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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

Page 87

by Gloria Martin

  She flung the wings over her shoulders at the cyborg as she took off. He was fast though, ducking and evading the wings that could have knocked him down.

  She was back on the run, just as she'd become accustomed to over the past years. But for the very first time, she was not able to get away. His strong arms grabbed her shoulders and yanked her back before she could get away. His hands slid down to her wrists, violently rammed them together and snapped a pair of handcuffs on her. "Micah Morgan, you are under arrest."


  Micah's emerald green eyes fluttered open. In an instant, she remembered everything that had happened. She'd blocked out after getting caught and hit by a member of the cyborg police.

  Her eyes roamed around the tiny room filled with thick, white padding. There were no windows and no furniture. She found herself lying on the similarly padded floor with nothing but a white blanket covering her body.

  Micah quickly sat up, realizing with shock that she was completely naked. All her weapons had been stripped away. "Damn that cyborg," she muttered. "And he had the nerve to undress me!" The thought made her blood boil and she couldn't wait to face him and give him a piece of her mind.

  Despite her situation, she was able to calm herself. She looked around without any desperation, forcing her negative emotions away in order to clear her mind and think of ways on how she would escape.

  A thorough scan of the room told her the room was secure. But she had never been one to give up easily. She walked around the space slowly, running her hands across the walls and the floor. She touched and groped everything she could reach, looking for some way out. There wasn't even a door, except a locked opening on the high ceiling which would be impossible to reach without any of her or Stan's gadgets.

  She was pacing back and forth, the white blanket wrapped and tied around her body, when a creaking noise made her stop and look up. The locked opening began sliding open. The gap soon revealed the face of the cyborg who had captured her. She was not surprised to find that he was very good-looking, with strong features, light brown hair in a military haircut, full red lips, and intense dark brown eyes.

  Many of the cyborgs she'd encountered before were handsome, muscular, and alluring just like this one. She was only interested in one thing, and that was to destroy the New Government and help give back the freedom and natural humanity of people.

  "I see you're awake," the cyborg called down to her, his face expressionless. "Want something to eat?"

  Micah did not want to eat. She only wanted to punch him in the face and get out of there. But of course, she knew that if he brought her food, she just might have a better chance to escape. She silently nodded her head then sat down and waited patiently.

  He was back in five minutes. But to her dismay, he used a special device to send down a bowl of porridge. The device looked like a metal tray attached to a long pole.

  As he was sending the food down, she reacted quickly and jumped up and jerked on the pole violently. Swinging her body up sideways, she kicked against the wall to hoist her body up higher. At the same time, the sudden strong jerk had surprised the cyborg and caused him to lose his balance.

  He plummeted down through the opening, missing her by an inch. But he was quick too, throwing his arms upward and grabbing the pole to keep from falling to the ground. He reached up and tugged at Micah's foot hard. She tried to kick him free but his grip was too firm.

  "Let. Me. Go!" Micah shouted resolutely, kicking hard with both feet as she struggled to keep holding on to the shaky pole.

  After a minute of struggling, she was able to boot him against his forehead. He yelled, but did not let go. Instead, it motivated him to pull himself up after her, putting all of his strength in his grip of her foot. The weight of his body forced her down hard, causing her to tumble down. She grabbed his neck and brought him down with her.

  They landed with a thump on the padded floor, with the cyborg landing on top of Micah's slightly naked body. The blanket wrapped around her had loosened and was barely covering the top part of her body.

  She didn't care. She was very much alert, and the slight flicker of his eyes onto her almost exposed breasts, did not escape her attention. Now she knew one of his weaknesses, and was going to do her best to use it against him.

  For the moment, she simply wanted to tease him. Quickly she arched her back, crying out in pain pretentiously. Her breasts rose up and pressed against his chest. His eyes shot wide open, making him push himself away from her awkwardly and get onto his feet hurriedly.

  He quickly regained his composure, standing tall and glaring at her. "I see you are what they say you are," he said with bitterness.

  "And what is that?" she wanted to know, one side of her lips turning up in a semi-smirk. She was still in a lying position, the luscious flesh of the top of her breasts very well exposed. Her long, firmly shaped legs were also out in the open.

  He turned away, ignoring her question. She could take him down then, but both of them knew that they still needed each other to be able to leave that room. "Get dressed," he barked with his back to her.

  "With this blanket?" she asked in an unbelieving tone. "Go get me my clothes."


  "Well, why don't you turn around?" she demanded. "Don't even pretend to be a gentleman now because you’ve already seen my body."

  "I was not the one who undressed you," he answered quietly, his breathing becoming steadier. "It was my sister, Shelley. She's probably on her way here now to bring you something to wear."

  Micah didn’t say anything. She was quite impressed that this cyborg seemed to be different from the others she'd encountered who were more brash, ill-mannered, and sometimes quite disrespectful of women. But at the moment, she was more interested in the new piece of information. He's working with his sister. She found that odd. Maybe she's part of the cyborg police force too? Or perhaps they wanted the glory and honor of being the ones to bring her in defenseless.

