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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

Page 93

by Gloria Martin

“Those are pups down there. I say we go in gun’s blazing—metaphorically speaking of course. I think the white wolf and Cora are trying to start a pack,” Brutus said, spitting out blood.

  “Fucking bitch,” Mia said under her breath.

  “The ceremony will start soon. Mia, stay here,” Micah said.

  “No!” Mia said, affronted.

  “That’s not a request,” Micah said, baring his teeth at her.

  “I’m not scared of you,” Mia said, stiffening her shoulders.

  “Guys, can we do marriage counseling when we’re not in a tree?” Brutus said.

  Micah bit his lip and balled up his fist like he was trying to reign in his anger. Then his face softened and he looked up at Mia with soft, loving eyes. He cupped her face in his hands and leaned down and kissed her. Mia froze at his sudden change of heart, but kissed him back. He pulled back and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Mia,” Micah said.

  “What?” Mia asked.

  He bit her. He bit her hard on her forearm. The pain was sharp and burned like acid running through her veins. She tried to scream, but Micah was covering her mouth. She was shaking with pain. Brutus’s eyes widened with terror and Mia could tell he wanted to yell at Micah, but any noise could give away their position.

  “What the fuck, Micah?” Brutus whispered, looking behind them.

  “Shhh. She’ll pass out soon then we can go,” Micah said, holding Mia tightly.

  “What if she turns?” Brutus said, feeling Mia’s forehead.

  Mia felt her limbs going limp. She could feel every drop of Micah’s venom moving through her body. Brutus and Micah were swimming in front of her as double vision set in. Her body felt heavy. She was nauseous and sleepy all at the same time.

  “She’s gone,” Micah said.

  Mia tried to hold her heavy eyelids open, but Micah was right, she was gone. Everything went black.


  Mia awoke to the sound of loud barking, howling, and yelling. She groaned and swayed realizing she was still on the branch. The ground below her swirled like quicksand and she still felt nauseous.

  “Micah?” Mia moaned.

  She sat up straight remembering the bite. Her vision was blurry and her voice sounded distorted in her head. Her voice sounded like a low growl. She held her head, but something was wrong. The branch was creaking under her. Mia tried to balance herself but the branch gave way and she collapsed on the ground with a loud thud.

  “Ow!” Mia yelled.

  Mia rose to her feet and looked ahead, realizing that her vision was clearing. It was not just clearing, it was laser sharp. She could see the smallest ant on a leaf yards away. She could smell the raw, metallic tinge of blood. Mia took a deep breath and looked down at her body. It was covered in reddish brown fur.

  “Holy shit. Holy shit. Oh no. What the hell?” Mia mumbled, inching backward.

  She was a werewolf. Micah had bit her and turned her. She heard a loud yelp that sounded like Brutus. She had no chance to think or to feel sorry for herself. All she could do is act. She collapsed on all fours and raced towards the action.

  Bodies of wolves were strewn all around the open field either severely wounded or dead. The witch was bleeding from her throat and her dark skin looked grey as the life in her body spilled around the fire. Brutus was clawing away at a group of wolves that were ganging up on Micah.

  “Micah, look out!” Mia yelled, clawing at the back of a wolf that tried to encroach on Micah from behind.

  Mia was almost as big as Micah and she felt power surging through her body. It was a raw, animal power and she was attacking the other wolves with an accuracy and ferocity she had never felt in her life. It was like she was always meant to a wolf. She was meant to be this strong and in control. Her nerves were filled with electricity and she could tell by the way Micah and Brutus glanced at her, they were either in shock or terrified.

  “Mia, get out of here!” Micah yelled, running towards her.

  “Watch out,” Brutus yelled, jumping on a wolf that was racing towards Micah.

  “You watch your back. I’m going after Cora,” Mia said, running away from the fight.

