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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

Page 13

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  Onyx looked between us slowly, "We have some important business to attend to on Friday so I'll pick her up in the morning."

  "That's cool coz I'm leaving Friday around midday."

  Onyx nodded slowly, "Okay well have fun you two." I didn't like his facial expression, he was annoyed but trying to hide it. I'd lived with him long enough that I was able to work out his moods and that was Onyx at his worst but he wasn't acting on how he was feeling. I needed to make CJ aware that all wasn't right but I'd choose my moment wisely as I was still a little unsure of what made him tick.

  Onyx mounted his Harley and rode through the car park not even giving us a second glance as he exited onto the main street.

  "So how you doing?" CJ asked tugging on my elbow to follow him into the hotel.

  I sighed, "Yeah not bad." I unclasped the helmet and removed it from my head.

  "You hungry?"


  "Good coz I could eat a scabby horse so we'll order room service and have a chat while we're waiting."

  "About anything in particular?" I asked worried what he may want to talk about.

  "Life babe," he sniggered as he directed me through the main doors. "We could be here a while though," CJ smiled to himself and I wondered where his thoughts were going. I didn't think that he particularly wanted to talk to me, I just think that he wanted to chat and I was that friendly ear to listen.

  An hour later and I was stuffed. CJ had ordered a variety of different things and I'd just polished off the last of the ice cream.

  "You have an appetite like me," CJ sniggered as he placed his can of drink onto the table.

  I smiled, "I'm not allowed to eat all this so it was nice to indulge." I waved my hands over the remains of what was a delectable feast.

  "Not allowed?"

  I shook my head, "No Onyx likes his women tiny so he limits what Poppy can eat but her coke habit helps that."

  "So where do you fit into this though? You're not his old lady."

  "I know but I suppose...oh hold on a minute I've just had a thought!" I held up my finger indicating for CJ to stop talking as a million thoughts burst into my brain.

  "What is it Charity, you look worried?"

  I hung my head and supported it on the palm of my hand, "Oh my fucking god it's just come to me."

  "What babe? What the fuck you talking about?"

  "It all fits into place now. Onyx said that things are changing around here on Friday."

  "Well yeah things will change dramatically on Friday." CJ smiled which made me snigger. I didn't know exactly what he had planned but I knew it would be life changing for the Satan's.

  "He also said that Poppy was packing her bags," I glanced at CJ to see that his expression had changed.

  "So you think that he's trading her in for a younger model?"

  I slowly nodded, "Yeah I do." I pushed the chair back and stood, feeling agitated as I walked around the room placing my hands on my hips as I contemplated what this meant. I didn't want to be his old lady, he was fucking ancient for a start and made my skin crawl. I let out a moan and stopped in my tracks to look at CJ, "You gotta help me. I can't possibly live like this anymore."

  CJ stood and made his way across the room towards me, "Charity calm it down babe. You have my word that everything will be sorted on Friday and if anything you'll have options."

  I looked at him confused, "Options?"

  "Yes, now don't ask me anymore questions because you know that I can't answer but you need to trust me sweetness."

  I nodded my head so he knew that I was listening, "I do CJ, I do trust you."

  "Good because everything is going to be fine."

  I smiled, "Okay well let's get all this cleared up."

  "Fuck that shit, that can wait until later." CJ dismissed the plates and left over food on the table and plonked himself on the bed with the remote in hand. "Anything in particular you want to watch?" he asked flicking through the TV channels.

  "Nah, I don't watch a lot of telly if I'm honest. The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones is about all I have time for."

  "Good choices little lady, they are two of my favourites."

  I kicked off my shoes and sat down beside CJ on the bed. It was only then that I realised just how comfortable I felt in his presence. He was so easy to get on with unlike the members of the Satan's, I'd seen a moody side to him but on the whole he was a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed spending time with him.

  His phone vibrated and he removed it from his pocket, CJ drew his brows as he read the text and quickly wrote a response.

  "Is there any issue?" I asked concerned why his mood had suddenly changed.

  "Erm, I'm hoping not but I just want someone to clarify something for me."

  It wasn't long before his mobile vibrated again and he picked up his phone to read the message. "What the fuck!" He pressed the phone and quickly held it to his ear to speak to someone.

  "Dec, what do you mean buddy?...So she wasn't there when you returned....No note or message?...And how long ago was that?...Yeah I have but shitty, you know one word answers most of the time...Well you know what your sister's like...Yeah I know it's out of character and I don't like it one bit...I'll get my brothers on it...yeah let me know if she gets in touch." CJ hung up and threw his mobile onto the bed, he sat forward and massaged the front of his head using his thumb and forefinger.

  "What's up CJ?" I asked concerned.

  "Keira's gone missing."


  "Well we don't know for sure but she hasn't been seen since yesterday and no note has been left to explain where she's gone." I could see the turmoil on his face although he wouldn't admit to having feelings for her.

  "Is that out of character?"

  "Yes very much so, she doesn't usually go anywhere without Declan and he's none the wiser."

  "Well how old is she? Can't she look after herself?"

