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Melody Anne's Billionaire Universe: Refuse to Settle (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Stephanie Haefner

  She pushed her key into the lock, a simple task that seemed to take forever. He followed behind as she entered the cafe, resisting an intense urge to touch her. She switched the Closed sign to Open and flipped the light switch.

  “Do you want some coffee and a—”

  He couldn’t wait a second longer. Colin curled his hands around Jilly’s waist and pulled her against his chest. He buried his face in her neck, tasting her supple skin. She spun in his arms, letting her purse fall to the floor, and wrapped her arms around his neck, her lips to his. He lifted her up, fingers pressing into the firm flesh of her ass. Her legs locked around his waist and he loved the feeling of her wrapped around his body.

  He moved to the front counter and set her on it, not caring that this was probably a health code violation. As they kissed, her hands moved from his neck to his chest and down his stomach. Her nails left sparks of heat in their wake, sending jolts of desire to his manhood.


  Jilly’s eyes popped open and she pulled away. “Shit,” she whispered.

  How had they not heard the bell above the door? They’d both been so lost in the kiss that nothing else mattered.

  Colin stepped back and let her slide off the counter. She adjusted her shirt and stepped out to the side.

  “Hi, Sandra. The usual?”

  “Yes, please,” the woman said, laughter in her throat.

  “Comin’ right up.” Jilly headed behind the counter to the kitchen and got to work.

  Colin smiled at the woman over his shoulder and willed his erection away. “Good morning,” he said.

  “Apparently it’s a very good morning for you.” Her eyes held a twinkle, a sly smile across her face. She approached the counter where he still stood, her voice low. “You better be good to her.”

  Had he heard her correctly? He faced her again. “Excuse me?”

  “She’s dealt with enough heartache in her life. She doesn’t need more.”

  “I know what she’s had to deal with.”

  “Do you really?”

  He knew what Jilly had told him, but he had a feeling there was more to the story. He wasn’t going to push. She’d tell him when she was ready.

  Jilly reappeared with a drink in a to-go cup for the woman, some kind of pastry in a bag. “On the house today.”


  “Please. Take it. So I feel slightly less embarrassed.”

  “Fine. But next time I’m leaving you a huge tip.” She winked at Jilly and headed for the door.

  “Oh my God,” Jilly said as she slapped her hands over her face. “That was so bad.”

  “Eh. I don’t think it was a big deal. She seems to be a big fan of yours.”

  “Sandra’s great. She’s been a huge help. Smart lady and a great businesswoman.”

  Colin hated the two feet of counterspace between them. He wanted Jilly back in his arms. “I should go. I won’t be able to keep my hands to myself and I don’t want to risk another incident like that.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  “But I hope to see you later. If I ask again, will you take me up on my invitation for dinner?”

  Her lips curled into a smile. “Maybe.”

  “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”


  “Then I’ll pick you up at 7.”


  Colin turned and left, hating to be away from her. But soon enough they’d be together again. He had all day to plan a first date. Something that would sweep her off her feet. He had a feeling that typical wasn’t going to cut it.

  * * *

  Jilly went about her day, taking care of customers, making sandwiches, wraps, and salads, and baking new treats. A lull hit at two, as it often did. The last hour of her day was always slowest. But it was a good time to update her social media accounts. She knew how important it was, but she fully admitted she was lazy about it. When she pulled out her phone she noticed a text from Colin.

  Change in plans. Picking you up at 5 instead. Is that okay?

  Fine by her. The sooner she saw him—and could kiss him—the better.

  She finished her tasks and closed the café, but now she had a problem that was bigger than the anticipation in kissing him again. What the hell was she going to wear?

  Jilly went home and felt like she was in one of the chick flicks that Charlene loved so much. She had yanked every item from her closet, tried it on, then tossed it on her bed. After finding nothing that satisfied her, she dialed Charlene’s work number.

  “Thank you for calling Smith, Davis, and Associates. How may I direct your call?”

  “I’m gonna have to go on this date naked.”


  “I’ve tried on everything I own. It all looks awful.”

  “You have a date? With Colin?” Charlene’s exuberance blared through the phone. “This is so exciting!”

  “Yeah. Real exciting. I’m freaking out here.”

  “I’ve never seen you like this. It’s so adorable.”

  “Are you gonna help or just coo over me?”

  “What about the floral peplum top with black skinny jeans and boots? That looks so awesome on you.”

  “I don’t know where we’re going. What if it’s fancy?”

  “Okay. Keep the top and skinnies, but wear my fuchsia peep-toe shoes and those chandelier earrings I bought last week.”

  “You don’t think that’s too much?”

  “No. It will be perfect.”

  Jilly was just going to have to take Charlene’s word for it. She was running out of time and the anxiety was kicking in. “Thanks. I love you so much!”

  Jilly hung up with her friend and busied herself with date preparation. Why was she so nervous? It’s not like she’d never been on a date before. But this was different. Colin was different. At least she hoped.

