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Pregnant to an Alien King Box Set

Page 190

by Gloria Martin

  “I knew we needed to talk,” he sighed and stepped inside past me. My dad and I hardly looked alike apart from our eyes. He was a handsome guy for his age, with salt and pepper hair, and his strong stance and sturdy physique.

  “I just didn’t know how to tell you…” I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

  “That you’re pregnant Chloe? Come on, you can tell me anything remember? Or don’t you?” I hated hurting him, and I could hear it in his voice even though I still faced the door. I made sure to lock it before joining him at the kitchen table. He helped himself to a sticky bun and I fought the urge to smile. My dad was always going to be himself, even if he was upset.

  “I knew you were dealing with something when you asked to use the cabin and I figured I’d give you time. But then I had a dream about you last night. That you were a…well you were flying. I just figured I waited long enough and I had to make sure everything was alright with you,” he looked at me expectantly and I took a deep breath. I made sure to at least take a bite of Luca’s delicious sticky bun before launching into my explanation.

  “You don’t have to explain right away. How about we eat and then take a walk around the pond?”

  I bit my lip, wondering what Luca and Alex would say if they found out that I left the cabin. But the pond was just right behind the house, what could happen? We ate in relative silence, sharing small talk. Dad told me how Nancy was doing and his business. He owned a successful online company selling rare car parts for old antique models. He was popular among car collectors, antique auctions and showcases.

  After breakfast and after everything was cleaned up we went out back to the pond.

  “So…do you want to start with…I don’t know, the father perhaps?” I took a deep breath and shook my head slowly.

  “That’s complicated…”

  “Is it?” he asked and I took another breath. “You aren’t…I don’t know, ‘shacking up’ with anyone here?” he asked and my jaw dropped a little.

  “Dad.” He chuckled and gave a small shrug. “How’d you even know that?” I asked, he just shrugged and gave me an expectant nod.

  “Well I—”

  “Excuse me,” I was cut off by a deep male voice. My dad touched my arm and stepped in front of me almost. Three shifters had emerged from the trees lining the pond. I knew they had to be because they resembled football players and had heat roiling off of them in waves, as if they’d just shifted back to their regular forms. I recognized that well enough after witnessing both Luca and Alex shift several times. I wondered if they were the security Alex promised.

  “Did Alex send you?” I asked curiously, slightly peeking around my dad’s shoulder.

  “The commander, we are looking for him. But mistakenly tracked his scent here,” the man standing point spoke and spared a brief glance to my dad.

  “Well he’s most likely at the community center…you should know that,” I said slowly.

  “Yes we will continue on there, but can I ask something of you first?” I nodded slightly.

  “Your clan leader, has he united the north for reasons of aggression against other smaller clans in the south?” I glanced at my dad then, who was still simply standing in front of me. No wide eyes or glancing back and forth in shock. I found that a bit strange, but of course didn’t comment on it.

  “He united the north in hopes of uniting the race. Not against other…clans,” I said hoping whoever he was caught my drift. He stared at me a long while and inclined his head.

  “I apologize for our stumbling in…” With that they turned around and disappeared back through the trees.


  “What was that about?” My dad turned around and quirked an eyebrow at me.

  “‘What was that about?’” I asked incredulously. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned?” I got hit with a wave of dizziness and cursed myself for eating those cold eggs. Dad held onto my elbow and led me to the nearest tree just in time for me to upchuck my breakfast.

  “Let’s get you back inside,” he said after the heaving stopped. It took another moment or two for the dizziness to subside. I felt better though once I had a clean mouth and some saltines and ginger ale.

  “Dad…I. The father of my twins is a dragon shifter,” I just came out and said it while I made myself comfortable on the couch. My dad stared at me incredulously, silent for several excruciatingly long moments.

