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Goldie and Her Bears

Page 19

by Honor James

  “This is very true.” Well, kinda. Since she knew that not all animals in the forest were actually animals, this was very much true. Damn. “Okay, so camping is totally out for me. Now that I know what I know, I will never be able to pee outdoors again.”

  “Kind of figured,” he said with a chuckle. Shaking his head at her, he stirred the pot. “That’s why I didn’t suggest we go into the middle of the woods for our hideout. It would have been good but somehow, the idea of building you a port-a-potty out there was a little too much for even me.”

  She grinned and nodded. “And that’s kinda what I would have needed.” She watched him as he moved and she added, “Besides, sleeping in a nice comfy bed will be totally good for us. Being able to get up and down, naked as the day, we were born. I like the idea.”

  “Just no wandering around naked. I’d really hate to have to find a place to hide the three bodies of the law enforcement group we have. Not that I couldn’t but really, it’s such a hassle. The ground here is so hard, packed clay, it’s a bitch to try to dig through.”

  “Don’t worry, only in our bedroom will I wander around naked,” she told him simply. “Trust me, you are the only one I want seeing me naked.” Sighing, she asked, “Do you think they will be okay? Do you think the cops are right about it?” About this ass wanting her, not them?

  “Mostly,” he said quietly, his voice low so the cops wouldn’t hear. “Either way, Torben and Mahon will be on the lookout. They won’t be letting their guards down, and they will have a cop at the house and the office to help. We just have to hope your old boss saw us packing and heading out, or hears through the grapevine that we did. That way he’ll be looking for us instead of harassing them.”

  “Good,” she said quietly and nodded. “I just really, really hope he will come for us.” She hated to admit that, but it was the truth. “I would love it if this were to end soon, but we will take however long we need for us to get through this, right?”

  “Absolutely,” he picked up a beer bottle, his obviously, and walked closer. “No matter what happens, we’re together in this and we will see him in jail or dead.” Holding his bottle, top toward her he lifted his brow. “We’re a unit,” he said quietly.

  “Yes we are. We will always be stronger together. You and me, we fit. I love that about us,” she told him honestly. “There is no one I would rather be with.” He could see the truth on her face. She couldn’t hide it. Though she loved Torben and Mahon, Arkadios had a little something extra that made her cling to him tighter, hold him closer.

  Bumping his bottleneck to hers, he grinned. “I know. I am the best looking one out of the gang after all. And you like my ass, so it’s a plus,” he chuckled softly. Leaning in, he kissed her softly and sucked on her lip gently.

  “Yes, I happen to really love your ass. I love everything about you.” The gentle kiss did her in. It had her leaning into him with her hand on his neck. Against his lips she whispered, “God, I love you, Arkadios. Never forget that you hold my heart.”

  “And you hold mine,” he whispered. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he pulled back reluctantly and moved to the pot once more.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It took three weeks, four days, and roughly, six hours before the word came in that her former boss and his cohorts had been arrested. She and Arkadios were coming in from a walk when the cops had come to meet them and give them the news. Apparently, Barrett had paid out a bunch of money, borrowed even more, all in the search for her. He had figured out she’d disappeared, not because he’d seen them leave, but because he’d been watching the house and not seen her or Ark come back.

  That and the cops staying there had been a good clue. In the end, a loan shark had helped the cops out. By breaking one of Barrett’s kneecaps for failing to pay in a timely manner, the loan shark had kept the man in town. He’d ended up having to go to the emergency room with his two friends, and into surgery. When he’d come out, he’d been greeted with the warrant for his arrest and a pair of handcuffs to keep him on the bed until he recovered enough to be moved to lock up.

  They were packed, the cops having left an hour ago, and Arkadios was just waiting on her to do her final walk through of the cabin. For three weeks, it had been her home, and she’d spread out a bit. Understandable, even with near strangers living there with them, she’d made it a home for the time they’d been there. The heat on her back warned her, her bear was close. “You ready, love?” he asked, sliding his arms around her body and drawing her back against his.

