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Lost and Found: Sara Martin Series

Page 18

by Danelle Helget

  In total shock, I caught my breath. “I can't believe this. No way. It’d take a really sick person to do something like that, and I know Jake and Mark. They would never,” I said, shaking my head, trying to convince myself.

  “Sara, this was the same Jake, your loving husband, that you would never ever think would cheat on you, and it turns out he did. We don't know for sure, so until we do, don't . . . feel anything yet. This is just a lead we're checking on. I just wanted you to know. I really don't want you anywhere near those two. And this has to stay between you and me, too. This is not pubic information.”

  “Holy crap,” I said, my knees were shaking, and hands waving. I stood and started pacing.

  Derek stood and grabbed me by the shoulders. “Look, I didn't bring you in here to scare you or upset you. I promised to keep you in the loop, and that's what I’ve been doing. Now, you need to go home and get on with your day. I’ll call you if we find anything. Okay? Can you promise me that?” he said, tipping my chin up. “Do not tell anyone. I stepping over some seriously lines here for you.”

  Now I had a whole new set of emotions whipping through me. He was so close to me. I could feel his breath. I nodded and pulled away, before we both got ourselves in trouble. I grabbed my purse and gave him a half grin.

  “I'll check in on you later,” Derek said, softly.

  “Okay, I'll be babysitting this afternoon and evening at my place.”

  I slid into my Jeep and cleaned my face up in the mirror. My face was so blotchy. I had to go to the bank and get some of the funds to bring to Blake. He warned me that, when I got there, I’d have to go through all the security stuff. I was making a large withdrawal, so I'd get to see the big wigs for that. I didn't want to look like I had just been crying when I got there.

  It took about thirty minutes, but I passed the inspection and left with a check in hand. Upon arrival at Blake's office, I noticed his secretary was on the phone.

  She disconnected she said, “Have a seat Ms. Martin,” as she gestured to a waiting area. She walked down the hall came back a moment later and said, “Follow me, Ms. Martin. Mr. Connor will see you now.”


  Nerves came over me when I started walking down the hall. What the heck was my problem? I hadn't had this many butterflies since high school. I was not interested in a relationship right now, and yet everywhere I went, I felt rushes for all the hot men I kept running into. Geez. This was an investment firm not a match makers lair.

  I walked in to Blake's office, and his secretary closed the door behind me.

  “Hello, Sara,” he said with a smile. “So how was the rest of your weekend?”

  “Good I guess. It sure went fast. I went out Saturday night to a club with one on my single friends, and we had a really good time. It was a little much for this girl, I can't remember the last time I went out on a Friday and Saturday night,” I laughed. “I had fun though. It was nice getting to know you on Friday.”

  “Yes, Friday was a lot of fun. I thought about it a lot over the weekend. I had a really good time,” he said with a smile.

  I had no idea how to respond, so then we had the whole awkward silence going for a moment or two. I broke the silence by saying, “Well, I have some money for you.”

  “Great, let's have it,” he said half giggling. We sat down, and he pulled out a bunch of papers for me to sign, and then gave me copies of them.

  “You probably want to start a file at home to keep all the mail you get in. It's kind of a lot,” he warned.

  “If you have any questions on anything, just call me or bring it to our dinner date every month, and we'll go over it. Did you sign up for any classes yet?” he asked.

  “No, I haven't yet. I've had a lot going on the last few weeks, but I intend to.”

  “Well if you can hold out, next month I’ll be teaching the class. We all kinda rotate the job, and my turn is coming up.”

  “Really? Well, I'll have to sign up for that one then and make sure you know what you're talking about,” I teased. “I have you down in my calendar for our next dinner meeting, so I’ll get the details on it then.” After thanking him for his help, I stood to leave. Blake opened the door for me and then walked me to the entryway.

  “Take care, Sara. Call me with any questions. You have my number,” he said with a really nice smile.