  “How is that possible?” he said, more to himself than anything. Another stretch of silence and then there was a knock on the door. I stared at it for a moment. I wondered who it could be before looking out of the front window. I recognized Doctor West standing there with a manila envelope and seeming a bit antsy.

  “Doctor West?” I answered the door and invited him inside quickly.

  “Chloe, sorry for the random house call. I did try your cell, but you didn’t answer and these results could not wait,” he spoke with a thinly veiled excitement and I figured that was better than getting a morose doctor at my doorstep.

  “Who is this Chloe?” My dad stepped forward with his hand extended towards Doc West.

  “Oh this is Doctor West dad he administered a paternity test for us…and Doc West this is my father, Aldrich.” I introduced them and glanced down at the manila folder.

  “Aldrich?” Doctor West spoke as if he knew dad from somewhere and started to laugh. “This is perfect. Chloe why don’t you sit down?” Doc West led me to the couch and I sat down cautiously.

  “So what are the results? You’re killing me here,” I said with a nervous chuckle.

  “Well would you like happy news or shocking first?”

  “Just get it out, just get it out,” I said quickly.

  “Well you are having two healthy boys…” he started and I gasped in excitement.

  “Really! Oh they’ll be so happy…” I said and my dad looked at me with raised brows.


  “Also we were all correct. Some of the fetal cells found in your blood had DNA from Alex and others had DNA from Luca. Your twins are as fraternal as it gets,” he said with a soft chuckle. I simply stared at him, wide eyed and with an unhinged jaw. “While you’re speechless there is also another bit of information I discovered…” West glanced at my dad then who held a hand up and turned his gaze to me. His almost deep amethyst colored eyes clouded over and turned violet in shade.

  “Chloe I’m a dragon shifter…from this clan,” he said frankly and I simply blinked at him.


  “I left the territory a long, long time ago…when I met your mother and we planned to have a life in Seattle. Then you were born and everything changed, I felt I couldn’t go back with you. That you wouldn’t be accepted…so I stayed in Seattle.”

  “Did she…did she die because I was a half breed?” I asked him, worrying about my own upcoming delivery more than the hurt I felt for him keeping that from me. It compounded the shock I was still feeling about all the news Doctor West brought, and frankly the worry I had for whatever Alex and Luca were dealing with regarding the southern wings.

  “No she didn’t. She caught an infection after you were born and didn’t recover from it,” he said truthfully.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a shifter dad?”

  “How could I? I just wanted you to have a normal life and…what are the odds that you’d end up having twins by…two different dragon shifters,” he said slowly. The strange circumstances of my pregnancy finally dawning on him.

  “Yeah…it’s a long story I don’t think you should know the details of. But Luca and Alex are…well Luca is the leader of the clan now and Alex heads the fighters. They’re both really great,” I took a deep breath and tried to wrap my mind fully around the fact that I was a half breed and had no idea. And the fact that my dad was a full blown dragon shifter and I had no idea all my life. Then there was the fact that Doc West, Alex, and Luca were right and one twin was Luca’s the other Alex’s. Then, boys!

“I’ve just received a lot of information at once right now…I’m going to have to take a small break,” I said faintly. Doctor West and my dad both nodded and backed away from me as if I was a time bomb or something. They went into the kitchen and I heard Doc West’s upbeat voice greeting my dad warmly and reminding him who he was. An old school friend…

  “Chloe!” I heard Alex shout my name before he and Luca came hurrying into the living room.

  “What is it?” I looked up at them, my gaze a little glazed over.

  “Are you alright?” Luca asked me, his hands patting me down gently while Alex scanned every inch of me.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine…”

  “We spoke with a scout from the allied southern clans. They told us that they accidentally followed our scent here. That other scouts were incoming and could also make the mistake. We had to make sure though, that you were fine,” Luca said.

  “The dragons I sent here had also been caught up with a group of ‘visitors’ coming this way,” Alex sighed.

  “Why do you look like you are in shock?” Luca asked me. He glanced back at my dad and Doc West briefly.

