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CJ (Aces MC Series Book 6)

Page 17

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Fuck!" I cursed, I slowly let go of Hustler but before he could get away completely I ran the blade from his ear to his mouth exactly how the club had branded Locke all of those years ago.

  "Aaargh you fucker," he screamed as he brought his hand to his face before rolling from my embrace. I placed my blade back into its sheaf and stood cupping my hands in front of me waiting to be arrested.

  "Sorry guys, this is all my doing. Just put all of the blame on me and say you were just here to protect me."

  "CJ shut up you know the rules, don't say shit." I rolled my eyes at Duke's comment, I knew the protocol but I was past caring. I'd completed what I'd set out to do albeit Hustler was still alive but it had given me a purpose for the past couple of months.

  We watched as four police vehicles parked in front of us. Several people from the unmarked vehicles made their way towards us and a tall athletic built man led the way through the undergrowth.

  "You must be Duke," he extended his hand and Duke took it although I could see the uneasiness on his face.

  "And you are?" he asked as he shook his hand.

  "Detective inspector Banks, I'm in charge of operation Collegiums." Duke raised his brows as if asking him to explain further. Banks chuckled, "Oh please forgive me it's Latin for gangs, I'm in charge of cleaning our streets of vermin."

  He was a live wire for sure, I rolled my eyes knowing that we were all screwed. We never trusted a copper to start with but a copper who thought he was funny was a deadly combination.

  "You see 'Duke', can I call you Duke or is that too familiar?"

  "No that's fine," he replied folding his arms across his chest.

  "Good, well Duke we've been following you lately and we understand that you've had a bit of bother with our notorious MC." Duke nodded and I was a little concerned as to where this line of questioning was going. If these coppers were in the Satan's pockets, we'd all be going down for a long time especially as I'd just killed the President of the club.

  "Do you wanna cut to the chase otherwise I've got a feeling that we'll be here for a while."

  Detective Inspector Banks sniggered, "The direct approach, I like that."

  Duke glanced around the group and frowned when he made eye contact with me.

  Banks clicked his fingers and pointed towards the five Satan's members still knelling on the ground and the police officers rounded them up.

  "What the fuck is going on? They've murdered Onyx, you know that right so why aren't you doing anything about it? I want it on record that he, yeah him there fucking murdered another man." The officers that had hold of Hustler didn't bat an eyelid as they escorted him along with Slick, Fix and Cookie towards the meat wagon.

  Once they were loaded, the officers drove away, I glanced around the group again and the whole situation just seemed surreal. It was only then that I noticed Damian, he hadn't been ushered away and my brain was working overtime trying to work everything out.

  "We've had the Satan's under surveillance for years. We needed to make sure that we had everything watertight before we brought them in. We couldn't allow the club to get off should we bring them in because as you can appreciate that would be embarrassing." Banks held his hands behind his back and paced up and down in front of us contemplating his next move and I had a horrible feeling that I wasn't going to like it.

  "Your friend Jake put a spanner in the works when it came to light that he was should I put this, undercover. Now I know that your club didn't know anything about it, I suppose he was a maverick wanting revenge on the people who murdered his family and rightly so, I think I'd be thinking the same." He stopped and looked directly at Duke, "But when he murdered Priest and then Polar our operation sort of fell on its head and I pulled some of my men from the job thinking that he was going to clear up singlehandedly." He sniggered at his own comment and went back to pacing again. "Now unfortunately we didn't know that they were going after Jake and we can only apologise for that but that incident also opened a can of worms because we knew that you would then want revenge and fast forward a couple of months and here we are." He extended his arms towards us as we all stood quietly not knowing what he was about to say or do.

  He let out a sigh, "Damian or Jon as we like to call him, informs me that you're actually a nice group of guys and as far as I can tell you run a very legit tight ship down in Essex. I've done some digging myself and as far as I can see, you're keeping your noses clean. Now if I were to search you all now, I'd probably have enough to put you away for a couple of years but I'm looking at the bigger picture here guys so you need to bear with me." Again, he stopped but this time in front of Diesel, "You've got a baby on the way like Duke so you can't afford to be going to prison and as for you," he walked over to me. "You've got bigger things to think about, Keira needs you more than ever now that she's carrying Jake's baby so you can't afford to be getting into trouble either." Banks stepped back to look at the whole group, his little speech was just to let us know that he'd conducted some research and knew about our lives.

  "So what am I to do boys? Hmmm do I arrest you all, create a whole media storm about biker gangs in the UK and how they seek revenge and kill each other? Scare the local community so that every time they see someone on a Harley Davidson, they think that they're going to be shot at or stabbed? Or do I give you this one warning, send you packing with your tales between your legs and say that I'm watching you and if you ever step out of line again, I'll be on you like a tonne of bricks." Banks strolled over to Duke, "What do you say Duke, who holds all the power here?"

  Duke drew his brows, "What's the catch?"

  Banks placed his hands onto his chest covering his heart, "I'm hurt that you would even think that." Duke rolled his eyes, "Please save me from your sarcasm."