  "She's Locke's girlfriend!" Those words hung in the air as I took them in. "She's also carrying his baby so I need to find her and keep her safe."

  "From what?"

  He drew his brows, "She was there the night of the fire that killed Locke. I need to know that she's okay before I jump to conclusions."

  The penny dropped and I finally understood what he was talking about, I also knew the implications because if she had been taken all hell was about to be let loose on the town.

  CJ picked up his phone again and pressed a couple of buttons, I could see the panic rise as his breathing became iritic.

  "Eli, I need a favour...Keira's slipped off the radar again but this time she's not with Declan. Is there any possible way that you can do some digging and see what you can come up with?" CJ stopped talking and listened to the person on the other end of the line, "Yeah see if you can look down there and up here. I doubt she'd come and see me after what happened the other day but you never know." He almost looked pained by his words and I knew that his feelings for her were stronger than he was letting on. "Thanks bruv, if you find out anything though could you please let me know, no matter how trivial you think it may be?...yeah me too...speak soon."

  He let out a sigh as he turned off his phone and threw it onto the mattress. "All sorted?" I asked not knowing what to say but wanting to help.

  "Well my brother has some contacts capable of doing a few checks to see if we can hunt her down."

  "And in the mean time?"

  "I can only hope and pray that she is safe and well. "

  I leaned over and placed my hand on top of his and gave it a light squeeze, "I'm sure she'll be fine. She probably just needs some time to chillax and just take some time for herself."

  "I hope you're right Charity, I really do."

  "Well this is getting a little heavy so we need to change the subject," CJ sniggered at my change in direction.

  "You can be a little random at times babe," he folded his arms across his chest and smiled.

  "Good, I'll take that as a compliment." I fold
ed my arms across my chest also mimicking his gesture, "Life's too short for too much seriousness."

  "I couldn't have explained it better myself."

  "Ah it's just come to me that the time of the meet has changed to 2.00pm."

  CJ's eyes widened slightly, "Right thanks for that, I'll let the relevant people know. What about the location is that still the same?"

  "Yep that's still the same. The problem I have now though is that I'm not at the house to catch up on the plans over the next couple of days."

  "Not to worry I'm sure it'll all be fine."

  "I could possibly make excuses and go back if you want?"

  CJ shook his head, "No, after what you said earlier it's probably best that you stay out of the way. Onyx has plans for you obviously from Friday and we don't want him changing his mind and making it any earlier."

  I shivered at the thought, I didn't want him or his wandering hands anywhere near me if I could help it.

  "Okay I'll stay here with you until Friday then." I wanted to ask him whether he'd had a chance to speak to Duke but I was a little afraid of what the answer would be.

  "What's on your mind sweetness?" I looked at him shocked that he knew I was thinking about something. "When you're thinking you wrinkle your nose so stop over analysing and spill."

  I sniggered at his comment and decide honesty was the best policy. "Have you had a chance to speak to Duke about me coming back with you?"

  "I have yes," CJ wasn't giving anything away.

  I rolled my eyes at his lack of cooperation, "And the answer is..."

  "He is happy for you to come back with me. We don't know where we are going to put you up yet but he said he'll work something out and speak to you about earning your keep."

  My face lit up and I could feel my heart swell, this was the one chance I needed to prove myself to the world. I knew that the Aces MC couldn't be all that bad and that it would be an upgrade from the Satan's as they obviously knew how to treat their women. I'd also make sure that I pulled my weight so that I didn't owe them anything.

  "Thank you so much," it was hard to keep the excitement from my voice.

  He smirked, "Easy tiger, you may not like it there but at least you'll have options unlike here."

  CJ's phone bleeped indicating that he'd received a text, he glanced in my direction before he picked up his phone from the mattress. "Don't mind me," I grabbed the remote and flicked through the channels, there had to be something on worth watching. I saw out of the corner of my eye that CJ was having a hard time with the person he was messaging or the subject matter but I didn't want to ask as it was none of my business. Instead I continued to channel hop trying to find something that may hold my interest but could feel my eyes getting tired, it had been an eventful day for sure and certainly had taken its toll on my body and mind.


  "What the fuck is that?"

  Charity's eyes flew open and she scrambled around the bed trying to figure out what the hell was going on but I didn't have time for that shit, I'd just simply reacted to what I'd seen.

  She squinted and placed her hand over her eyes as the sun shone through the window directly onto the bed where she was now sitting.

  "CJ what you going on about?"

  I threw the cotton wool pad at her and her eyes enlarged as it fell into her lap. "Erm...I don't know what you want to hear?"

  "The fucking truth, I've seen it Charity who did it...Onyx?"

  She slowly nodded and picked up the cotton wool pad from her lap and started to fold it to conceal the blood. "It's just one of those things, it happened last night before I came here."

  "Marking his territory was he?" I spat.

  She shrugged, "God knows. All I know is that it freaking hurt and I'm grateful that's all he did."

  "Has he fucked you?" I could've chosen my words carefully but I wanted to get to the point.

  She shook her head vigorously, "No, he started to touch and kiss me tenderly before he thought of me as his next meal." She sniggered nervously trying to make light of the situation that only made my blood boil more. I had one more day to make sure everything was in place and then I'd be free of that mother fucker and he couldn't hurt anyone else.

