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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

Page 4

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "I'll give Twizz a call within the next couple of days."

  "Good, that should shut her up. I can't have her coming up here and getting in the way."

  "No fucking way, she needs to stay far away from here." I'd warned her before I left that I didn't want her up here as I couldn't risk the Satan's associating Fallon with me.

  Rian received a text, "Right fella's I'll love you and leave you." He stated scanning the text message. I stood and walked around the table to give him a hug which surprised him.

  "You going soft?"

  "Yeah something like that, give that to Twizz and tell her I'll call her."

  He looked at me confused as I pulled away, "Yeah I will."

  I wasn't one to get sentimental but the closer it got to the day of reckoning the more I worried whether I'd make it out alive and if I didn't, I wanted my family to know how much I loved them.

  "Come on pussy boy," Recon said with amusement in his voice. "We need to get some supplies from the wholesalers to make ourselves useful," I nodded my head and smiled at Rian as we left the porter cabin.

  "What's up with you?"

  I drew my brows, "What do you mean?"

  "Being all fucking sentimental, that's not you." We walked across the yard towards the gates at the entrance on to the site.

  I sighed, "I know but I've been thinking about my conversation with Keira."

  "And?" Recon shrugged before sliding the gate open.

  "She just seemed a little lost, like she needs some direction at the moment. I think that's why she wants to meet with me." I was at a loss to why it was so important for her to see me until she stated that she felt closer to Locke when we spoke. I stepped from the construction site and onto the pavement, waiting for Recon to pull the gate closed and secure the bolt. The sound of an engine caught my attention and I looked up to see a white pickup truck drive past us slowly. The vehicle had blacked out windows and I couldn't see the people inside but I stood tall and folded my arms across my chest as I stared at the vehicle.

  "Do we have a problem?" Recon asked standing beside me showing solidarity.

  "I'm not sure yet but I intend to find out who the truck belongs to."

  Chapter 4


  "Evening gentlemen, what can I get you?" The barmaid smiled politely as she waited for our reply.

  "Two bottles of Bud," Recon delved into his pocket to retrieve his wallet as I glanced around the club looking for somewhere to sit. I saw a small table away from the main stage that would give us the privacy needed to chat.

  "Go and sit down boys, I'll bring these over to you." The barmaid took Recon's money and left us to go and fetch our drinks from the fridge.

  "Where we gonna sit?"

  I pointed to the available table, "That's perfect so I can see everything going on around us." Ramsey would be in here later this evening trying to get the information on Locke from the secured office. I'd spoken to him at length regarding the importance of us getting our hands on the memory stick and the diary and he was more than happy to assist. He was trying to prove his worth, he was nearly at the end of his probationary period, he wanted his patch and he knew this would only improve his chances further.

  "Just here Recon," I pulled out the chair and perched on the edge keeping my wits about me. I was in need of a drink but knew that I couldn't get wasted just in case my assistance was needed. Ramsey had been briefed regarding where he should be and at what time and Damian was going to try to keep all club members from the vicinity of the office so he could get in and out without being detected. Even with everything in place I was still on tenterhooks and wouldn't be totally relaxed until I knew he'd got the material.

  "Good evening again gentlemen, you just come from work?" Hustler looked at our attire before returning his attention to me with a smirk.

  "You're very observant," I wanted to knock the smile from his fucking face for the part he played in Locke's death but I knew I had to bide my time although it was proving difficult. I'd mouthed off to him far too often already and I knew this was gonna come to a head.

  "Do you know who we are pretty boy? I don't think you've come to grips yet with who the fuck you're dealing with?" Hustler spat as he bent down to scream in my face.

  I sniggered and took the bottle of bud from the waitress, "Thanks sweet." She hesitantly leaned across the table to give Recon his drink before she scurried away knowing that the situation between Hustler and myself may get out of hand.

