Book Read Free

Dare Me

Page 1

by Debra Druzy

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Dare Me



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  “One more bite.”

  Adam fed Misty the final morsel then dabbed her mouth with a white linen napkin.

  He might be playing the role of a perfect alpha-gentleman, but beneath that proper tuxedo was the scrappy teenager notorious for cutting class to sneak onto the football field, under the bleachers with the flavor-of-the-week. She’d studied those smooth moves, watching bird’s-eye from the second story window of Scenic View High School, wishing she could be one of his many conquests. Now was her chance.

  He held a fresh flute of champagne to her lips, but the mischievous twinkle in his whiskey eyes had her craving something else—something harder between her thighs.

  “Ready for dessert?”

  More than ready. She clenched her lips to keep from saying something that would come back to bite her in the end and nodded instead.

  God, what am I thinking? Where’s my mantra? Drowning in champagne, so it seemed.

  It was only fair to warn him her career came before everything, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood talking about work. Just because they were single, consenting adults didn’t mean this filly should break the stallion and make him her stud—not when her commitment to the family business left so little room for monkey business.

  Then again…

  If there ever was a perfect time to be fooling around, Valentine’s Day was it.

  Dare Me


  Debra Druzy

  A Candy Hearts Romance

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Dare Me

  COPYRIGHT © 2016 by Debra Druzy

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by RJ Morris

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Champagne Rose Edition, 2016

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-0306-2

  A Candy Hearts Romance

  Published in the United States of America


  For My Loves


  Chapter One

  “Check out my future ex-boyfriend at three o’clock,” Bruno whispered, nudging Misty with an elbow. “Should I go introduce myself?”

  “Huh?” Half-listening, Misty flicked her eyes off her cell phone for a second and shook her head. “I wouldn’t.”

  “You’re right. Let him come to me.”

  “No, I mean I wouldn’t get involved, period.”

  “Chillax, will ya? You’re no fun.”

  “We’re here to work not mess around.”

  “Hell-ooo, my job is done here. It’s playtime, and I’m feeling frisky,” Bruno purred.

  Humph—it’s nice to know someone has any energy left for romance. Even if she weren’t stressed to the max, when it came to sex, she never mixed business with pleasure, so checking out stud-muffins at the wedding was a professional faux pas.

  Besides, unlike the brawny alpha-gay hairdresser, Misty didn’t have time for ogling anything other than the messages on her cell phone. One-handed, she scrolled through dozens of lengthy texts from panicky brides confirming fitting appointments and a few from her mother at the bridal shoppe checking the status of this big promotional showcase—the Scenic View Inn’s Annual Valentine’s Day Mass Wedding celebration.

  Damn, damn, dammity-damn—twenty-gazillion questions from people looking for answers A-sap. The cell phone has to be the worst invention ever—

  Misty held out her champagne glass for Bruno to refill with the bottle he swiped from the bar.

  “Oh, my gawd.” His baritone sounded like a hoarse teenaged girl coming from the mouth of an overfed cat. “Call nine-one-one—that man is pure sex-on-fire. Viagra-worthy, fer’sher.”

  Viagra-worthy? That snagged her full attention. “Who’re we talking about now?”

  “If you’d get your head outta your cell for a sec.” He jutted his chin. “Him, over there—tall, dark, and to die for.”

  She may not mix romance and work, but champagne and gossip went with everything, and even better together. Now that the brides were outfitted and halfway through the ceremony, Misty was finished here for the day.

  Let the decompression begin.

  Like magic, she made the liquid disappear then asked for another dose while peeking subtly over her shoulder, trying to determine the object of Bruno’s erection.

  It couldn’t be any of the men reciting vows in sync to their brides-to-be, could it? That would be wrong on so many levels for anyone—worse for someone in the wedding business.

  “What’s he wearing?” She grabbed a handful of candy hearts from the cut crystal bowl on the sideboard and, while no one was looking, and without wasting time reading the sweet sentiments, shoved them in her mouth like popcorn during a movie then chased their chalky texture with a sip of champagne.

  “Behind the tripod. The stud in the penguin suit.”

  “You mean the photographer?” She blinked twice to make sure her contacts weren’t smudged. The face was familiar. But the broad frame was wider than she recalled. Then again, he’d been a slim eighteen-year-old kid the last time she’d seen him.

  Poor Bruno. He’d set his sights on an extremely hot, and as far as Misty knew, extremely straight man.

  “You oughta make sure he’s gay first before you fall in ’n outta love,” she cautioned, not wanting to get her friend’s hopes up any higher.

  “Oh, he is all right. Just look at him.”

  Misty was. She couldn’t tear her gaze away. The enigmatic Adam Wright had that knee-weakening effect on her. It was a good thing the wall was at her back and he was across the banquet hall. Although he probably wouldn’t recognize her anyway, she sidestepped behind a rose tree topiary until the burly florist relocated her hiding place.

