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The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1)

Page 10

by Twyla Turner

  “She almost hit me, but I threatened her and she backed off.”

  “You didn’t?!” Payton said shocked.

  “I sure did,” Mia answered, looking at her fingernails nonchalantly.

  “What did she do after that?” Kennedy asked, the maniacal gleam of a story idea shining in her eyes.

  “That’s when she started beating the shit outta him. Honey, you best believe I’ve never ran so fast in my life. I scooped up my shit and ran like the fires of hell were licking at my naked ass. I hopped in my car and drove home as naked as the day I was born.”

  “AAAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!” The girls lost it completely as Mia smiled at them.

  “I’m glad I could amuse you all. You know, that makes you a bunch of assholes for laughing at my pain.” She smirked at them good-naturedly.

  “Sorry, but that had to be the funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.” Royal gasped trying to catch her breath.

  “Agreed.” Kennedy laughed, just as breathless.

  “Maybe you should be like me and stop having so much sex,” Payton suggested.

  “Heffa, you’ve never had sex.” Mia gave the shy virgin the side-eye. “Trust me, I’m taking a short hiatus from men and sex. I have a very neglected King Tut vibrator that I need to put to use for a little while.”

  Kennedy dug into her purse and pulled out her phone. She swiped the screen until she found her voice recorded and pressed start.

  “Okay, start from the beginning. I need details.”

  “Puta! You’re gonna start paying me some book royalties since I’m practically writing the stories for you.” Mia gave Kennedy the stink eye.

  “You know you love it. Being immortalized in books.” Kennedy smirked at the grumpy Latina.

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She grinned reluctantly.

  Payton shook her head and grinned at her favorite people in the whole world as Mia began to retell her latest sexcapade.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “So…that’s it,” Payton said as she closed her laptop.

  It clicked shut with finality, marking the end of their working relationship. Which left Bradyn worried about the tenacious hold he had on their almost nonexistent personal relationship. It had been two weeks since their non-date at Beer & Pong and they hadn’t hung out, aside from in his office. Even Payton seemed a little melancholy and unsure of where to go from there.

  “The website really does look phenomenal, Payton. Ye’ve done great work,” he complimented her.

  She looked down bashfully before speaking. “Thanks.”

  “So that really is it, huh?”

  “Yes. The website should be pretty self-sufficient. If there are any bugs or problems, I can easily fix those for you anytime. And if you want a new look in a year or so, or if you want to add something, just let me know. Otherwise, it’ll launch at midnight tonight and that will be it,” she explained.

  Payton started to pack up her laptop and Bradyn felt panic rise up to practically choke him. I canna let her walk out an’ that be it!

  “Have dinner with me!” Bradyn blurted out, forgetting his manners. He’d meant to ask her, not shout it out as a demand. So he softened his tone before continuing. “To celebrate the website being done.”

  He was about to go on, ready to plead with her, when she spoke.

  “Okay,” Payton said softly. So softly that he almost missed it.

  “Ye will?” Bradyn asked in shock and then cleared his throat and quickly mumbled, “Uh…what I meant te say was, how about tomorrow?”

  “Alright,” Payton conceded as she picked at a piece of thread unraveling from her Star Wars bag.

  Bradyn had no idea why or how his luck had changed, but he wasn’t going to take it for granted.

  “Is it alright if I pick ye up at yer home? Ye know, like a proper date?”

  “O-Okay,” Payton’s voice trembled.

  She leaned forward and reached for a pen. Bradyn watched as she quickly scribbled her address down on a pad of paper on his desk as if she wanted to get it down before she changed her mind.

  “W-Will I…” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath before continuing. “Will I n-need to d-dress up?”

  “Um…aye, sure. That would be nice.”

  Bradyn internally shook his head at the stuttering, mumbling, nervous mess they both made. Someone is gonna have te take on the role of aggressor or we’re never going te get anywhere. He had no problem with turning on the alpha male side of himself when he stepped into the octagon. But when it came to women, he was a fumbling mess. His lack of confidence as a kid leeched into his sub-conscious as an adult, fearing rejection. And he’d have to be a fool to believe that his first love, Becca, being raped in front of him didn’t factor into his trepidation as well. As if any woman he got close to would be harmed because of him.

