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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

Page 57

by Gloria Martin

  Geneva did not relax. “Cadmus didn’t attack me, a harpy did.”

  Drake laughed, “My dear Geneva, why do you think we allowed you to take him prisoner in the first place? We knew of his guilt and were allowing you to try out your human form of justice on him. Obviously he overpowered you.”

  He held out his hand and Geneva was certain she did not trust him. Something about Drake set the hair on the back of her neck on end. Looking into his face she noticed that his eyes were the one difference between him and his brother, they were brown.

  “You’re safe now,” he encouraged. “Come with me, Geneva.”

  Tentatively she reached out. His hand was strong and soft, but somehow she imagined that it should be oily for the feelings she felt in her gut.

  Drake pulled her towards the edge of the bed, and as he pulled the silk out of the way he turned around and asked, “Are you hungry?”

  Geneva gawked in awe at the rooms and halls that Drake led her through. He explained to her that she had stumbled onto the entrance to an entire city of dragons, Althelus. He mundanely began talking about the history of the city and other cities of dragon-kind scattered throughout the land.

  Geneva was only halfway listening to him prattle on. Instead she wondered at her own reflection in all of the shining silver and gold and other precious metals. Everything was either adorned in precious metals and jewels, or plush fabrics and furs. She wondered where Cadmus was being kept.

  Every few steps, she found herself reaching out to touch objects, sometimes to feel the strange softness of a fabric and other times to gauge if it could be a possible weapon if she needed one. This strange decadence was something she had never experienced and she wondered if human kings and queens had anything half as extravagant.

  As Drake continued to talk, she noticed that he had a band on his wrist that was similar to the one that Cadmus wore. She wondered if it was also connected to dark magic. Was Drake the dark magician or just another victim, like his brother?

  They arrived at a banquet hall and the sight was so overwhelming it took Geneva’s breath away. The table was laden with more food than she could imagine. Everything glittered. Geneva followed Drake into the room.

  He bowed deeply and motioned towards the table, “Anything you’d like, my dear.”


  During dinner and her short tour of the keep, Geneva looked for similar gold bands being worn by other dragons. However, no one else wore them, not even the other royals that she was briefly introduced to.

  On the other hand, what she did see was the way that the other dragons looked and acted around Drake. It was the same way that many of the people of Haven had acted when they first moved there, before they realized that they were truly safe from their abusers. To Geneva it was clear that Drake was not a ruler by the choice of his people.

  She understood their unease in his presence. He spoke in half-truths and veiled threats. After a few hours she had a pounding headache from listening to him. Drake noticed and mistook her ailment as fatigue from her recovery rather than something caused by his nauseating presence.

  As he guided her back to her bedroom, Geneva asked, “Would it be possible for me to see Cadmus?”

  Drake shook his head, visibly disgusted by the idea. “Why do you want to see him? He nearly killed you, Geneva.”

  “That was the harpy,” she insisted.

  As they arrived at her door Drake took her firmly in his arms. “Sweetheart, do you think that wasn’t part of his plan? It was staged so that he could escape.”


  Drake held a finger over her lips to quiet her. “Please, don’t get yourself all worked up, you’re still recovering. Just try to relax and get some rest. If you need anything at all just pull the cord next to your bed. An attendant will be there to take care of your every need.”

  Geneva held her tongue and obediently headed into the room. Her mind was working and pondering half concocted plans for getting around Drake.

  Once inside her room, she shut the door behind her and listened as his footsteps reverberated down the hall as he walked away. Geneva then began searching through the drawers of the tables and dressers until she came across stationary and a charcoal stick for writing. On the stationary, she wrote a list of directions.

  Then she sat on the bed and found the braided cord she had been instructed to pull. Within seconds, a secret door opened up in the corner of the room and an attendant walked in.

  The attendant was a very pretty young girl with a plain face and her hair tucked away beneath a bonnet. Geneva smiled and she smiled nervously back.