  Again with the butterflies. What the heck? I must be getting my period or something. My hormones were all over the place. I stopped to think for a moment . . . when was I going to get my period? I hadn't had it in a while. Shit, I better take a peek at the calendar when I get home. It seemed like it'd been a while . . . too long, gosh. No way. I am not going to think about that. That would be horrible.

  The grocery store summoned me on the way home, so I stopped to pick up a few things. When I got home, I ran across the apartment to look at my calendar. Shit, I was due for it three days ago. I was always very regular. Fuck! Now what? I paced around wondering what I would do if I were pregnant. That would be the worst thing that could happen to me right now. I started crying and sat on the couch. The door bell rang, and I looked at the clock, it was only one-thirty. I didn't have to babysit tell three. I went to the buzzer, and it was Kat. I buzzed her in.

  “What's wrong?” she said, as soon as I opened the door.

  “I'm three days late,” I sobbed, throwing my arms around her.

  “Oh, shit! Did you take a test yet?” she asked, as she set my bag of shoes that I forgot in her car in the entry closet.

  “No, I just noticed a second ago that I was late. I'm never late. It's three daaayyys!” I cried.

  “Oh, honey. You wait here and don't drink anything. I'll be right back, and we'll put your mind at ease . . . I hope.” She ran out the door, and fifteen minutes later she came in with ten pregnancy tests. “I got some extras just in case,” she winked.

  I grabbed one and walked to the bathroom. I peed on the stick, replaced the cap and set it on the counter. I opened the door, and Kat and I hung over it for a full three minutes staring in silence. Only one line. We checked the box, not pregnant. I looked at her.

  “Okay, well that's good for now, but these things don't always show up right away. I think you should do another first thing in the morning,” she said.

  I nodded. “I don't feel any better than I did before. This sucks,” I said.

  “Do you want a baby, Sara?” she asked.

  “I do, but not Jake's and not now,” I said, as I sat down on the toilet. “I hope I'm not, not with Jake.” Even as I said it, I couldn't believe that a month ago I would have been thrilled to be pregnant with his baby, and now it seemed like the worst thing in the world.

  We sat in the living room and talked for a while. She was such a good friend. Thank God for her. She reminded me that stress can throw off a woman's cycle, and I had been under a lot of stress. Feeling a little better, I hugged her goodbye, and, just as she left, Joey and Kristin arrived with Marissa. They brought her stroller in case we wanted to go for a walk, and a huge bag with everything a person could possibly need to take care of a baby for one evening.

  I invited them in, and Kristin walked me through the bottles and other stuff in the bag, while Joey took Marissa out. He took her coat and tiny shoes off and handed her to me. I could literally feel love come out of my heart and wrap around her tiny body. I loved her so much. I cooed at her for a few minutes and kissed her forehead. I inhaled deeply and smelled her head. For a second I thought it might not be so bad, but the next second I pictured passing a baby off to Jake every other weekend. Or telling a kid their dad was in prison. Yuck, no way. Joey and Kristin made sure I had their numbers and they both checked to make sure their phones were on.

  “Just call if you have any questions at all,” Kristin said. “This is so nice of you. It's nice to know someone is willing to help and mature enough to be trusted with a baby. Most of our friends are not, and our families are so far away . . . so thanks, it’ll be nice to have a break.”
r />   “Yeah,” Joey said. “But if we need to come back we can, just call if she cries or gets sick.” His voice was strange. Kristin and I both looked at him and then at each other. I smiled. He was crying. Kristin walked over to him and put an arm around him.

  “Joey, are you crying?” Kristin asked, “Geez. We're only going across town for a few hours. She'll be fine, she won't even know we're gone. We will call and check on her in a little bit okay?”

  “Okay, yeah, we'll call in a little bit.” He gave Marissa a kiss on the cheek. “We’ll be back very soon. Daddy loves you so much.” Mom gave her a quick kiss and told her to be good. They turned to the door, and Joey looked back one more time and then shut the door. Two seconds later the door opened.

  “Dude, you should lock this,” Joey told me.

  “I will.” I said and when he left, I turned the lock. I looked at Marissa and told her she had a very good daddy. She just looked back at me.

