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Silver Magi 2

Page 7

by D. Levesque

  “But, I mean, I can think of so many ways to use the spells differently,” I tell her in surprise.

  “What do you mean, Brandon?” she says slowly.

  “Well, take the spell for a fireball. Why can’t you combine it with the confusion spell, so that your enemy can’t evade it?” I tell her, as an example.

  “That’s because it’s two spells, Brandon. You can’t combine them,” she says, shaking her head.

  “Why not?”

  “What do you mean, why not,” she says, throwing her hands up in the air. “It’s just not done!”

  “Why not?” I push.

  “Well, because─,” she starts, but I interrupt her.

  “You haven’t tried, have you?” I ask her in disbelief.

  “Well, our teachers teach us the spells we know!” she says defensively.

  “But why? I mean, let’s see if it’ll work,” I say, getting up.

  I head towards the door, the girls jumping up quickly to follow me. Roger jumps into his ball and follows as well. Once through the door, I head towards the training ring. In the circle, I stand facing the wall of logs we built for me to cast fireballs or throw daggers at.

  “Now, let’s see if this will work,” I tell them.

  Bringing to mind the words for the confusion spell, I don’t let go of it, but instead chant the one for fireball. Once I am done, I throw it at the wall.

  “La mo dia lam do - Lumina Tua Moli Framan.”

  The fireball hits the wall, and as always, explodes in a shower of fire.

  Putting my hand on the ground, I focus again and call up another spell that Sylvana taught me, water.

  “Lia da meo tragao,” I chant.

  A stream of water shoots out of the ground and hits the fire and extinguishes it. That spell is pretty handy, in that I can control the spray and strength with my mind and how much power I put into it. It can be light or a torrent, as I found out the hard way. I had pushed so much power the first time I tried that spell that I almost caused a flood in the area.

  “The other one I had a thought on was also for the fireball one. Why can’t we use it as a concussive wave? Instead of creating the fireball and throwing it, why not just take the heat from it, and spread it out quickly?”

  “Lumina Tua Moli Framan.”

  And saying that, I do what I had imagined last night. I cast fireball, spreading it out, but then cancel it so that it causes a clap of sound in front of me from the displacement of air. I can physically see a wave of sound going away from me and hitting the wall, causing it to shake.

  “How did you do that?” Sylvana says in shock.

  “Easy, heat the air, and if you take away the heat, it causes a vacuum. Which causes the explosion,” I tell her.

  “All right, I get that, but how did you get it to not come at you? The explosion should have been circular around the area, including where you stood, but it went forward!” she says, shaking her head in confusion.

  “Oh, yeah. I cast the shield spell you showed me, but shaped it into a concave shield pointing away from me,” I tell her, blushing.

  “What?” she whispers, looking at me in stunned silence. “But I didn’t hear you cast it!”

  “I don’t get it. Why do you need to say the words when casting? I mean, I could do it much faster without the words,” I tell her, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

  “Brandon, are you saying you can cast the spells I taught you without saying the words?” Sylvana asks me slowly, staring into my eyes.

  “Yeah?” I tell her uncomfortably. “Is that not supposed to be possible?”

  “Brandon,” she starts, but looks confused and stops. “No Brandon, it’s not supposed to be possible. Those words are linked to the magic. It’s what allows us to call up our power to cast it.”

  “Oh, is it maybe because I am an Incubus?” I tell her. Though something tells me it’s maybe because I am an Elveesian. Even though Roger says he isn’t one hundred percent sure, Tatus said I was one.

  “Show me all your spells again. Without you saying the words,” Sylvana says, now in teacher mode.

  So for the next twenty minutes, I show her all the spells she has taught me, over and over, until she finally just shakes her head in wonder.

  “Brandon, that shouldn’t even be possible!”

  “Well, to be honest, it makes it easier for me since I can be quieter. I know that you keep telling me that in some battles, you need to whisper the words. I wonder if you can do it too? Now that you are my mates, and well, I bit all three of you” I say questioningly.