  Micah yelled after her, but she ignored him. She could not smell Cora amongst the bodies. Plus, she did not see her white-haired fiancé anymore. Mia was not going to let Cora get away with this. Her massive paws pounded the earth, racing into the woods, back towards the ravine. Cora’s scent was getting stronger. Another smell was burning in her nose: blood. Someone was hurt. Whoever was hurt was slowing Cora down. Mia skidded to a stop. She was surrounded by dense conifer trees. She stalked forward, keeping her head low. Blood and claw marks were on the trees. Mia sniffed something and whipped around.

  “Looking for me?” Cora asked, holding a black gun.

  Mia growled at her. She was covered in blood.

  “He’s dead, you know?” Cora asked, wiping tears from her face.

  “You’re a fucking monster, Cora,” Mia said, barking at her.

  “No! I loved him. All I wanted was for us to be together. Don’t you get it? It’s all I wanted, and you and your stupid boyfriends killed him.”

  Mia rose on her hind legs and felt her body fall back into her human form.

  “We were friends, Cora. Best friends. How could you do this to me, to them? You kissed your fiancé over the bodies of your closest friends. You’re insane.”

  “No, I’m in love! It had to be this way. Nothing else worked! I couldn’t run the pack as a white girl from Florida. No one would respect me. The witch told me it had to be this way. I can’t believe it was this easy for you. Everything was always so easy for you.”

  “Easy? I’m from a fucking blue collar family. I couldn’t even afford college.”

  “Fuck college. It’s a joke. People only liked me because I was friends with you. I had no one but you. Carissa, Linda and Tatianna were my sorority sisters and work friends, they barely tolerated me. The ceremony didn’t even work. If you were there it would have worked. This is all your fault.”

  Mia backed up, watching the gun shake in Cora’s tanned hands. The cliff was right behind her. She could not back up any further.

  “Cora, calm down. You’re not thinking clearly,” Mia said, hearing rocks tumble down behind her.

  “Good bye, Mia,” Cora said.

  Mia braced herself, but all she heard was heavy feet pounding behind Cora in the woods. Cora turned, but Mia saw him first. Micah’s grayish black body came barreling towards Cora, and Cora fired at him, missing. Micah was too fast. He bit Cora, dragging her away. Cora pulled free, backing up towards the edge of the cliff.

  “Cora, look out!” Mia yelled.

  It was too late. Cora tumbled backwards, falling off the edge of the cliff. Mia reached for Cora, but she was falling too fast. Micah’s human hands grabbed Mia and pulled her close.

  “It’s over,” Micah said, kissing Mia’s forehead.

  Brutus came barreling ahead in his human form.

  “What did I miss?” Brutus asked, panting.

  “Nothing. It’s over,” Mia said, leaning up to kiss Micah.

  “Good. I burned the bodies by the way. Can’t have humans coming across that mess. We should get out of here by the way. We were pretty loud and I smelled people. Well, I smelled hotdogs. Someone is nearby,” Brutus said, nodding at Micah.

  Micah nodded back and then held Mia at arm’s length, like he was studying her.

  “Are you…okay?” Micah asked.

  Mia nodded, wiping tears.

  “I feel…alive,” Mia said, shrugging. “It’s like I was meant to be this way.”

  A broad, face-splitting grin spread across Micah’s face.

  “I thought you would hate me,” Micah said, breathing a sigh of relief.

  “I would!” Brutus said, scoffing. “She could have fallen out of the tree, asshole!”

  “He’s right,” Mia said, slapping Micah’s chest.

  “All’s well that ends well?�
�� Micah said with a sheepish grin.

  “Whatever. I guess we’re off to North Carolina then,” Mia said, looking north.

  “You still want to stay with me?” Micah asked, looking at her hopefully.

  “I don’t think another man will want her as their doggie best friend,” Brutus said, pulling twigs out of his knotted hair.

  “Hey! Be nice. Besides I would choose Micah any day,” Mia said, throwing her arms around Micah’s neck.

  “Alright you two. Don’t be gross. I’ll race you to the Florida-Georgia line,” Brutus said, breaking off running in his wolf form.