  She got to her feet, rewrapping the white sheet around her body and tying it tightly in a knot. With her cascading black hair, sparkling green eyes, almond shaped face, and succulent pinkish lips that many men desired, she should have been a model or movie star instead of a Renegade Leader.

  "Is she a cyborg too?" Micah asked him directly, placing herself in front of him once she looked decent enough.

  His eyes did not even flicker downward. He looked into her green eyes with suspicion. "None of your business," he said curtly. "Why don't you just eat!" He motioned to the porridge that now lay in a mess on the tray.

  "That's disgusting," Micah said. "Look. Listen to me. If you and I work together, we can climb out of here fast."

  He almost laughed in her face. "I'm not stupid enough to fall for that."

  "Have it your way." She shrugged with a smug look before walking toward the other side of the room.

  He followed her with his eyes and watched in disbelief as she suddenly whipped out a belt- his belt! In a few seconds, she had latched it onto the long metal rod that hung from above and hoisted herself up. Gripping the rod, she kicked the opposite wall with both feet and forced herself up again to the other wall. She did the same and this time was able to raise toward the hole in the ceiling, throwing both of her legs over the gap and disappearing.

  Before the furious cyborg could fully react, she had disappeared. He attempted to follow up but was unsuccessful. Micah disappeared and moments later the blanket dropped down through the hole and landed on the cyborg’s head. To his utter shock, she swiftly pulled up the entire pole too, leaving him trapped in the room.


  After a few minutes, Micah was confidently walking across a public park with a big, goofy smile on her face. She felt stupid, but had to put on the act to appear like the rest of the giddy, silly-looking folks around her. These "happy" people were everywhere, getting on her nerves and pushing her even more to finish her mission.

  She was wearing a short yellow sundress she had sto
len from a shop, along with a huge native hat and matching sunglasses. She had already cut her tresses short up to her chin and was now sporting a blonde hairdo. Even her eyes had been covered up with blue contact lenses. And with the different way she carried herself now, she was quite unrecognizable again.

  In her disguise, she'd actually strolled into government offices and fished information from employees without causing any suspicion. Slowly, all the pieces were beginning to fall into place. All the research she had done the past year was now painting her the evil picture that the New Government was obviously gearing for.

  She had lost all of her family, but she yearned to avenge their senseless, untimely deaths. They had all contributed to the Last American Renegades. And she had not been as fast in saving them. She carried that burden in her heart, and it was what fueled her to continue fighting.

  She was back on the streets, passing by a restaurant, when she caught sight of her childhood best friend. Elise was seated inside the upscale Italian cafe, looking fine and dandy and very much happy with her husband and kids. As Micah watched her, something seemed to squeeze her heart tight. She remembered how the two of them had been inseparable when they were little girls. She recalled how Elise had actually been her idol when it came to being brave and standing up for what she believed was right.

  Where are you in there, Elise? Micah wondered with sadness. She looked through the window at the beloved friend she had lost because they had chosen different paths when they were teenagers. Elise had become one of those "happy" people. But in the process, just like the others, she'd lost her uniqueness and humanity. She had lost her feisty spirit and her real self. She was now similar to a doll or a robot, just like the others.

  It broke her heart to watch her friend looking so happy and at the same time knowing that it wasn't real. She turned around and was surprised to crash into something hard. She soon realized it was the bulky chest of a man with a familiar scent. She caught a whiff of the fragrance and immediately knew who it was. She looked up with a scowl at the cyborg who had caught her earlier.

  "Hello, Micah," he greeted her, with a stern look. "I love your new look, but unfortunately, you're still under arrest."

  Micah was taken aback. How the hell had he followed her? This guy was apparently not as stupid as she thought. She quickly considered her options at that very moment.

  "There's no way out," he told her, sneering. "Other cyborgs are currently hidden, waiting to lunge at you and even kill you. But if you come with me voluntarily, I will make sure you live. At least for a few more days." He chuckled and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. She tried to shrug his arm off, but he made his grip firmer. She glowered but didn't argue anymore.

  "How'd you find me?" she asked curiously, as they slowly walked away together.

  "Your scent," he replied, without blinking or glancing at her.

  Micah almost laughed. "So you're not just a cyborg, but a werewolf too!"

  Her comment seemed to irritate him. He glared at her, his brown eyes flashing daggers. "You think you're so smart, huh? Well, it seems I outsmarted the infamous Micah Morgan. That blanket was covered with a scent that had easily transferred to you, a special scent that can last for days and can only be detected by a special device I have. So don't try anything funny now, because I'll still find you anywhere you go."

  Micah was stunned and captivated at the same time. "Nice one," she muttered. "So, are you now going to turn me over to your bosses?"

  "Still thinking about it," the cyborg replied curtly.

  Micah was intrigued. She was at a loss. What was he planning with her? Suddenly she was filled with dread. For the first time in a long time, cold sweat broke out on her skin and an eerie sensation spread across her body.

  They approached a crowded intersection then. The handsome cyborg in his formal security uniform motioned for her to cross the street with him and many others. She took the opportunity to try to slip away from him, slinking fast and getting lost amid the throng of smiling people.

