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Hazed (Hazed & Unfazed #1)

Page 15

by Brittany Butler

  When we stop near them I jump off and run toward them. Jenny’s left leg is burned, her arm is bleeding and she’s holding her head. “What happened?” I ask.

  They all look at me as if they didn’t see us drive up. “Uh, Jenny and I wanted to ride together and she was driving, we hit a tree,” Kassi sobs.

  “Is she okay?” I ask, moving closer to Jenny.

  “She’s fine; she doesn’t want to go to the hospital. We are just giving her a minute,” Joel says, warning me to stay away.

  “If she hit her head I really think she needs to get it checked out,” I say. I don’t care what he thinks, if she’s hurt, she’s getting help.

  “Me too,” Kassi agrees.

  “She said she’s fine,” Joel snaps.

  “What’s going on?” Hayze walks to my side.

  “Jenny was driving and she hit a tree! I really think she needs to get her head checked out but Joel is saying no,” I tell him, hoping he’ll take my side.

  “I didn’t say no! Jenny said she’s fine!”

  “Don’t yell at her,” Hayze seethed. He glares at Joel until he holds his hands up and steps away. He turns his attention back to Jenny when he calms down. “Jenny? You wanna get your head checked out?”

  “No,” she says, weakly, shaking her head.

  I grab him by the hand and lead him away from the group. I glance over his shoulder, seeing that no one notices we are gone I sigh. "Hayze I really think she needs to go to the hospital," I say.

  "She probably does." He shrugs his shoulders and doesn’t look concerned.

  "Then do something!"

  "What do you want me to do? Throw her over my shoulder and run her there? We asked and she said no. End of story."

  "Talk to Joel maybe he'll get her to agree. Or call an ambulance!"

  "I can’t call an ambulance! Cops will come out here. Everyone here will get charged with something," he says.

  "You won't... You haven't even drank tonight and I can throw mine out!"

  "Yeah but I’ve... Nothing, fuck, never mind." He covers his eyes with his palms and groans.

  "Finish that, you have what?" I ask, turning him to face me.

  "Nothing; it's nothing! Look, I will go talk to Joel if it will make you feel better.”

  I catch his wrist when he turns. "What did you do, Hayze?"

  "One thing at a time," he says. He jerks his wrist from my grip and walks back to the group. "Hey man, maybe we should get her to the ER she probably has a concussion."

  "She said she's alright," Joel snaps at him and I realize this may have been a bad idea. Joel is such a selfish asshole, and Hayze’s temper is a ticking time bomb.

  "I know but she's drunk so she probably doesn't know if anything’s wrong. Let's just drive her up there," Hayze says. He’s doing a good job of keeping his voice level.

  "We’ll be there all damn night just for a doctor to tell her what we already know, that she's alright.” Joel stands up, leaving Jenny alone and I can tell he’s mad.

  "That might be, but I think we should. If it was Taylor or Lea I would want someone to look after them. C'mon Jenny, Kassi do you wanna come?" Hayze motions for them to follow him.

  "Oh fuck. Holier than thou Hayze is back, what did I tell you Chandler? Listen man, when that girl leaves you, and she will, I don't want to hear you bitching about it after the way you have been acting," Joel laughs.

  "Shut the fuck up Joel," he says, his voice is dangerously low. I glance between the group; the girls now understand the severity of the situation. Chandler tosses his beer bottle down and steps closer to them.

  "I’m just sayin' man don't act like a whipped bitch when she's around. Don't forget I was with you an hour ago when you walked into the woods and...." That's all it takes, Hayze's fist connects to Joel's face. He strikes him two other times; the sound of flesh being pounded makes me cringe. Chandler steps up and drags Hayze back when Joel hits the ground.

  "Get the girls out of here. I’ll take care of this," Chandler says. He grabs his phone and calls for an ambulance to get Jenny. After a cramped drive back, Hayze parked the four-wheeler in front of the cabin.

  "Ambulance should be here in a minute. Kassi, you think you can sit with her until then? I need to get Taylor home," Hayze says.