  Micah kissed Mia and shoved her back playfully and took off after Brutus.

  “Nice try, boys,” Mia said.

  She collapsed on all fours and breathed deeply. She was taking in new, fresh air and a new, fresh life. She was now all woman and all wolf. She was alive.


  Bonus Story 21 of 50

  Suburban Cyborg

  “The readings we are receiving from your other unit are sufficient. How has your oxygen filtration system been functioning, PAUL-3957?” The voice from the handheld communicator was nasally and there was a humming background noise collected from interstellar feedback.

  “Function levels are normal. Optimal setting is at 115% oxygen intake.”

  Paul Bardon was sitting in the bedroom of his suburban home on Earth as he read the statistical information from the display imbedded in his left forearm to the small device in his right hand. The information was being sent to his commander 130 light years away on Beseda or, as it was known on this planet, Beta Ursae Minoris b.

  “You’re doing an excellent job, PAUL-3957. We have new orders for you. Activate order Alpha-92-C65.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The order directives showed up on his forearm display as his commander signed off. Paul stood up from the bed, sliding the communicator into the front pocket of his khakis, and smoothed out the crisp white sheets where his presence had disturbed them. He looked around the room to check that everything was clean and orderly as his military training had instilled in him. Everything was in its’ place, and just so, as the knock at the front door prompted him to leave the room.


  Laura Blumenthal was busy scratching behind the ears of the three-year-old golden retriever and crooning “such a good boy” when the door before her opened up. Startled, she straightened blushing bright red. The handsome owner of the dog, Paul Bardon, towered over her wearing his usual khakis and a baby blue polo that was just a tad snug in the shoulders so that the fabric was pulled taut over his athletic frame. She always felt like she was underdressed when she was around him, wearing old concert t-shirts and leggings. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and a brightly colored woven purse slung across her shoulder held her car keys, dog treats, and poop baggies. After all, dog walking in suburban Kansas City was not a profession that one really had to dress up for.

  “Hi Mr. Bardon. I-I just finished walking Aspen.” She motioned to the retriever who sat at perfect attention with his tail wagging lazily. “He was perfectly well behaved, as always. He’s the best behaved dog in the entire neighborhood.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Blumenthal,” he answered in his standard courteous manner and she handed him the leash. As they traded off the nylon strap Laura’s hand brushed lightly against his long fingers and she felt a small jolt as if she had been shocked.

  She retracted her hand quickly, her blush deepening. She felt his dark brown eyes assessing her while she kept her own eyes fixed firmly on his loafers and kneaded the woven strap of her little purse with her fingers. For the last six months, since the quiet accountant had moved into the neighborhood and Laura had begun walking his dog, she had been harboring a crush for Paul Bardon. He was not much older than her, in his mid thirties, and very attractive. He stood just over six foot with broad shoulders that tapered down to a trim waist. His dusty blonde hair was always combed back like James Dean and even in these late October days his skin looked like it had been kissed by the sun.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she blurted out in a rush as she turned to walk away, desperate to get out from under his scrutinizing gaze. “Three o’clock as usual.”


  The word, her name, hung in the air for a moment and she froze in place. Paul wasn’t an outspoken man, but he always spoke with authority. This was different, however, from his carefully chosen words, deliberate and delivered in that polite manner that almost sounded robotic. Never had he called her by her first name. This was…spontaneous.

  Slowly, Laura turned back around to face Paul. He looked like a model standing on his front step with Aspen sitting beside him, the both of them framed by the door with the neatly trimmed hedges extending off to either side. The only thing out of place was the look of shock and confusion on his face.

  “Yes, Mr. Bardon?”

  “Please, call me Paul,” he said, regaining his composure.

  Laura blushed again. “Paul.”

  “Maybe we could see each other another time as well. Would you be available tonight?”