  Banks smiled, "I'm a sixty-two year old, father of three beautiful children and have been in the force longer than most of you have even been alive. I've seen things and done things that even some of you wouldn't want to experience in your worst nightmares so because of all of these life experiences I would say that I'm a very good judge of character. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'm not saying that you're angels and I'm most certainly not saying that I agree with everything that you've done but I can't afford for there to be a media shit storm on my watch. I've got a couple of years left before I retire and I'd like the full package available to me."

  "What, you're just going to let us go?" I asked confused as to what he was actually saying.

  He looked confused, "Don't worry CJ you'll be watched you have my word on that but as far as I can see, you've got your revenge you don't need to be here anymore. So you need to go home and concentrate on your own lives and families and be upstanding citizens."

  He turned on his heels and walked towards the car closely followed by Damian leaving us all gobsmacked, "Oh I nearly forgot." He caught our attention and we all turned towards him. "Where are the drugs?"

  We all glanced around the wooded area towards the place in which the fight had broken out earlier. "Holdalls, as far as I'm aware everything should be in those holdalls," Diesel shouted.

  Banks smiled, "You've got half an hour and I want you gone, do you understand?" We all nodded in unison but didn't move until all the police officers had moved from the vicinity.

  "Fucking hell!" Duke let out a sigh as he made his way over to the group.

  "What the fuck has gone on?" I rubbed my hands over my head trying to make sense of the past half hour.

  "I'd just say that we are very fortunate indeed that he doesn't want to make the six o'clock news this evening." Duke smiled and opened his arms wide to embrace as all. We hugged, patting each other on the back at the surreal turn of events this afternoon.

  "But let this be a lesson to you all boys because he's gonna be watching, he's said as much and with the information he has we could all be going down for a long time." Diesel placed his hands into his pockets and rocked back and forth looking almost grateful.
/>   We turned to the sound of vehicles travelling down the dirt track and was surprised when they stopped beside us despite the police still being in the vicinity.

  The rear door flew open and Keira did her best to manoeuvre herself from the car. I strolled towards the vehicle and I was surprised that she took up speed despite her pregnancy and ran towards me with her arms held out wide. I scooped her up into my embrace and felt her lips touch mine as I kissed her back with exactly the same fruition. I ran my hands through her shoulder length hair grabbing it to pull her closer as we kissed with raw emotion. This was two people discovering, figuring each other out but at the same time experiencing feelings and emotions for another, that would always hold a dear place in our hearts. I didn't know what the future would hold for myself, Keira and the baby but I knew one thing for sure, there was no way that I wasn't going to be part of her life, I just didn't know in what capacity it was going to be.

  As we broke from the kiss, there were a number of different facial expressions greeting us from the group and I couldn't make out if the consensus was good or bad but this wasn't the time or the place to discuss further, I was just grateful that she was back safe and well.

  I wrapped my arm around Keira's shoulder and walked her towards the car to greet my siblings.

  "What the fuck are you doing with them?" Fallon looked humble as she exited the car.

  "Erm...well I..." she looked sheepish.

  I drew my brows, "Well come on it's not usually like you to be lost for words."

  "She created a trap so she could be taken." I glanced in Eli's direction before returning my attention back to Fallon.

  "You fucking what?"

  Fallon rolled her eyes, "It's not like that they're creating drama as usual."

  "Well what is it like then? Go on, tell him exactly what happened." Finn had now joined us and he had a maddening look on his face.

  "Well we didn't know where Keira was and I knew that I'd been spotted when I came out to see you in the hotel car park."

  "Really?" I asked confused as I was sure I hadn't been followed.

  "Yeah, there were two guys in a red Ford. They didn't hide the fact that they were taking photos but I didn't want to worry you."

  "For fucks sake Twizz so what did you do?" I asked exasperated.

  "When you left they got out of their car to follow you and I was worried that they'd see your Harley and radio through to Onyx so I confronted them and they put two and two together and the rest is history." She spoke as if it were no big deal, the fact that she'd been kidnapped either didn't register or she just thought she was going for a ride in a strangers car.

  "And how did you know they would take you to Keira?" I squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, pleased that she was here with us in one piece but still pissed off by her actions.

  "Well I didn't, I just hoped that they would."

  I rolled my eyes and looked over to the guys questioning her motives.

  Finn shrugged and opened his arms wide, "I'm past trying to figure out how the female brain works mate, especially hers."

  "Erm can I stop you all for just one minute?" Fallon stood with her hands on her hips and stared us all down.

  "Well even if we do object it looks like you're going to do it anyway," Rian spluttered before sniggering loudly.

  Fallon raised her brow disapprovingly, "I would just like to point out that not only did they take me to the same place as Keira, that you were also able to track me with this stupid device." Fallon held her arm up high and pointed to the watch we had bought for her so we could track her every move."So I would say that was a very good day at the office and I will be expecting a huge Christmas bonus." She smiled brightly, "High five Keira."

  Keira sniggered and stepped forward to high five Fallon to the dismay of the rest of the group.

  "I'll never understand women," Finn threw his hands up in the air before turning on his heels to join Duke and the rest of the group. We followed suit as there was a lot that needed sorting out but we needed to leave soon as we were under strict orders from Banks.

