeked out whenever she moved. Luckily, her job as a fashion photographer for the men’s magazine, Diesel, gave her the freedom she needed to get away with her edgy look.

  Kennedy Callaghan was striking. She was an average five-feet-five and a thick size 12. Her coloring was very unusual. Probably due to her mixed parentage. Her mother being black and her father a redheaded Irishman, Kennedy had the palest skin with freckles everywhere. They always teased her that her freckles were the black trying to get out.

  Kennedy’s hair was a deep auburn. She was currently growing it out natural, so she had this mass of curls going in every direction that just made it to her shoulders. The fiery red complimented her cat green eyes. Her mouth was full and wide, and her nose broad.

  The stunning redhead was an author of romance novels, who often lived in the La-La-Land world she created. The rest of them sometimes wondered if Kennedy even realized she was walking through the real world. She truly believed what she wrote. That everyone got their fairytale happily ever after. Which was why she was so extremely picky when trying to find a man. She’d shut him down in a heartbeat if he didn’t match her book boyfriend requirements.

  Mia Ayala was also gorgeous. She was an Afro-Latina. Puerto Rican to be exact. But the African blood that ran in her family was more pronounced in her than the rest of her relatives. Her skin was like toasted caramel, her mouth lush and shapely. Her eyes were a pretty light brown, under eyebrows women prayed for these days. Her hair was a thick dark brown, blonde tipped mane of spiraling curls that came to the middle of her back.


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