  Leaning back into him, Goldie ran her hands over his arms at her waist. Baring her neck to him, she smiled. “I am.” She was ready to get home to Torben and Mahon, ready to sleep with all three of her bears once more. The last few days she had been waking in the middle of the night because of being cold on one side or another, the side that Arkadios couldn’t keep warm. “How about you? You ready to get us home so you can share me again?” Her poor bear, she had kept him busy while they were there. Walks, talks, swims, and making love. She had ensured their hours were filled fully and completely, and she likely exhausted the poor guy because of it.

  “I suppose,” he said, running his lips over her neck. “I’ve kind of liked having you all to myself. Even when you were running me ragged,” he chuckled. Giving her a squeeze, he nipped at her throat and loosened his hold. “Let’s get the truck loaded up and then we’ll hit the road. We’ll take a slightly quicker route home since we don’t need to worry about being tailed. Should get us there before dinner.”

  “It has been nice hasn’t it? I have loved this time. You made me forget why we were here, which was very impressive in and of itself.” Touching his cheek, she turned in his arms and wrapped hers around him to hug him. “Can we do this again? Sometime maybe take a weekend just to be together?”

  “Of course we can,” he said softly. “Go and hit the little girls’ room once more. Then I’ll turn the water off and we’ll drain the pipes. While you’re doing that, I’ll check the other lines and make sure everything is off.” Leaning in, he kissed her gently.

  “Sounds good.” Ah yes, she did have to go once more. Goldie came out five minutes later. Moving back to Arkadios, she grinned. “All right, what do I need to do in order to help you out in draining the pipes or what not?”

  “The water is off now so go and open the tap in the bathroom sink. Just a bit until all you hear is air. Then close it, wait for a count of ten, and open it a bit again. Sometimes the backpressure of the air will push more water out, that’s what we want. When I give you a holler, tighten the taps, flush the toilet, wait for the bowl to fill, and flush again.”

  Tapping her hand to his chest, she nodded. “Sounds good. See you in a moment,” she said with a laugh and took off for the bathroom, turning the tap on in the bathroom sink. Five minutes later Goldie was walking out of the bathroom and then moved to Arkadios. Slipping her hand into his, she gave him a squeeze. “I’m ready, honey. Take me home?”

  “Yes ma’am,” he smiled at her. “We should call them when we’re a couple hours out and have them fire up the grill and throw on some steaks. I could kill, literally, for some serious meat after the last few weeks. I’m sorry, darling, but the chicken just ain’t cutting it any more. I need steaks, big and juicy, bloody after barely touching flame.”

  She laughed and winked at him. “Well I told you we could totally do steaks, but it was the cops that wouldn’t let you go into town and get them. So, blame them, not me. You also could have shifted and went out hunting you know.”

  “Yeah, but I hated leaving you for more than a few minutes at a time. Especially with this whole mess going on,” he said softly. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he drew back, “Alright, let’s lock up and get out of here. The sooner we hit the road the sooner we can get home and have steaks.”

  “That sounds good to me. So the guys know we are on the way home too, right?” she asked hopefully. “Because if not, I think we should surprise them or something. Just to be me
an or tease them.” Ha, she just wanted to be able to catch them naked and he knew that.

  “They know we’re free to come home, they were given the same info we were. I haven’t told them we were going to be back today though. So if you’d rather surprise them we could,” he said as they went room-to-room checking windows. At the front door, he shut it and turned the lock. After a couple of shakes to ensure it was solid, he turned to her. “But that means delaying steaks,” he threw on a pout, even had his lower lip quivering.

  That had her snickering and she shook her head. “I wouldn't dare do that to you. I know how much you love your steaks so we will go home. Get there as fast as we can. Surprising them isn’t necessary because we both know they have missed us bunches already.”