  “Here,” Geneva said as she handed the note to the girl, “I wrote down what I need so that you wouldn’t have to worry about forgetting anything. It’s just some medicines to help me feel better.”

  The attendant read her note:

  I do not trust Drake. I need to get word to Cadmus.

  If you can help me get word to him or see him, bring me white willow, lemon balm and peppermint.

  If you cannot, bring me wormwood, whiskey and a glass of water.

  The attendant nodded in understanding and curtsied as she responded, “Yes, my lady.”

  “Please, don’t call me my lady,” Geneva stopped her as she turned to leave the room. “My name is Geneva. What is yours?”


  Geneva smiled. “Thank you, Opal.”

  She paced anxiously as she waited for the attendant to return. As the minutes ticked by she began to wonder if Opal had turned her note over to Drake. Then again, what if she had been caught? Every worst case scenario began to run through her mind.

  A short while later, Opal returned with a small silver tray that held three ornate bowls, one with white willow, one with lemon balm, and one with peppermint. Underneath the peppermint dish there was a note for Geneva.

  Risky chance you took there asking the attendant for help. I’m being held in the dungeon, but don’t bother trying to break me out. Even if you could, Drake still has control over me. He has a gold band that is identical to mine that he wears. Unless you can get it off of him, there’s nothing we can do. Don’t do anything crazy, okay? He’s much more dangerous than a harpy.

  I’ll be dreaming of your kiss until I can hold you in my arms again.

  Geneva held the note from Cadmus to her heart. She could only imagine what it must be like for him in the dungeon and she tried to keep the image from forming in her mind. She nodded to Opal. “Thank you.”

  Geneva’s mind set to work again as she tried to think up ways to get the band from Drake. He had to have some weakness, something that could distract him or coerce him into removing it so that Cadmus could be freed.

  She began jotting things down in notes. She recorded everything she knew about him, although at this point it wasn’t much. Still, she reached for every detail. There had to be something that was the key to his undoing.

  Eventually, she gave up and threw herself back on the bed and began daydreaming of Cadmus. She thought of the cave when he had ‘attacked’ her. There was something he had said. The words echoed in her mind and suddenly began to make sense to her.

  He’s been watching you.


  Over the next few days, Geneva had Opal pass notes between herself and Cadmus. She put on her best face and did her best to remain pleasant and tolerant of Drake. He was eager to be in her company, and she begrudgingly allowed him so that he would begin to trust her.

  He doted on her and offered her presents at every opportunity. He tried to joke with her and Geneva forced the stiff laughs out and smiled until her cheeks ached. She even let him hold her hand as they sat in drawing rooms and listened to courtiers play musical instruments for their entertainment.

  The culture of the dragons was truly fascinating, but it was overshadowed by the fear of the dark magician. Under any other circumstances, Geneva imagined that she would actually have enjoyed her time here. As it was, she constantly felt as if she
were going to throw up and her head throbbed angrily with headaches. Something about Drake just made her sick.

  Opal brought her strong headache remedies as often as possible, but they did little to relieve the dull aching pain. Geneva informed the attendant that the plan would soon be set into motion. Opal promised to inform Cadmus and Geneva prayed that it would work.

  That evening, after dinner, Drake walked Geneva to her room as he was in the habit of doing. His hand clasped hers as they walked down the hall and she smiled as he prattled on about how much he enjoyed her company and how he thought the world of her.

  When they arrived at her door, Drake released her hand and bowed deeply. “Goodnight, my dearest Geneva. I hope you sleep well.”

  As he turned away, Geneva grimaced and forced herself to act. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards her. “Actually,” she said, “I was wondering…”

  “Yes,” his face was bright with incredulous joy as he anticipated her request.

  “I don’t sleep so well on my own,” she said bashfully. “Would you find it terribly inappropriate if I wanted to you to sleep next to me? I don’t like being alone.”

