CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6) Page 6

by Aimee-Louise Foster


  I let out a scream as the buckle made contact with my skin. It sent a surge of pain up and down my body and I immediately cupped the area trying to contain some of the pain but it was no good. Poppy brought the belt back again, I turned on my heels ready to run from her but she caught my ponytail and yanked me back, "I haven't done with you yet bitch." I heard the belt drop on the floor before she wrapped her arm around my neck and pressed hard as she held me tightly. I grappled with her trying to release the pressure on my neck but she was too strong for me and she simply sniggered at my discomfort and the tears that streamed from my eyes. Poppy walked me forward towards the wall and released her arm from my neck as she pushed my face against the rough surface, "You're a fucking prick tease. There's no way I'm gonna sit back and watch you muscle me out of here, I've put up with too much shit over the years and there's no way I'm moving over without a fight for some fresh pussy that's for sure." She applied more pressure to my head and now the steaples from the plaster on the wall were digging into my skin.

  "Poppy I promise I'm not doing that. I just have nowhere else to go, help me find somewhere and I'll go I promise I'll leave." My words must've hit a nerve as she released some of the pressure, she probably contemplated what I'd just said. It was then that I heard an almighty thump and the pressure was released completely before I realised what had happened.

  I glanced to my left to see Poppy disorientated as her eyes rolled about her sockets. "You wanna see how a belts used babe, I'll fucking show ya." I stayed motionless trying not to draw attention to myself as Onyx unfastened his belt and slid the leather strap from the waist of his jeans. "You see my buckle is bigger and will therefore do more damage." His voice was monotone, I stayed still hoping that this was all just a bad dream as Onyx grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into the middle of the living room before roughly letting her go.

  I turned around and rested my back against the wall as I saw Poppy plead for forgiveness before her head banged against the wooden floor, she quickly held the area with one hand and I saw the grimace on her face from the pain. "Onyx please don't do this babe, she stepped out of line I was just gonna teach her a lesson that's all." She held her arms up trying to reason with him but his eyes were cold, darker than normal and there was no way she was getting away with anything today, although I was surprised he was protecting me.

  "You know not to touch anything of mine." He pointed in my direction, "And that includes her, am I making myself fucking clear."

  Poppy nodded frantically but still held her arms out in front of her. Onyx played it cool and I hoped that he'd forgiven her, I observed the interaction play out in front of me and it hurt to see Poppy so in love and vulnerable, doing whatever she needed to do to try and gain an ounce of affection from the man she loved so much. Onyx quickly turned his attention to me, my heart beat faster in my chest under his intense stare as he looked me up and down.

  "Strip!" The panic rose in my body as his words rung in my head. I glanced at Poppy, her eyes bore into my soul before I quickly brought my attention back to Onyx.

  He raised his brows, "Don't make me ask you again." I swallowed hard as I crossed my arms and grasped the hem of my t-shirt. I lifted the light weight fabric up and over my head and noticed Onyx's eyes widen at the sight of my bare skin but his unwanted attention gave me goosebumps as I stood nervously holding my t-shirt in front of my body.

  "Drop it and remove your jeans!" This wasn't a request, this was Onyx displaying the power he had over me and I simply obliged. What was the alternative? I could defy him but then where would I be? Homeless, destitute or even dead if he decided to act in such a way. I let go of the material and watched as it fell to the floor. I needed something to focus on, I couldn't look at Onyx as I moved my hands to the waistband of my jeans to unfasten the button and zip. I let out a loud sigh trying to compose myself as my hands shook uncontrollably, I closed my eyes taking in several deep breaths before I moved my hands to my hips and pushed the material from my body. My jeans fell to the floor and I stepped from them hoping that he'd stop there and not ask for me to strip further.

  "Did this cunt do that to your thigh?" Onyx pointed to my left leg and glared at me awaiting an answer. I glanced at Poppy, "Don't fucking look at her babe, I want an answer. Did this cunt do that to your thigh?" he repeated his words but spoke slower this time. I nodded my head slowly knowing that I may as well have gone over to Poppy and beat her myself because it was obvious what he was about to do. "Say the words," he commanded. "I want you to say the words."

