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Sloane: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Novel

Page 2

by Zoe Davis

  “Uhh, sir, this is my husband.” I introduced the giant man with the giant house to Jared. This will save me for sure, I thought. Jared will see I’m unhappy and insist on a solution.

  The stranger turned to Jared and said, “I hope you are enjoying my party tonight.” I pleaded silently for Jared to say no and whisk me off to the car.

  “Oh most definitely!” cried my stupid husband.

  “Excellent,” said the host. “I may hunt you two down later on, if you don’t mind.” He turned to me, and through the slits in his mask I could see him wink before he turned to leave.

  “Looks like you’re having fun!” exclaimed Jared. I had never seen him so happy in our entire marriage.

  “I’m having a blast.” I forced a smile. I was pleased my admirer had left, but I still had a million questions circling my head.

  Jared took my hand again and this time kept a firm hold. I could tell he didn’t trust that I was having a good time. I was surprised at his quickness to hook up with another woman, but I knew he wouldn’t abandon me for long. I could always count on him. That’s one of the things I loved most about him.

  “Hey man, watch out!” shouted a couple as we pushed past to get back to the perimeter of the ballroom. Some of the couples seemed too stoned to even notice us.

  My head was getting lighter as the night grew long, and the lights were terribly bright despite the darkness lining the walls.

  “Let’s get a drink, shall we?” asked Jared. He knew me too well. A drink, or ten, is exactly what I needed in a situation like this. Maybe eventually I could do this sober, but not tonight.

  We grabbed a couple of whiskeys from the bartender. We walked right past him on our way in but I hadn’t even noticed him.

  The liquor slid through my lips and engulfed my tongue, cooling it against my hot breath. I swallowed in a huge gulp and took another swish. The drinks were strong and it wasn’t long before my head was spinning.

  An hour or so had passed, Jared and I just drinking in the shadows of this swinger’s ball. I already forgot my tits were hanging out for everyone to see.

  We watched couples, threesomes, and foursomes form and tease and fuck each other for the whole hour. Some of them never seemed to tire of the stimulation.

  In the corner closest to us was a brunette with big tits, bouncing on some guy’s lap. She seemed like she was on drugs, or their sex was just better than I’d ever had. She moaned long and loud, like his cock was the greatest thing she’s ever felt.

  He kept his hands on her hips and switched between firmly thrusting her on his dick and lightly guiding her down at her own pace. He seemed to slip in and out of what and who he was doing.

  On the arm of their sofa laid a blonde’s head, as she was being pounded by a tall and lean man with a huge cock. He stood, holding her hips against his, keeping her horizontal. I watched, mesmerized, as her tits shook back and forth and sometimes even in circles. She was quieter but still moaned in enjoyment from time to time.

  I took another sip of whiskey and looked at Jared. He was staring in the distance at a threesome with two men and a woman on a table. I was shocked at what she could handle. She had one cock down her throat and another in her cunt, all while lying on her side. I was surprised at how much this particular scene was turning me on. Was it turning Jared on, too, I wondered.

  I looked down and saw his cock had a full erection and he was stroking it. Oddly enough, I felt abandoned again. I didn’t even consider masturbating in the shadows while watching another couple. I’m not sure that’s something I’d even be comfortable with.

  I reached between my legs with my fingers and felt a puddle forming in the crease of my pussy lips. They almost breathed a gasp of air at the rescue of my fingertips. I closed my eyes and traced my moist slit, up and down, and landing on my clit. It burned at my touch and my cunt began to throb.

  I continued to watch the threesome which had changed positions. Now, the girl was bent over the table, fucked from behind by the cock that was in her mouth at the start, and the cock that was in her pussy was now in her mouth. I moved my fingers to my mouth to taste my own cunt, and traced my lips with the sweet nectar, smelling a moment before parting my lips.

  Just then the man with the small gut walked past the threesome toward the center of the room again with another woman. My eyes followed him and watched him nearly trip over a pile of something beside the table.

  Fuck, I thought. Are those my clothes?

  This revelation woke me from my drunken ecstasy and I disrupted Jared’s too. I pointed out my clothes to him and tried talking over the music but he just nodded and smiled. He didn’t understand a word I was saying.

  I begrudgingly set down my drink and charged, naked, through piles of flesh pounding moist flesh and the moans formed a film around me. I could almost feel them vibrating against my skin. My tits rubbed frequently against a back, or a chest, in order to squeeze past.

  The last couple I needed to get past tried including me for a moment. A redheaded woman grabbed my face and stuck her tongue in my mouth. Her saliva was syrupy and almost succeeded at distracting me, but I continued.

  I carefully maneuvered around the short man with the gut and his new find so he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of me. I got on all fours and crawled on the side of the table to grab my clothes. I breathed a sigh of relief when I managed to grab hold of them, but it didn’t last long.

  “Back for more I see!” shouted the pudgy little man, while he fucked his new toy. She waved at me and smiled.

  “Just for my clothes,” I admitted.

