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Her Perfect Revenge

Page 24

by Anna Mara

  Jenny was already copying the address on her notepad. "Consider it done... but I still think he loves you."


  "All right, my lips are sealed. Now let's get to work. We'll outwit the rat bastard together."

  Christina giggled. It was the first time since yesterday that she began to feel hopeful again.

  * * *

  Christina was at her bedroom window looking down at the twinkling lights of her engagement party on the mansion grounds. It was 7:45 p.m. and guests had begun to arrive. Limousine after limousine had been crawling up the circular drive, dropping off their distinguished passengers.

  She was waiting for the slimeball to pick her up.

  According to William, she was to make a grand entrance on Bill's arm when most of the guests had arrived. William had also arranged for hair and makeup people to come to the house and turn his future daughter-in-law into more of a goddess than she already was. Christina smiled. Those had been his words, not hers.

  That afternoon, when she'd been in the middle of being primped and plucked, there'd been a knock on her door. It was Geoffrey, one of the under butlers. He handed Christina two small boxes marked Tiffany's and an envelope with her name on it. She recognized Bill's scrawl.

  Ripping open the envelope, Christina pulled out the note. It read 'We can't have an engagement party without an engagement ring nor a wedding without…' He'd left the last part blank.

  Christina opened the first box and gasped. Inside was the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen. Whereas her last ring had been big and showy, this one was a simple five karat design with one perfect square-shaped diamond in the middle and two heart-shaped diamonds on either side. It was tasteful and elegant—and exactly what she would've picked out. She loved it. Damn him! He was getting to know her so well—and she didn't like that at all. She slipped it on and it fit perfectly, glistening on her hand. Wonder how much this one cost?

  She then opened the second box. Inside, was a diamond eternity band with perfect diamonds circling the band. It was her wedding ring—and Christina felt her stomach heave. Was that because she was disgusted at having to marrying him—or excited? For one spilt second, she wasn't sure.

  But the wedding date was still three weeks away. She now had Jenny helping her and they'd find some dirt on him before then. Christina's stomach calmed down and she placed the wedding band back in the box.

  "I hope you kept the receipt, Bill Havenwood because that's one ring I'm never going to wear," she mumbled to herself.

  The makeup and hair people had left; and Christina stared at her appearance in the full-length mirror. Her hair was pinned up with tiny crystals placed throughout the style. As she moved her head, her hair seemed to shimmer like an angel's.

  Her couture dress was a white, chiffon Grecian toga-style floor length that molded itself perfectly to her womanly shape. It also had crystals beaded throughout. As she moved, it too shimmied and sparkled. She looked like she'd come down from the heavens—and she felt it, too.

  The only jewelry she wore was her new engagement ring and the platinum stickpin the worm had given her during their dinner date. She'd placed it high up on the dress near her shoulder. What had he said when he'd given it to her? That she was sharp and dangerous? Sharp and dangerous indeed! He didn't know how sharp or how dangerous but he'd find out soon enough. He'd also said that she enjoyed 'sticking it' to him. Yes—that was coming too. She smiled to herself. Wonder what he'd say when he saw her dressed like this?

  There was a knock at her door. It was him.

  She glided across the bedroom and her heart was beating at the speed of light. Why was she feeling like this about seeing him—and having him see her? She opened the door.

  It wasn't him. It was William.

  "Change of plans, my dear. I've decided I want to introduce you to the New York phonies myself," he announced.

  William was dressed in a black tuxedo and looked every inch as handsome as his son, if only older. With his ponytail tied at the back and his suave British accent floating out of his mouth, he was the epitome of class.

  "I'd be honored," Christina smiled and placed her hand through his arm.

  "Christina, you look a vision," William gushed as they walked down the hallway. "I couldn't have asked for a more perfect daughter-in-law than if I'd picked you out myself."

  Which he had, of course, he devilishly thought to himself.

  Chapter 43

  The entire house and grounds were lit up like a Christmas tree. Waiters in black and white uniforms were serving champagne and hors d'oeuvres to the two hundred plus guests in the back gardens and pool area where huge tents with tables had been set up. A small orchestra was playing and a few couples were already dancing. The mood was soft, elegant and posh. The cream of New York high society was here, all the movers and shakers of the moneyed class. There wasn't a 'have-not' in the entire well-heeled bunch.

  Dressed in a black tuxedo that molded to his lean physique, Bill was pretending to listen to Jonathan Simons, a boring banker that was trying to interest him in some stock deal. But he was keeping an eye on the French doors leading out of the mansion. He was waiting for 'her' to appear.

  His father had insisted on being the one to escort her out, even though Bill had objected. He wanted to be the first person to see what she looked like tonight. He wanted to have a quiet moment with her before this damned debacle began and maybe find out what she thought of her new engagement ring. He wanted to touch her, to smell her, to kiss her even—well maybe not kiss her—he didn't think there was much chance of that now that he was blackmailing her into marrying him—but he could still hope, couldn't he?

  Bill shook his head at himself. Look at how pathetic he'd become! The Bill Havenwood who had always been able to get any woman he wanted into whatever position he wanted was now giddy about 'maybe' getting a little kiss from this one—if he was lucky. When had he become such a fool over a woman?