  I wrung my hands together nervously and took a deep breath, "Yes she did this to my thigh."

  "You fucking bitch!" I looked up at Poppy to see Onyx launch an assault on her with his belt. He whisked it around in a frenzied attack catching her on the face, neck, arms and body as he repeatedly lashed her. She screamed in agony every time the buckle made contact and as Onyx brought the belt back blood splattered around the room. I stood helpless knowing that I'd caused the attack. Poppy had been vile to me over the time that I'd been here, blaming me for everything that was wrong in her relationship with Onyx but I didn't wish this upon her.

  The belt rained down on her again and again until the fight left her body and she stopped defending herself and making noises, it was as if she'd accepted the fact that she would no longer win.

  Onyx dropped the belt and rolled his eyes, sizing her up as she lay on the floor. The slight movement of her chest moving up and down was the only indication that she was still alive. Blood poured from the gashes covering her face and body where the buckle had sliced apart her skin.

  "I ain't fucking done with you yet," he bent down and grabbed her hair. As Onyx turned he smiled, "Be a love and get this shit cleared up, I've just gotta teach this cunt a lesson." Onyx winked before he dragged Poppy through the living room towards the bedroom. She grabbed his wrists trying to relieve some of the pressure as she tried to find her footing on the slippery floor but it was all in vain. As he pulled her into the room he kicked the door shut and her screams sent shivers down my spine, I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes hearing the noises become muffled the longer the assault went on.

  The sounds could still be heard as the attack continued and sounded like it intensified every so often. I couldn't stand it any longer, I needed to make myself busy to block out the noise. I picked up my clothes from the floor and quickly got myself dressed being careful of the gash on my thigh. I didn't have time to deal with it now, I'd fix it up later when everything had calmed down. Once dressed, I removed my ipod from my pocket and opened the top drawer of the dresser in the living room. I swiped the contents from side to side until I saw what I was looking for and grabbed the earphones. If Onyx wanted me to clean up the mess in the living room, I wasn't listening to him giving her a hiding as it was turning my stomach. I wanted to call someone and get her some help but there was no one that I could turn to through fear of retaliation so the best thing I could do was to ignore it although it went against everything I stood for. I plugged the earphones into my iPod outlet and placed the tips into my ears. I needed to play something with a heavy base to drown out the noise and selected 'The Killers' as this would do the job.

  I used a damp cloth to wipe down all of the surfaces, beer, wine, tobacco, blood and coke trails decorated the area and the smell was still disgusting but it helped take my mind off what I knew was going on still in the bedroom. I moved around the living room tidying as I went trying to distract myself, as I moved the cushion on the sofa I saw something metal sticking out from the back cushion. My noisiness got the better of me, I grabbed the cold metal and pulled it from between the cushions to see that it was some kind of revolver. I hadn't ever held one and I was surprised at just how heavy it was. I placed my other hand under the barrel and aimed it around the room as I squinted trying to line it up with certain objects and mimicked firing. It was when I turned towards the bedroom door that I noticed Onyx staring at me as he stood with
his arms folded across his chest. He was tall, slight in stature but it was his presence that had men quaking in their boots. His mere presence in the room made me feel uncomfortable but I didn't immediately drop the gun. I held it straight out in front of me, aiming it at his head and this time I didn't shake I just held it firm. Onyx's face lightened slowly and I had a quick glimpse at a different side to him. I continued to hold the gun at arm's length as he stepped around the armchair and made his way towards me as his smile continued to grow. Onyx stopped when he pressed his chest against the barrel of the pistol and stared into my eyes, "Do it!" he whispered. My hand shook and I had to step back slightly as he applied pressure with his body, "You want to do it Charity, then just fucking do it. I'm not afraid of dying babe that's for sure."

