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Goldie and Her Bears

Page 16

by Honor James

  Screaming right along with him, following with her own release. Her whole body shook in the sheer pleasure of his bite. Her orgasm was more intense; it was more surreal than anything yet. It seemed as if life were only getting better and better with each single orgasm they shared.

  When he collapsed on top of her, all they could do was groan. Breathing was a chore, harsh breaths in and out, repeatedly at a fast pace. Finally, he rolled them, putting her on top with his hand on her ass to hold her.

  She felt him shrinking inside of her body and sighed. “Amazing,” she thought she said aloud, was sure she had said it aloud at least. Rubbing her cheek to his chest, she simply grinned. “Let’s hope they are keeping Josie occupied enough that she won’t come looking for us yet.”

  “She’ll be running circles around Mahon as he jumps through hoops for her breakfast. Every time she’s here there’s a routine. We ask what she wants for breakfast, she gives us a dozen options, hems and haws and then settles for the chocolate chip pancakes just like always. She’s very good at making us jump through hoops.”

  She laughed at that and nodded, “This is very true. That child does tend to make everyone do something. She’s very good at getting what she wants. I like that about her. She’s a good kid, that’s for sure.”

  “She is, but spoiled. Hell, we get her for a week here and there, and by the time her parents get her back, it’s usually not good. Though we do exhaust her, she tends to sleep rather well for the first week back home. On the downside, we’re not always too careful with our language around her. The last time she went back home Laurie sent us a twenty page email the next day ranting at us. I think I still have it. I’ll have to look. It’s actually a fairly entertaining read given its one hundred percent true.”

  Goldie laughed at that and shook her head. “Well it’s a very good thing then that you now have me to help you with your language and stuff.” Although most times she cussed like a sailor herself. For now though,” she moved slightly. “For now, I need for you to get us into the shower, deal?”

  “Yeah, I suppose we should,” he chuckled. Pressing a kiss to her cheek, he sat up with her held tight to him. When he got off the bed she was still draped over him, his cock still buried deep. “Hold on tightly, darling mine.”

  “Oh God,” she moaned and pressed her forehead to his shoulder. “That feels so good.” She could stay like this for the rest of eternity, or as long as they would let her at least. “I think I would be able to walk like this for the rest of time if it weren’t illegal or whatever,” she teased with a smile.

  “I think it’s the whatever that could really get us in trouble,” he smiled. As he walked to the bathroom, he hugged her close. “But I do have to say I quite enjoy walking around with you as you are. Especially that little squeeze you give every time I jolt you even the tiniest bit.”

  “I think you will get even more of those once we are in the shower. If you turn it on and put me against the wall, I bet you and I can each get off at least once more.” She was positive they would both be able to come at least once more.

  “At least once more,” he agreed happily. He took them into the bathroom and into the shower stall. Once he had her back pressed to the wall, he reached out with a hand and got the water running. “Holy hell,” he jolted and nearly dropped her. “Fuck that was cold. You okay, Goldie?”

  “Damn it that was cold,” she growled, and shivering, huddled up closer to him. “I think you need to get us warm, quickly and in a hurry.” Her hands moved over his shoulders, down his arms. “I think once you begin to move again we will be very, very okay. Don’t you?”

  “Moving is good, build up a little heat with some good old fashioned friction.” He kissed her hard, his hands adjusting her against the wall. In the next moment, he was moving, thrusting into her hard, fast and deep.

  “Yes, friction is an amazing thing,” she said with a moan. “God, yes.” She shuddered with delighted need. “That feels so very good.” And it did. The feeling of him taking her hard and fast, hell yes.

  Torben grabbed her hands, pressing them to the wall over her head. The maneuver thrust her breasts out, her nipples rubbing over his chest with every movement and breath. His gaze was intent on her as he licked his lips. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

  “And you are so freaking hot.” She felt the purr in the back of her throat, the moan from being forced into that position. She loved it. God she loved it and wanted more. She was all for equal power for men and women, but when it came to making love with her bears, she wanted to submit to them every time.