  “You, maybe, me not so much,” he said with a shrug. Moving to the truck, he helped her inside before joining her. Getting them on the road, he looked to her. “I’m pretty sure we’ll get there and I won’t see you for about a week. Or them, now that I think about it. I think we should reconsider this going home thing,” he chuckled and shot her a grin.

  That had her laughing and she shook her head. “Well they have missed a lot, so I’m sure they will want to try to catch up and all that fun stuff.” Or something. “They will want to do more than catch up. I seriously doubt they will be asking many questions. At least not until a few days after,” he told her. He was grinning, yeah he knew what Torben and Mahon would be doing for those first few days. “It’s a good thing they managed to find a semi-decent temp for the office. You won’t be working or in any condition to work for a few days I’m thinking.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know. I’m ready and waiting. I am very happy there was a good and decent temp for them while we were gone. Hopefully when I finally do make it to work I won’t have a hot fire mess happening around me.” She shrugged and then added, “If so I am totally making those guys help me clean it up.”

  “As long as I’m not dragged into the mess,” he said with a chuckle. “Just remember, I will help, but I wasn’t the one to cause the mess in the first place. We don’t know there is. But given how those two seem to work, I’d lay odds something has gone totally awry at some point.”

  “That’s fine. I will just make them help me. I can’t blame the poor temp for the mess, but I can blame those guys. I’m sure that if there is one it’s because they were being the grumpy bears they are.” Especially since, they weren’t getting sex on a regular basis.

  “Just making sure,” he smiled at her. Then he shot her a look and frowned. “Woman, what are you doing sitting all the way over there? I thought we established you should be right next to me when we are driving?”

  That had her laughing and she moved over to sit right at his side as close as she could get. “Is this better?” She knew she liked it a great deal better. “Now then, I think your arm belongs around me and holding me close? Because you and I both know when we get home, there will be no separating those guys from me and you will have to handle the office alone for a time.”

  “Sad, but so damned true,” he muttered. Leaning sideways, he worked his arm around her and held on tight before relaxing his hold. “I’m sorry this took so long, Goldie. We’ve been gone so long I’m worried this may have,” he stopped and she caught his frown. “Hell, I’m worried this might have damaged our relationship as a group. I’m hoping I’m wrong, but I want you to be aware there may be some tension that wasn’t there before.”

  “It’s okay. It took as long as it had to take.” Leaning her head against his shoulder, she closed her eyes. “I hope you are wrong, Arkadios. I do. I love you, I love you so very much, but I love Mahon and Torben too. I just pray it doesn’t.”

  “Just go along with whatever they want for a while. They’re going to likely be feeling antsy,” he said softly. “We’ve been gone a while so you go in when we get there and I’ll try to blend into the background for a time. They’ll likely be more than a little possessive of you for a time, reaffirming their bond with you and all that fun bear stuff.”

  “I’m sure eventually they will want all four of us to reaffirm the bond but yes, I can see them being more than a little possessive for a time.” She simply wanted to be there with them again. She had missed Tor and Mahon so very much while they had been in hiding. Sadly, she would likely not let them go for a time either.

  “Maybe, maybe not. I have a feeling we’ll see one another in passing for a while,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’ll survive. You’ll be walking damn funny though. Bet on that,” he teased, giving her a little squeeze.

  That had her laughing and she nodded, “Oh I’m sure. But you know,” looking up at him she rubbed her lips to his neck. “I really don’t mind. I happen to really love those guys and I can’t wait to have them loving me as well.”

  “A few hours and we’ll be there,” he said pressing a kiss to her temple. Holding her to him, he rested his cheek on her hair for a time as he drove. They fell into silence, comfortable and relaxed as he drove them back home.

  Goldie’s eye began to drift closed and she yawned. “I am going to miss you,” she whispered. “I might have to hunt you down from time to time,” she told him quietly. “I don’t think I will be able to go a great deal of time without having you holding me, kissing me, touching me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be there, just not so prominently. Do I want to keep you all to myself? Yes, I said it. But I also know we’re not the only two people in this relationship, and I can’t be that selfish. I’ve had you to myself for three weeks, it’s their turn now for a little time with you, just you.”