  His eyes changed becoming almost darker as his words goaded me to pull the trigger but I wasn't a murderer. Despite all of the things I had known him to do over the years, there was no way I could end the life of another. I believed in the justice system and the only way I would be satisfied would be if he were locked up behind bars for a very long time.

  Onyx leaned closer, I could smell the stale cigar smoke on his breath as he kissed me gently on the cheek, "Good girl." He placed both hands around the pistol encouraging me to release my hold so he could take it from me before he checked the safety and shoved it into the waistband of his jeans. "I'm going out, finish cleaning this," he stated pointing to the mess on the floor. I simply nodded and watched from the corner of my eye as he manoeuvred around the furniture and made his way out into the hallway and out of the front door. I let out a long sigh and gathered my thoughts as I contemplated what I needed to do but now that the house was silent, I could hear Poppy's whimpers coming from the bedroom. I couldn't just leave her, despite what she'd done to me, she was still human and needed help. I quietly made my way over to the bedroom door and knocked lightly using my knuckle. There was no answer but the whimpering continued, I knocked a little harder this time hoping that she'd let me in. There was still no reply, I placed my hand on the door handle and turned it ever so slightly hoping that it was unlocked. It was and I gently pushed the door open to see the carnage. Furniture had been thrown across the room and the contents littered the floor and bed. Poppy was sitting on the edge of the mattress rocking herself back and forth, her arms were wrapped around her middle protectively and my heart immediately sunk knowing that this was all my fault. I turned on my heels and made my way from the bedroom and into the kitchen. Taking a glass from the draining board with one hand, I quickly turned the tap on and allowed the water to run for a while to make sure it was cool enough before filling the glass. I turned the tap off and prepared myself for what was to come. I knew that she wouldn't accept help from myself but I wanted to show her that I did care and I was certainly no threat to her, I just didn't appreciate that she felt that it was okay to assault me on a regular basis.

  I made my way back into the bedroom, "What the fuck are you doing in here?" Poppy managed to get the words out but it was a struggle because of the swelling around her mouth.

  "I've brought you this," I held out the glass and stepped closer to give it to her.

  Poppy raised her hand and knocked it from my grasp, "I don't need your fucking pity now fuck off and leave me alone."

  I could feel my frustration mounting and knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere with her so decided to cut my losses and leave her to it. This was her world, she'd chosen this lifestyle for herself and I needed to respect that. It wasn't for me but a wicked chain of events had led me here at the mercy of the Satan's Wrath and I only hoped that one day I'd be able to be free. It wasn't looking promising but I was hoping that the arrival of the two men that called themselves Simon and Daz may just be my way out of here for good.

  Chapter 7


  "Okay so we're up to speed with the goings on in the Midlands and I appreciate all that you're doing boys." Duke gave his appreciation but I wasn't doing this for the club or him, this was my own personal vengeance that I needed to complete for my own grief and wellbeing. I took the memory stick and pocket diary from my bag and slid them across the table, "You'll be needing these also."

  Duke nodded and took the items as he glanced over at Diesel. We all knew that this helped the fact that there were fewer ties to the club which made it better if there were a police investigation after I had killed the fuckers responsible for murdering Locke.

  "Thank you, I don't need to know how you got these but we're all grateful that they're in our possession rather than theirs." Duke passed the items to Woods, he smiled and simply placed them into his pocket knowing what to do with them.

  Recon sat forward in the chair and rested his elbows on the table, "Is there an update on Ramsey?"

  Diesel nodded, "His injuries aren't life threatening although he has taken a beating."

  "Who was responsible?" Duke narrowed his eyes directing his question to me as he leaned back in his chair.

  "Slick and Fix but instructions came from Onyx." Duke nodded his head slowly as he contemplated what I'd said.

  "Okay guys, unless anyone has got something to say while we're all here then we can end the meeting." Duke glanced around the room and brought the gavel down dismissing the group.

