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The Red Scot (A Curvy Girls Club Novel Book 1)

Page 19

by Twyla Turner

  Does that mean what I think it means?!


  Did you get that D?!


  Fuck yeah! We’re coming over! What’s his address?

  She quickly typed out his address and sent it to them. Bradyn had just left to go train. He was trying to make up for the days he lost playing her overnight guardian. So Payton figured while he was gone, she could update her besties on the status of her virginity.

  About an hour later, after she showered and dressed, the girls showed up with some to-go brunch, orange juice and a bottle of champagne.

  “It’s a celebration, bitches!” Mia exclaimed as Payton opened the door to the garden.

  They each walked in and gave her big hugs before she walked them to the front door.

  “This place is kickass!” Royal complimented.

  “It really is,” Kennedy said in awe. “I wonder if he designed this himself or if he bought it like this.”

  “I…uh…don’t know. I never got around to asking him. I was a little nervous.” Payton admitted.

  “Or maybe a little too preoccupied with a peen in your cooch,” Mia said crudely, though they all laughed hysterically.

  Payton was finally able to laugh along because now she understood. She was sure there were still some things she had to learn, but at least not all of the jokes were lost on her.

  “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Payton said as she led them into the kitchen.

  They quickly divvied up the food onto four plates and made themselves some mimosas, before settling in at Bradyn’s kitchen table.

  “Alright, how was it?” Kennedy asked as she slid her phone across the table with the voice recorder flashing red.

  “Do you really have to record every word I say?” Payton gave her redheaded friend a look.

  “Do you or do you not want your romance to be immortalized for all time?”

  “Uh…if it was only for my eyes and possibly the eyes of my children and grandchildren, maybe. The G-rated version, mind you. No need to traumatize my make-believe children of the future. But considering this would be for public consumption, I’m not so sure.”

  “The names and some of the situations would be different, so no one will know it’s the two of you.” Kennedy defended.

  “I really wish you two would drop this debate so that Payton could get to the good stuff. After my run in with the mama’s boy, I’ve been celibate for weeks. I need to hear that someone is getting some good loving.” Mia grumbled.

  “Fine.” Kennedy pouted as she pulled her phone away from Payton and shut it off. “Go ahead, Payton.”

  “Well…it was amazing.” Payton sighed with a faraway look in her eyes.

  “Is he packing some heat?” Mia asked eagerly, sitting forward.

  “If by heat, you mean, is he well-endowed? Yes. Yes, he is.” Payton nodded with wide eyes. “I honestly didn’t believe it would fit, but my body stretched to accommodate him. Did you know that?”

  Mia patted her hand sympathetically. “Yes, mama. We did.”

  “Oh, of course, you knew.”

  “So does the carpet match the drapes?” Mia continued.

  “Come again?” Payton frowned with confusion.

  “Is he red down below, like he is up top?”

  “Ohhhh!” The lightbulb switched on and Payton smiled shyly. “Yes, they do match.”

  “Nice!” Mia winked at her.

  “Did he go down?” Royal asked and looked down at her crotch.

  “Oh my God! Why didn’t you guys tell me it could be like that?!” Payton exclaimed.

  “Uh…we did. Multiple times.” Kennedy reminded her.

  “Well, why didn’t you make sure I was listening?”

  “We thought you were! We didn’t know that you were drowning us out with thoughts of Luke Skywalker and R2D2.” Royal shot back.

  “Fine. You have a point.” Payton pretended to frown, but couldn’t hold it for very long before a huge smile replaced it. “It really was the most incredible experience of my life, though. He really knew what he was doing. He may be shy around women, but he must have learned quickly to speak with his body. Because let me tell you, he’s fluent.”

  “So he got you to the finish line if you know what I mean?” Kennedy asked cryptically.

  Now that Payton had had sex, she knew what her friend was getting at. “God, yes! Four times last night. And he would’ve again this morning, but he said he wanted to give me more time to recuperate.”