  “Wait, you think that because you bit us, we might be able to do it also?” Sylvana asks me, sounding skeptical.

  “Why not? I mean, my blood runs through you now, doesn’t it?” I tell her. “But honestly, I am more hopeful than anything else,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Well, that is something we will need to test later. Right now, we need to get to our target,” Sylvana says longingly. “But if that is something that we can do, even better.”

  “Right, target. Johanne, have you checked out the Hummer?” I ask her.

  “Yep, already prepped and ready to go. And I’ve already memorized the route. Though, do you want do this in daytime or nighttime?” Johanne asks me.

  “Hmm, I would prefer daytime so I can see to cast the spells. Doing that in the dark would suck. I know we can see better in the dark in Were form, but according to the weather information we got, it’s going to be cloudy with no moon. I don’t know the land well enough to move around it in the dark.”

  “All right, let's get our gear, and we can head out then,” Lina says.

  “Hold up, I want to try something since we were talking about my blood. But just in case, stand back,” I tell the girls. Once they move away some, all of them looking at me questioningly, I look over at Roger and say, “Can you throw me one of my daggers, handle first? I want to see if I can catch it. I might need it quickly at times.”

  “Sure, I can do that. You hope your quicker reflexes will help you catch it?” Roger asks me.

  “Pretty well,” I tell him, unsure now of the move I want to try. “Dagger,” I shout.

  Suddenly there is a dagger coming at me, handle first. Reaching out for it quickly, I just barely catch it. “Yes!”

  “Now,” I say, with a big grin at my success, “Here's what I wanted to test. Will one of you come closer?” I ask them.

  “Wait, you want one of us to come to you with that dagger in your hand?” Johanne asks me incredulously.

  “Yes?” I answer. “I want to test a theory. If it doesn’t work, I promise to back up quickly and heal you,” I tell her.

  Johanne looks at Lina and Sylvana, who are both looking just as uncertain. “Well, the shit we do for love, right?” Lina finally says. “I’ll do it,” she says with a heavy sigh.

  “No, I will,” Johanne says, some concern in her voice.

  Not waiting, Lina walks forward. “Lina!” yells Johanne, but Sylvana puts a hand on her arm, holding her back.

  “Let her,” she says. “Lina has the fastest regeneration of the two of us for healing.”

  “Not if there is silver around!” Johanne says apprehensively.

  Looking at Lina as she comes closer, I keep an eye on her face to see if she starts to get sick. When she gets about four feet from me, she stops. Taking a deep breath, she takes one hesitant step towards me and stops. Closing her eyes, she waits and takes another one, with her eyes still closed. I see her physically gulp before she takes one more step. She is practically in front of me now, but she still hasn't opened her eyes. She takes another step but then walks into me and opens her eyes in surprise.

  “But how?” she says in astonishment.

  “I think it’s my blood. When I transferred some to all of you, I think it changed the properties of your blood, but I wanted to test it out,” I tell Lina with a grin. I look over at Johanne and Sylvana, and they are looking at us in wonder.r />
  “Now, do you girls want to come over and test this theory out also?” I ask them both.

  They look at each other hesitantly but then walk over slowly. Once they are four feet away from me and Lina, who had wrapped her arms around me, they stop. Taking deep breaths, just as Lina had, they walk forward, and as they get closer a look of amazement crosses both their faces.

  “Now, the bigger test is, can you touch it,” I tell them. “But that I won’t ask of any of you,” I tell them, lifting the dagger away from Lina.

  Without warning, Lina disappears and is on my back, reaching out to touch the dagger. We all watch to see if she reacts, but after her hand remains on it for a count of ten without a reaction, she yells, “It doesn’t hurt!”

  “Really?” Sylvana asks excitedly. She puts her hand out. “Pass me the dagger,” she says to me.

  Flipping the dagger so that the blade is in my hand and the handle is pointing towards her, I pass it over. She grabs the wooden handle gingerly. Once she has it, she holds the blade in front of her and slowly reaches out with her other hand and plants her palm on it. She looks up at me in disbelief.