  I stood and stretched holding my stance as the muscles in my back loosened, it had been a stressful couple of days juggling everything and my thoughts quickly turned to Locke and what he had to endure during the seven years that he lived a double life. He must've been in turmoil most days, not knowing whether he was coming or going and constantly worrying whether he'd be caught out. I shook my head, annoyed with the fact that he had taken all of that upon himself without a word to anyone. We as a collective could have supported him through that and the outcome may have even ended differently. I left church and strolled into the main bar deep in my own thoughts when someone clearing their throat caught my attention. I looked up to see a bird loitering at the entrance and smiled.

  "What can I do for you?" I asked strolling towards her with my hands in my pocket.

  She looked a little nervous, "Is Recon around?"

  My face lifted slightly knowing that a pretty bird was on the prowl chasing Recon, "Yeah babe he is." I looked around the room and saw him enter the bar from the toilet still fastening his flies. I whistled across the bar and caught his attention and nodded my head towards the bird.

  His face brightened as he checked her out and he rubbed his hands together as he strolled across the bar towards us.

  "Hi babe how you doing," he leaned in close and placed a light kiss on her check. I rolled my eyes at his gesture, this wasn't like Recon at all and I was surprised that he was making every effort to impress in order to woo her.

  "Yeah I'm not too bad," she tucked a tendril behind her ear and a slight blush covered her skin. I felt like I was intruding but I wanted to hang tight to see what she wanted.

  "I was just wondering if any of the guys had recognised Millie from the photograph I gave you." She looked up at Recon as he shook his head.

  "No Jen but I think we should explore other avenues. Maybe the contacts that CJ has could be used to find her?"

  "Do you think so?" she cupped her hands and stared at him with so much hope. I'd love to help her but I was so busy myself that I just didn't have the time.

  "Yeah I do. I'm a little busy at the moment but I can meet you at the Cross Keys cafe in say," he glanced at his watch pondering a time. "In about an hour?"

  She nodded, "Oh that will be great, thank you ever so much." She turned on her heels and strutted from the clubhouse shaking her perfectly formed arse.

  Recon let out a low whistle, "She is fit!"

  I sniggered at his comment, Recon wasn't usually one to express his feelings but she'd certainly made an impression on him.

  "I recognise her and I can't put my finger on it." I never forgot a face and I knew it would bug me until I worked out where I'd seen her before.

  Recon roll
ed his eyes, "Please tell me you haven't shagged her."

  I sniggered and held my hands up in front of me, "I can assure you that I haven't fucked her but our paths have crossed, I just can't figure out how at the moment."

  "Oi!" I turned towards the noise to see Stoney bound towards me looking aggressive.

  I nodded my head keeping my cool but I was a little annoyed how he was getting up in my face.

  "What's this about you meeting up with Keira?" he asked pushing me so that my back hit the bar. I naturally clenched my fists but he was lucky that I was in a good mood otherwise I would've smashed his face all over the place. A few of the guys stopped what they were doing and looked in our direction to observe what was going on.

  "Why's it an issue Stoney?" I asked standing upright and adjusting my t-shirt.

  "It's not an issue bruv but why the fuck have you kept it a secret?" he pointed at me several times and the last movement caught me chest.

  I reacted by grabbing his finger, "Poke me in the fucking chest again and you'll lose that finger." I spat through gritted teeth. I was now annoyed and didn't like to be questioned about what I was up to as it had nothing to do with anyone but myself.

  Stoney shook me off and stepped back looking bemused, "I'm the one that should be looking out for her, Locke asked me to do it not you."

  I couldn't believe that we were arguing regarding me meeting up with Keira. Yes, Locke had asked Stoney to look out for her but he would've asked anyone during that moment in time, it just so happened to be Stoney that was there but he was taking it personally. I was his fucking best mate and if I wanted to meet up with Keira then I fucking would and I wasn't being dictated to by anyone else.

  "Why are we having a row about this Stoney?" I held my arms out wide and shrugged. "It's really no big deal."

  "Well it is to me!"

  "And what do you mean by that exactly?" I watched as Stoney became uncomfortable under my scrutiny. "Oh, you fucking like her."


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