  “Of course not,” he insisted, “you have been through so much, my love. If you need me by your side day and night, I am here for you.”

  Geneva forced a grateful smile on her lips. “Thank you, Drake. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  She opened the door of her room and led him inside. The silk draperies of the bed had been pulled back to make it inviting and Opal had placed fresh flowers on all the tables.

  Drake inhaled deeply as he closed the door behind him. Geneva turned back around to face him and smiled bashfully as he took her hands in his own. The contact made her want to flinch away, but she forced herself to hold steady while Drake spoke.

  “Geneva, you know you are the most precious thing in the world to me. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. It may be sudden, but I want you to know that I’m in love with you.”

  Geneva stiffened. She could feel herself starting to hyperventilate.

  Drake sensed her distress and asked, “Darling, what’s wrong?”

  Geneva took a deep breath and tried her first plan, “It’s just, that band on your wrist. Cadmus had one just like it and it reminds me of him. Could you - I don’t want to be a bother, but would it be possible for you to take it off?”

  Drake hesitated and Geneva tried her persuasion tactic. She leaned in and kissed him. Drake smiled. “Of course my love, it’s only a trinket.”

  He took it off and placed it carefully on the dresser. Geneva smiled with relief and led him over to the bed. “Come, hold me while I sleep.”

  Geneva didn’t sleep a wink. In the wee hours of the night, she heard the soft clicks that signaled Opal entering and leaving the room through the secret passage. It was then that she was able to relax just a little bit. She knew that the band was on its’ way to Cadmus in the dungeon. Once he had it, Drake would hold no more power over him and he would be able to escape.

  A few hours later, Drake began to stir from his slumber. Geneva yawned and turned to face him. Drake propped himself up on his elbow and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. “How did you sleep?”

  “Very well,” she lied.

  Drake smiled brightly. “Good. Should I ring for morning tea?”

  Geneva shrugged, “Yes, tea sounds nice.”

  “Good.” Drake pulled the cord and leaned over to kiss Geneva on the forehead. She felt like she needed to bathe now.

  The secret door opened, but instead of Opal, Cadmus walked in bearing the morning tea tray and exclaiming, “Good morning, sunshine!”

  Drake leapt from the bed. “What are you - How are - Why-!”

  Cadmus laughed heartily as he sat the tea tray down. “What’s wrong, Drake? Aren’t you glad to see your brother?”

  “You’re supposed to be locked away! How did you get out?”

  Holding up the pair of gold bands, Cadmus beamed with happiness. “Well once you finally decided to take off that magical collar you put on me, it was easy. Especially since I’m the elder brother. People like listening to what I ask them to do.”

  Understanding seeped into Drake’s face. He turned back to Geneva where she was perched on the edge of the bed. “You,” he pointed an accusatory finger at her, “you tricked me into taking off the band so that you could free him.”


  “But why? I’m the one who loves you. I brought you here to be with me.”

  “You sent your brother to destroy my village and then a harpy to destroy him. There’s nothing romantic about that,” she told him.

  Drake stood there, dumbfounded and sputtering. Cadmus snapped his fingers and the bedroom doors opened, a pair of guards entered and took a hold of Drake.

  “Be nice to him,” Cadmus called as they removed his twin from the room. “Don’t spare any of the specialties the dungeon has to offer.”

  When the doors shut behind them Cadmus looked over at Geneva.

  “I told you I was a prince,” he said.


  Bonus Story 10 of 50

  The Crime of Protection

  Avi felt a jolt when the police cruiser attached itself to the top of the spacecraft she had called home for the past year. She had been on the run all that time, and finally, they had caught her. Avi felt her heart pound in her chest, her mouth go dry, and her forehead bead with sweat. She predicted they would promptly storm onto her ship, guns blazing. In her experience, authority figures had a habit of shooting first and asking questions later.

