The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9)

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The Goalie and the Best Friend's Sister (New Hampshire Bears Book 9) Page 2

by Mary Smith

  I sigh and look down at my plate. He’s right, but am I strong enough.

  The next morning I drop off Dad at the airport and head to the gym. I’m trying to avoid all TV and radio reports who were both talking about my loss. It’s mine because I should have stopped the puck. I can’t explain how I didn’t stop it. It just got past me.

  I hop on the treadmill, pop in my earbuds, and begin running. Amara created a Spotify playlist for workouts with country music and I follow it. I’m not a huge fan of this type of music, but it’s growing on me.

  As I’m keeping my heart rate up, Dad’s words keep spinning around my head. I do wish Mom was here. I was ten when the breast cancer finally took her. Grief and heartbreak overtook me. Hell, it still is. She meant everything to me. When Dad started dating a year later, I became rebellious against him and Marie. I didn’t even speak at their wedding. However, when Drew and Copper were born things began to change. I love my brothers and want to be a good role model for them.

  But how can I get Amara back into my life? How can I keep Alden as a friend? Is there any way to do both? I don’t know. I need to figure this out.

  I finish my fifth mile, and I’m done with the treadmill. I know who the media, fans, and Manchester blame for the loss… me.

  After showering at home, I decide to wear jeans and my favorite Bears shirt, finding a ball cap to put it all together. Actually, I’m trying to hide my face. I feel lower than low right now.

  And I have to face the music.

  The locker room already is buzzing with movement, talking, and packing up. I see Alden in his stall and our eyes briefly meet. He still looks as if he can rip my head off at any time.

  The equipment manager hands me my bag and I pack up my items. I band up my sticks and gather up my extra pads I hadn’t used. Teo Elgin, the backup goalie and my friend, comes over to me and pats my back.

  “I know you’re beating yourself up, but it’s not your fault.”

  I shrug. “I feel as if it is.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We all had a hand in this loss.”

  I nod, not really believing him.

  “Listen, come over for dinner with Nova and me.”

  “I’ll think about it.” I give him a small smile. “Thanks.”

  Teo goes back to his stall as Bas is the next to come up to me. He’s a cool kid. He tells me the same thing as Teo and how he’s heading back to London for the offseason. I should go home to Sweden but won’t be since my brothers are coming here. Amara is here as well. Plus, Kian, the head of the PR department and Kyson’s brother, has several events planned for me as well. That is if I’m still a Bear.

  “Nathan.” Speaking of Kian he rushes up to me. “It’s your turn for the cameras. Do you need any coaching?”

  I shake my head. “Let’s get it over with.” I hand my now overstuffed bag to our equipment manager who takes it out to the hall. Taking a deep breath, I adjust my cap and follow Kian to the swarm of reporters all itching to ask me questions.

  As soon as I say I’m ready they began firing off like machine guns. I try to answer in the most professional manner, but I’m not sure it’s coming across that way.

  “When Alden spoke to us he said the loss was his fault. Do you think he’s correct?” one reporter asks.

  How can Alden think that? He’s the best player around. It’s not his fault at all.

  “He’s not correct at all. In fact, the loss is on me and only me. I’m the only reason we didn’t advance, and I’ll take the consequences handed down to me.

  “You think you’ll head back to the farm?” another reporter asks.

  “If management and coaching staff believe I need to go back then I will.” It breaks my heart to say it out loud, but it’s true. I do respect their opinion and their choices.

  “Thank you, everyone. That’s all for Nathan Paxton.” Kian stops the rest of the questions. I’m thankful for it. I don’t know if I can answer any more questions.

  I go back to the locker room to grab my bag and head out.

  I stop at my favorite place in the whole wide world. The comic book store. Many of my teammates, past and present, make fun of my true love – comics.

  My love started when my father and I first traveled to the United States when I was five. I picked up Thor, then Captain America, then Iron Man. Soon my collection began to build and build. Dad would help me get as many as we could when we traveled. Since living in the United States for the past four years, my collection has really grown.

  “Nathan.” Sammy greets me as I walk in. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “How come?”

  “I got your Thor in.”

  My smile grows. “Thanks, Sammy.” I head over to him and he hands me the edition of Thor I’ve been looking for.

  “I was going to call you, but I figured you’d come in today.”

  “Guess you saw the game?” I sigh.

  “Yea, but you’ll get ‘em next season.”

  I nod but don’t say anything more.

  “I’ll hold this so you can look around. I received some new Funko Pops.” He points to his back wall.

  I don’t buy them all up, as many others do, I typically purchase the characters I like the most. I don’t want to go too crazy with my collection either because my apartment isn’t that big.

  I shuffle around the store picking up a few things here and there before going up to the counter and checking out. Sammy smiles as I pick up my bag and head out.

  I decide it’s time to go home and mentally regroup.

  I reorganized my Pops before sitting down with a cold beer and begin reading my latest haul of comics. I’m deep into the story of Iron Man when my phone dings.

  Amara: Are you okay?

  My heart soars.

  Me: I’m okay. What are you up to?

  Amara: Well, as your friend, I thought I should check up on you.