  “That’s not me, that’s all you. Sexy woman that you are.” He pushed their hands up higher; his thrusts slow, long and deep. He leaned closer and kissed her, his mouth moving over hers in a lazy manner, like his cock in and out of her body.

  Oh, she could argue with him until the day was ended, but all that mattered was that he felt she was the one for him, and she knew he was one of hers. That was perfect. That was the way life should be. “God, yes. So close.”

  “Not yet,” he said slowing his thrusts. When she growled, all he did was grin at her. “Now, now, darling, no need for that. We’re taking our time this go round; I don’t want you flying over the edge yet. I want you to have a slow burn and then a massive explosion.”

  “You are totally going to kill me one day,” she teased him, but moved right along with him. Leaning into him, she brushed her lips over his, nibbled here and there, as she did so, and moaned happily.

  His smile was one where his entire face lit up from the inside out. “I’m glad you approve of me. I’d hate to think you found something wrong with me or something distasteful.”

  Goldie screamed, her orgasm coming out of absolutely nowhere. Pleasure rushed through her body in that moment, and she knew that nothing, absolutely nothing, would ever feel as good as her men making love with her, fucking her, taking her. Owning her.

  His growl and the hot splash of his seed in her pussy signaled Torben’s orgasm. With a shudder, he let her hands go. His own arms fell down to her sides; his hands barely resting at her waist while her arms hit his shoulders.

  Both were panting hard, and then Goldie began to giggle. She pulled Torben closer and sighed against the side of his neck. “I think you and I need to shower together every morning. I very much enjoyed this. Even if we didn’t get clean yet, it has been the best shower to date.”

  He gave a throaty chuckle and kissed her throat. “I can’t wait to tell the others that. With a little bragging of course.” Torben hugged her to him and then pulled back. “But we should clean up and head down. They should be through the regular routine and food should be about ready. And if you want any, we can’t be late. You’ve seen how we all eat.” He did have a very valid point there.

  “Yes, I have seen how you all eat, but I also know Mahon and Arkadios would never let me go hungry.” She grinned and added, “But not sure about you,” she said with a laugh. “And you and I both know they will always try to one-up you, so I’m going to be in for a world of hurt aren’t I?” she teased happily. “And I can’t wait.”

  “I wouldn’t call it hurt so much,” he said easing her down to her feet. Stepping back, he ducked his head under the water. “Maybe a world of pleasure would be a better term,” he grinned at her as he shook his head. “Non-stop orgasms at all hours of the day and night, you never know when you’re going to get stuffed to the gills.”

  “Do you know just how much pleasure it gives me to know you guys want and need me every single bit as much as I want you, if not more? I love the fact we are together in this all and always going to be together in this. I need you. All of you. And I can't wait to have them trying to outdo you,” she added with a naughty grin.

  “Of course we’re in it together, we’re mates.” He handed her the soap he’d just finished using right before he ducked under the water to rinse. When he stepped out of the spray, he ran a hand down his face. “And if you really want to egg t
hem on, use the phrase, and you can paraphrase as much as you want. Well when Torben did that,” he grinned with a shrug. “It will get their competitive streak right the fuck up.”

  She couldn't help herself from laughing. “Oh dear God, you really want me to rile them up so they can give me a hell of a fucking don’t you?” Not that she minded, truth be told. “I love all of you,” she whispered.

  “We know,” he chuckled. Leaning in he kissed her gently. “Wash up and then come on out. I’ll give you the shower for now so I don’t distract you more than necessary. Besides, I need to shave so I don’t start looking like my counterpart in my human form.” With a wink, he stepped out of the shower and shut the door gently.

  “Yes you are getting rather shaggy,” she teased him with a grin. When he got out of the shower, she began to wash her body. Taking her time, she soaped her body and then hair. Taking a deep breath, she rinsed and then turned off the water. “All right, I’m all done. Will you pass me a towel please?”

  The door opened and a fluffy towel was thrust in. “I can smell food, woman, hurry up,” he told her, grinning through the space of the door. When she took the towel, he turned and headed toward the bedroom. “And there’s fresh coffee and bacon too.”