  “Hot damn!” Mia shouted and punched her fist in the air. “I’m so proud of you, Payton. You picked a good one. Any man that makes sure you get yours every time, is a got-damn keeper!”

  “I don’t think it was me that picked him as much as it was him who picked me.” She smiled wistfully. “I’m just glad that I finally said yes and that you all pushed me to open myself up.”

  “I know that look.” Kennedy studied her face closely. “I’ve studied that look. I’ve written that look a hundred times. You’re in love.”

  Payton felt her ears heat and she looked away self-consciously.

  “You are!” Royal shouted.

  “You exchanged ‘I love you’s,’ didn’t you?” Mia squinted at her.

  “Maybe,” Payton confessed and squeezed her eyes shut.

  Screeches explode around the table. Payton cracked opened one eye and saw the girls had gotten up and were dancing and jumping around like crazy people. Kennedy grabbed Payton’s hands and pulled her up out of her seat. She couldn’t help the excitement that was running through her and she quickly joined in the celebration.

  They each grabbed their champagne flutes filled with their bubbly mixed with OJ. Kennedy raised her glass and they all followed.

  “To Payton. For finally finding her perfect match and falling in love for the first time.” Kennedy toasted.

  “And for finally losing her virginity,” Royal added.

  “And for getting dick so good that she had four orgasms in one night.” Mia chimed in.

  “To being happy,” Payton said quietly.

  “Hear, hear!”

  They all clinked their glasses together.

  There was no room for talk of stalkers and the dangers that lurked around the corner. It was a moment to celebrate. Payton couldn’t have been happier, but that feeling of foreboding still niggled in the back of her mind. She shook it off and focused on a subject that had been weighing on her mind.

  “I need a tutorial on the art of the blowjob,” she said matter-of-factly.

  The girls stopped in mid-celebration and froze. Mia’s eyes scanned Bradyn’s kitchen and landed on a bunch of bananas. A smile quirked up one side of her mouth.

  “Alright, ladies, class is in session.”


  Bradyn unlocked the front door and walked into his home. He’d walked through this door a hundred times but never had he felt the way he felt now. Before it had been kind of lonely, with a feeling of forced contentment. Now, he was excited to walk in. To be greeted by his new love. Speaking of his new love, he didn’t see her anywhere.

  “Payton?” He called out.

  He heard quick footsteps and then saw the love of his life come running around the corner, straight at him before launching herself into his arms. He only had enough to time to catch her before she was on him like a little octopus. It was a welcome surprise, though he was certain he tasted champagne on her tongue as she initiated the kiss for the first time in their relationship.

  “Are ye sottered?” Bradyn asked when he was able to come up for air.

  “Sottered?” Payton asked with a wobbly smile.

  “Are ye drunk?”

  “Nooooo! Pssh.” Payton scrunched her face and waved her hand dismissively. “But I am tipsy.”

  Bradyn looked at her closely. She wasn’t slurring or weaving back and forth. She just seemed happier and more at ease with herself.

  “Were ye celebrating?”

  “The girls came over to congratulate me
on losing my virginity and having so many orgasms.” She said cheerfully, being her normally honest self. Maybe even more so with alcohol coursing through her veins.

  Bradyn flushed red. He was happy that he’d pleasured her in bed. He just wasn’t so sure he was happy that he had been the subject or object of their conversation.

  “Don’t be shy, Gentle Giant,” Payton said as she wiggled out of his embrace. “I have a present for you.”

  “Gentle Giant? I thought I was the Red Giant.” Bradyn released her reluctantly.

  “I changed my mind a while ago. When I realized you weren’t as scary as I thought you were. You’re more of a gentle giant.” Payton said as she pulled him over to one of the kitchen chairs.

  “Is that so?”


  Payton pushed him down to the kitchen chair. He had no idea what she had planned but thanked the powers that be for taking a shower before heading home when she began to shimmy his shorts down his hips and legs.