  Ever since this one had crashed into his life, that's when.

  Bill kept his peripheral vision glued to the doors as he continued to humor Jonathan by pretending to listen.

  And then—she magically appeared.

  Bill's eyes widened with desire as he saw her float outside on his father's arm. She looked spectacular and he saw several men in the crowd swivel their heads in her direction. She seemed ethereal, from another world, as her dress sparkled with tiny stars.

  And she was going to be his.

  He felt like a little boy who'd been promised an ice cream cone and couldn't wait to get his hands on it—and his tongue. He smiled to himself as the hot images ran through his brain.

  Yes, he definitely wanted to eat his fill.

  Two other bankers approached him and Bill greeted them warmly. Tonight, he was going to be the perfect host. This was their party—his and Christina's—and he wasn't about to do anything that might embarrass her in front of this hypercritical, snobby crowd.

  She was all that mattered tonight.

  For the next half hour, William paraded Christina in front of New York's elite, introducing her to everyone that mattered.

  And they all treated her with respect. She was going to be a Havenwood after all and William had a lot of power in all circles—business and political.

  Bill, on the other hand, worked the other side of the party, greeting everyone; making small talk and making them feel welcome. He shook so many hands he felt like he was running for office. These snobs were going to give his marriage their blessing if it killed him tonight. Not that he cared two pence what they thought but he cared for her sake. She was going to be accepted by them if he had to kiss every rich-bitch matron at the party and bullshit with every pig businessman and politician already lining up at the buffet table.

  It was all for her.

  Chapter 44

  Christina was feeling overwhelmed. So many faces, so many names—how was she going to remember them all? William had just finished introducing her to the hundre
dth black tuxedo. She'd stopped seeing faces fifteen minutes ago. Now all that registered in her brain was what they were wearing.

  On coming outside, she'd spotted Bill standing by the pool talking to some man. Her eyes had gone to him of their own volition as if her radar was set to his frequency but she'd quickly looked away before he noticed. As always, he looked magnificent. His aura radiated outwards and attracted every female within his parameters. Yes, the bastard was definitely good-looking.

  And as William showed her off to his cronies, she had an almost sixth sense of where Bill was at all times. She could even feel his magnetic presence when her back was turned to him.

  Oh, why did he have this power over her?

  But the bastard was blackmailing her again—and that made her mad. And when she got mad—she got smart. She was going to be the captain of this Havenwood ship and it was going to sail where she steered it, not him.

  Christina refocused on William who was leading her to the pool area.

  "Everyone loves you, my dear," William gushed.

  "You mean they all love your money, don't you William?"

  William laughed. "That too. You're too smart for this crowd, Christina. But that's what makes you so perfect for becoming a Havenwood." He gave her a wink.

  Too late, Christina realized that William was taking her to where Bill was standing. They reached him and her heart started racing as Bill turned his green orbs on her.

  "You look very beautiful tonight, Christina," Bill admired, as his eyes devoured her.

  Christina blushed, unable to stop herself.

  William became impatient. "Yes, yes, Christina always looks beautiful. Never mind that. Now you two listen. I've introduced Christina to everyone. You both now need to show them how much in love you are. They've all got their beady little eyes on you now. So you…" He pointed to his son. "Dance with your fiancée and stay close to her for the rest of the evening. And watch your drinking tonight. I don't want to have to explain any drunken antics to this snotty bunch of reptiles, got that?"

  "Right, dad; no drunken antics from me tonight." Bill smiled at Christina and she couldn't help smiling back as they shared their secret that Bill was now sober.

  "Good." Pleased, William nodded. "Now, go dance with Christina."

  Bill took Christina's hand and led her to where several other couples were already dancing. As they began to move to the music, she looked up at him and gave him one of her warmest smiles—and he was dazzled. Was she beginning to soften up to him?

  "I've decided I have no choice but to marry you… you prick," she purred.

  No, she hadn't, Bill thought—but her agreement to marry him sent triumphant shivers up his spine. He returned her smile with one of his own radiant grins.

  "That's not exactly the speech of a loving bride, but I'll take it."

  She smiled again for the sake of their guests. "Most grooms aren't scheming swines like you, sweetheart. I despise you, you know."

  Bill laughed as he danced even closer with her. "So you do have feelings for me, darling."

  "And they're quite strong feelings. I'm actually surprised at how passionate I am about my loathing for you."

  Bill dipped and twirled her. "As long as you're passionate about me, beloved, then I'm the happiest man in the world."

  Obviously, she wanted to play this light and witty for the benefit of their audience and Bill had no objections. He wasn't happy about her confession just now that she detested him but he was forcing her into this, so it was to be expected. But maybe—she'd eventually change her mind once they were married? Maybe? But tonight he would take whatever crumbs she was willing to dish out, even if they were poisonous.

  Christina inched closer to him and disengaging her hands from his, she let them slide up his chest and wrap around his neck. This brought their bodies together as they continued to shimmy to the romantic music. A jolt of instant desire shot through Bill as her soft curves cupped themselves to every angular feature of his and he briefly closed his eyes hoping that his body wouldn't betray him by showing every snob at this party how much he damned well wanted her.