  As I lifted the bottle to take a swig, it was knocked from my hand and bounced across the carpet spilling its contents along the way. I immediately stood from my chair and went for him, "You're not all there!" I screamed tapping the side of my head so he understood what I was getting at. "You've got a fucking screw loose," I was now toe to toe with him and I wasn't backing down, if he went for me I'd already made my mind up that I was going to do him. I knew that I'd win in a fistfight, he was smaller and older than I was so he didn't stand a chance. I clenched my fists but was halted by a hand on my forearm, I quickly glanced around to see Recon by my side.

  "Leave it mate," his words were firm but he didn't scold. He was the Sergeant at Arms and out ranked me but he wouldn't make me feel uncomfortable by pushing his weight around in a situation like this. I knew he was just informing me of my options before it was too late which was a shame as I'd love to fucking do a job on Hustler.

  "Yeah, do as your mate says and leave it Simon, if you know what's good for you." The motherfucker was still goading me and I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down before I did him some damage. It was too early for me to start a war but he was so going to get it.

  "For fucks sake, what's up with you two?" Onyx rolled his eyes obviously exasperated by the constant bickering between the two of us.

  "He don't know when to shut his mouth!" Hustler spat stepping closer to invade my space.

  I raised my brow, "And you owe me a fucking drink."

  Onyx looked to where I was pointing, "Did you do that?" Hustler nodded, "Well you owe the man a drink then."

  "But he was being a prick!" he whined.

  "I don't dispute that but you can't be spilling a man's drink, get him another one."

  I smirked at Hustler as he strutted towards the bar clearly annoyed, "And you can wipe that smile from your face. Remember you ain't got longer than two weeks around here." With that, Onyx turned on his heels and walked in the direction of the bar where the rest of the club members had congregated.

  "You can't just fucking drop things, can ya?" Recon sniggered as he rubbed his forehead.

  I shrugged, "I'm finding this more difficult than expected."

  "You think? You were told this would affect you CJ but you couldn't stay away."

  "Stop right there!" I held up my finger indicating for him to stop talking, he knew nothing about my relationship with Locke and didn't have the right to comment on what I should or shouldn't do. These men had murdered my best mate, there was no way on this earth that I wouldn't be involved in giving them what they deserved. "I owe this to Locke!" I stated through gritted teeth.

  "What getting yourself killed because you can't hold your tongue?" Recon raised his voice and caught the attention of some of the punters that were in the vicinity.

  "When I want your opinion I'll ask for it." I turned my back on him I couldn't be doing with his shit right now.

  Recon grabbed my arm and spun me around. I clenched my fist and swung my arm making direct contact with his cheek, it was my natural reaction to lash out when someone had their hands on me aggressively.

  Recon staggered back as he hadn't expected my reaction and immediately brought his hand to his cheek where I'd made contact. "Are we really gonna do this?"

  I shrugged my shoulders, it wasn't Recon that I wanted to fight but I needed to let loose and get rid. We both surged forward and the thud could be heard as our bodies came together. Recon grabbed me around the neck and held me close but I stepped back giving me the space
to land a body shot. He was solid but I knew I'd hurt him from the noise he made at the contact. Recon twisted his arms around my neck and the stinging sensation tore through my back.

  "Arrrghhh," I roared from the pain. I quickly pulled my leg back but he knew my intentions and moved out of the way loosening his grip. I wriggled free and stepped back facing him with my fists clenched tightly ready for action.

  My attention was drawn behind me as I heard a commotion but it was the look of fear on Recon's face that sent shivers down my spine. I turned to see Ramsey, he lay helplessly on his back as Slick used the hood of his jumper to drag Ramsey through the club. My heart lurched in my chest as I tried to think of a way that I may be able to help him but I knew I was powerless. Recon and I shuffled closer to the scene playing out in front of us, I knew it was bad but I just hoped we could figure out away to get him free.

  "What the fuck do we have here?" Onyx crouched beside Ramsey and blew his cigar smoke into his face as he grabbed his cheeks. He moved Ramsey's head from side to side sizing him up before he released his grip.

