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After the Flood

Page 37

by John Nichol


  63 Arthur Ward, ‘With Tait to the Tirpitz’, Après Moi!, Summer 2010

  64 Frank Tilley, interview with the author

  65 Private papers of J. B. Tait, quoted in Patrick Bishop, Target Tirpitz

  66 ibid.

  67 Bob Barry, quoted in Colin Burgess, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’

  68 Bernard ‘Barney’ Gumbley, letters supplied by John Gumbley


  1 Arthur Joplin, interview with the author

  2 Frank Tilley, interview with the author

  3 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author

  4 Benny Goodman, interview with the author

  5 Ken Gill, personal letters supplied by his son Derek Gill

  6 Tony Iveson, Lancaster: The Biography

  7 ibid., and interview with the author

  8 Murray Vagnolini, interview with the author

  9 John Pryor, Bergen, 12 Jan 1944, personal account supplied by Rob Owen, Official 617 Squadron Association Historian

  10 Colin Cole, interview with the author

  11 Quoted in Ken Delve and Peter Jacobs, The Six-Year Offensive

  12 ibid.

  13 Karel Margry, ‘The Bielefeld Viaduct’, After the Battle, No. 79, 1993

  14 ibid.

  15 John Langston, interview with the author

  16 Colin Cole, interview with the author

  17 John Langston, interview with the author

  18 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author

  19 Murray Vagnolini, interview with the author

  20 ‘Dropped 10-Tonner on Huns’, Illustrated London News, 24 March 1945

  21 Murray Vagnolini, interview with the author

  22 H. E. Wakefield DFC, IWM Documents 15411

  23 Karel Margry, ‘The Bielefeld Viaduct’, After the Battle, No. 79, 1993

  24 Axel Frick, Bielefeld Viaduct Civilian Accounts

  25 H. E. Wakefield DFC, IWM Documents 15411

  26 Don Day, quoted in Colin Burgess, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’

  27 Benny Goodman, interview with the author

  28 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author

  29 Colin Burgess, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’

  30 Werner Buhner, Civilian Accounts of the Bombing of the Arnsberg Viaduct

  31 ibid.

  32 Bob Barry, quoted in Colin Burgess, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’

  33 Letter, Air Secretary to L. Gumbley, 7 January 1949

  34 John Gumbley, letter to Sydney Grimes, 2005

  35 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author



  2 Email correspondence with Michelle Callan

  3 Bob Barry, quoted in Colin Burgess, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’

  4 ibid.

  5 Email correspondence with Michelle Callan

  6 Murray Vagnolini, interview with the author

  7 David R. Ware, IWM Sound 24932

  8 ibid.

  9 Boleslaw Henryk Drobinski, IWM Sound 12892

  10 Tony Iveson, interview with the author

  11 Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt, The Bomber Command War Diaries

  12 Les Munro, interview with the author

  13 Chris Ward, Dambusters: The Forging of a Legend



  1 Frank Tilley, interview with the author

  2 Hansard, 6 March 1945

  3 Henry Probert, Bomber Harris

  4 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author

  5 Colin Cole, interview with the author

  6 George ‘Johnny’ Johnson, interview with the author

  7 ‘Major Nick Knilans’, obituary, Daily Telegraph, 27 June 2012

  8 Correspondence with Jan Cheney


  10 Don Cheney, interview with the author

  11 Fred Sutherland, interview with the author


  13 Sydney Grimes, interview with the author

  14 Derek Gill, correspondence with the author

  15 George ‘Johnny’ Johnson, interview with the author

  16 Lawrence Wesley Curtis, IWM Sound 92111

  17 Letter from Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris, 18 April 1980, RAF Museum, Hendon

  Sources and Bibliography

  (IWM: Imperial War Museum)


  John Bell

  Don, Gladys and Jan Cheney

  Colin Cole

  David Fellowes

  Basil Fish

  Lawrence ‘Benny’ Goodman

  Sydney and Iris Grimes

  Gerry Hobbs

  Tony Iveson

  George ‘Johnny’ Johnstone

  Arthur Joplin

  John Langston

  Les Munro

  Klaus Rohwedder

  Fred Sutherland

  Frank Tilley

  Murray Valentine (Vagnolini)