  “Oh God, fresh coffee and bacon. You guys do know just what I want and need to survive in life don’t you?” she asked with a smile. “Yummers. Okay, let’s go. I will just slide one of the robes on. I will worry about getting dressed later. For now I just want to dry off enough I’m not leaving puddles everywhere.”

  “Then hurry up,” he said hopping by the door tugging on his jeans. “Because I’m heading down, and I don’t plan on saving you any.” He was grinning as he jumped up and down a couple of times and did up the buttons on his fly.

  Goldie laughed at him and shook her head. Pulling on Arkadios’s robe, she tied it in the front and wrapped the towel around her head. “Okay, mister smarty pants, let’s get ourselves out of here shall we? I’m ready to get the heck out of here and down to the bacon and coffee.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said. A second later, he scooped her up in his arms and headed for the stairs. “Hold onto your towel there, woman. It’s starting to unravel a little.” He jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  Reaching up, Goldie held onto the towel on her head and laughed as he raced down the stairs with her in his arms. She hugged him tightly, trusting him to keep her safe in his arms. “Oh that smells so good,” she called out to Arkadios and Mahon. She grinned at Josie and winked, “Did they make you everything you wanted, little J?”

  “M’eh,” she shrugged. “They did their best, but they are trained like my daddy. Daddy does everything mummy tells him without a question. Here it is question after question. I speak nice and clear, my mummy and daddy says so, but they stare at me like there's buggers on my face. I don't like it. You may need to teach 'em better, because hold on it's very dishar, no that not right. I've got it, it's disheartening.”

  Laughing, Torben put Goldie on her feet. “I see that word a day calendar your uncle Mahon got you is being put to good use.”

  “It is,” Josie grinned and looked to Mahon. “He comes up with some of the bestest gifts ever.”

  “Hey,” Arkadios glared at her. “I swear, child, you are sounding more like your mother everyday. And your uncle Ark, gives you the bestest gifts ever damn it.”

  “Language!” Mahon, Torben, and Josie all yelled at him.

  Unable to stop herself, Goldie laughed. Holding her side, she shook her head. “Good gravy that’s utterly priceless. I wish I had a sound recorder so I could record what you guys are saying.” It was such a joy to listen to them talking and bantering with Josie like they were. One day, in the far future, they would be amazing fathers.

  “By the end of the week you likely won’t want to hear any of it again,” Torben said with a grin. “Hop up on a stool and I’ll get you some java. Then I will see about getting you some food so we can all sit and eat a nice, quiet, family meal.”

  Goldie had to laugh about that. There would be nothing quiet about their meal, and they all knew it. Between Josie and her questions, the guys jockeying for the last piece of whatever and whatnot, there would be no quiet meal.

  “Goldie and I have the dishes,” Torben said as they began to stack everything in easy to move piles.

  “Good, Josie, go get into your worksite gear. And don’t forget your boots and hardhat this time, or you’re not getting out of the truck.” Arkadios finished wiping her down with a cloth and set her on her feet. “Remember to grab your bag too, poppet. We have to go to the office for an hour first, so you’ll need something to cause chaos and mischief.”

  Goldie laughed and shook her head. “Hey there, don’t give her too many ideas.” She let Torben take the dishes and moved to Josie. Going to her knees, she looked the child in the eyes and smiled. “Make sure to keep them in line for me will ya? When I get in, we will take one of their trucks and their credit card and go shopping.” No, maybe that was a bad idea since someone had tried to kill her. “Or we will do online shopping, even better.”

  “Online is always fun,” Josie smiled. “But I can’t be too long. I need to go to the site and ensure the guys are keeping up to the standards of the business.” She hesitated a moment and then leaned in to hug Goldie and give her a sticky kiss on her cheek. Pulling back, she raced off at top speeds.

  “So sayeth the wise and ever evolving Josie,” Mahon snickered, holding out a damp paper towel to her. “You’ve got a little something,” he waved a finger toward his cheek.

  Goldie just grinned and wiped her cheek of the honey-laden kiss. “I love that kid. Just met her days ago, and I adore her more than I ever thought was possible.” She felt a little wobbly. Truth be told, the child was something else, and Goldie wanted one just like her one day.