  Her doorbell rang at 5:01 and her body filled with flutters. She opened the door to him and said “Hi” as she soaked in every inch of dreaminess. Dark jeans with a thin gray sweater, pushed up at the forearms. A sexy amount of stubble and those delicious lips in a sly smile.

  “You look amazing,” he said before she fully finished admiring him.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear. “Thanks.”

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Jilly grabbed her purse and a sweater and locked her door. “Where are we going?”

  He reached for her hand as they headed out to the street. “You’ll see.”

  “Should I be scared? After all, you could be a serial killer.”

  “I assure you I am not.”

  “I bet that’s what they all say.”

  He led her to a very fancy sports car and opened the door for her. “This is really nice. Did your company restore this one?”

  “Actually no. This was my grandfather’s car. He bought it brand new in 1961.”

  After he closed the door behind her, she took the few seconds of alone time to look around the inside of the vehicle. Holy shit! A freaking Ferrari!

  “I got my love of cars from him,” Colin said as he took his seat. “He left me his baby when he died.”

  “I bet he’s real proud of your company.”

  “I hope so.”

  Colin pulled away from the curb and as they drove, conversation flowed easily. For a rich guy who came from a super powerful family, he was pretty down to earth. A bit full of himself, perhaps, but it was slowly becoming one of his charms.

  “Wait. Where are we going?” Jilly looked out the window as they turned into a small private airport. “What are we doing here?”

  “You can’t fly to LA without going to the airport.”


  “It’s only an hour and twenty minute flight from San Fran to LA. Just in time for dinner. There’s a James Beard Award-winning chef there who has an extensive vegan menu at one of his restaurants.”

  “So…you just decided to whisk me off to LA for the night?�

  “Yeah,” he replied with that same sexy grin, as if flying off to another part of the state on a whim was no big deal.

  Jilly wasn’t sure if she should be pissed or flattered. Who am I kidding? This was pretty damn cool.

  Colin drove around the main terminal toward the back, pulling up next to a small plane with an open door and stairs cascading from it. “Rutherford” had been painted on its tail. A private jet. She shouldn’t have been surprised.

  They stepped out of the car and Colin met her on the passenger side. “Your flying chariot awaits.”

  She climbed the stairs ahead of him, praying she didn’t stumble in Charlene’s platform heels.

  After stepping inside the aircraft, she was greeted by the pilot. “Welcome aboard, Miss Cole.”

  “Thank you.”

  The inside was cream leather with burgundy trim, an “R” monogram in the center of each headrest. A matching couch and mahogany tables completed the décor. It looked more like a posh hotel suite than an airplane.

  “Mr. Rutherford, we should be able to take off shortly.”

  “Great. Thank you, George.”

  While the pilot closed and secured the door, Colin led Jilly to the couch. The table nearby held a bucket with a chilled bottle of champagne and a bowl of strawberries. It was cheesy, but she appreciated it. So far, it was a very fairytale kind of date.

  “This is super nice,” she said as she sat down. “You can go wherever you want, when you want.”

  “I guess. I actually don’t use it much. But I thought it would be fun for tonight.”

  The pilot walked through the cabin, stopping when he got to them. “I’ll let you know when we’re cleared for take off.”

  “Thank you,” Colin said and watched George disappear into the cockpit. As soon as the door closed, he pulled Jilly toward him. “Finally.”

  His mouth crashed into hers, one hand in her hair, the other wrapped around her body. She made herself comfortable in his lap, enjoying being so close to him.

  “Mr. Rutherford.” The pilot’s voice blared through the intercom, jolting Jilly out of her make out haze. “We’re set for take off. Please buckle your seatbelts until I give the okay.”

  Colin pressed a button on a nearby call-box. “Thank you.”

  The next hour and twenty minutes flew by, literally and figuratively, alternating between talking and laughter, kisses and caresses. By the time they landed, Jilly was a little drunk, on champagne and on Colin. He looked so damn sexy sitting there, and she was pretty damn close to asking him to join the Mile High Club.

  Jilly was having such a fun time…and the night was just getting started.

  * * *

  Colin held Jilly’s hand as they stood on the rooftop of The Standard, looking out at glittering downtown LA. She wore a smile of pure contentment as the breeze blew through her hair.

  “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked.

  She turned to him, a quizzical expression. “Are you kidding me?”

  “I really want to know.”

  “Of course. A private jet, the most delicious meal I’ve ever had, and now this.” She held her hand out to the view before them. “This has been one of the most amazing dates I’ve ever been on.”


  She rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her, tucking her into the crook of his arm. Damn, this felt nice. And it felt natural.

  Jilly yawned and covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Tired? We can go home now.”

  “I don’t want to go,” she said, and snuggled in tighter.

  He tilted her chin up to him, so he could see her eyes. Apprehension swirled in his gut, but he said the words anyway. “This is just the beginning. I plan on spending many more amazing nights with you.”

  They stayed like that for a moment, his gaze locked on hers, then he leaned and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  Colin escorted Jilly out of the hotel to their waiting car. Once they were settled in the plane, he pulled a blanket out of the storage box and wrapped it around her. He held her close as she dozed in his arms, and caught a few moments of sleep himself.