  Russell ‘Rusty’ Waughman


  Air Secretary to L. Gumbley, 7 January 1949, 5/2/5451 PRS

  Brookes, Mrs M., ‘A WAAF’s Tale’, 2 July 1993, IWM 93/22/1

  Buhner, Werner, Civilian Accounts of the Bombing of the Arnsberg Viaduct

  ‘Damn Busters’ dinner menu, RAF Museum, Hendon, AC 96/12

  Frick, Axel, Bielefeld Viaduct Civilian Accounts

  Gill, Ken, letters and correspondence with relatives

  Gumbley, Bernard ‘Barney’, letters and correspondence with relatives

  Gumbley, John, letter to Sydney Grimes, 2005

  Harris, Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’, letter to 617 Squadron Reunion, 18 April 1980, RAF Museum, Hendon

  Hebbard, Loftus, correspondence with relatives

  Hobbs, G. H., IWM Documents 1839

  Holt, A. A., IWM Documents 8597

  Knilans, Nick, ‘A Yank in the RCAF’, private memoir, RAF Museum

  Muirhead, Campbell, diary

  Pryor, John, personal recollections supplied by Robert Owen, Official 617 Squadron Association Historian

  Wakefield, H. E., DFC, IWM Documents 15411

  Walsh, J., IWM Documents 12812

  Wilshire, Cyril ‘Charlie’, correspondence with relatives


  Bickley, Wilfred George, IWM Sound 14588

  Briars, Ralph Algernon, IWM Sound 13924

  Curtis, Lawrence Wesley, IWM Sound 92111

  Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard, IWM Sound 9861

  Drobinski, Boleslaw Henryk, IWM Sound 12892

  Hamilton, Malcolm Lennox, IWM Sound 18264

  Hobday, Harold Sydney, IWM Sound 7298

  Johnson, Edward Cuthbert, IWM Sound 8204

  Kearns, Richard Stansfield Derek, IWM Sound 9302

  Knights, Robert Edgar, IWM Sound 9208

  Munro, John Leslie, IWM Sound 33077

  Poore, Arthur Frank, IWM Sound 20261

  Reid, William ‘Bill’, IWM Sound 4993

  Sanders, John Aelred, IWM Sound 14803

  Shannon, David John, IWM Sound 8177

  Tait, James Brian ‘Willie’, IWM Sound 2519

  Ware, David R., IWM Sound 24932

  Watts, Frederick Henry Arthur, IWM 21029


  Après Moi! is the 617 Squadron Association newsletter

  Memorial Flight is the journal of Lincolnshire’s Lancaster Association

  Allett, Tom, ‘The Bright Sparks’, Memorial Flight, Spring 2007

  Allett, Tom, ‘First Op Ti
rpitz’, Memorial Flight, Spring 2009

  ‘Bill & Ben, Mosquito Men’, Memorial Flight, 2009

  Bennett, Tom, ‘Operation Taxable’, Flypast, No. 40, November 1984

  Burgess, Colin, ‘617 Squadron: The Later War Operations’, Transit Magazine, Australia 1986

  Chorlton, Martin, ‘A Home for Heroes’, Memorial Flight, Spring 2009

  Cooper, Dennis, ‘A Visit to Wartime Russia or Tirpitz Ahoy!’, Après Moi!, Winter 2009/10

  Cotterell, Anthony, ‘Did I Ever Tell You about My Operation?’, War: Frankfurt Revisited, Army Bureau of Current Affairs, No. 62, 22 January 1944, London

  Daily Telegraph, 19 May 1943

  ‘Dam-buster Gibson to Get VC’, Daily Mirror, 27 May 1943

  ‘Dropped 10-tonner on Huns’, Illustrated London News, 24 March 1945

  Eeles, Ron, ‘My Recollections of a Night bombing Raid upon Mailly le Camp, France’,

  Everyone’s War: The Journal of the Second World War Experience, No. 22, Autumn/Winter 2010

  Gellhorn, Martha, ‘The Bomber Boys’, Collier’s Weekly, 17 June 1944

  Goodman, Benny, ‘RAF Against the E-Boats: Rotterdam 29 December 1944’, Après Moi!, Winter 2009/10

  Goulding, Ossian, ‘Heart of Berlin is Paralysed’, Daily Telegraph, 25 November 1943

  Hobbs, Gerry, ‘Glad to be Back’, Après Moi!, Spring 2008

  Hobday, Sidney, ‘Two Months in Occupied Europe’, Lloyds’ Log, October 1946

  ‘A Home for Heroes: The History of Woodhall Spa’, Memorial Flight, 2009

  ‘Major Nick Knilans’, obituary, Daily Telegraph, 27 June 2012

  Margry, Karel, ‘The Bielefeld Viaduct’, After the Battle, No. 79, 1993

  Morris, Richard, ‘The Legacy of the Dambusters’, BBC History Magazine, May 2013

  Morris, Richard, ‘Prosopography – A Special Group of Men’, Après Moi!, Summer 2011