  Ark was there to help her to her feet. “She has that effect on people, but by the weekend you’ll be happy to see her go home. Until Monday when you realized she’s not here anymore and you’re pining for a bit of time with her.”

  “Oh, I will miss her greatly I’m sure,” she said with a sigh. “I miss her already, is that weird?” She looked up at Arkadios and smiled, “Aren’t you supposed to be going with Miss Josie and Mahon to the job site? Or are you staying to supervise?” she asked hopefully.

  “No, we’re heading to the office. I have to do some paperwork before Josie and I head out to the site. She loves going to any of the sites. She’s one of the few people every guy that works for us allows to boss them around. She’s good about it too, and she knows her construction which makes it even better.”

  “The fact we’ve been taking her to the job sites since before she could walk likely did that to her,” Torben put in. “Even in her diaper and bottle stage we had her a little hardhat and in a safety cage on the sites with us during her visits. Getting any work done while she was there from that age until she was three was mostly impossible. The kid can turn a grown man into her play thing faster than you can say Elvis is the King.”

  “Oh, I do not doubt that in the least. That child has a way about her. One day she’s going to rule the world. You all know that right? The child is a born politician, or Queen, something. She’s truly unique, and not just because she’s a bear either.”

  “Oh she’s something alright,” Arkadios muttered. He grabbed his travel mug from the counter and came toward her. “I’ll see you in a bit,” he smiled at her. Leaning in, he kissed her hard and fast, drawing back slowly. “Sexy minx,” he whispered. As he turned, he grabbed his bag and hardhat, “Josie! Front and center! The truck is leaving in two minutes, little bear.”

  Watching them leave, Goldie was all smiles. When she looked to Torben she asked, “So why did I get voted into dish duty with you, my big bear?” She moved slowly toward him, her hands moving up his chest and then wrapping around his shoulders. “We gonna do more than dishes?” There was hope in her tone.

  “Of course we’re do
ing more than dishes. We have a dishwasher for a reason, love. None of us like doing dishes. So except for the pan there, everything else goes into the dishwasher. We have a half hour before we have to leave, during which time,” he winked at her, “we can do anything you want, anything at all.”

  “So we could play Dance-Dance-Revolution on the Wii and we would be fine?” she was teasing him. God help her but she was horny again. She couldn’t seem to get enough of these men, not now and not ever. “How about you do the dishes while I go upstairs and get naked and wait for you?”

  “Excellent plan, I’ll be right up. I don’t even care what the dishes look like by the end of the cycle either.” He grinned and then turned away from her. There was some serious banging a moment later.

  Chapter Twelve

  A knock on the wall had Goldie bringing her head up. She found Arkadios there and he didn’t look happy. In fact, he looked worried, pissed and his eyes were flickering. “Need to steal you for a couple of minutes, babe. In the conference room when you can, but quickly please,” he said quietly. Then he turned and stalked off, his hands were tight fists at his sides, the knuckles white.

  Goldie frowned and rose from her chair. Having no idea what was going on she brought her iPad with her for notes if she needed to take them. “All right, what’s up?” she asked as she caught up to him and walked into the conference room with him. Her focus on him and only him.

  He caught her hand and led her into the room. Shutting the door, he tugged her toward the table where Mahon and Torben were sitting. All the blinds were pulled and the men looked way too serious. Arkadios sat and pulled her into his lap, his arms around her tight.

  “The police went to have words with your old bosses and the office is empty. Their houses are empty and they are off the grid. They all emptied their accounts completely so they have cash to burn if they are careful,” Torben told her softly. “They also all have weapons permits and several weapons. The cops have now bumped this up to a higher priority because of this behavior. Worse yet, when they contacted the former receptionist, she told them something odd. She said the night after the event they all came in and started making calls. They were collecting on everything they were owed, and handing the rest of jobs off to other companies. They shut down the office with huge bonuses and severance packages for everyone there, a week later. That’s when the accounts were emptied and they literally vanished. As of this moment the police have no idea where they are.”


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