  “Thank you for that.” She looked up at him and smiled. “I will have to have someone take me to the doctor next week. It’s getting time for my shot to be administered, and I don’t know if any of us are ready for a little bear or three running around yet.” She wanted babies, but she didn’t want them yet. “If that’s okay?” She didn’t know what her men thought about that idea though.

  “It’s your body, and if you’d like to wait for a little longer, have some more time with us, I’m good with that. I just want you to be happy, Goldie. But when you are ready for kids, I’m more than ready any time. I love kids, probably why I let Josie paint her room that eye searing color,” he muttered the last under his breath.

  That had her smiling and she nodded. “Yeah that color is definitely one for the record books. It’s a gawd awful color, but then she looks at you and you can’t tell her no. You can’t be upset with her either. That girl is too sweet and too amazing by half to have any hard feelings at all.”

  “What you actually mean, but are too nice to say is, she knows how to fucking manipulate us, and she’s good at it. She knows what she wants and no matter what, she’ll twist us around her little finger until she has it.”

  “And you guys certainly let her. It’s all good though, she’s a sweetheart, and she even twists and turns me to have me doing what she wants as well. I adore that kid to the moon and back, and would do just about anything I could for her. I’m happy she’s a part of our lives. Very much so.”

  “Well, like I mentioned before, she’s our practice kid. I figure we can use her to get an idea of how to be parents. Plus, if we screw up, we call in her mother to fix her,” he grinned. “Though I have learned one thing, ice cream fixes a lot in a female’s life, no matter the age.”

  “Yes, this is very true. Ice cream is a marvelous fix-it-all when it comes to women.” Goldie loved ice cream and it made her smile that Josie loved it too. “And sparklies. Sometimes a woman’s sad can be fixed by sparklies.”

  “Right, sparklies,” Ark shot her a look. Then chuckling, he shook his head at her. “Woman, you don’t have to be so subtle you know. Just tell me straight out whatever you’d like and I’ll get it for you. You know I’m good for it. Hell, I even got you one, now that I think about it,” he told her. “Check the glove box for the box with the little bow.”

  That surprised her. “How?” she a
sked and opened the glove box. Her hands were shaking. “When did you have time to get me something?” Her lips were dry, her mouth dry and her hands were shaking. “Ark, is this something you need to wait to give me?” It could be either a ring or earrings with the size of the box.

  “Depends,” he said, taking it from her. He tossed it up and down a couple of times before throwing the little box into the back seat. “You’re right, it can wait for now. You’ll probably not like it anyway,” he shrugged. “Too bad I went and, oops, not telling you that. Then you’ll know just what it is.”

  Goldie looked at him with wide eyes. “Oh no.” She shifted, “I want that,” she demanded. She then climbed over the seat and grabbed the box. “You can't tell me that and then toss it in the backseat. I mean it.” She snagged the box and then settled at his side once more. “Now, what is in it? Something we need to stop for?”

  Ark shot her a look and then glanced around before he pulled over onto the shoulder. Throwing the truck into park, he undid his seatbelt, hit the four-way blinkers, and turned to face her. “It’s likely safer if we are stopped when you open it. As I said, you may not like it, or you may. And since you tend to get enthusiastic in your responses, no matter what they are, definitely safer. Open it.”

  With shaky hands, Goldie opened the box. What she saw there however had her gasping. “Holy shit,” she couldn’t help herself from saying. “That is.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Oh God.” She couldn’t seem to get words to form. Instead, she was sputtering and licked her lips. “What do you want to ask?” She had to know. Needed to know.

  “I want to say something first so take a breath, please.” He reached out with a chuckle and rubbed her back gently. “Before this whole hiding in the woods bit started, the guys and I talked. I told them what I wanted to do and they agreed, so you don’t need to worry how this will affect them. And, now that I have the disclaimer out of the way,” he said quietly. Sliding his hand down her arm, he lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “Goldie, love of my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”


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