  I spent the next half hour looking at her and talking to her. I changed a poopy diaper and then looked at the weather channel. It was fifty-eight degrees and sunny for another couple hours, so I decided a walk sounded like a good idea. I got her bundled up and then myself ready. After loading her into the stroller, I covered her with her blanket. As I opened the door, I pushed it out to the hall and almost crashed right into hot, neighbor guy.

  “Oops, sorry,” I said. “Didn't see you coming.”

  “That's okay. Aww, who do we have here?” he asked, bending over to look in the stroller. “I didn't know you had a baby.”

  “Oh, no, I don't. I'm babysitting for friends,” I said, defensively.

  “Oh, okay. Well she’s a cutie. If you need any help let me know. I helped raise my three little sisters, and babies love me,” he said with a wink.

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Mr . . .”

  “Jared, Jared LeBlanc, and what's your name?” he asked, extending his hand.

  “Sara Martin,” I said with a smile.

  “It's nice to formally meet you,” he said, as he kissed the back of my hand. “You two enjoy your walk.”

  “Thanks. We will,” I said with a dorky grin and a finger wave.

  We rolled down the hall and out the front door. My encounter gave me something to think about on the way. Wow. He was hot and so smooth, and I seemed to lose all my skills around him. Why was it everyone I met was incredibly sexy? Being married must have blinded me. We walked six blocks to the nearest park and stopped at a bench when I heard my phone beep. A text from Derek.

  “Hey, I'm off in an hour or so. Got news. Are you home, have plans for dinner?”

  I replied, “Babysitting, no plans . . . something at my place?”

  Moments later he responded with a smiley face and “I’ll bring some take-out”.

  I returned a smiley face and put my phone in my pocket. I told Marissa about my feelings for Derek and how I really liked him but it was too soon to get involved with anyone. She looked deep in my eyes and listened intently. I sat back on the bench, and Derek was all I could think about. Well, Derek and Blake and Jared that is.

  I needed to talk to my lawyer. Kat said she'd call today, and she hadn't yet, so I dialed her number.

  “Jake's lawyer asked for an extension and was denied,” she informed me, “The court date is set, and our first hearing will be on Wednesday morning. I apologize for not calling earlier. I've been on the phone all day trying to get that set up. I'm pushing hard for a quick divorce.”

  “I know the work that goes into it, and I really appreciate it.”

  “Jake isn’t fighting for anything and will cooperate, so we should be in and out on Wednesday. Then it's just paperwork to finish it all up. We're hoping for less than a month,” she said.

  “Thank you so much. I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  I disconnected and sat another thirty minutes and enjoyed the park. There were not very many people out. The sun was getting low in the sky now, and the temp was getting cooler. I looked over at Marissa, who was now sleeping, then turned the stroller around and headed for home. It was a perfect evening. I loved just walking through the park pushing a stroller. Before I opened the apartment building door, I took one last deep breath of the cool, crisp, fall air.

  Once inside, I laid Marissa on a blanket on the couch and turned the radio on to soft rock and set some nice, soft lighting throughout the apartment. I lit a pumpkin, spice candle in the kitchen and then went to the bathroom to freshen up. As I walked out I heard the buzzer growl.

  “Who is it?” I was sure to ask.

  “Delivery Boy,” I buzzed him in.

  Moments later my phone rang. It was Kristin, wondering how Marissa was. After updating her on the poopy and the walk, I told her as soon as she woke up I'd give her a bottle. “How's our little boy doing?” I asked.

  “He cried all the way to the car, but he's okay now.”

  I reminded her to call as often as she wanted, then hung up as Derek walked in.


  Derek, who was still in his suit, was carrying Chinese take-out and a six pack.

  “Well, hello, prince charming,” I said, grabbing the take out bags. “Come on in, but shh. The baby’s sleeping.” I pointed to the couch.

  He looked over and his eyebrows went up. “Oh, my gosh, she's a new one,” he said, in a tiny voice I'd never heard before. “Wow, she’s gorgeous! What's her name?”