  "There, that's better," she whispered as she lovingly began to caress his cheek with her gentle hand. "Do you think all your friends are enjoying the show now, sweetie?" She smiled up at him, her full lips pouting enticingly.

  "Darling, if you keep grinding against me like you're doing now, I'm going to put on a show for these assholes like they'll never forget."

  She laughed at him then but didn't move away. "We both know you'll do nothing to embarrass yourself in front of your moneybags father. So don't focus on what I'm doing with my body to yours… focus instead on all the money you'll be getting if you pull this off."

  Bill took a deep breath as he got control of himself. "That's a little 'hard' to do right now." He emphasized the word 'hard'.

  Christina ran her finger across his lips while temptingly licking hers. "I know you want me."

  Bill was completely mesmerized. He couldn't have walked away from her if his pants were on fire—which they were!

  "Yes," he gasped out. "I haven't made a secret about that."

  She smiled into his eyes, "Well, you'll never have me because I hate you, you louse."

  Bill bent down to her ear and whispered, "Them's fightin' words, darlin'."

  "Bring it on, you goddamned bastard," Christina laughter twinkled out.

  Bill laughed as he spun her around before yanking her back to his overheated body.

  Two society matrons had been watching the couple, as had everyone else at the party. They whispered to each other about how much in love Christina and Bill were, and what a lovely couple they made.

  Bill gazed at his beautiful bride. "So tell me, do you like your new engagement ring, you little hellcat?"

  Christina dared him with her eyes. "What are you going to make me sign over this time, if I lose it? A kidney, maybe… or my firstborn?"

  "Your firstborn? Now there's an idea." Those piercing green eyes of his glinted dangerously down at her.

  Her heart skipped a beat as, for one split second, the thought of having his baby sent a thrill through her but she quickly made it go away. She glanced at her new ring, sparkling on her left hand. "The ring is beautiful. You have exquisite taste, Mr. Havenwood."

  "I picked you, didn't I?" His eyes darkened as they devoured her beautiful features and Christina again felt that thrill shoot through her.

  But the bastard wasn't getting her tonight. She was going to get him.

  She rubbed her hand across his cheek again as the orchestra played another tune. "The month's not over yet, my darling and I might still find my first ring. If I do, I'm gone and you can go to hell," she said, with her most winsome, loving smile.

  "That's 'if' you find it and you haven't yet… so I'm still in the running for your sweet affections."

  "We'll see," she mysteriously replied.

  "What about your white knight boyfriend? Have you broken it off yet?" Bill jealously asked.

  "I still have a few weeks left before I have to take vile vows with you and a girl can sow a lot of wild oats by then."

  Another surge of jealousy coursed through Bill. So, she was still sleeping with the scumbag, was she? He quickly got control of himself and gave her a movie star grin.

  "My darling, if there are any wild oats to be sown, I'll do it for you. I'm very good at—farming."

  In spite of herself, Christina was impressed with his witty comeback. He had such an amazing sense of humor, damn it!

  "Are you now?" she coyly replied.

  "Definitely. In college, I majored in drinking, vomiting and—farming. I got my degree in all three. I'm not good at much in this world, Christina but in those three subjects, I'm a Nobel Prize genius. And since I'm not drinking or vomiting anymore, I'm now putting all of my energies into—farming."

  "Why am I not surprised, honeybunch?"

  Bill laughed at her. He was so enjoying this little game of hers. "
Let's see. I'm good at tilling the soil and planting my seeds…"

  "From what I've heard, you've planted your seeds far and wide," Christina cattily interrupted him.

  "Don't believe everything you hear, my little milkmaid—at least half of it anyway," he replied, as his hands moved down to her derriere and began to softly caress both cheeks.

  That felt so good, Christina thought, that it angered her even more. With her arms still around his neck, she began to play with the back of his hair as she sensed everyone's eyes on them.

  She wickedly smiled up at him. "Farmer Bill? The only thing you're good at—is spreading manure."

  He laughed then—a deep throaty laugh—that resonated throughout her body. It filled her up, as if they were indeed having sex. Every molecule in her greedily lapped up the tingling vibrations he was shooting out. Oh, why did he have to have this effect on her?

  All of New York high society watched the couple and there wasn't one person there who didn't believe that Christina and Bill were deeply in love. It was in the way they were holding each other as they danced—and the way they were softly speaking to each other like lovers—and in the way they smiled as they stared deeply into each other's eyes.

  Yes, those two were in love—it was so obvious.

  There was also someone else who had been watching the pair intensely—a tall, willowy redhead named Stephie. She was standing on the outer perimeters of the crowd where she wouldn't be seen. She hadn't crashed this party tonight to cause a scene. No—she had come tonight to do another kind of damage.

  Jealous rage roiled through her system as she watched them dancing so close to each other. She knew how Bill looked when he was having a sexual relationship with someone and it was obvious those two were now screwing each other. It was in how they were moving in sync together—and in the way they were holding each other—and in the way that little mouse was caressing his cheek.


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