  “You guys were right, you each fathered one of the twins…” I looked at both Alex and Luca. “And also I’m half shifter. That’s my dad, he used to be a part of the clan,” I said. Their gazes swung back to my dad.

  “And the twins are both boys,” I said, their gazes swung back to mine again and excitement registered in both their eyes. Funnily enough the first thing they did was high five. Which had me laughing away all my tension.

  “How are you both here when you have a bunch of foreigners around?” I asked.

  “Well we just came to check on you…” Luca said.

  “And rescue you in a completely heroic fashion if that was needed,” Alex added.

  “Can we name our son Luca Junior?” Luca asked me and I laughed again.

  “No, he should have a unique name,” I said and he pouted a little, but good naturedly.

  “Will you take us?” Alex asked softly. I glanced at him with a quirked brow and he repeated the question. “Will you take us as your mates?” he asked and put his hand on my belly. Tears sprang to my eyes then; it was really too much for a pregnant woman to handle in one hour. All that news and then Alex proposing.

  “We want to be your mates. No matter what anyone might think. We both love you and it won’t ever waver,” Luca said sincerely.

  “I…I love you too,” I said and looked at the both of them. “Of course I’ll take you as my mates,” I said in a hoarse whisper, more tears threatening to spill over. Alex wiped my eyes and kissed me softly on the lips then Luca did the exact same. It was a little strange realizing that my dad was witnessing it all but hell, he could turn into a dragon.

  “As soon as we get all of this business with the southern clans squared away we’re getting married. And picking out names,” Alex said.

  “That sounds like a plan,” I couldn’t help my giant smile and felt that even though there was still quite a road ahead. The future would be a happy one and definitely full of love.


  Bonus Story 50 of 50

  Destined to the Alien

  Breaking Free

  Mallory stood at the edge of the dry sand just before the water’s edge and stared out at the clear blue water, breathing deeply and basking in the early evening sun caressing her soft skin, the smells assaulting her senses from every direction and the slight breeze causing her flowery wrap-around skirt to brush against her legs. Heaven. She sighed. This was worth every overtime hour she had worked to gain the promotion. Her diligence to the project had paid off and now she could breathe.

  Her chestnut brown hair whispered against the back of her neck with the breeze from the water. The water rushed to the edge of the sand. The cool liquid was blissfully welcome across her painted pink toenails and feet. She felt much older than her twenty-six years. Sometimes she wondered if her ferocious ambition was worth it. She had never taken a vacation. Enough about business. She mentally shut her brain off and shook her head. Enjoy the scenery Mallory. You are here to unwind. Forget work.

  She slid her sunglasses up off her nose and squinted her dark green eyes to her left and to her right; sand! Lots and lots of pale, beautiful sand and people. Happy, laughing people. Her two-piece flowery bathing suit and matching wrap-around skirt fit right in with the beach crowd. She leaned down and picked up the big beach bag she had dragged down with her. It had everything in it for the beach, but nothing remotely related to work. She slung it over her shoulder.

  Mallory smiled as she started backing away from the edge of the water. These next seven days were going to be just what she needed. She could already feel the effects of the sun and heat rejuvenating her athletic body. She couldn’t wait to take a run in this paradise in the morning. Morning running was the best.

  As she was backing up, Mallory bumped into someone who happened to be walking behind her, startling her and nearly falling over. Elric’s quick reaction, he caught her elbow and put his shin behind hers to protect her from falling to the sand’s soft surface. She leaned into his strong grip and turned, looking into his eyes in surprise, then smiled in gratitude.

  “Thank you for that," she said, after she caught her breath.

  No problem." He smiled at her.

  She started to stand up instead of continuing to lean on him and asked, "Well savior, do you have a name?"

  "Elric," he replied, and steadying her before releasing her hand. "And yours?"

  She wiped the sand off her leg and then looked back up at him, smiled wider and replied, "Mallory."