  “Marissa. I have her until about ten tonight. Her parents are taking a baby CPR and First Aid class.”

  “So these are friends of yours?” he asked, coming back into the kitchen to help get food ready.

  “Funny story,” I said. We spooned the food onto plates and sat at the table. I handed him a beer and opened one for myself while I told him my “moving box-baby story.” This got him laughing pretty hard. I'd never seen him laugh. I smiled and shrugged, “What do ya do?”

  We finished eating and then picked up the kitchen. Derek grabbed two more beers from the fridge and went into the living room and sat on the couch at the baby's feet. After I turned off the radio, I grabbed the remote and turned on the Twins game. They were playing the New York Yankees, and it had just started. He looked at me like he was impressed again.

  I smiled and said, “What, a girl can't like baseball?” He just smiled and took a pull on his beer. I sat down by him. “So what's the news?” I asked.

  “Well,” he said taking a deep breath, “we spent the day at Jake's construction site. After we'd brought him in for questioning, it was pretty obvious he was lying. We held him until we got the warrant and then brought him and the co-worker, Scott, with us to the site. Scott showed us where we should scan. Jake just stood there and didn't say a word. As soon as the scan started, he asked for a lawyer.

  “Oh, no,” I said, staring into his eyes. “And?”

  “And, we told the company that does these x-rays to continue. They shine a laser type, light beam across the cement and then there's a monitor that shows different colors on the screen that measure strength, depth, density, and will show any cracks or breaks in the cement.

  “Did you find anything Derek?” I demanded.

  He looked at me and put his hand on my thigh. “We did, Sara. I'm sorry. The monitor showed an unusual image, and it was enough for us to dig it up. We found a young woman's body matching Lily's description. It went to the county morgue about three hours ago.”

  I started crying. I went the kitchen counter and grabbed Kleenex and sat back on the couch. Derek put his arm around me and pulled me to him. I leaned my head on his chest and cried for a while. I couldn't believe that my best friend was dead. I would never ever see her again.

  “Sara,” he said after a few minutes, “we need someone to identify the body. I was hoping you'd do it. It can be a really hard thing for parents to do. Mark isn’t credible, because he’s listed as a suspect and the rest of her family is too far away. You don't have to, but I thought I'd ask you before her parents.”

  “Oh, my God. I do
n't know if I can. Is it bad?” I cried.

  “It's not great, but we’d just need a quick peek at the face and you to say yes or no. If you can't, we'll have to ask her parents, and we don't like to do that, especially in a case like this. Our other option is dental records, but that will delay our case a minimum of another day. So you'd be helping everyone out. But no pressure.”

  “When?” I asked still crying, trying to get under control.

  “We can go tonight after the baby’s picked up. I have access to the morgue. Tonight is the best, if you can. Then the guys can get started on making official arrests, and we can keep Jake in custody.”

  “Was Mark there too?”

  “No. We had a man outside his place watching him, but we need an identity and lack of alibi to charge him. Even then, it's only a temporary hold. Once they get lawyers, it's harder to hold them, and Jake has already been assigned one. We really need a confession or some solid evidence.”

  “Okay, I will do it, but you'll be there with me the whole time right?”

  “Right,” he said. I put my head back on his chest, and he kissed the top of my head.

  Marissa made a squeaky sound, and Derek shoved me off him and picked her up. So cute. He was smiling at her and talking to her. He put her up on his chest, and she tucked her legs under her belly and curled right into him. I was so jealous. Not sure who I was jealous of, but I definitely wanted a part of that. I whispered that I’d go get a bottle. Derek nodded, settled back and put his feet up on the table. I grabbed the beer he'd brought in for me and put it back in the fridge. One was probably enough. I made a bottle and handed it to him. He turned her over, and she started eating right away.

  “Wow you're a pro, have you had a lot of experience?” I asked.

  “I roomed with my brother and his wife for a couple weeks in between my parents and my first apartment. They had a newborn, and I helped out. I love kids,” he said with a smile.


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