  The word stuck my heart like a hot knife. Dad said I had to fight and I need to.

  Me: I want to be more than friends. I like you and would love to take you out, but I’m not fond of Alden’s wrath.

  Several minutes pass before she responds.

  Amara: I like you too. I understand Alden’s wrath, but I’m twenty-one and I can make my own decisions.

  I smile. She likes me.

  Me: I’m sorry I called you just a friend.

  Amara: It’s okay. We are friends but more.

  Me: Exactly. How is the studying?

  Amara: Horrible. I’m afraid I’ll fail this and never be an RN.

  Me: You’re just overwhelmed at the house. Go somewhere else and study.

  Amara: Where? I need quiet. I can’t go to Starbucks and the library smells.

  I take a long shot and hold my breath as I type out my next message.

  Me: I turned Teo’s room into a study. Kind of. Come here and work.

  I’m not sure what she’ll say. Hell, I’m not sure what I’ll do if she’s in my apartment. We’ve never been alone.

  Amara: Are you certain I won’t be a bother?

  My cheeks hurt from my smile.

  Me: You’re never a bother.

  Amara: What’s the address?

  I type my address and the code to the front door. She texts back saying she’ll be here in twenty minutes. I quickly inspect my place and begin to straighten it up. I’m not a messy guy, but I have a lot of comics laying around. Thankfully, Amara understands my love for comics. She doesn’t make me feel bad either. Guys on the team make fun of me, but it’s because they don’t understand how wonderful it is.

  About twenty minutes later a knock came to my door. I wipe the sweat from my hands on my jeans and unlock the door. All the air leaves me as I stare at the most stunning woman ever. Her long black hair is in waves flowing down her back. Her curves are highlighted by a pair of black leggings and a long gray shirt. I stare into her golden brown eyes.

  “May I come in?” Her angelic voice breaks my trance.

at? Oh right, sorry, please come in.” I step back. She adjusts her bag on her shoulder and steps forward.

  “Nice place.” She comments as she continues to walk further into my place.

  “Let me give you a tour.” I take the lead. “This is the living room. Kitchen.” I head down the hall. “Bathroom. Teo’s old room and my room.”

  We stand close to each other and nervously look around but not at each other.

  “So, um… I just go in here?” She points to the room.

  “Right. Yes, here.” I step over the threshold. “There’s the desk, and the Wi-Fi password is goalienerd. All lowercase and no spaces. If you need anything else, let me know.”

  “Goalienerd?” She smiles causing my knees to go weak.

  “Yeah.” I shrug. “Do you need anything to drink?”

  “I’m fine. Thank you.”

  We stand there for a moment not saying anything. I can’t stop looking at her.

  “Well, um, okay.” I move out of the room.

  I sit on my couch and try to breathe normally, but it’s hard. She really takes my breath away. Once it’s back to normal, I pick up another comic, but my body and my mind know Amara is down the hall. I’m turning the pages but not reading anything. Finally, I put it down and take a deep breath. This is more difficult than I thought I turn on the TV and load my VUDU app. I turn on the first Avengers movie. Hopefully, this holds my attention.

  As the movie is about to end, Amara comes out. I jolt up to a standing position.

  “Thanks for letting me come over. I got a lot done.” She smiles tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “You’re welcome anytime.” My hands shake with nervousness. “Um… do you want something to eat? Or drink? I don’t have much here, but I can order us something.”

  “I’d like that.”

  My heart leaps into my throat. “Pizza, okay?”

  “No mushrooms. I’m good with anything else.” She sets her bag down by the chair and takes a seat on the end of the couch.

  “Great.” I grab my phone and order from the app before going to the fridge and getting two beers.

  “It’s a pale ale.” I explain sitting down next to her.

  “I wish I had gone out for my twenty-first birthday,” she says with sadness in her voice.

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “My birthday is around playoff time. Alden is busy, and I don’t really have any friends.”

  “Wait, were we talking then?” My stomach drops.


  “But you didn’t tell me?”

  “It’s not a big deal.” She shrugs one shoulder.

  “Yes it is. It’s a huge deal. I would have done something for you.” I feel like the worst guy ever. How could I have not known this?

  “It’s not really. I know everyone was busy. I’ll celebrate some other time. Maybe when Alden comes to his senses.”

  I hate he’s been mean to her. “He’s still ignoring you, huh?”

  “Yep. He won’t even look me in the eyes.” She leans back on the couch and crosses her legs. “He’ll come around eventually.”

  We fall into silence as the movie ends. “What do you want to watch next?”

  “I don’t care. I’ve never seen these types of movies before.”

  I whip around to her. “What?”

  “It’s true. I told you I wasn’t into comics.”

  “But…” I’m stunned. “Let’s rewatch this one or do you want to watch Thor? Or Iron Man?”

  She giggles. I love the sound. “You pick.”

  “Let’s rewatch this one.” I push the button on the remote to restart the movie.

  When the pizza comes I bring out another beer for us and some napkins. “I figure we can just dive in.”

  “It won’t be ladylike.” She comments flipping open the lid.