  But Avi wasn’t going to give up without a fight; pretty soon she heard the entrance to the ship clang open and the sound of boots clomp onto the floor above her. They would be here very soon. Avi jumped down from the pilot’s seat, grabbed her gun and crouched down behind the first-aid station and waited, gun in hand.

  The door overhead burst open and Avi could hear a flood of boots rush into her ship and her belongings being tossed around. She had to force herself to stay put, though she had lived on this ship since the moment she fled Zethron with her life, and she had started to grow fond of it. She didn’t like the fact that they were tossing her things around like garbage, but she had to remind herself that that was the least of her worries at this moment. Any second now, a group of cyborgs would come running into this room and she needed to prepare herself for the worst.

  Avi sucked in her breath as the door opened and the sound of boots could be heard entering the room. The cyborgs aggressively tore apart the room, disabling the electricals to prevent booby traps. Then all of a sudden, the voices and the movement stopped. Avi cocked her gun as she waited for someone to call her out, but after a few minutes, she realized that no one was going to. They had all retreated... But why? Weren’t they here, looking for her? Avi let out a sigh of relief, and slid down to the floor. Even though she was safe for this one moment that certainly didn’t mean she was out of the woods. This might be a ploy to get her to crawl out of her hiding place, and she wasn’t going to fall for it. Avi made herself comfortable and decided to wait the night out. She was in the safest part of the ship and knew that staying here would help her chances of surviving capture. This had been her main goal for the past year and there was no giving up on it now.


  Two Hours Earlier…

  A knock echoed on the outside of Exonyie’s door.

  “Come in,” he groaned.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you boss, but there’s been some news upstairs.” The man spoke quietly.

  “What is it Zen? Speak up. I can’t hear you. Tell me that we caught her. Tell me that we have finished this endless chase of cat and mouse and can finally return home.” Exonyie and his crew, a team of cyborg bounty hunters, had been on this ship for almost a year, chasing a fugitive who had been charged with murder. Their mission was to bring the fugitive back to face trial, but after nearly a year, the search was beginning to seem f
utile. All of the ships that they had taken over or seized weren’t harboring the fugitive. Exonyie was exhausted and yearned for his own bed and his home planet. Traveling the universe was something that he had always loved doing, but the beauty of his home planet always drew him back, and he had been gone way too long.

  Zen fidgeted. It seemed like he was weighing the news in his head. He was probably afraid of Exonyie’s reaction to the news. Exonyie had been extremely irritable as of late and blew up whenever he had been given any bad news. He knew that his crew was on edge, because their boss was usually a very calm and professional leader. This new attitude had made them fearful of what he might do to them.

  “It’s okay, Zen. I’m not going to yell at you. What happened?” Exonyie asked quietly.

  Zen let out a sigh of relief. “The ship that we were chasing did harbor a number of fugitives, but she wasn’t among them.”

  Exonyie groaned in anguish and frustration. “I see,” he said.

  “But we did get some useful information,” said Zen.

  “And what was that?” Exonyie demanded through clenched teeth. It took all of Exonyie’s strength to not pick up the young cyborg and toss him across the room, but he did remember that he promised he would keep his temper.

  “The captain of the ship said that a young woman who resembled the one we are seeking landed on a refueling station. He’d seen her face on a wanted poster. Apparently the woman told one of the captain’s crewmembers that she was headed towards the planet of Varmon to get some more supplies.”

  “Have the bridge set course for Varmon. I’ll be down shortly,” he said.

  “Aye aye,” said Zen, who then left the room.

  Exonyie sat up from his bed and ran his hands through his unruly hair. He had thought of cutting it, but it was one of his features that attracted women to him. As a bounty hunter, any type of sex appeal he could harbor was important It was a lonely life in space, and there was nothing better than falling into bed with a beautiful woman after a long day. He’d thought about marriage, but it was not really an option when his job kept him away from home so much. What woman would want to be married to a man like that?


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