  “Yeah, of course, get her home,” Kassi says, waving at me.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea to leave now?” I ask as I slide in the Mustang.

  “Kassi said it’s okay,” he sighs.

  "Hayze, what are you hiding? What is so important that you had to punch someone in order to keep a secret?"

  "I’m not hiding anything! He was disrespecting you and I shut him up!"

  "No! No, no, no, that's not how I remember it! You’re right, he did disrespect me and you told him to shut up. Then he almost slips your precious secret and you knock him out!" I ball my fists at my side and keep my eyes on the road.

  "If that's how you wanna see it, whatever. Go ahead!"

  "I just need to know that you are telling me everything. I hate the feeling that I’m walking around blind, like everyone knows something that I don't," I say.

  Frustrated, he runs his hand down his face. "Do you tell me every little fuckin’ thing, Taylor?"

  "Yeah, I do! If it's important!"

  "And if it's not important you just don't bother, right? Well then think of what Joel said as not important. Just like every other fucking word that comes out of that stupid fuck’s mouth," he says. I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

  "You’re starting to sound like my dad! Always hiding something!"

  I instantly regret saying that. I know I should keep my mouth closed. When we’re this angry we should separate. We’re the victim of one another’s out lash; we always say things just to hurt the other. The air in the car shifted when the words tumbled from my mouth. His knuckles grip the wheel and his breath speeds up. I sit, waiting for him to fire something back but nothing comes. Instead he turns the radio up and disregards our entire conversation. I watch him, stunned.

  "This is bullshit, Hayze," I say. I don’t want to drag the fight out, but I need him to say something to me. Anything, even if it’s mean.

  "Such a strong word from the preacher’s daughter," he chuckles, antagonizing me.

  "Just take me back to my dorm!" Tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

  "No," he says.

  "Excuse me?" I huff, I’m baffled at the authority in his voice.

  "No, you heard me. You’re acting insane right now and I would like nothing more than to take you home, but you are drunk and I love you. So you’re staying with me."

  I want to argue. I want to scream at him, jump out of the moving car and run all the way back to the dorm. But I don’t. I don’t want to be alone tonight. Maybe the secret is something from the figment of my imagination, but it’s driving a wedge between us. Unless he comes clean to me or proves to me that I’m wrong, we won’t make it. I don’t want to look back on this night and wish that I would’ve stayed with him one last time.

  “Did you even hear what I said to you?” He asks as he turns into the apartment.

  I groan, not wanting to talk to him right now. “Yeah, I’m staying at your apartment tonight. Whatever, I’ll sleep on the couch and go to the dorm tomorrow,” I say, yawning. I’m too tired to fight with him anymore tonight. I unclick my seatbelt and catch him staring at me. His eyes are like ice, I shift uncomfortably. “What is it?” I murmur.

  “I just told you…I…You know what? Fuck this,” he says. In a quick movement he jumps from the car, slamming the door as he storms away.

  Sighing, I fall against the back of the seat. Arguing with him sobered me up. I wait for him to come back and apologize or tell me his erratic attitude was a joke, but nothing happens. I walk into the apartment, finding him passed out on the couch. From the time it takes me to walk to his room, my slumbered thoughts piece together. He spilled his feelings out, I’ve been waiting an eternity for him to say those things to
me and it finally happened. But I didn’t hear him, because I was so wrapped up in throwing the next hurtful thing at him. He loves me.


  I tap my phone again, wondering why he hasn’t bothered to answer me. He promised last night that he would make it by lunch, yet here it is, five minutes past and he hasn’t even bothered to call me back. I was dumb enough to believe things would be better. We worked things out after our huge blowout. I thought maybe he was right; maybe everything’s in my head.

  I always assume the worst, because I’ve always had the worst. But not even my pessimistic mind could've seen this little stunt coming. At least he could’ve thought of an excuse. Any lame excuse I could give my family that would explain his absence. My mom, the hopeless romantic, will be crushed. My dad, the assface, will have a field day with the fact that the guy I actually chose for myself is standing me up.

