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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

Page 6

by Gloria Martin

  “And this is what we need to hear from you my lady,” the man who asked the question smiled at me and bowed before he sat back down with the other court members.

  Another court member spoke up without standing, revealing herself, or addressing me properly. “What can you offer Abalon? Every queen compliments her king, yes, but she also has her own good works and legacy to leave.” All of that got Jesper’s haunches up and he nearly growled at the person who spoke.

  “Your question will not be heard unless you address Lady Clarice properly,” he said and the woman stood quickly, it was the same one who had stopped me near the garden.

  “Lady Clarice, what can you possibly offer Abalon?” she asked. There was a challenge in her voice she no doubt was trying hard to suppress. Jesper was staring a hole into her face and she grew nervous by the second. I touched his arm and he glanced at me, then backed off a little.

  “Well, Earth is a ‘new’ discovery for the larger alliance of this reach of the galaxy. Me being a human from Earth, I could help facilitate inducting Earth to the alliance. I know the people, I know how politics work there,” I said and the room, including the professionally reserved High Council, seemed to like that idea.

  “The humans are a strange people to navigate. Lady Clarice has a point,” said one councilman from behind me. But I tried not to get too hopeful.

  Soon after that, the meeting was adjourned, but Jesper had to stay back with the council, who wanted to speak with him further. I took LJ back to the suite to get him ready for bed. He was quite vocal after the events of the night.

  “I know right? Who’re you telling?” I had LJ propped up on my knees in bed by the time Jesper walked in, he looked tired.

  “Did the council give you a hard time?” I asked and he shook his head.

  “No, but that entire meeting was more than I would have liked you to endure. Though you held yourself admirably…I had not expected it,” he said and smiled at me proudly.

  “Well…I do have a thing for public speaking, I used to work for the United Nations…you know before I came here,” Jesper looked at me curiously and I explained.

  “The United Nations is a council of leaders from all over the world,” I explained. Jesper’s eyes widened, before he strode over to the bed and gave me a kiss that left me breathless. I blinked a couple of times then had to giggle when I saw LJ with his eyebrows raised and his eyes open wide.

  “He’s definitely never seen anyone kiss mommy before,” I chuckled and Jesper laughed.

  “He will get used to it,” Jesper said and then kissed me softly before he picked LJ up for dad time.

  “Jesper…” I started. He glanced at me curiously and I took a deep breath. “I don’t want to make a rift between you and your parents or anything, but you won’t let Judith send me away will you?” After the events of the night I should have been more than reassured that Jesper had my back, but I just had to ask.

  “I wouldn’t be separated from you, nor would I let anyone take LJ’s mother from him. Do not worry so, things will sort out given time,” he said, and kissed me reassuringly.

  “Okay then,” I sighed and Jesper smiled at me before giving his full attention to LJ.



  Clarice was curled around LJ in his bed cradle. He hadn’t wanted to sleep in his own room the previous night, nor did he want to sleep at all. It pained me to know how much work it was to have such a small child that needed much. Clarice had had to raise him on her own for an entire month without me, and for that I would always attempt to make up for. But she was a strong woman…I believed that she could be a good queen, the people however, would be harder to convince.

  “Your majesty,” the High Council all bowed or curtsied as I entered the small council room in the palace.

  “Council,” I greeted them and took a seat to get matters started.

  “We have discussed the matter of Clarice becoming queen and we think it a good choice for Abalon. Especially if it could help bring Earth to the Planetary Alliance,” said Zia, one of the High Council members. Of all of them, she was most curious about Clarice and our son. They all nodded and I saw that they all truly agreed with her words.

  “We found that the Court has two main concerns. They worry that Lady Clarice won’t be dedicated to Abalon and its people, and they worry that if she were to try and be an ambassador for Earth, she’d find some way to go back to it,” she added and I sighed.

  “Those are valid concerns, valid indeed,” I murmured.

  “We think…a test of sorts is in order to see where her loyalties lie,” Zia said. I looked to her curiously. “Perhaps if we present her the option to live on Earth, well cared for with your son and the assurance that you will be in their lives?” she suggested. “Then we can know where she would prefer to live.”

  “I am sure I can tailor something to tempt her. She told me that she worked for a council of world leaders on Earth. I could suggest that she be ambassador for Earth and therefore get to live there with LJ and I could assure her that I will see her and LJ often…yes this could work,” I said and the council nodded.

  “Do report to us her choice my king, before the court stirs up unrest among the people,” they advised. I assured them I would get her answer at first meal. I left the meeting room and immediately came across my mother’s presence. She was very obviously waiting for me.

  “Jesper, we must speak,” she said. I took a fortifying breath and gestured her forward for a walk.

  “Mother, I will not change my mind about Clarice. The High Council is behind her, and once she has been on Abalon long enough and learned our ways the public will come to accept her,” I said. She rolled her eyes.

  “Jesper, Abalon has always been a peaceful place and quite progressive, but that is because the public has never been faced with such change. I fear making Clarice queen will start dissent and then soon we may well be as divided as the humans are on Earth,” she said passionately.