  Bradyn sighed. He knew that if he wanted to move things forward with Payton though, he’d have to start channeling The Red Scot in his personal life and not just in the cage.

  “Alright, then. Tomorrow it is. How does seven o’clock sound?” Bradyn forced his voice to remain steady and strong and added a little bass to it for good measure.

  “It…uh…sounds g-good.”


  “Ugh! This is so not good!” Payton slapped her hands over her mouth as she ran for her bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach.

  Kennedy ran in after her, followed closely by Royal and Mia. They were all there to help Payton get ready for her big date. They’d been trying to give her encouraging words and advice, all while dolling her up. Instead of their normal Saturday lunch at Raw, they had eaten at a café near some chic boutiques that catered to plus size women to find her the perfect date ensemble.

  In the end, Kennedy found a pretty yellow lace sundress for Payton. It was the perfect amount of flirty and sweet, baring just enough cleavage to be tasteful, yet alluring. And it landed just above the knee. But it was the soft marigold color against the reddish undertones of Payton’s dark skin that made the dress. It literally made her skin look like polished dark mahogany. They added a white, lightweight cashmere shrug in case the thin spaghetti strapped dress became too chilly. And paired it all with comfortable white wedge sandals that tied up her thick shapely calves. Which had become firmer and more muscular from a month at the gym.

  Before she ran to the bathroom to upchuck her lunch, Royal had put Payton’s hair up in an adorable ballerina bun. She left out her bangs to fall just below her eyebrows, pulling focus to her large dark brown eyes. The longer side tendrils, Royal curled loosely to frame Payton’s gorgeous face and high cheekbones.

  Mia worked on her face. She knew that Payton wasn’t one for a ton of makeup or artifice, preferring to be as natural as possible. So she gave her a slight winged liner, to emphasize her already large eyes. Mascara to enhance her naturally long eyelashes and a tiny bit of golden shimmer on the inner corners of her eyes to make them pop. And she finished up the fresh-faced look with a clear lip-gloss with a golden shimmer on her dark, shapely lips.

  Payton was breathtaking if only she could stop throwing up long enough to appreciate it.

  Kennedy rubbed her back since her hair was already pulled up into a bun and didn’t need to be held back.

  “Calm down, Payton.” Kennedy soothed. “It’s just Bradyn. The same man you’ve been working with for weeks now. And technically you’ve already been on a date with him.”

  “It’s not the same,” Payton said wearily as she finally sat back and flushed the toilet. “I mean, it was kind of a date, but we didn’t call it that. We were just hanging out. But this, this, is an actual date. Where we have to sit across from each other at a table and try to make inconsequential small talk, all while hoping you don’t get broccoli stuck in between your front teeth or say something imbecilic or spill wine all over yourself.”

  “You’re worrying yourself sick over nothing. You’ll be fine!” Kennedy assured her.

  “Do you know me? I’m the
biggest klutz on the planet. Food gravitates to the front of my clothes pretty much on a daily basis. I host tiny celebrations in my head when I haven’t spilled anything on myself all day and can save a shirt or dress for a second wearing before washing it.” Payton scowled up at her friends.

  “Has Bradyn seen you stumble over imaginary cracks in the ground?” Royal asked with a lifted eyebrow.


  “Did you spill a drink on yourself during your play-date two weeks ago?” Kennedy added to the line of questioning.

  “M-Maybe a little.”

  “Have you fumbled your words or spewed any word vomit at him? Aka calling him The Red Giant?” Mia threw in for good measure.

  Payton frowned at them and crossed her arms over her chest in silent protest.

  “And after all of that, did he or did he not still ask you out?” Royal asked.

  Payton rolled her eyes in response, knowing she’d been had.

  “That’s what I thought.” Royal turned to the bathroom mirror and fluffed her colorful hair sassily.

  “Fine. Whatever.” Payton grumbled as she stood on shaky legs.