  "There's no point getting the hump about it CJ, what's done is done."

  She was right but that would probably end up scaring and that didn't sit comfortably with me. I was all for rough sex and marking, that sort of brought an edge to it pushing boundaries to see what you could get away with but it had to be consensual, you couldn't go around marking people for the sake of it or to put some type of claim on your woman.

  "So what are your plans today?" she asked digging around into her bag.

  I watched in wonder to see what she was after until I saw a new cotton wool pad in her hand. "They're going to watch me like a hawk today so I need to go to work but that leaves you on your own. What do you want to do?"

  Charity shrugged before using her teeth to break the length of sellotape she'd just pulled from the reel. "I could just hang around here catching up on some well deserved sleep or come with you."

  "Come with me?"

  "Yeah, why not? I don't know much about construction but I could help in the office with paperwork or even make the tea."

  She almost seemed excited at the prospect of coming to work with me, not that Recon and I did much if I were honest. It was just a smoke screen as we knew we'd be watched by the Satan's. I knew that having her by my side would open a can of worms and I was right but I only had one day more and everything would be sorted.

  "Okay, why not but you'll have to amuse yourself for the day and keep out of trouble because I'll have meetings and stuff."

  She held up three fingers and saluted, "Scouts honour." I sniggered at her reaction, she was a breath of fresh air to have around and sometimes I forgot just how young she was.

  "I forgot to ask last night, well actually I fell asleep before I got to say anything."

  "Yeah you did actually, when I got off the phone you were snoring quite heavily."

  Charity slapped my arm playfully, "I do not snore!"

  "How do you know you're asleep at the time."

  "I'd just know if I did."

  I sniggered at the uncertainty on her face, "You're right you don't snore but you make these cute little noises and sighs, it's most entertaining." Charity rolled her eyes before she turned and pushed from the bed. "So where were you going with this?"

  She sniggered, "Oh yeah, see random! I was going to ask if everything was okay last night."


  "The messaging. You looked a little upset and I was going to ask if you were okay but I fell asleep before I got the chance."

  There were some things that I didn't want to discuss. Charity knew too much already and because of that, it made her vulnerable. I didn't want to give her anymore information that may put her at more risk. "Everything's fine sweetheart."

  I could see by her expression that she didn't believe me but she wasn't going to challenge, "Okay, well have I got time to take a quick shower?" she pointed to the bathroom and I could see that she was longing to get in there. If this was a proper job I'd be late and most certainly sacked but we didn't have to rush.

  "Of course you have."

  She smiled sweetly and skipped to the bathroom clutching her holdall.

  I sat back on the bed and held my mobile wishing that Keira would make contact. Last night we'd discovered that she went AWOL two days ago and although I'd received a couple of messages from her they were very short and somewhat coded. I had a horrible feeling about this and couldn't shake it no matter how I looked at the situation. I was only hoping that she'd taken off for a few days to get her head together and that she'd come back all refreshed for the rest of her pregnancy but with the lack of contact and the fact that we had nothing to go on I was losing hope and focus from the job at hand.

  My phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts but the disappointment hit me when I saw w
ho it was, "Recon, how you doing mate."

  "All good, are you coming to work today?" he asked sarcastically.

  "Yeah I'm just waiting on Charity to finish in the shower." As soon as the words left me mouth, I instantly regretted it especially as I was on loud speaker.

  I heard the sniggers and cackling and simply waited for it to stop before I replied, "So I should be with you in about twenty minutes, make sure the kettle's on." I smirked as I ended the call, they were relentless in their pursuit to embarrass me about the situation with Charity but I knew that I didn't have any other option. I needed to take her with us, I couldn't just leave her here for the wolves and devastation left behind after we parted.

  I heard the click of the door and turned to see her leave the bathroom with a cloud of steam behind her, "Like your showers hot?" I asked making reference to the plume behind her.

  "By the time I get a shower at home the water's always cold so yeah I'm making the most of it."

  I smiled as I grabbed my keys from the desk, "Come on you, there's a few people at work that are a little excited to meet you."

  "Meet me?"

  "Yes little old you."

  She looked confused but happily grabbed her coat from the back of the chair and followed me to the door.

  Surprisingly there was no one waiting for us in the hotel car park and to my knowledge, no one had followed us to work either. In saying that I wouldn't be surprised if any of them paid me a visit today or wanted to speak to Charity to get the low down but I had already briefed her should that happen.

  "Here he is, I'm starting to forget what you look like." Recon walked over to me with his arms open wide to give me a manly hug and patted me on the back to show his affection.

  I pulled from his embrace and stepped back as Charity stood nervously by the door. "Everyone this is Charity, she's been very helpful this past week and we have a lot to thank her for."

  She gave a little wave and looked at the group congregated around the table. "She's also coming back with me tomorrow." I glanced at Duke and smiled, "She is going to be welcomed to the Aces family." Charity beamed as she stepped forward to stand beside me and I knew that I'd have loyalty from her forever.


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