  “Mother, I understand your concern, but I do not believe our Abalonians would do that. As long as there are those like you, fighting against something different, then there will be dissent. You haven’t even given Clarice a chance,” I told her and she sniffed disdainfully.

  “Can’t you just see how things turn about? If not for me then for your son and Abalon’s future?” she scoffed and I worked to bite back my impatience.

  “Why are you so opposed to this? What is the true reason? I’ve never known you to be close-minded. Father understands, he stands behind me, why can I not have your support mother?” I asked her. She gave a tremendous sigh and looked down. There was a long stretch of silence before she stopped and forced me to stop and face her.

  “If you had married a woman from the court then your life would have been easy. You wouldn’t be facing these things you’re facing now. And what about your son? When he grows old enough to take the throne every day he will have to prove himself. Things would be much simpler if you hadn’t had had the child with Clarice. I only want what is best for you,” she said, her voice suddenly full of motherly concern and I understood. Clarice would no doubt attempt to do all she could to protect LJ until she was old and wrinkled. Just like my mother was only trying to protect me.

  “Mother you have to understand that I am king now. These obstacles are mine to face and I welcome them. I believe that Abalon can have an exciting future and become a truly great planet within the Planetary Alliance. Clarice was an act of fate and what is to come is destined. There is no fighting destiny…and I love her mother, I do not think I could be without her.”

  I spoke in earnest and tried to convey the truth of my feelings with my steady gaze. My mother searched my face a long time before she gave me a small smile.

  “You are in love…you truly are,” she said and I smiled.

  “So now do you understand?” I asked, and she nodded, though her eyes were still unsure.

  “I would not think to come in between you an
d your heart then,” she said and I exhaled in relief.

  “Do not look so defeated. Perhaps you can get to know Clarice, and it is very easy to fall in love with LJ,” I said and she gave a small thoughtful smile.

  “What is it that LJ stands for?”

  “Little Jesper. Clarice named him after me even when it appeared I would not be in their lives while she was still on Earth. She is an honorable woman,” I said. My mother’s smile widened a bit. I was hopeful that soon she would come to terms with the changes. I wanted my parents to love LJ and Clarice just as much as I did.

  After easing some of my mother’s concerns I returned to my family just as they were waking. Well LJ’s eyes were wide open and staring at Clarice as she stirred from sleep. I scooped my son into my arms and he smiled at me. His smile was like Clarice’s and it stopped my heart every time.

  “Where are my boys?” Clarice murmured. I chuckled when she found us standing next to the bed. “Oh…” she smiled, and then rolled off of bed to kiss us both.

  “I thought we could have a nice meal together, in the royal family’s dining room,” I said. Her eyebrows lifted in some surprise.

  “Is this like a…formal thing?” she asked and I shook my head.

  “No, it will just be the three of us,” I assured her and she nodded before going to freshen up for the day. I took care of LJ changing him, bathing him in his sink tub like Clarice taught me and dressing him. I could already tell he would be a happy babe, he babbled nonstop and smiled often as I got him ready. It surprised me much when I realized just how much I loved him, LJ was truly my son and I would always be his father.

  “Okay I’m ready…and I’m starving,” Clarice said as she came out to the main suite.

  “We are ready as well, come,” I led her to the dining room. It was fully enclosed in glass apart from the floor so that one would have full view of the outside. The White Plains were on our left and the capital city on our right.

  “Wow…this room is beautiful,” Clarice said as she sat at the table.

  “It was meant to simply compliment the outside,” I told her. She took LJ from me to feed him before she herself ate. My respect for Clarice never stopped growing.

  “I have a proposal for you, one I think you would find advantageous,” I told her and she looked at me expectantly as she held LJ to her breast. “The council and I have met and they do think you being an ambassador for Earth as we begin to induct them to the Planetary Alliance would be ideal.” Clarice smiled excitedly and I continued. “But they have allowed for you to live on Earth to do so, should you wish. You would still want for nothing, LJ could of course live with you and you’d see me as if I lived on Earth with you…” Clarice’s expression slowly fell and she tilted her head at me.

  “They don’t want me on Abalon? I thought you wanted me to be your queen?” she asked.

  “Of course I want that, I love you…I believe in you and I want you at my side. But Earth is your home, I would not want you to be unhappy here and the council has allowed for this option,” I told her and Clarice’s eyes sort of misted over.

  “I love you too…and I don’t want to live on Earth. I want to be here on Abalon with you. I can do diplomatic work from here. My loyalty is practically already all for Abalon. I mean…LJ is going to rule some day and you’re the current king, how could I not want to stay here?” Clarice spoke earnestly and her eyes never left mine. “Tell me what I have to do to prove myself and I’ll do it, Jesper,” she added. I heard the emotion in her voice then, the conviction.

  “Clarice…will you marry me?” I asked. She smiled slowly at me, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Yes,” she said in a soft voice and I carefully leaned over LJ to kiss her three times on the mouth.

  “Shall we announce it to the council after we finish eating?” I asked. She nodded.