  “So what if you’re clumsy by nature.” Kennedy began. “Work around it. If the waiter asks you if you want wine, get white instead of red. White won’t stain. If a meal on the menu calls for something leafy and green, avoid it. Or eat it and then make fun of yourself by smiling big and asking him, ‘Do I have anything stuck in my teeth?’ You might, but since you brought it up, it won’t be as embarrassing as him having to find a way to tell you. You see? Easy peasy.”

  “Huh… That does seem to be a logical plan of action.” Payton contemplated.

  “Good.” Mia nodded and then gripped Payton’s shoulders and turned her towards the bathroom sink. “Now brush your teeth again so I can reapply your lip gloss. No man wants to kiss the mouth of some cochina that threw up earlier. And be quick, he’ll be here any minute.”

  Mia smacked Payton’s butt to get her moving. She quickly brushed her teeth and rinsed with mouthwash for good measure, before Mia applied the lip gloss once more. Payton slipped on her large black horn-rimmed glasses and looked at herself in the mirror. She wished that she had contacts, but she’d tried them once, a long time ago and nearly poked her eyes out trying to put them in, so she gave up. Aside from her glasses and the deer in highlights look in her eyes, she was actually pleasantly surprised at how nice she looked.

  In a rare show of emotion, Payton turned to the girls with glassy eyes. “Thank you so much, girls. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “You’d be just fine. Maybe just a touch less chic, though.” Royal teased and then winked at her.

  “That’s an understatement,” Payton commented.

  “Alright. We better get out of here before he gets here and gets all flustered like he usually does.” Kennedy suggested as she leaned in to kiss Payton on the cheek.

  Royal and Mia did the same before walking to the door of Payton’s condo.

  Kennedy opened the front door and smiled.

  “Too late,” she said in a singsong voice.

  Payton, Mia, and Royal all turned to find a red-faced Bradyn standing on the other side of the doorway. He had one large fist raised to knock on the door with a ceramic flower pot full of colorful daisies trembling in his other hand. His massive body pretty much filled the entire doorway and made an interesting juxtaposition to the delicate flowers in his beefy hands. Kennedy clutched both of her hands to her heart and got a weepy look on her face. Mia gave him a sideways grin and nodded her head slightly in silent approval. Royal beamed up at him with a bright smile. And Payton just froze.

  The only part of her that moved were her eyes as they took him in.

  Bradyn’s auburn hair and beard were groomed to perfection. He wore a black fitted short-sleeved dress shirt that fit him so well, she didn’t know how the buttons were still holding up. His muscles were practically bursting at the seams like he was going to pull an Incredible Hulk moment. He wore a thin electric blue tie that made his pale blue eyes stand out even more. The shirt was tucked into perfectly tailored gray slacks with a black belt and on his feet were his black Vans.

  Payton couldn’t exactly put her finger on it, but his casual shoes somehow put her at ease. But just barely. Because for the first time in twelve years, Payton had just realized that she was irrevocably attracted to this man.

  Like, heart pounding.

  Butterflies colliding.

  Knees weakening, kind of attraction.

  “Oh shit! Papi knows how to clean up!” Mia nodded as she looked him up and down before walking passed him.

  “Hell yeah! You look rad, for sure.” Royal grinned and held out her fisted hand for a fist bump. Bradyn turned even redder at the compliments but still managed to tap his big scarred fist with her much smaller one.

  Kennedy walked passed him last. “You’ve got this, Bradyn.” She leaned in to whisper, though Payton still heard her. “You look very handsome and the flowers were a nice touch, by the way.”

  “Th-Thank ye,” Bradyn said and somehow got even redder than he already was if that were even possible.

  “Alrighty! We’ll just leave you two alone. I’m sure we’ve embarrassed you enough for one evening,” Kennedy said as she walked around his large frame.

  “Bye!” The three of them called out in unison before walking down the hall.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Mia shouted and then laughed. “Which means wrap it up, don’t lose the keys to the handcuffs, remember the lube, and don’t forget your safeword.”