  I chuckle. “You’re very ladylike.”

  “Not too sure.” She picks up a massive slice of pizza, folds it in half, tilts her head back and takes a large bite.

  Damn, it’s sexy. I try not to stare at her slender throat and how desperately I want to run my tongue and mouth along it. I pop open the beer for her and go back to the movie.

  While we watch I explain some of the backstory of the characters, and how it differs from the comics. She asks questions of her own as well and seems interested.

  The movie continues and Amara kicks off her shoes, curling her feet up under her, slightly leaning on me. Her questions keep coming, and it relaxes me as I talk about a topic I’m excited about.

  “Am I bothering you?” she asks resting her bottle on my thigh.

  I shake my head, not trusting my voice.

  “Would you like me to leave?” Her voice lowers.

  Glancing over at her I say, “No.”

  Her eyes flick to my mouth and she licks her lips. I know the signs of a girl wanting to be kissed. I’ve kissed a few females in my day.

  She moves her beer to the table and returns her attention to the TV. I keep my eyes on her for a few more seconds before trying to focus on the movie again.

  “What did you think?” I turn it off when the credits begin to roll.

  “It’s excellent. I really was worried I wasn’t going to like it, but now I want to read the comics.” She beams.


  She nods. “Especially this girl Thor you told me about. I’m all about girl power.”

  I stand up and go over to my boxes where I keep the ones I read. I pull out the new Thor ones. “Here.”

  She takes them from me.

  “Those are the first five.”

  “Aren’t they supposed to be in plastic or something?”

  “Normally, and I do. They’re over there. These are the ones I read.” I guess telling her I have two copies of comics doesn’t sound too insane.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Thank you.”

  I smile and we stare at each other again.

  “I should go.” She seems sad for a second.

  “You can come back tomorrow.” I blurt out. “You know, to study or whatever.”

  “I’d like to.” She moves to the door, picking up her bag. “Thanks again.”

  I open the door and even though my apartment complex is safe, I walk her to her car.

  “Have a good night.” I tell her as she’s about to get in. She stops and turns to me.

  “You too.” She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. “Text you later.”

  I’m frozen in place as I watch her drive away.

  Chapter Three


  Baylor sits at her station in the shop and listens to me going on and on about my evening with Nathan. Alden is still moping at the house, along with not talking to me still. This morning at breakfast he only stared at the cereal.

  “And you kissed him?”

  “Sorta. I pecked his cheek.” I really wanted to have a full-on kiss, but he didn’t seem to want it, so I backed off.

  “That’s a step.” She beams. “I’m happy for you both.”

  “Don’t get too excited.” I sigh. “I guess we’re going slow or whatever.”

  “Slow isn’t a bad thing.”

  “I guess not.”

  “Take your time with him. Maybe he’s going slowly because he’s been hurt.”

  I never thought of that. He and I hadn’t talked about past relationships. “You think he’ll run if I tell him I’m a virgin?”

  “If he does, then he wasn’t the one.” She pats my hand. “Just talk to him when the time is right.”

  “Okay.” I nod. “I’m going to get some work done.” I head back over to the front of the building and get ready for the first appointment.

  The day seems to go by quickly as clients come and go. Baylor and I head home together. When I get home, Alden and Kace are on the porch.

  “What are you two doing?” Baylor asks after Kace hugs her.

  “Dad’s mad.”
r />   “What’s new?” I scoff heading into the house and immediately am hit with the smell of roses. My eyes turn to the living room where there are dozens upon dozens of roses and balloons everywhere saying Happy Birthday.

  “Your boyfriend has been sending this shit all day.” Alden growls standing next to me. “He doesn’t even know when your birthday is.”

  I blink away my happy tears. “He does know. Now. He felt bad when I told him no one celebrated with me.”

  “Whatever. We always celebrate your birthday.” He snaps.

  “No, we don’t. I ate a single cupcake in my car, like some loser and got a tattoo. Mom was in Montreal selling the house and you were off playing hockey,” I yell.

  He looks down for a second and I thought he’d be sincere with his apology, but instead he says, “Well, I sure as fuck don’t need any more roses in my house.”

  “Your house? Stop acting like my father.” My voice rises.

  “I’m not your asshole father. He’s the guy who left while you were getting chemo. I’m the guy who has been paying your way through life.” His voice matches mine and we’re toe-to-toe.

  “How dare you throw that in my face?” Alden’s never done this before, and it actually hurts. “I’ve been taking care of you as well. By now you would have blown all your money hadn’t I put you on a budget.”

  “Shut up.” He sneers. “Just tell your boy—”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I scream as anger is boiling through me. “I finally have some attention from a guy for two seconds and you know what? It scares me to death. How the hell do I tell him I’m a virgin, who can’t have kids, whose cancer can come back at any time and currently feels like the dumbest person in the world because her RN test is tougher than she thought.” Hot tears burn my cheeks as they pour from my eyes. “You’re an asshole.”

  I race up the stairs and slam the door shut. I fall onto my bed, crying.

  I don’t know how long I laid there but a knock on the door causes me to wipe my cheeks. “Go away.”


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