  “Think he’s a bottom or a top?” Bruno fluffed his Fabio-inspired ponytail.

  “A top,” she affirmed with a nod. “Definitely.”

  When the magistrate announced, “You may kiss the bride,” Misty and Bruno clapped along with the hotel’s event coordinator and the army of wedding vendors waiting in the wings.

  “You’re staying for the reception, right?” Bruno asked, hopeful.

  Misty’s spine stiffened at the tempting idea of loosening up and sticking around for no reason other than to keep an eye on her schoolgirl fantasy in the flesh. She was, after all, slated to be at this daylong off-site event, so technically no one expected her back at work the rest of the afternoon.

  Of course, it was in her best interest to pop in at the shoppe. That would be the diligent thing to do career-wise to prove her dedication to the family business.

  Then again, Adam was here…

  She swirled the bit of booze left in her glass in silent debate then slugged it and asked for another splash.

sp; Bruno filled it to the tippy-top. “Well?”

  “Sure.” She exhaled. “What the hell—why not? I can hang around for a little while, in case there’s, you know, a fashion malfunction or something.”

  She took Bruno’s elbow as he escorted her into the cocktail hour room.

  “No, thank you. No, thank you. No, thank you.” Misty dodged the white-gloved servers carrying silver platters with tiny morsels to sample until the thing she wanted was in reach. “Yes, please.” She snatched a champagne flute and rescued the drowning strawberry in a single gulp.

  “Don’t look now,” Bruno leaned in to whisper. “I think he’s checking me out.”

  Without turning her head, her eyes followed Bruno’s toward the bursts of light exploding over the crowd. “Are you sure?”

  “Sure, I’m sure.” He barely moved his curled lips as he sang between his teeth, “The camera’s aiming right at me.”

  “Bruno, you are aware this entire event is being photographed for the spring edition of OFD, aren’t you?” Even if this weren’t a photo op, she still would’ve worn the smart-looking black knit dress and spiked heels like any normal workday.

  “OFD. What’s that?”

  “You really are new around here, aren’t you? OFD is One Fine Day: the local wedding magazine for Long Island. Everyone who’s anyone in the business advertises there. This shindig isn’t just a mass wedding; it’s a publicity stunt. The Scenic View Inn’s been putting it together every Valentine’s Day for years. All these couples won a radio contest. For us vendors, it’s free exposure in exchange for our goods and services. My bridal shoppe donated gowns and tuxes—albeit they’re rentals off-the-rack from last season.”

  “My boss may have volunteered to do it for free, but he told me I was getting paid for the day.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “Speaking of lucky—I think I might be getting lucky tonight.” Bruno adjusted his stance, hungry eyes on the photographer. “You can’t tell me he’s not pointing the lens over here.”

  “I’m sure Adam’s documenting everyth—”

  “Adam? Wait—you know him?”

  Misty flinched then nodded guiltily. “I do, kinda, sorta. We went to school together.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Introduce me.”

  “I don’t want you to be disappointed…but I’m, like, ninety-nine percent sure he’s not gay.”

  “Well, if he’s straight then you oughta go for him. He’s too cute of a catch to let swim away.”

  “I’m sure he’s got somebody. Look at him. He’s perfect.” Misty all but swooned, unconsciously squeezing her friend’s bicep for support.

  Bruno shook her off and shoved her forward. “If you want him then talk to him.”

  “No way!” Misty spun in an attempt to escape. “You know what? I need to use the ladies’ roo—”

  “Don’t be a ’fraidy cat.” He grabbed her elbow. “Time’s a tickin’. No one’s getting any younger around here. What’re ya, thirty?”

  “Twenty-nine, thank you very much. And I’m not afraid.” She sat in the nearest chair at a table for two. “I’m just…”

  Bruno parked his bubble bottom in the chair beside her and scooted closer. “A chicken.”

  Misty cut her eyes at him, not because Bruno was wrong, but because he was relentless. Lord knows she wanted to talk to Adam but without the goading.

  “He’d be crazy not to go for you. I’m serious. If I were into the female-persuasion, I’d totally check you out. Of course, I’d prefer a different hairdo—I’m not gonna lie—the slicked-back schoolmarm bun you’re rockin’ is a little bit intimidating. I think you should go for it. You got nothing to lose. The worst that can happen is he’s not interested. Or taken. Actually, I don’t know which would be worse, taken or not interested…”

  “I can’t.” Technically, she could, after being a devout spinster for six sexless months.

  “You can. And you will. I dare ya—”


  “You better go talk to him,” Bruno threatened with a smile, “before I send a single straight girl from the hotel lounge to snatch the opportunity from your little French manicured fingers.”

  “We barely spoke two sentences in high school. I doubt he’ll remember me now.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, sweets. Who could forget a girl like you? Besides, I’m double-daring ya. Double-dog daring ya. Now go on! Work the goodies God gave ya.”