  “Oh. I-I would love to…but I have class tonight.” The question was unexpected. As much as she had daydreamed of this moment, she never thought in a million years that it could actually happen. After all, despite months of her walking his dog, the two of them had never really exchanged more words than were necessary. Paul’s brow furrowed and Laura knew that such a beautiful man had probably never been turned down for a date before. She quickly added, “But I’m free tomorrow.”

  Paul smiled and her heart fluttered. She had never seen so much expression in his face in all the time that she’d known him. His quiet mannerisms never allowed for much in the emotional range, but his perfect smile was breathtaking and Laura felt weak in the knees.

  “I’ll make reservations for tomorrow,” he said. “Is lunchtime okay? Would you mind if I were to pick you up?”

  For Laura, the world seemed to be spinning and she wondered if this was all just a vivid dream she was about to wake up from. How could such sculpted lips be saying these words? She was momentarily transfixed on his mouth, how his lips moved and caressed each vowel and consonant. They were so perfectly centered between his slightly upturned nose and that prominently chiseled chin. On top of it, they were the perfect shade, slightly darker than the rest of his tan skin and-


  “Oh, yes,” she felt like schoolgirl fawning over him and getting lost in thought. She quickly regained herself. “Yes, I’d like that very much. Lunch sounds great. Would you like-well, I guess you already have my number.”

  An amused smirk crept onto Paul’s face and Laura knew she must have been some awful shade of fire engine red from her own embarrassment. He nodded. “Yes, I have your number. I will give you a call later this evening. What time does your class end?”

  “Nine o’clock.”


  Laura woke up early the next morning. She could barely sleep with all of her excitement for her date with Paul. It had been a long time since she had been on a proper date. Between her job as a dog walker and her business classes at night, she had removed herself from the dating scene so that she could focus on getting her career on track. Her initial plan was to finish her business degree in the next year and open her own doggy daycare before she worried about finding a man.

  However, when a man like Paul Bardon asked you on a date it would be foolish to turn him down. He was well off for an accountant and owned a lovely house in the suburbs. He was handsome, in shape, and unlike some of the men from her night classes who had asked her out, he had all of his hair and teeth.

  Laura’s inner thoughts continued on this train of thought as she went about her morning routine. She began by getting dressed and going for a morning run. Her steps echoed in the stairwell of her building as she descended from her third floor apartment. Then she headed in the direction of the nearest park.

  One of t
he things she enjoyed about living in the area was that even though she lived “in the city” things weren’t crowded and suffocating. Granted, it was still an urban area and vastly different from the suburbs, but she had visited friends who had moved to places like New York City and she much preferred the sprawling urbanization of the Midwest.

  The dawn was just starting to illuminate the sky but there were a few other runners out that Laura passed by when she got to the park. Some of them she recognized and a couple she had even talked to in passing. She smiled at everyone she passed, unable to contain her excitement for the day ahead.

  When she returned to her apartment an hour later she was hot and sweaty, but no less excited. She turned on the coffee maker as she let down her hair and began to strip off the sweaty clothes so she could get into the shower. Emerging from the steamy bathroom wrapped in her fluffy blue towel, she breathed in the pleasant aroma of strong, dark roast coffee that filled her entire apartment.

  Thoughts of Paul kept her mind abuzz and she kept replaying their conversation on the phone last night. Not that it was a particularly long conversation, as Paul was a man of few words. But just the knowledge that he was interested in her, even if he didn’t quite show it very well, was enough to make her giddy.

  After pouring herself a cup of coffee, Laura began the tedious task of figuring out just what to wear. She stood in front of the full-length mirror on her closet door and wondered just how much to dress up for a first date. Paul had said he’d made reservations for brunch at 11:30, so she had roughly two hours to dissect her closet to find the most appropriate outfit.


  Laura was nervous as she prepared to open the door of her apartment building. On the other side was Paul, and she was quite self-conscious of her appearance. She wondered if the dark brown slacks made her hips look too wide, or if the salmon colored sweater was too much color for her complexion. Her hair fell loosely about her shoulders and she momentarily considered throwing it up in a ponytail, but after a deep breath she decided against it and opened the door.


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