  I look in the living room and frown. There he sits with my dad, laughing and talking sports. Of course my dad would invite Joseph after I announced Hayze would be here. Joseph, being the nice guy he is, complied and came to the family dinner, thinking that this was just a friendly visit.

  “Anything?” My mom asks, coming up behind me.

  I swipe away the stupid tear that forsook me. “Yeah, his sister had something come up and had to move her flight, so he picked her up.”

  A grin stretches across her face. “That is so sweet,” she exclaims. I can’t tell if she’s being sincere or she’s just being supportive of me.

  “Yeah, he’s a real…sweetheart.”

  She wraps her arms around me and places a kiss on my head before walking away. I follow behind her as she gathers the family into the dining room. My dad’s eager grin hits me, he props his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands. His eyes dart to Joseph, who sits across from me, then they fall on me.

  “Taylor, where’s your friend?” He asks, clearly amused.

  “My boyfriend can’t make it today. He had a family thing come up,” I explain.

  Scott doesn’t look like he believes me but he keeps his opinion to himself. The rest of the family looks around at the awkward scene my dad painted out.

  “He went to get his sister from the airport. Isn’t that nice, sweetheart?” My mom gushes and pats my dad on the arm.

  “Yes, it is. If it’s the truth,” he huffs. Everyone falls silent.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I snap.

  “I don’t think anything should come before meeting your girlfriend’s family. The way your mother talks about the two of you it seems like things are pretty serious. I don’t think a serious relationship is going in the right direction if lies are being told this early,” he says.

  I throw my head back, laughing without humor; “Oh, the irony!”

  “I’m going to be honest with you, Taylor, I don’t like this new attitude you’ve developed while you have been away. Does this Hayze boy have something to do with that?”

  A knock at the door interrupts our fight. My mom brisk away and shoots me a pleading look. I exhale and look to Joseph.

  “How’s school going?” I ask.

  He grins; his boyish charm shines through as he leans against the table. “Well, thank you. I was able to complete two years of credit during high school. Next year I’m starting an internship and graduating.”

  “Isn’t that nice, Taylor?” My dad chimes in.

  “What is that you are doing again? Sorry, I forgot.”

  “I’m an economics major, but I’m applying for Optometry school after graduation,” he says. My dad smiles as if he’s a proud parent showing off his honor roll child.

  “I can’t believe you two are on the same campus every day and haven’t ran into each other,” Sean says, watching me.

  I shrug. “We have different classes.”

  “And different ideas on fun,” Scott chimes in.

  “Look who’s surprising you!” My mom says.

  I find Hayze, standing awkwardly in my mom’s grasps. His tattoos are covered behind a black leather jacket; his jeans are light with holes lining the knees. His brown hair is wild as if he drove the hour with his windows down.

  He takes the vacant seat to my right and captures my hand under the table. “I wanted to surprise you after I picked Lea up,” he says, cocking a brow.

  “How thoughtful of you to show up after that,” I say. I hope no one else picks up on the sarcasm in my voice. Hayze does, but he doesn’t seem fazed. The momentary shock and confusion are over. The family carries on with conversation.

  “I lost my phone,” Hayze whispers.

  “You’re late,” I shoot back.

  “I’m here.”

  “Are you going to introduce us?” My dad asks. He strokes his graying mustache and glares at Hayze. For the first meeting I’m glad he covered his tattoos, my dad already has enough to hassle me about throughout dinner. Like the prodigal son sitting at his side.

  “Uh yeah, Hayze this is my family.”

  “And this is Joseph. The guy she dated throughout high school, she’s mentioned him, right?” My dad says, pointing to Joseph.

  “Yes sir, she’s mentioned him,” he says, surprisingly calm. I braced when my dad said that, at the very least I expected a sarcastic response. Maybe a chair thrown across the room, maybe my dad getting punched in the face. I’m finding that Hayze is anything but persistent.