  Bradyn’s cock was already rock solid and pushed against his boxer briefs. Hell, he’d been at half-mast since he pulled into the garage, anticipating seeing her again. Payton got to her knees in between his legs and her fingers found the waistband of his briefs. Slowly she pulled them back, releasing his tumescent manhood. She pulled the material down his legs and tossed them away. Bradyn found it hard to breathe as he watched her study his cock like it was a puzzle.

  Payton leaned forward and licked up his shaft from base to tip.

  “Ah God, lass!” Bradyn panted.

  Payton smiled and then lapped up the pearlescent drop of pre-cum seeping from the tip. She swirled her tongue around the mushroomed head and Bradyn clenched his teeth so tightly, his jaw ticked rhythmically. She wrapped her plump dark lips around his pale tip and bobbed her head just enough to tease him. He gripped the side of the chair to keep from grabbing her head and plunging her mouth down to the base. It was obvious that she was learning how to give him a blowjob and there was no way that he was going to ruin her first experience by being too rough with her. So he just had to sit back and take the torturous pleasure she was giving him.

  Finally, Payton took him down as far as she could go, which surprisingly was about three-quarters of the way down. Most women had only been able to get halfway. Then she added her hand, stroking the inches her mouth couldn’t reach. That’s when Bradyn knew that one or all of her friends must have given her a crash course in fellatio. He silently thanked them, because she was magnificent. Her hand followed her mouth up and down his veiny shaft and she stroked him in smooth rotations. They definitely would’ve given her an A+.

  “Fuck, Payton! That’s so damn good. Dinna stop!” He barked, his voice raspy with need.

  She continued and Bradyn could feel the beginnings of the tingle at the bottom of his spine. His scrotum drew up and tightened. More pre-cum dribbled from him and onto her tongue.

  “Payton, I’m gonna come.” He tried to pull away, but she held on and moaned around him.

  The move was so sexy that he exploded. Unintelligible words and sounds escaped his throat as he filled her mouth with his seed. Payton took every drop he had to give like a champ. And that kept him semi-hard once he was finally finished.

  Bradyn quickly stood and pulled Payton up with him. She was wearing superhero boxers and he ripped them down her legs with her panties. He bent down and grasped her ass before lifting her up. Payton wrapped her legs around his waist and he captured her lips in a searing kiss and walked her blindly to the wall. His cock found her drenched and ready. He eased into her and pumped gently until his dick hardened fully once more. When he was ready, he held onto her as he pummeled her center with hard, long thrusts.

  Payton’s back slammed into the wall, rattling the pictures he had hung on it. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. One snaked up the back of his head and she gripped his hair tightly and pulled his face back. Their breath mingled between them before she pulled him in for a devouring kiss. He pumped into her and must have hit a good spot because she cried out. He made sure he repeated the move. She practically growled before biting down on his bottom lip and her legs began to twitch around him. He knew she was about to come. Bradyn threw in a hip roll as he continued to hit her sweet spot and she lost it.

  “Aaaah! Aaaah…Bradyn!” She cried as he felt her sweet nectar splash against his still thrusting cock.

  Knowing that he’d made her squirt again sent him over the edge and whatever cum he had left in him jetted out in almost painful streams to combine with her feminine juices. Finding out that she was a squirter was the hottest thing ever. It definitely was a boost to a man’s ego and he was no exception.

  Since he hadn’t long since finished his brutal training and then rung two orgasms out of himself back to back, Bradyn’s legs were like jelly. He quickly carried Payton to the chair he’d abandoned and sank down onto it. He maneuvered her to the side and reached down to grab his underwear and pressed the material between them to absorb their lovemaking.

  Unable to do much more, Bradyn collapsed back on the chair and Payton melted into him, resting her face on his heaving chest. Both of them naked from the waist down. They stayed that way until their breathing calmed and their hearts slowed down.

  Bradyn rubbed and lazy hand up and down Payton’s back.

  “Get a little alcohol in ye and ye become a little wildcat.”


  “No need to apologize. It was just another side of ye that I hadna seen before.”