  "We caught him loitering near the office," Slick pulled back his leg before booting Ramsey in his ribs. He grunted at the contact and rested his hand on the area as the pain must've ripped through his body!

  "And again," I glanced at Onyx as he gestured for Slick to kick Ramsey again. He pulled his leg back and this time caught his lower back. The sound was awful and I just prayed that he hadn't done him any permanent damage. "And again and again and again, and keep going until I tell you to stop kicking the little cunt." Onyx strolled towards the stools at the bar as Slick and Fix repeatedly kicked Ramsey. He moved his hands to his face and brought his elbows together to protect his head as much as he could.

  After a while, Onyx held up his hand and the two guys stopped their attack, it was then that I noticed that the music had been turned down and the girls had stopped dancing on the stage as the punters either watched in horror or made a speedy exit.

  "You don't look familiar but shit has got us all a little suspicious, you see we had a traitor among us and that didn't go down so well." He stood and made his way towards Ramsey, "I'm just hoping that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time rather than you working undercover coz if that's the case mate, you ain't leaving here alive."

  I knew at that very point that I would need to blow my cover and protect him, I couldn't allow another brother to die at the hands of these pricks.

  Ramsey tried to say something, "Speak up little piggy and quickly because my patience is running thin." Onyx crossed his arms and glared at Ramsey as he spluttered blood from his mouth.

  "I didn't...mean to be there."

  Slick sniggered, "Too fucking right you didn't but you were." He turned to face Onyx, "We've frisked him he's clean." Onyx nodded his head slowly clearly contemplating what he was going to do. I stood uncomfortably and rammed my hands in my pockets trying to keep them busy as the adrenaline pumped around my body.

  "Use a blade," he said coldly.

  Slick smirked and reached for his blade at the same time I went for my mobile. As I pulled it from my jean pocket, I felt something cool touch my temple. I glanced to my left and understood the severity of the situation I was now in.

  "You try to use that phone and I won't hesitate in blowing your motherfucking brains out. Am I making myself clear?" I took a deep breath and nodded, before placing my mobile back into my pocket. "Good, you learn quickly!" Hustler lowered his .45mm and returned it to the waistband of his jeans.

  A piercing scream grabbed my attention, I turned to where it had come from to see Slick yank the blade from Ramsey's leg. He brought it down again as Ramsey tried in vain to stop the attack but Slick was on an order from Onyx so I knew he wouldn't quit until instructed. "Again and again until he starts talking," Onyx said coldly.

  "There's nothing to know," Ramsey screamed trying to defuse the situation.

  "Alright stop there," Onyx moved to the bar.

  Slick held his blade mid air, "You sure boss."

  "Yeah, he ain't got nothing to tell. Just leave him there until I decide what I want to do with him." Onyx beckoned the barmaid over with his finger, "Give me a bottle of jack and a glass for everyone." He circled his finger mid air pointing at the group, "Have a drink with me." A few club members stepped forward and happily took a glass.

  I felt something cold tap my arm and turned towards Hustler who had removed his .45mm again, "That goes for you two as well."

  "What about him?" I asked nodding towards Ramsey rolling around the floor in agony.

  "He'll be okay, I don't think he'll bleed out too quickly," Hustler smirked and tapped the pistol again on my shoulder encouraging me to move. I caught Recons eye and immediately saw that he had the same dilemma as me, not knowing what the hell to do about the situation through fear of our cover being blown.

  "Onyx, the pigs are here!" We turned in unison to see Damian jogging over in our direction clearly out of breath.

  Onyx threw his glass across the club, "Fuck!"

  "How long before they're here?" Hustler asked sliding his pistol along the bar towards the barmaid.

  "They've just pulled up with an ambulance."

  "Who the fuck called the paramedics?" Onyx screamed as the club members busied themselves trying to conceal weapons and drugs. I glanced around the club discreetly looking to see if anyone was acting suspicious when my eyes met with a young girl at the back of the stage. She peered through the curtains and looked a little uneasy at the fact that she'd been spotted.