  “Aw, well that’s a shame! I didn’t get to fuck you yet. I’m a good lay,” he bragged. He tried winking but drunkenly blinked both eyes instead.

  I spun on my heels and high-tailed it out of the spotlight as quickly as I could manage. It was much quicker getting out than in, which loosened me up a bit.

  When I reached the sheltering edge of the ballroom I mindlessly dressed myself from head to toe.

  Once fully clothed, I made my way back to Jared and my drink only to find he was no longer there and my drink had been kicked over. This figures, I thought, lowering my head in disappointment. Maybe I’ll just head out to the car and wait for Jared there.

  I managed to exit the ballroom without anyone noticing, and I stood in the entry way trying to clear my head. A fog was lifting and I studied the giant house. Maybe I’ll take a little tour, I thought. To my left I saw a set of stairs, one flight going up and the other down. I was more interested in the one going down.

  I slowly made my way to the marble steps, and placed my right hand on the gold rail against the wall. It was cool and slick against my hot, sticky palm. I welcomed the change. I exhaled and began my descent down.

  The further I explored, the darker it got, and the stairs turned and revealed another flight down. I had a mind to turn around, but lost it somewhere in my curiosity, and continued. The light dimmed until it was as black as the trees outside. Then I heard screaming.

  My bones shook at the shrill voice that slipped under the only door. It was a large wood door, similar to the ones in front but smaller. I heard what sounded like metal chains clinking.

  What the fuck is going on in there? I wondered with my jaw dropped. Then, all of a sudden, there was a deafening silence. I waited a few minutes deciding whether to run or be the hero. I stupidly chose to be the hero.

  I rushed to the door and pulled it open. Inside was a girl in a mask and a ball gag suspended from the ceiling with chains and leather ties. A strong, robust man held her hips in his hands and pounded her hard and fast while she screamed and winced in pain.

  I stood there uncertain of whether to run or try to step in. I took too long to decide.

  The strong man turned to face me, cock still buried deep in his prize, and in a firm, deep voice told me, “Get out.” But my feet were frozen to the floor. He pulled his monstrous cock from the girl and fastened his pants before turning around and approaching me. />
  Run! I told myself. Why aren’t I running?

  With every step he took toward me I became more glued to the floor until he was face to face with me and I recognized him as my admirer from earlier. Fear flooded me as I realized who this dangerous man was. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me through the doorway.

  “When you’re given a command, you should obey it,” he said threateningly, “or there will be hell to pay.” After releasing that comment into the thick night, he slammed the door shut between us.

  Uncertain which of many emotions was taking over me, I started crying. I must have been more startled than anything because I couldn’t understand where the tears were coming from. I wiped them from my cheeks and ran desperately up the stairs.

  There, in the entryway, was Jared. My sweet, loyal, tame Jared. I ran to him with my arms spread, tears rolling down my cheeks for a second time, and he received me immediately.

  “Vanessa, what’s wrong?” His eyes were wide with concern and I could see all his love for me in his big blue eyes.

  I wanted to tell him everything, about the frightening man and how I had almost gone with him in the ballroom. I wanted to tell him about the girl screaming, about the torture, and most of all the threats. I imagined Jared hearing it all and sweeping me off my feet to carry me to the car. But I kept silent.

  “Everything is fine. I just tripped and banged my knee pretty bad.” I was a bad liar but could fool Jared most of the time. I searched his face for a sign of whether he bought it or not.

  “Oh, poor thing,” he said as he reached down to rub my knee. “Are you better now?”

  “I’m always good when you’re around,” I confided. He smiled dopily and took my hand again.

  “Is this too much for you yet? We can go anytime you need to,” he said, concerned.

  Say yes, say yes! I heard myself cry out.

  “No, I’m alright. Let’s stay as long as you like,” and we were on our way back to the ballroom.

  We resumed our timeless position against the wall, watching others fuck anonymously and moan in ecstasy. I grabbed another drink, but it didn’t help me escape the clutches of the beast. I had thought of him previously as my admirer, but the way he ravaged that poor girl was anything but human. She was obviously in pain.

  Still, when I caught them she had a chance to signal for help and didn’t. Was it possible she had consented to this? I had heard of bdsm fetishes before but I wasn’t well versed in it. Certainly no one could wish that upon themselves. Still, I wondered if I was wrong about her intentions. I wondered how it felt to be suspended from the ceiling awaiting the beast.

  I replayed the terrifying scene in my mind over and over and with each review a sense of familiarity came over me, as if I knew him from somewhere before. I dismissed this feeling and blamed it on the repetition of my thinking.

  Jared hadn’t let go of my hand since we returned. He was enjoying himself, but I could tell I was holding him back. I was swallowed by guilt. I was disconnected from the passion and ecstasy flooding the ballroom.

  Just then, I noticed the doors open. I must have been the only one paying attention because no one else turned their heads, not even the few standing at the entrance.