  Payton felt her face heat up and was sure that if she had Bradyn’s pale complexion, she’d be just as red as he was at the moment. She reluctantly took her eyes off of her friends’ laughing and retreating backs and glanced up at Bradyn to find him staring at her.

  “Ye look-”

  “You look-”

  They both said at once.

  “Go ahead,” Bradyn coaxed.

  “I-I was just going to point out that you l-look really nice. No, nice isn’t right. I could be talking about the weather. Uh…you look r-really handsome. Now you go!” Payton blurted out.

  “Thanks, Payton. I was gonna say that ye look breathtaking. Lookin’ at ye makes my chest hurt a wee bit,” Bradyn said sincerely.

  Payton’s mouth popped open at the compliment. It was the nicest thing anyone had said to her, ever. She felt her mouth close and then open again, flapping like a baby bird. It felt like her brain was short-circuiting because words failed her. Luckily, Bradyn let her off the hook by thrusting the flowers at her.

  “Here, I wanted to get ye flowers, but I thought red roses were too presumptuous. I also think it seems kinda rude to buy a lass something that will eventually die. So I picked flowers that reminded me of ye and willna die if ye take care of ‘em.” Bradyn let the words tumble out of his mouth quickly.

  “I remind you of daisies?” Payton asked curiously as she took the pretty potted flowers.

  “Aye. When ye let yer guard down, yer bright, fun, and colorful. And they’re perfect for flower pots.” Bradyn ended cryptically.

  “Flower pots? What does flower pots have anything to do with it?” Payton scrunched her brow in confusion.

  “Nothing, really. Maybe I’ll explain it another time. Shall we?” Bradyn swept his hand down the hall, changing the subject.

  “Uh…let me just set this down and grab my purse,” Payton said looking down at the stunning flowers.

  She quickly sat the pot down in the middle of her coffee table and snatched up her new white clutch purse with a wrist strap. The only things inside was her lip gloss, ID, cash, and cellphone. Payton couldn’t apply her makeup the first time, let alone trying to reapply later. Lip gloss was as far as she went.

  Payton walked back towards the front door and took a deep breath.

  “Ready?” Bradyn asked softly.

  “No. But I want to try anyway,” she admitted honestly.
  Bradyn nodded his understanding as Payton locked her door with trembling fingers. She let him guide her out to his SUV and her knees nearly gave out at the memories of the last time she was in an SUV with a man. She took deep calming breaths as Bradyn politely opened the passenger side door for her.

  Oh no! This is my very first date EVER and I’m having a panic attack! Relax, Payton. Breathe…

  “Are ye weel?” Bradyn asked as he slid into the driver’s seat.

  Payton nodded between deep breaths.

  “Payton, yer safe with me. I willna hurt ye…ever.” Bradyn reassured her.

  “I-I know. I know. Logically, anyway. But my emotions aren’t on the same page. It’ll pass.” Payton said between painful breaths.

  “We dinna have to do this today if ye dinna want to.” He said quietly. His voice on the edge of disappointment.

  “No! I want to. I need to.” Payton closed her eyes in frustration. “I have to get over this…this aversion to men.”

  Payton suddenly felt Bradyn’s large hand gently cover the exposed skin of her thigh. Her eyes flew open at the warm touch. She nearly gasped at the electricity that pulsed up her leg. The calloused pad of his thumb rubbed soothingly over her smooth skin. The touch was calming yet exciting all at the same time. Either way, she’d forgotten all about her panic attack. Her heart was now speeding for other reasons. And for some odd reason unknown to her, her heart also beat a steady tattoo down south, between her legs. Only a few inches from his hand.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Damn, I wish Mia were here to explain this!

  “Better?” Bradyn asked gruffly, with a strange husky quality to his tone.

  “I…uh…yeah.” Payton fumbled.

  “Alright, then. I suppose we’d better get going.” Bradyn announced before removing his hand from Payton’s leg to start the car.

  Her leg felt cold after he pulled his hand away and she was surprised that she missed its weight. But on the flip side, her heart finally calmed down as well as the throbbing in her nether region.


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