  “Brandon, do you know what this means?” she blurts.

  “Hmm, that you three are also safe from silver?” I ask her, unsure of anything beyond the obvious.

  “No, it means anyone you bite and have a Thread of Faith with, who has had your blood pushed into them, will be safe from silver,” she says with wide eyes.

  “What? But-,” I start, but Lina interrupts me.

  “No Brandon, you don’t need to turn all of them into your mates, like us. I mean, you can do the same to a male, and he would still follow you,” she says with a smile.

  “I don’t want a slave, though,” I tell her, unsure.

  “Are we your slaves now?” Johanne asks me with a raised eyebrow. “Well, except for Lina, but for a different reason,” she finishes, with a grin at Lina.

  “Well, no. I mean, these last three weeks of training have proven that,” I tell her with a snicker.

  “Exactly. Already you can control almost anyone with the Voice. Your blood in us doesn’t make us follow you blindly. Even when I bite someone,” Lina says, looking up at me, “it’s not the blood that allows me to control them. It’s my version of the Voice. All the blood does is allow me to feed off their essence when I need it.”

  “Yeah, but if I bite someone, I am afraid of what they will feel, like you girls did,” I tell her hesitantly.

  “I think it’s the amount of blood you pushed through the Thread of Faith. When you did it to me the first time, you pushed quite a lot,” Lina says with a flush to her cheeks. I am assuming she remembers that time vividly.

  “Yes, I would like to test this theory out. You can do it on me,” my mother says out of nowhere, making me jump a foot into the air.

  “Mother!” I exclaim, horrified.

  “But first, put that dagger away,” she says, pointing to the dagger in my hand.

  “Oh, shit,” I say. I look at Roger and throw the dagger his way, and as before, he moves to catch it. But I see that he doesn’t have to move too much. My aim is getting better.

  “Mother, I can’t bite you,” I tell her forcefully.

  “Why not?” she asks me, coming closer now that the dagger has been safely put away.

  “Well,” I tell her awkwardly. “Because of what happened to Lina when I first bit her. And what happened to the girls when I pushed more blood into them,” I tell her. Come on, mom! Just nod and say yes, you’re right, and drop it. Please, I think desperately.

  My mother comes to stand in front of me and looks at me fiercely. “Brandon, what you just proved here would save lives! And in case something happens to you, we need to test this out now!” she says, speaking just as forcefully as I did against the idea of biting her.

  “Mother, I can’t!” I tell her again, but I feel a hand tapping against my chest. Looking down, I see it’s Lina who is still leaning against me.

  “Either you bite her, or I will,” she says evenly.

  “Lina!” I tell her in shock.

  “Brandon! We need this. Your squeamish phobia against this needs to be overcome. What you have given me, Johanne, and Sylvana is something that we once would have killed to have. You have given us the ability to survive! Especially if we are about to go to war with the Organization and their henchmen, who may shoot us with silver bullets!” she says vehemently. “You need to do this, Brandon,” she finishes gently.

  Looking down at her face, I see the love she has for me, but no disgust. I look over at Johanne and Sylvana, and they both nod at me with soft smiles.

  Turning to my mother, I tell her, “I will do it, but I do not wish to test this on you first, mother. In case there are, hmm, complications.”

  “You mean in case I have the same reaction as the girls did?” she says with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah,” I tell her awkwardly.

  “Very well, I can agree with that. Lily?” she says, looking at one of her assistants. Looking over, I see that Lily the medic half-Elf is here as well.

  Lily comes over, looking almost excited, and stands next to my mother. “Yes!”

  My mother looks at her with a chuckle. “I didn’t ask you anything yet, Lily.”

  “No matter! I agree,” she says, giving me a look I can’t fathom.

  “Very well. Lily will be your test subject, to see how much blood it requires. We shall do it slowly. Lina, can you tell how much blood he pushes through his Threads of Faith?” my mother asks her.