  “Now that I know, I can’t believe I went so many years without this. But at the same time, I’m so happy that I did, because I’m so incredibly grateful that you were my first.” Payton spoke softly against his chest.

  “I’m glad I was worth the wait.” He said as he stroked her hair. “I’ve never enjoyed sex so much in my life as I have with ye.”

  Payton’s head popped up and she looked at him with surprise. “Really?!”


  “But I’m so inexperienced,” she commented. Truly perplexed.

  “Yer passion and responsiveness to my touch makes up for yer lack of experience. Ye make me feel ten feet tall.” Bradyn said shyly.

  “I do?” Payton whispered.

  “Aye, ye do.”

  She just smiled and laid her head back onto his chest.

  “I love you, Gentle Giant,” Payton said through a yawn.

  “I love ye, too, my little Coffee Bean.” He chuckled at the new nickname that just popped up in his head.

  “Coffee Bean?”

  “Aye. Yer skin reminds me of the smoothest richest gourmet coffee. Yer also delicious and addicting. Hence, Coffee Bean.”

  “But I’m not little. Not even close.”

  “Ye are te me.”


  “Come. Take a shower with me.”

  Bradyn stood with her still in his arms and he carried her into the master bathroom. The rest of their Sunday was spent lazing around, talking about any and everything, and making love off and on until late into the night.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The next couple of weeks were idyllic. Bradyn would wake Payton up with kisses or coffee or both. If they had enough time before her shower, they’d sneak in a quick round of leg-quaking sex. After that, she’d drop him off at the gym and then head to work. She’d spend more time daydreaming about him than getting any real work done. Finally, the end of the day would come and she’d meet up with the girls at the gym. She’d wave to Bradyn, he’d stop what he was doing and come over to greet her with a kiss and ‘hello’ to the girls. She avoided eye contact with the other women at the gym because every time she seemed to look up, someone was giving her the stink eye. When they finished up their workout, the girls would leave and Payton would hang around waiting for Bradyn to get done with his paperwork. Then they’d drive home together in her little car. They’d eat dinner, watch whatever was on TV, or at least pretend to, as they got in their second w
orkout of the day. And they’d do it all again the next day.

  The only thing tainting their weeks together was the constant looking-over-the-shoulder. Waiting for the shoe to drop. She just knew that any day now, she’d receive another creepy gift or another rock thrown through a window. But nothing had happened in weeks. It almost felt like whoever it was, was laying low on purpose just to drive them crazy waiting.

  Bradyn even made frequent trips to her condo to check to make sure everything was alright. Nothing was ever out of place or off in any way. It was like her stalker had disappeared off the face of the planet. Which was fine with her. As long as he stayed there.

  “So yer getting off work early and we’re meeting here with the girls and we’re all getting a car to the airport, correct?” Bradyn asked Friday morning. His fight was scheduled for the next day in Vegas.

  Payton grinned at him as he drank a smoothie in a funny black plastic looking suit. He’d called it a sauna suit. It looked like a couple of trash bags to Payton. He’d been wearing it the last couple of days to cut weight before his weigh-in.

  “Yep,” Payton confirmed.

  “I know we’re going to be in Vegas, but I have to behave before my fight. So no drinking or partying fer me. Did ye lasses have plans for once we get there tonight?” He asked curiously.

  “I was gonna go out with the girls tonight to celebrate Kennedy getting a teaching job at Berkeley. Why? What’s up? Was there something you wanted me to do with you?” Payton asked and then took a sip of her coffee as she sat at the island.

  “Nothing. If ye weren’t busy I was going to ask ye to come with me to my weigh-in. But I figured ye’d want to take advantage of being in Vegas with friends.”

  “Oh God! I forgot about that part! I’m sorry, Bradyn. Kennedy just broke the good news to us last night at the gym and was excited to party in Vegas.” Payton cringed.

  “It’s alright, lass. As long as yer at the fight tomorrow, I’m happy.” He grinned at her, putting her mind at ease. “Tonight is just interviews and trash talking. Nothing that exciting.”


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