  The beast, I thought, as I saw a thick, blocky shadow step into the room, dripping with sweat. He paused a moment, searched the room, and when his yellow eyes caught sight of me, his vision narrowed in. He exhaled a big puff of air, ready to charge me and Jared.

  I swallowed hard and prepared as much as I could for the punishment that awaited me. I expected him to run, to leap at us in anger, but he kept a cool composure as he moved toward us, placing one thick leg in front of the other.

  An unsettling thought came upon me. Where had I seen this man before?

  He continued toward me until he was only inches away. I could hear his sweat drip, and I felt his hot breath punch my cheek. I don’t know what I was thinking, because despite the fear tightening my chest into a knot I bravely looked up into those bright yellow eyes.

  Now that he was closer, I could see they were silver and reflected the light of the room, giving them a yellow tinge. His eyes were beautiful. They were large and full. Like an empty lake at midnight, they had me mesmerized. I felt an adventurous desire to dive in.


  I’m not sure how long we stared at each other in silence. I’m not sure if Jared had noticed anything between us. All I was aware of were those glowing eyes and the change in my adrenaline from fear to excitement. I stood vulnerable before this strong, dangerous man.

  I noticed a shift in his eyes, quick like a light switch. He leaned his lips to my ear. Frozen, I waited for him to break the silence and reprimand me for catching him. I expected him to show Jared and me the door, but what he said took me by complete surprise.

  “God, woman, I must have you,” he whispered as he grabbed my wrist in a firm grip. He spoke in a deep, breathy voice that sent shockwaves through every inch of my body.

  Maybe the oxygen was leaving my brain, because all I wanted was to know what it felt like to be suspended before him, defenseless like I felt in this moment. The fluttering in my chest traveled down my stomach giving it a small cramp and rippling between my legs. My pussy swelled and I could feel my sweet nectar pool between my thighs.

  There was no more denying it. Everything I feared about this man made me want him more, and the more I desired him, the braver I became.

  My silence must have been concerning because he placed his other hand on my cheek to face him. He surveyed my lips as if looking for the best way to approach them, and then expertly maneuvered them to mine.

  He kissed hard and tenderly at the same time. His pout was soft on a rugged jaw and he pushed into me until I winced. I could feel him smiling through our kiss and my body felt disconnected from my head, begging silently for attention.

  He pulled away slowly and released his grip. Finally awoken, I turned to Jared who had been watching us and grinning.

  “Go, go,” he whispered. “Have fun.” I panicked a little but pushed through it.

  “No,” said the beast. Confused at his refusal, I turned back to face him but he was watching Jared. “You’re coming too. You’re going to watch me fuck your wife like she’s never been fucked before.”

  My heart stopped. He seemed dangerously competitive, not that there was much competition with Jared to begin with. Jared wasn’t skinny but he wasn’t big. He was tall but not as tall as the beast. In bed he was loving and tender, always putting my needs first, doing the best he could. And I felt guilty admitting it, but he wasn’t nearly as handsome and rugged as the beast.

  Jared looked confused, but intrigued. He eyed the beast a moment to uncover his intentions, but when he found no answers, just nodded silently.

  “Good,” said the beast. “Follow me.”

  Oh shit, I thought. Were we going to his sex dungeon? I know earlier I wanted that, but now that it may actually be happening, fuck.

  But we didn’t go downstairs, we went up instead. Jared and I watched the beast’s perfect ass as we followed him past each step. I was comforted by the realization that the back of him was just as strange to me as his silver eyes. I assured myself that I did not know who this man was. The stairs took a similar turn like they did going down, and we finally reached a long dark hallway.

  He didn’t search for a light, but continued into the darkness, eventually disappearing into it. We could only follow the thud of his feet, nearly running into him when he stopped. I saw a glimmer of light bounce off a set of keys he pulled from his pocket and used to unlock a door to his left. When he pushed the door open, a soft red glow washed over us and he showed us in.

  The display before us was not what I expected. In the middle of the room was an unmade canopy bed with silk black sheets and black pillows. On either side were long windows that were cracked enough to let in the cool breeze, and in all corners of the room were Victorian chairs facing the bed.

  Where were the
tools? The whips, the chains? I still had a lot to learn about the beast.

  “Before you enter,” the beast said, “there is one rule.”

  Jared and I looked at each other with concern in our eyes, but Jared’s growing interest took over. “And what is that?” he courageously asked.

  “Moans, screams, cries of ecstasy and pain are allowed, but no talking. The only word permitted will be ‘bull’ if the sex is too intense,” he said in a deep and serious tone. I glanced again at Jared, but he stared down the beast, deciding what to do next.

  “You got it,” said my stupid husband. No talking? What if I need to reach out to him? My fear was returning as I felt like a piece of meat being tossed into a wild dog’s cage. Without turning to me at all, Jared stepped in the room and picked a chair on the right.

  The beast placed his hand on the small of my back, leaned into my ear and whispered, “Go to the bed, stand in front of it, and turn to face me.”


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