  “I don’t even know how to say thank you for tonight,” she said as he walked her to her door.

  “Then just kiss me.”

  She put her hands to his chest, warmth instantly spreading throughout his body. She then traveled up to his neck, pulling him to her. Her kiss was electric, waking every cell in his body. He deepened the kiss, pushing her body up against the door behind her. A sweet sigh escaped from her throat and turned him on even more. His hands itched to feel her skin, to taste her.

  And then the door behind her opened. Colin held Jilly tight as they stumbled into the apartment.


  When they were stable, Colin looked up and saw a red-haired girl in cartoon character pajamas with a bowl of ice cream in her hand.

  Jilly stood tall, straightened her shirt, and pushed the hair out of her eyes. “Colin, this is my soon-to-be ex best friend, Charlene.”

  “Sorry, guys. I heard a thump on the door so I came to investigate.” She held out her hand, exuberance now shining through. “But I’m so glad to finally meet you.”

  Colin shook her hand. “Likewise.”

  Jilly made eyes at her roommate so she got the hint and walked away. “Sorry about that.”

  “No worries.” He pulled her close for one last kiss. “I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay.” She looked so exhausted and so adorable at the same time.

  “Goodnight.” Colin stepped away from her and headed for his car, ending what was probably the most perfect date he’d ever had.

  Chapter 8

  Jilly breezed into the café the next morning, still on Cloud 9. Actually, no. It was more like Cloud 20. She’d never felt this high before.

  The morning flew by as she took care of customers and worked on some ideas for new menu items. Maybe she’d start doing cold-pressed juices and smoothies. But that would involve a bunch of new equipment, which was not in the budget right now.

  The door chime rang and the mailman strolled in. “Good afternoon, Jilly.”

  “It is a good afternoon!” She took the stack of envelopes he handed her.

  She thumbed through the mail. Advertisements, catalogs, and ugh…bills. She opened the electric bill. It sure cost a lot of money to keep her lights on and the refrigerator running 24/7. Next. A bill from Mama Earth Food Supply. It was really sad how much quality food products cost. She got to the bottom of the bill, scared for the total, and next to it was big red letters: Past Due!

  She missed a bill? How had that happened? And now there was a hefty penalty fee. Great.

  The bell chimed. Was it the mailman again? Did he have more bills he forgot to give her? Instead it was the one man she wanted to see more than any other.

  “Hi.” Colin’s smile made everything better. She stepped out from behind the counter and let him pull her into his embrace. “How’s your day going?”

  “Better, now that you’re here.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  She couldn’t tell him about her oversight. She was too embarrassed. “It’s just café stuff. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t know much about the restaurant business, but you know…” He pulled back and met her gaze, that damn sexy sparkle in his eyes. “I am a pretty successful businessman. Maybe I can help.”

  Maybe he genuinely could, but she didn’t need anyone to fix her problems. “I can handle it. On my own.”

  “Okay.” He looked around, and after seeing the café was empty, leaned in for a kiss.

  Now that was definitely something he could do to help her. She instantly felt better. The kiss stayed PG, but she enjoyed every second, until it was interrupted by the rumble of his stomach.

  “I’ll make you something to eat. What are you in the mood for?”

  His eyes narrowed and the left s
ide of his lips curled into a wicked grin. “What I want isn’t on the menu.”

  Oh, my. Was there a sudden heat wave blowing through the café? “Well, for now, you need to pick something off the menu.”

  He gave an exaggerated sigh, said, “Fine,” then looked up at the menu on the wall. “I don’t see much meat.”

  “I have a few things. The turkey and cheddar panini, a grilled chicken wrap.”

  “How about the panini, but add some chicken, too.” He turned back to her and shrugged. “Don’t hate me. I like meat.”

  Jilly stuck her tongue out at him. “Comin’ right up.” She stepped behind the counter and pulled out two slices of multigrain sourdough, perfect for paninis. She glanced out from the kitchen and he looked so at home in her café, seated at one of the tables with the paper. And she kinda liked it. A lot.

  Amazing how different she felt about him now compared to when they’d first met. He could be completely arrogant, but also incredibly sweet and caring. How had this pain-in-the-ass wiggled his way into her life…maybe into her heart?

  * * *

  Colin could get used to this. A dynamite sandwich delivered by the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. And not in the 50’s mentality of the woman waiting on the man, but just the ease and simplicity of it all. The comfort and contentment. He never knew a relationship could be like this. All the examples in his life were filled with drama.

  And it felt good to be able to cheer her up, put a smile on her face when she wasn’t having a great day. All she wanted from him was a hug and a smile. It wasn’t about his money or the prestige of being on his arm.

  And speaking of being on his arm, he definitely wanted her there at the Rutherford Gala.

  He stood and took his dirty plate to the counter. “You’re a magician in the kitchen. I’m not sure how you did it, but you made me love a sandwich with bean sprouts on it.”

  “See? You just had to give it a chance.”

  He was definitely under her spell, ready to try anything she gave him.

  “So, my family’s company throws this big fundraiser gala every year. It’s this Saturday. You wanna go with me?”


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