  “Tell us about yourself, where do you work? What’s your major?” My dad urges.

  “He works at the bar with me,” I say.

  “Figures,” he mumbles.

  “I’m a Psychology major. I graduate in the spring and I’ve already applied to the graduate program,” Hayze answers.

  I cut my eyes at him, realizing this is the first I have heard of his plans. “And what happens if you don’t get in?” My dad asks.

  “I have a four point oh. With all due respect sir, I’m getting in.”

  “Joseph here is going to optometry school,” my dad says, clasping him on the shoulder. For the first time Joseph realized what his purpose is for the dinner. He smiles and shifts nervously in his seat. Scott doesn’t wait for the blessing or the go ahead on making his plate. He looks up as he dumps dressing on his plate and laughs.

  “These guys are preachers,” Scott laughs, pointing to my dad and Sean. “And I’m a college dropout with a hangover. Now that it’s settled, let’s eat.”

  “Scott, for once can you not be yourself?” Sean cuts in.

  “We have guests,” my mom reminds them, sweetly as she smiles at Hayze.

  Aside from forks clinking, dinner was silent. Occasionally we would entertain a light topic, but we would always fall silent. Truth be told, my family always forced these things. We are split and my mom is Switzerland.

  After dinner my mom gathered plates. Like always, Scott helped her. “Taylor, why don’t you show Hayze around the place,” my mom says, smiling.

  Once outside I show him the swing on the back porch. I collapse on it, but he stands and pats down his jeans. “Hold on, let me send Lea a text,” he says.

  I watch him type up a text then send it before I cross my arms. “Glad you found your phone.” Sitting beside me, he exhales and places his hands on his knees. His eyes remained fixed on the porch. An eternity passes before I grow impatient. At this point I know he’s stalling to think of some bullshit to feed me.

  “You’ve gotta give me some answers. I was blindsided back there. It never occurred to me that I didn’t even know your major, or your passion and why you chose it,” I say, clasping my hands on my face. “We obviously need to slow way down. And…and you need to give me some answers or I can’t do it anymore, Hayze.”

  “Slow down? Fuck! I just told you I loved you…we don’t need to slow down!”

  I groan in frustration. I jump from the swing and pace the narrow porch. “Is it someone else?”

  “Your dad brought your ex-boyfriend to flaunt him in my fucking face. I don’t know what the hell’s be
en goin’ on while I’m away. You think that doesn’t bother me?”

  “I don’t mean that, it’s just that I have this gut feeling that you are not always honest with me. And sometimes I don’t think I know you at all.”

  “I was detained last night,” he says, finally.

  “Detained?” I wrinkle my nose.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, arrested is kind of a strong word. I was held overnight with no charges so no big deal.”


  He brings his finger to his lips. “Keep it down. No, just held overnight like I said, there’s no charges they just kept me ‘til I sobered up.”

  “You were drunk?” I throw my arms up and take a step away from him. “This just keeps getting better and better, Hayze! You told me you don’t drink!”

  “You wanted to know!” He says, going on the defense.

  “What happened?”

  “When I got home Joel was having another party. The cops had already been called to it but he didn’t quiet down,” he says.

  “Where had you been?”

  “Jesus, Taylor, I was at my mom’s.”

  I roll my eyes. “Do you expect me to believe that?”

  “Call her! She asked me to come over for Christmas and I told her I was coming here, so I went last night.” His voice is hushed, but threatens to break at any second.

  “Why were you drunk?” I ask.

  “They were having a Christmas Eve party, so yeah I drank with them.”

  “You drove home drunk?”

  “This is startin’ to feel like an interrogation. Back to the point, when I got home Joel was having a party and we got into it again. The cops showed up, arrested us, but we wouldn’t say what happened so they just held us ‘til we were sober. I’ve never been arrested before, it scared the shit out of me.”

  “You and Joel don’t need to hang out anymore, Hayze. You guys bring out the worst in each other,” I say. I’ve wanted to bring that to his attention for a while.


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