  "CJ we need to go man," I shook my head bringing my thought process into the here and now and turned towards Recon.

  "What's up?"

  "The pigs have just turned up. We can't afford to get arrested we need to split sharpish."

  I glanced in the direction that he was nodding towards and saw the uniforms, "Fuck yeah you're right."

  We slowly stepped away from the group and headed towards the back of the club as the main lights were turned on. It was a sea of activity as some of the girls were ushered in various directions by slightly older women and I assumed they were underage and couldn't be caught in an establishment like this.

  We were moving against the flow of people but I'd seen an exit sign straight ahead, "Follow me." I made my way towards the door and pressed the bar to unlock it, I casually poked my head through the gap as I didn't know what to expect beyond the door.

  "Erm excuse me," I felt a slight tapping on my shoulder and heard the sniggers from Recon as I turned. I didn't see the young girl at first and nearly trampled on her.

  I drew my brows looking at her confused, "What's up we're in a hurry babe?" Her eyes widened by my directness and I was sure I recognised her. She stepped back but held out her hand, "What's this?" I asked looking at the memory stick and small booklet.

  "Your friend dropped this before the guys dragged him away." Her hand shook and I could see how nervous she was talking to us.

  Recon look concerned, "Whoever it was babe he's no friend of ours, I think you may be confused."

  She placed her hand on her hip but still held out the items, "I may be young but I'm not stupid. I see and hear things you know."

  I glanced at Recon before returning my attention back to the young girl, "I'm still not following you babe?"

  "I heard him on the phone the other day as I was having a fag and I saw the way you wanted to jump in when he was getting a kick in."

  I swallowed hard, "Well you're still very mistaken darlin."

  "So you won't be wanting these then." She shrugged and held the items close to her chest.

  "Well I didn't say that did I," she smiled and handed me the memory stick and small pocket diary.

  Our attention was drawn to a commotion behind us further down the corridor. "You better get going. Go out this door, take a left down the alley and that will bring you out into Hare street, then chuck a right and go through the park. You'll be safe from the pigs there until it's time to doub
le back."

  I was grateful for her directions as I didn't want to be bumping into the police if I could help it. "And your name is?"


  I rolled my eyes, "Of course it is. Well thank you Charity, I appreciate your help in this matter." I winked at her as I pushed on the metal bar to open the door.

  "And discretion is key."

  "Absolutely," Charity nodded her head clearly understanding what we were getting at and I was grateful for it. She'd managed to give us the information that we'd set out to retrieve and this meant if shit hit the fan there would be little trace to Locke or the club. The next thing would be CCTV from the club but I doubted that was working after their episode with Ramsey earlier. She could quite easily be another ally that we may have to use over the next week in order to get the result that I wanted or more to the point needed.

  We took a left and jogged down the alley as instructed. There weren't any lights but the moon was shining brightly outlining any obstacles that may be in our way. I heard Recon close behind me and sniggered as he jingled, "You wouldn't be able to creep up on anyone."

  "Sorry mate it's my change and keys," he sniggered and stuck his hand in his jean pocket to hold the items as we turned left and headed towards the park as Charity had instructed.

  It was only when we reached the gates to the park that we slowed to a walking pace, "Do you think Ramsey's going to be okay?" I asked Recon concerned with how hard he'd been stabbed.

  "Well if they hit any large arteries at least he's with the paramedics now and they can see to him."

  "I felt helpless, I wasn't about to let him die though. I'd have rather blown my cover than see that happen."

  "Same here mate but it was just a godsend that we had Charity looking out for us," he sniggered at his own words. "Is this what its come down to, having a fifteen year old looking after our backs?"

  I smirked, "Well I'm pleased she did otherwise things would've panned out a lot differently."

  "For sure."

  "I've got a feeling we'll need her and we may even have to set her free or take her with us," Recon drew his brows. "What? You think we should leave her here?"


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