  "Mallory. Well. I’m very glad to meet you, even if you nearly knocked me over. He smiled as he said it and it showed off his beautiful, straight white teeth."

  "Nice to meet you Elric," Mallory told him.

  "What brings you to Little's beach this time of year?"

  "I'm spending some time on holiday. I got a promotion and I'm spending the first bonus on my stay here before the craziness of the holidays."

  "Congratulations," he said

  "And you?" she asked.

  "Getting a much needed break from my own sort of job at home."

  "Sort of job?"

  "It's hard to explain," he said, brushing off the subject.

  As he had been speaking, Mallory was taking a discreet inventory of Elric. She liked the look of him. He was tall, over six feet with a strong jaw and kind-faced. His body was slightly tanned, and muscular and toned. He didn’t look like he sat on the beach all day. She hoped he wasn’t a bum or a conman. She’d had enough of those. His hands were thick and she had felt his grip when he’d caught her. Her body had reacted to his strong, thick fingers. She wanted to feel that grip on the rest of her body. She was getting a good feeling about Elric. She wanted to know more about him. She was enticed.

  "How are you this evening?" he asked.

  "I… uh," she stuttered.

  "Are you okay?"

  She laughed. "I’m fine… fine. Just fine."

  He smiled at her. "Do you need anything?"

  She smiled as she shook her head. "How kind. But, no. I’m ok. I was just enjoying the view." She wanted Elric to know that it wasn’t just the sun’s view she had been enjoying. She also didn’t want to come off as desperate in their first-time meeting.

  She said, "Well then, we can keep one another company?"

  Elric ran his hand through his hair and looked away, then back at her, nodding his head. "We could."

  They found their chairs and moved them under a tree overhanging onto the beach, casting sporadic shadows all over them. They talked about themselves. She found out that he liked sweets and couldn't have enough, where she could take them or leave them. She preferred salty foods. He didn’t like dogs very much, saying he knew too much about them, whatever that meant, while she loved them and wanted one. He asked why didn’t she already have one, and she revealed it was because she lived in an apartment in LA. H
e nodded, wondering what it was like to live there. She told him how crowded and gentrified it was. She was sick of it. She hoped to someday have the chance to move wherever she wanted. They got to know one another like that, talking steadily for a few hours.

  Every now and then, while he was speaking, his hand would graze her skin, or he would lean close to speak and she could feel his hot breath gusting over her skin and even with the sun blaring, her skin broke out in goosebumps. She was sweating from the sun and Elric’s closeness. When he spoke, he would look her right in the eyes. At one point he had said they should both take off their sunglasses so they could see each other’s eyes.

  He’d stared and smiled as he lifted his glasses. She was sort of nervous. This was intense. His eyes were piercing blue. Her jaw dropped open. She stared. He was gorgeous. He had raised one eyebrow at her. She smiled. Lifted her glasses away from her face. His smiled beamed. ‘No, they aren’t contacts,’ she’d told him. He had nodded and said, ‘Mallory, I already knew you were beautiful, but you just let me in… really let me in. Thank you.’

  His hand had reached out, probably without him even realizing it and he had caressed her cheek and jaw. Before he had dropped his hand, he’d smiled at her and winked. Her stomach had felt like butterflies were going crazy inside her. Her blood had raced through her body. Her pulse had pounded so hard. Just from his one touch. She couldn’t believe the reaction she was having to him.

  It was Sunday, and on Little's, it meant there were drummers on the beach, preparing everyone for the staff spinning and fire show once nighttime fell.

  The beats throbbed through the sand into their feet. They laughed at some of the goofy antics and snickered at some of the drunken antics. They ordered food to the beach and stayed right where they were sitting. They had a pile of wings, and fries and veggies, and stuffed their faces, laughing at the spots where the sauce from the wings would land. And they talked, about everything and nothing. Mallory was blissfully blissful.


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