  But before she could get far, she felt a piercing pain shoot up her leg, making her stumble to the ground. The last thing she saw was the face of a pretty yet sullen girl, with dark brown eyes, looking down at her. Then, everything went black.


  For the second time that day, Micah found herself a captive again. Still in the yellow dress she had been wearing earlier, she woke up feeling dizzy and in pain. Her leg was throbbing, but there was no wound. There was no blood shed and yet she knew she had been shot by that girl. She reached out and rubbed her leg as her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness.

  This time, she figured she was locked up in what appeared to be an old-fashioned cabin. The entire room was empty but made of thick logs. The lone window had been boarded up, but she could hear all sorts of animal and nature sounds that made her realize that she was in some forest. She'd lived a good part of her life in forests and mountains as a fugitive, so she knew the sounds by heart.

  She tried to get up and go to the wooden door of the small cabin, but that was when she saw her feet had actually been tied to a wooden post that seemed thick and sturdy. She was able to stand and walk within a limited area, though, because the chain used on her was a bit long. It was a bulky metal chain wrapped around her ankles and padlocked.

  Suddenly, the door opened. Five men entered, led by the cyborg she now greatly disliked. Behind the men was the girl she'd seen right before she had blacked out. She sauntered forward and stood beside the cyborg. That was when Micah saw the resemblance. This must be the sister, Shelley. She looked quite young, probably just in her teens, and was not wearing the cyborg police uniform. The other men were all in uniform, though.

  "I see you're awake," the head cyborg said, with a grin. "I'd like you to meet my cyborg team. And of course, my sister Shelley, who always helps out with my projects and missions as she is training to be a part of our police force soon."

  Micah narrowed her eyes at all of them. "Why are you keeping me here?" she asked suspiciously.

  "You should be grateful," her cyborg captor shouted at her, then composed himself and said, "If I turned you over now, you'd be dead in no time. Do you know that you're one of the priority fugitives that we are supposed to kill on sight?"

  "So?" Micah asked defiantly.

  "So, you should be thankful that we're keeping you alive by bringing you here…"

  "I don't care," she spit out.

  The cyborg laughed and then motioned for everybody to leave the room. He strode toward her and leaned forward with a look of annoyance until their faces were just inches away from each other.

  Micah's breath caught in her throat. Her green eyes widened and she couldn't help the rise of her body temperature. This man was surely different from many of the other cyborgs she had encountered, and fought. What bothered her the most was the way he seemed to affect her. But what gave her some satisfaction too was the realization that she seemed to have the same effect on him.

  "You're certainly a handful," he whispered, his look of exasperation shifting into one of interest and curiosity. "I want to know more about you and why you're doing this. I want to gather information on your renegade team, which you will give to me willingly."

  "Why would I do that?" Micah asked angrily, meeting his intense gaze and then feeling her heartbeat racing wildly. She didn't know if it was some sort of attraction or she just hated his guts. Even her anger was now quick to manifest and she was having difficulty controlling her emotions around this guy.

  "I know you don't have any more family left so I cannot use them to threaten you," he began slowly, his face moving even closer. "I know that you probably wouldn't care less for your own life, although you would surely fight to the death. And I also know very well how passionate you are about what you are fighting for."

  Micah waited for him to go on. His closeness was sort of distracting her, though, but she struggled to remain focused. Besides, his little speech was making her totally intr

  "You're going to give me all the information I want because I just might be able to help you with your own mission," he said, breathing heavily.

  She could feel the warmth of his breath on her face. But more than the weird reaction of her body to this, she was most definitely dumbfounded. What the hell was he talking about?

  He leaned in closer and spoke, his voice almost penetrating her skin. "Make me understand your mission, Micah," he said in a serious tone. When he took on that serious tone, his voice was intoxicating. She wanted him to speak to her more in that tone.

  Micah tried to read his face, her eyes sweeping from his intense brown eyes down to the bridge of his nose and to the strong features of his jaws and finally to his tempting mouth, surrounded by stubble. She was intrigued… and lost.

  "Release me first," she demanded. "Unlock this chain around my feet."

  "No," the cyborg immediately answered. He pulled away, turned and began to walk away, finally making her breathe normally.

  But then she realized that she now had to use her intellect rather than letting her pride get in the way. "Fine," she gave in loudly. "After I tell you my mission, you've got to unlock the chain."

  He stopped walking. Slowly turned around, a smile playing on his lips. "Deal," he said, leaning against the nearest wall and folding his muscular arms across his chest. "Go on."

  "The New Government is planning something really bad. It's going to destroy humanity. I want to put a stop to it."

  The cyborg's mouth dropped open. Then, he was bursting out laughing. "You're crazy," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

  Micah felt enraged. How dare he laugh at her life mission! "You know nothing," she seethed.

  "Enlighten me…" he said, opening his arms wide in a mocking gesture.

  She glowered at him. "I told you my mission. Unlock the chain now."

  He looked at her incredulously. "You have to make me understand first."


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