  Munro, Les, ‘A Rude Awakening’, Après Moi!, Spring 2007

  Noble, Vernon, ‘They Call This Man “Killer”’, Daily Mirror, 22 May 1943

  Poore, Arthur, ‘Personal Recollections’, Après Moi!, Summer 2010

  Shortland, Jim, ‘Tirpitz Survivors Recall Raids’, Après Moi!, Autumn 2006

  ‘Sinking of Tirpitz’, New Zealand Press Association, 28 November 1944

  ‘Specsavers 62 Years On!’, Après Moi!, Autumn 2007

  ‘Squadron Leader Tony Iveson’, obituary, Daily Telegraph, 10 November 2013

  Stopes-Roe, Mary, ‘Memories’, Après Moi!, Summer 2013

  Storey, Ron, ‘Mailly le Camp, “Like Falling off a Log”’, People’s War, BBC, Article ID A4292804

  ‘“Tallboy” Wallis’, Daily Express, 15 November 1944

  Trevor, Hugh, ‘Blockhouse Buster’, Flypast, October 2010

  Ward, Arthur, ‘With Tait to the Tirpitz’, Après Moi!, Summer 2010

  ‘Warrant Officer Tom McLean’, Daily Telegraph, 15 August 2011

  Welden, Yvonne, ‘Mailly le Camp – Sidney Lipman’, People’s War, BBC, Article ID A6660371

  Whitehead, Chris, ‘Knights of the Air’, Aviation News, November 2003

  Zuba, Alfred, ‘Tirpitz: A German Sailor’s Eyewitness Report’, Après Moi!, Winter 2009/10


  Barbier, Mary, D-Day Deception: Operation Fortitude and the Normandy Invasion, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, 2007

  Bennett, Tom, 617 Squadron: The Dambusters at War, Patrick Stephens, Wellingborough, 1987

  Bishop, Patrick, Target Tirpitz, Harper Press, London, 2012

  Blundell, Harold M. ‘Nobby’, They Flew from Waddington! 463-467 Lancaster Squadrons, Royal Australian Air Force: A Brief History, 463-467 Squadrons Association, NSW Tour Committee, Sydney, 1975

  —, 463-467 Squadrons R.A.A.F., 463-467 Squadrons Association, 1995

  Boyle, Andrew, No Passing Glory: The Full & Authentic Biography of Group Captain Cheshire, Collins, London, 1955

  Chandler, Chan, Tail Gunner: 98 Raids in World War II, Airlife Publishing, Bury St Edmunds, 2001

  Cooper, Alan, Beyond the Dams to the Tirpitz, William Kimber, London, 1983

  —, The Dambusters Squadron: Fifty years of 617 Squadron RAF, Arms & Armour Press, London, 1993

  Currie, Jack, Battle under the Moon, AirData Publications, Wilmslow, 1995

  Delve, Ken, and Peter Jacobs, The Six-Year Offensive, Arms & Armour 1992

  Eaton, E. A., Two Friends: Two Different Hells, ReCall Publications, Northallerton, 2002

  Foster, Charles, Breaking the Dams: The Story of Dambuster David Maltby and His Crew, Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2008

  Grayling, A. C., Among the Dead Cities, Bloomsbury, London, 2006

  Hastings, Max, Bomber Command, Pan, London, 1999

  Heathcote, Blake, Testaments of Honour, Doubleday, London, 2002

  Hesketh, Roger, Fortitude, Overlook Press, New York, 2000

  Higgs, Colin, and Bruce Vigar, Voices in Flight, Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2013

  Hobday, Sydney, Two Months in Occupied Europe (publisher/date unknown)

  Humphries, Harry, Living with Heroes: The Dambusters, The Erskine Press, Eccles, Norwich, 2003

  Iveson, Tony, Lancaster: The Biography, André Deutsch, London, 2009

  Kellow, Bob, Paths to Freedom, Kellow Corporation, Winnipeg, 1992

  Lambert, Max, Night after Night, HarperCollins, New Zealand, 2007

  Le Maner, Yves, Mimoyecques: Site of ‘London Cannon’ (1943–1945), La Coupole Editions, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 2011