  “Of course,” she said and took a deep breath. “This won’t be easy…but oddly enough I’m looking forward to it,” she said and I grinned.

  “You are so perfect. I love you,” I said. She smiled a smile that arrested my heart. We had a long road ahead, but we would be on it together.


  Cyborg Warrior’s Son

  Groping the glass walls, feeling her way through the pitch black laboratory, she struggled to keep upright.

  It’s probably past midnight, she thought in panic, running a hand through her short blonde bob. She hoped and prayed she wouldn’t get caught while making her way back to her quarters. Damn. It’s all Trisha’s fault.

  Her best friend Trisha had sneaked in some alcohol pills that her rebellious cousin had invented. One pill was supposed to have an effect similar to downing a bottle of beer. But BAM! After just a few minutes, she’d become really tipsy and couldn’t seem to stand or think straight.

  Trisha had actually passed out on her work table. But she would probably come to in an hour or so. She was used to getting into trouble, anyway. Cathleen wasn’t.

  Trisha didn’t really need the job because her family was filthy rich. Perhaps that was the reason she didn’t take it so seriously. Her dad had forced her to work with the lowest position available in their company. But she’d actually been sleeping her way up the ranks and having the time of her life.

  Meanwhile, Cathleen did not have that luxury. Though her elderly parents were being taken care of by the government, she needed money to survive on her own and pay for her little sister’s needs.

  A strong wave of dizziness made Cathleen stop and hold on to the edge of a nearby steel cabinet. A few blonde locks fell over her gentle blue eyes. So much for celebrating her promotion. I’m going to kill you, Trisha. Tomorrow. If I ever make it back to my room…

  A loud scraping sound made her turn around. There was absolute darkness.

  “Who’s there?” she asked fearfully. Her woozy, unstable mind was conjuring up scary images – evil aliens lurking in the dark, experimental robots gone haywire, cyborgs on a killing spree…


  Suddenly, it hit her that she had stumbled upon the adjoining stockroom where the non-operational cyborgs were being kept. These were humans who had been on the brink of death and disability, but had been operated on to incorporate various mechanical parts to make them fully functional again.

  With her heart pounding madly, she fumbled and floundered her way toward the nearest door. Luckily, the knob turned and she threw herself inside without thinking. Quickly she locked the door, breathing heavily. She felt a little stupid hiding out there when the entire lab was supposed to be deserted. Besides, those new cyborgs will not just rise from their beds and suddenly attack her.

  “I’ve been watching too many sci-fi movies…” she muttered, closing her eyes and leaning her throbbing head on the door.

  “Cathleen…” a deep male voice suddenly said.

  Her eyes suddenly opened wide. That was when she realized that she was inside what looked like a private office. There was a huge desk on one side, opposite a conference table for about ten people. On the wall behind the conference area was a large mirror that she figured probably doubled as a holographic projection screen.

  Quickly scanning the room, she noticed two round gleaming eyes in the darkest corner of the room. They were staring at her.

  “Who are you?” she demanded, trying to sound brave. She could have opened the door then and run away fast. But curiosity made her stay.

  A tall, muscular figure stepped into the faint light coming from a small lamp. She immediately recognized the cyborg officer in charge of testing and training the new cyborgs. The past week she’d been crushing on him, stealing glances whenever she could, trying not to fantasize about his bionic arms wrapping around her.

  “It’s you,” Cathleen whispered in combined surprise and relief.

  “And it’s you,” he whispered back, his steely eyes seemingly recording her entire body. The way he looked at her then, she felt as though he were undressing her in his mind. And with the modern techno
logy installed in his system, he might actually have that ability!

  “I… have to go…” Cathleen murmured, suddenly feeling her face flushing and her body warming up intensely. It was probably the alcohol.

  “So fast?” he asked in a slightly seductive tone. His robotic brown eyes were flashing with a strange blue light as he strode toward her and almost pinned her to the door.

  Cathleen’s heart was racing. This time, it wasn’t from fear but from the thrill and excitement that his proximity brought.

  She could smell a whiff of his manly scent, which made her headier. His jet-black hair was fixed in a military cut, matching his powerful presence and well-built body clad in their classic navy blue uniform.

  “I’ve seen you,” he said. “You’re always watching me.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Cathleen answered a little breathlessly. Her heart was beating furiously, her blood rushing like a wild river. She could feel a tingle running down her spine, and heat spreading across her limbs.

  “I can sense your increasing temperature and heart rate now,” he said matter-of-factly, his lips turning up in a slight grin.

  Cathleen’s eyes widened. She did not know what to say. Her mind had gone blank except for lustful thoughts about him, wondering how it would feel like to have sex with a cyborg. Her whole body was suddenly screaming with immense desire.

  In a split second, their lips met in an explosive, passionate kiss. Their hands were on each other, hungrily fondling, caressing, and stroking.

  Quiet, sensual moans filled the room as their clothes were stripped away. Her hands explored the cold, hard surface of his shoulders and arms, while his lips traveled down her naked body.


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