  “Normally no, but somehow with us being connected the way we are, I can see his Threads, as he can see ours. We haven’t really worked out why yet, but yes, I can detect how much blood is pushed through. We can test a little bit of a time, and bring the daggers out, or at least one,” Lina answers her. She is about to step away, but pulls me down hard by grabbing the back of my long blond hair and whispers, “Don’t you dare cause her to cum, or we shall be upset.” She kisses me on the lips quickly before moving to stand with my mother.

  Shit, right. No pressure. Looking at Lily, I see she is breathing hard, but it’s not in fear but in excitement.

  All right, let’s get this over with. I put my hands on Lily’s shoulders firmly, and she leans her head sideways, showing me her neck. Yeah, not this way. I turn her around, facing away from me.

  “Easier this way,” I lie to her.

  Looking around, I see everyone staring at me. Jesus, talk about awkward as fuck. Let’s get this over with, I think with a shake of my head. So, with a thought, I cause my canines to grow longer. Then looking inside me near my heart, I see all the Threads that are there and imagine one of the thousands upon thousands of loose ones that aren’t attached to anything. I visualize it going through my throat and into the open cavity in one of my canines, but I stop it just before it exits.

  I bring my head down and put my teeth against Lily’s neck and I bite down hard enough to puncture her skin, causing her to cry out in pain. Then, I slowly bring the Thread through my canines and into her.

  Suddenly, I can feel her emotions; fear, excitement, love, and hope. Holding her tightly against me as she tries to move away unconsciously, I decide to start slowing down, and I push less than a teaspoon of my blood into her. Her hands reach up quickly and grab the arms I have around her, and she squeezes them hard. She starts to pant but thank God, it’s not from having an orgasm. I can tell it’s the transformation, as I can see it happening within her. I was looking to see what would happen, and I can see her blood actually changing.

  I mean, it’s not like I can see the blood cells changing internally, but I can somehow tell they are changing by looking at them, almost on an intuitive level. As the change moves faster and faster, Lily’s hands start to tighten even more, and soon she is no longer panting but gasping in pain. Without thinking about it, I cast heal on her without using the words, and her gasps recede. She is still panting hard though. I guess I can’t take all the
pain away, even with a heal.

  Once the transformation is complete, Lily is left in my arms, gasping in exhaustion. I hold her up for a couple of minutes before she taps my arms as a sign to let her go.

  The half-elf turns to me and says, “Fuck me, Brandon. If I had known it would hurt like that, I am not sure I would have agreed to be first,” she says shakily.

  “It hurt?” Lina asks curiously.

  Turning to her, Lily says, “Yes, it felt like my body was on fire! It felt like I had fire ants all over, but inside, not on my skin,” she tells her with a shaky laugh.

  “What were you able to observe?” my mother asks Lina.

  “What I saw was Brandon put in less than a teaspoon of his blood through the Thread. Damn, you have some fine control there, Brandon. I watched you bring the Thread right up to the canines and stop it. I need to work on that. Most of us Vampires bite and then push the Thread through since we have no control over it.”

  “So Lily has Brandon’s blood in her?” my mother asks.

  “Yes, but I only saw the blood go into her. I didn’t see anything beyond that,” she says.

  “And Brandon, what did you see?” my mother asks me, looking at me quickly.

  “Once the blood was in her, I saw it somehow transform her blood cells. I think that was the pain she was feeling, since it happened so fast. I was able to heal her some to control the pain, but I couldn’t take it all away.”

  “Wait, you did that and healed her at the same time?” Sylvana asks me incredulously.

  “Yes?” I tell with a chuckle.

  “How? I didn’t hear you cast?” Lily says skeptically.

  “Oh, you probably didn’t hear him whisper it because of the pain you were in,” Sylvana says quickly. I look at her askance, but I am sure there is a reason she wants to keep it quiet, so I go with it.

  “Yeah, you were, I am sure, in lots of pain until I cast the spell,” I tell her.

  “Yeah, true,” she says with a sigh.

  “Now we need to test to see if it worked,” my mother says, retreating until she is standing ten feet away from me. “Lily, if you will?” she says, pointing to the spot next to her. Nodding, Lily scoots to stand next to my mother.


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