  Bruno’s strange yet encouraging words brought a crooked smile to Misty’s lips. A grown woman accepting a dare was silly. However, refusing it felt even sillier. What did she have to lose anyway? Nothing at all.

  “You need more champagne.” Bruno caught two fresh glasses from a passing tray and pushed them toward her. “Here.”

  “What I need is a checkup from the neck up.”

  She glanced at her watch. It was only four o’clock, she could still get to the bridal shoppe to help close up by five. That’s what a career-minded person would do, especially one looking to take over the family business.

  But if she didn’t approach Adam tonight, she might never have the chance again…

  “So, what’s it gonna be?” Bruno waggled his brows.

  Misty sighed. “I really oughta go. Sorry, Bruno. I need to get back to work.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll be sure to tell your friend you said hello.” His snarky tone made her stomach roil. “Want me to see you out?”

  “No, thanks.” She gave a weak smile and stood, taking the champagne with her for the lonely walk. “I’ll be fine.”

  Chapter Two

  Adam adjusted the focus on the hot little number in the tight black dress strutting like she stepped out of a music video. Of all the folks from Scenic View, she was the one person he’d hoped to run into. The only girl in high school who didn’t put out to fit in.

  He peeked over the tripod to be sure his vision wasn’t playing wicked tricks on him.

  Nope. He’d recognize that angelic face anywhere.

  Had he known in kindergarten what he knew now about the wiles of women, he would have staked his claim on her years ago when he had the chance.

  Thank God, she wasn’t one of today’s brides. That would’ve sucked—to be photographing his dream-girl’s wedding. Instead, she was hanging with the big blonde dude who’d been giving him goo-goo eyes all afternoon.

  Adam switched the camera mode from photo to video—for fun, for himself, for later, in case she kept going and didn’t hear him call her name.

  “Misty?” He stepped in her path to catch her before she blew by like hell on heels. “Misty Morningside?”

  She gasped. The champagne flute slipped from her fingers and smashed on the hardwood floor. “You remember me?” she whispered, nearly inaudible, but Adam was sure he heard her right.

  “Careful.” He nudged her out of the broken glass, taking her hand as she wobbled in those super-sexy unstable shoes.

  She was warm and soft and whatever magical power she possessed made him tingle where skin touched skin. The same zing he’d experienced the first day of kindergarten when they held hands in the hallway, walking side-by-side in two straight lines. He kept his crush a secret all the way until twelfth grade. Wasted the years wondering if she noticed him the way he noticed her.

  Her glazed gaze looked right through him as if she didn’t know him at all.

  “I’m Adam. Adam Wright. From Scenic View High.”

  She stood still as a poster, clutching her thin bag under her arm, until she finally blinked and nodded. “I know who you are. I’m surprised to see you—surprised you know my name.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Well, it’s been a dozen years since graduation.”

  “Come on, Misty—who could forget a name like that or a face like yours?”

  She blushed, and Adam would have cupped her cheek to see if it felt as red-hot as it appeared, but it seemed out of line in the moment. He didn’t want to make her more uncom
fortable than she already appeared.

  However, he also didn’t want to let her go. Not this time. They were still holding hands, her dainty fingers curled in his, so that was a good sign.

  “I heard through the grapevine you were living in Australia. Or Europe. Or Asia. Someplace on the other side of the planet.”

  “I was. But I’m back. I’ll tell you about it if you’d like to catch up sometime.”

  “Sure. Okay. That would be great.”

  Thrilled and relieved by her response, he released her fingertips to grab the camera hanging around his neck. “I’ve got some work to do now.” A line of couples formed at the lattice archway better suited for a prom. “You’re not leaving yet, are you?” A keeper like Misty must have better plans for Valentine’s Day other than working.

  “No way.” She shooed the words away. “Cake is my favorite part next to cocktail hour. I’m heading to the bar. Want a beer or something?”

  “No, thanks. I don’t drink on the job.”

  “Water? Soda?”

  “Just bring yourself back.” He winked then immediately wanted to punch himself in the mouth for sounding like a pickup artist.

  “Okay.” Misty slinked away with a sultry smile.

  Adam’s gaze followed her backside until she disappeared in the crowd.

  Minutes felt like hours, making it difficult to concentrate on his craft until she returned, double-fisted with champagne flutes.

  “Thirsty?” He teased. If she kept drinking at this rate she’d be laid-up in no time—on her back, in his hotel room if he were lucky.


  “So, those are like, what—numbers two and three for the night?”

  “More like twelve and thirteen.” She giggled and shook her head. “Just kidding. I don’t remember. I stopped keeping track. Why? Does it matter?”

  “If ya plan on driving home it does.”

  “Home?” She shrugged as if the thought hadn’t crossed her pretty little head. “I’ll get home just fine. Dontcha worry,” she slurred.

  Adam redirected his attention on the next couple under the arch while Misty kept him company.

  “Just like that.” Snap.


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