  "Well I'm glad that everyone has come out of this unharmed but we really need to be making a move. Time is ticking and Banks has already been more than fair so I don't want to out stay our welcome. Does anyone want to say anything before we set off?" Duke looked around the group and nodded at the lack of response.

  "Oh hold on a minute, there's something that I need to attend to before I head back."

  Duke drew his brows, "Is there an issue I should know about."

  "No it's all cool but I've gotta do this because I promised."

  Recon understood what I was talking about, "Do you want me to come with you?"

  "Nah I'll be cool, probably quicker on my own if I'm honest."

  He nodded, "Okay but I'm only a call away."

  I turned my attention to Finn, "Are you okay to get Keira home safely?"

  "Not a problem," he smiled and turned in the direction of the car.

  I stepped closer to Keira and placed my hands onto her tummy, "You need to take it easy. I've just got something that I need to take care of, then I think we need to sit down and have a proper chat when we're back home."

  "I couldn't agree more," Keira lifted her head and I met her half way to place a kiss onto her lips.

  I smiled and loosened my hold on her allowing Keira to make her way to the car. I watched as she sat inside and fastened her seatbelt and was all too aware that a couple of the guys had joined me.

  "I know some of you are going to kick off because you don't agree but can we leave the negative comments until tomorrow. I'm exhausted and haven't got the energy for an argument." I didn't look at the guy's, I didn't need to seek reassurance or even need their blessing, all I knew was that it felt right and I was a firm believer that if it put a smile on your face then it was obviously good for you. I bent down to pick up my helmet from the ground and strolled over to my motorcycle as I fastened it under my chin. The ride over to Charity's would take me around 45 minutes and I was grateful for that as it would give me the time needed to try to clear my head a little.

  "Hi," Charity greeted me with a small smile as she peered through the gap of the door.

  "Are you going to take the chain off and let me in, I don't bite." I tried to make light of the situation but she was worrying me with her reluctance to open the door.

  "Erm yeah, hold on." I stepped back and she closed the door and I heard the swoosh of the safety chain being released before the door was opened.

  "That's better, am I okay to come in?" I asked impatiently.

  Charity nodded and stepped back allowing me the space to enter the house. I took this opportunity to glance around my surroundings, it was a decent sized house and it was kept immaculate I just wondered if it was all Charity's doing. I turned to see her standing uncomfortably as she bit down on her lip.

  "What's the matter sweetness?" I asked stepping around the sofa to join her.

  "Charity you need to give me a fucking hand I can't..." I turned to see a bird in her mid twenties who looked more Essex then some of the Essex women I knew. Her appearance made me snigger but I could tell from her expression that she wasn't in the mood for my banter.

  "And this is?" she asked Charity totally ignoring me.

  I screwed up my nose at her gesture, "Are you for real love?" I asked her directly before turning my attention to Charity. "Sweetness, we have a bloody long drive ahead of us so throw some things quickly into a bag. I wanna be leaving in 10, 15 minutes at the very most." Charity looked uneasy and glanced between myself and the Essex wannabe.

  "Erm...she ain't going anywhere, she needs to help me."

  "Well that's where you're wrong babe. Charity is coming home with me and there ain't a thing you can do to stop that happening."

  She scoffed, "You obviously don't know who my old man is."

  I sniggered, "Erm yeah I do and I'm not exactly scared." I glanced at Charity and nodded for her to get her arse in gear.

  "No hold on a minute missy, you answer to me."

  I laughed again, "Sorry if I'm mistaken but hasn't he asked you to move your arse out of here by today?"

  She narrowed her eyes, "Yes but that's only temporarily."

  "Really? You're as gullible as you look then."

  She held her phone and swiped through the screen as I quickly made eye contact with Charity, "Now, get a move on." She smiled at me before walking into the kitchen area and through a door on the right hand side wall.

  I returned my attention to the bird, who had the phone pressed firmly against her ear. "He won't answer babe."

  She rolled her eyes, "He always answers to me."

  "Okay how should I rephrase this then, he can't answer."

  "And why not?"

  "Coz he's fucking dead, you see I had to slash his throat because he was a little bitch."

  "I don't believe you, Onyx is the President of the Satan's Wrath."

  "Oh very impressive babe, it's a shame that he didn't act like that when he gave me his colours." I perched on the arm of the sofa ready for the backlash from Onyx's bitch.

  Her eyes widened, "He'd never hand over his colours."

  "Well that's what I thought, I'd rather die than hand mine over but he did it quite freely."

  "Whatever, shut the door on your way out." She pointed towards the front door and I sniggered.

  "That's fine babe I'll do that but Charity is coming with me."

  "You'll so regret this," she swiped her screen again and tapped away before placing the phone to her ear.

  "So I take it you're calling Hustler now." Her eyes met mine with a concerned expression, "You see the thing is sweet, he's on his way to her Majesties pleasure so he can't answer either so I suggest you go about your business and just leave us to it." I stood as Charity entered the room, "Are you ready babe?"


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