  Levine, Joseph, Operation Fortitude, Collins, London, 2012

  Middlebrook, Martin, and Chris Everitt, The Bomber Command War Diaries, Midland Publishing, Birmingham, 1985

  Morris, Richard, Cheshire: The Biography of Leonard Cheshire, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 2001

  —, Guy Gibson, Viking, London, 1994

  Murray, Iain R., Dam Busters: Owners’ Workshop Manual, Haynes Publishing, Yeovil, 2011

  Nichol, John, The Red Line, William Collins, London, 2013

  Nichol, John and Tony Rennell, Tail-End Charlies, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 2005

  Pasmore, Anthony, and Norman Parker, Ashley Walk: Its Bombing Range, Landscape and History, New Forest Research & Publication Trust, Lyndhurst, 2006

  Probert, Air Commodore Henry, Bomber Harris, Greenhill Books, Barnsley, 1998

  Rowley, Clive, Dambusters: The Most Daring Raid in the RAF’s History, Mortons Media Group, Horncastle, 2013

  Russell of Liverpool, Lord, Scourge of the Swastika: A Short History of Nazi War Crimes, Greenhill Books, Barnsley, 2005

  Simpson, Tom, Lower than Low, Libra, Victoria, 1995

  Ward, Chris, Dambusters: The Forging of a Legend, Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2009

  Zaloga, Steven J., German V-Weapon Sites 1943–45, Osprey, Oxford, 2007


  The Dambusters’ Great Escape, Channel 4, broadcast Sunday 30 March 2014

  What the Dambusters Did Next, Channel 5, broadcast Monday 26 May 2014


  Kevin James Biltoff ID Number S01771­audio/S01771--1-.mp3

  Marc Buggeln (transl. Stephen Pallavicini), The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933–1945 (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)­en/article.php­?ModuleId=10007390­Oral_History/Talking_About_­Technology/radar_research/­fooling_the_enemy.html­storeys_summary.html

  Charles Foster, Dambusters Blog, 30 January 2014 http://dam­category/fred-sutherland/­commandlosses.html

  Picture Credits

  The author would like to thank the following for generously supplying a number of the photographs reproduced in this book: John Bell, Jan Cheney, Colin Cole, Charles Foster, Benny Goodman, Sydney Grimes, John Gumbley, Gerry Hobbs, Johnny Johnson, Klau
s Rohwedder, John Saunders, Mary Stopes-Roe, Fred Sutherland, Frank Tilley and Rusty Waughman. Other photographs are from the author’s private collection and the following sources:


  Robert Owen, Official 617 Squadron Association Historian: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  National Archives, Kew: here

  Popperfoto/Getty Images: here


  Robert Owen, Official 617 Squadron Association Historian: here, here, here, here, here

  Anna Gowthorpe/PA Press/Press Association Images: here


  The page numbers in this index relate to the printed version of this book; they do not match the pages of your ebook. You can use your ebook reader’s search tool to find a specific word or passage.

  617 Squadron

  1980 reunion 326–7

  aftermath 321–6

  attractions of joining 27–8

  awards given to members of 6, 10, 12, 23, 61, 99, 121, 144, 157, 213, 216, 225, 231–2, 273, 274, 300, 302, 322

  Bomber Harris’s congratulatory note to 326–7

  casualties 7–8, 9, 12, 13, 14–15, 16–18, 22, 36, 40–2, 44–7, 48, 85, 86, 87, 153, 155–6, 167, 169–70, 184–6, 189, 212, 221–2, 231, 232, 281, 283, 289–90, 304–6, 314, 316

  celebrate anniversary of Dams raid 120–1

  deals with loss of comrades 17–18, 18, 22–3, 48, 69, 87, 184, 283

  death and destruction due to 11, 21–2, 35, 41, 87, 214, 260, 261–7, 310–11

  destruction of V-weapons 137–43

  final operations 307–14

  forbidden to operate at low levels 47

  given post-war ‘Cook’s Tour’ of key wartime targets 316

  increased accuracy in bombing 58

  industrial raids 74–5, 76–8, 95, 99–100, 103–6, 223, 307–12

  involved in Operation Overlord 122–6

  involved in Operation Taxable 114–20

  issued with pistols and Sten guns 121

  Italian action 34

  known as ‘The One-op Squadron’ 29, 46, 48

  known as ‘The Suicide Squadron’ 48, 67, 73, 220


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