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Sentinels of Creation: A Wizard's Soul

Page 27

by Robert W. Ross

  “Dude, seriously, that is ridic—”

  “I think that’s where I come in,” said Kirk-Kellan with a sly grin. “I am all about taking actions. I don’t even really need to know what actions should be taken. I’ll still take them.”

  “But we know what actions to take,” said Kellan

  “Yes,” offered Kirk-Kellan, “and I grant you that removes much of the fun, but still, it is action. I should warn you Kellan, there is a reasonable chance this could get you killed or cause some even bigger problems for the universe at large.”

  “Then why are you smiling like that,” yelled Kellan.

  “Because,” said Kirk-Kellan as he gesticulated wildly, “this could get you killed or cause some even bigger problems for the universe at large.”

  Kellan sighed. “Dude, just tell me.”

  “You must channel the Universal energies you encountered yesterday and infuse them throughout the Vampire’s body. Doing so will reconnect her to the energy flow she had been drawing from without even knowing it.”

  “Fascinating,” said Vulcan-Kellan, “Morpheus’ Chaotic attack, severed her connection to the Universal energy which maintained her Vampiric animation. Kellan removed the cause of that wound with Ordered power, but did not reestablish the connection. Yes, this should work.”

  “Wait,” said Kellan, “I don’t know how to channel that stuff. I’ve never even tried anything more than levitating Mr. & Mrs. Santa.”

  “Oh it’ll be fine, Kellan,” said his Kirk-self nonchalantly. “Just grab the power like you did the Chaotic one with Asmodeus. Don’t be gentle. Let it know who’s boss, then ram it into that Vampire babe. Trust me.” He smiled in a way that engendered everything but trust, then repeated himself, “It’ll be fine.”

  “You need not form any direct action, no levitation, telekinesis, or the like” offered Vulcan-Kellan. “That should make it significantly easier. All you need do is serve as a conduit for the Universal power.”

  “Exactly,” said Kirk-Kellan, pointing. “You are just going to be a jumper cable. And come on, let’s be honest. Ever since you saw her in the shower, you really did want to jump her. Now’s your chance and Shannon won’t even be mad.”

  Kellan glared at the Kirk version of himself then turned to Vulcan-Kellan. “I don’t think I like him.”

  “He is,” the Vulcan paused while tapping on his Tricorder, “an acquired taste, but I am afraid we are out of time”

  “Wait, we stopped time,” said the other two Kellans together.

  Vulcan-Kellan sighed, “Yes, but you are expending a prodigious amount of power to maintain the stasis and that power is almost exhausted. I suggest you use the remaining moments you have left here to connect with that Universal energy and prepare to channel it into Mircalla.”

  Instantly the two other versions of Kellan vanished and he found himself standing on a small disk surrounded by darkness. He turned around while trying to control the anxiety which threatened to overwhelm him As his eyes adjusted, Kellan saw tiny pinpricks of light far in the distance. He took a deep breath and concentrated. The young Sentinel felt a rush of movement and the distant lights rapidly grew in size as countless glowing spheres closed on him. Jarvis’ words came back to him with crystal clarity, those are entire universes, composed of their own stars, galaxies, and governing physics. We are flying through the void between universes. Kellan saw it then, the amber wisps of misty light that extended from each universe to become thick cords that joined them, one to the other. He reached out his hand and sought to embrace it. Nothing happened. He commanded it as he had once done with Asmodeus’ Chaotic power. Nothing. This time it was Merlin’s words that came to the fore, It is not of Order or Chaos, yet contains aspects of both. The young Sentinel extended his will for the third time. He did not supplicate. He did not command. He simply stated an intent to make use. There was no intelligence to the tendril of power that detached itself from the cords between worlds. It did not care if Kellan would use it for good or ill. The power just was. It flowed into him and through him. Kellan combined it with his own Ordered power to mask its use as Jarvis had suggested, then released his hold on time.

  “Oh my god!” shouted Meghan.

  “Kellan,” said Shannon, concern filling her voice.

  “He, he is a manifested Mantel,” said Ares, then added in a whisper that almost seemed reverential, “How can this be?”

  Kellan stood wrapped in a brilliant amber glow that intensified to the point where his friends all raised their hands against the light. Cracks started to form in his face and liquid amber energy dripped from each like golden blood. He shuddered and Shannon moved toward him, shaking off Ares’ attempt to restrain her.

  She held his face in her hands and stared into his eyes. “Kellan Thorne, what have you done, you stupid, stupid man. You come back to me right this instant. This is the second time in two days and I will not have it. Do you understand me? I—will—not—have it!”

  He shuddered again in her grasp, but green Ordered energy began to play about him and lashed at the open wounds, binding them together like sutures made of light. In a moment all traces of the amber energy was gone except for his eyes which now glowed with a mix of both

  “Five-seconds, four, three,” said Jarvis as Kellan knelt beside Mircalla and rested his hand on the center of her chest. Power flowed down his arm in a ripple of amber energy and her eyes flew open. The vampire’s skin glowed and her complexion took on the aspect it had when fully encased in the glamor of her kind.

  “It’s healing,” said Ah’Anon through blood red tears as he looked at the swell of her exposed belly. It twisted and turned as the baby writhed within her.

  Kellan rocked back and sat heavily as Shannon supported him to the side. All signs of the Universal power were gone and she looked into his blue eyes, then gave him a soft kiss.

  “I’m very angry with you, Kellan Thorne, but I’m even more proud of you.”

  He saw tears in her eyes and said, “I know you hate not being able to stay mad at me. I’m sorry, babe. I’m just too charming and heroic.”

  She tried to draw her mouth to a line, but it quirked up at the edges and she just whispered, “Insufferable man,” then hugged him again.

  Mircalla groaned and Ah’Anon looked up, fear again shadowing his face. Kellan shook his head and said, “I don’t know, everything seemed fine.”

  “It is,” breathed Mircalla heavily. “It is more than fine. It’s just,” she grimaced in pain, then said, “that Maggie is eager to meet the world.”

  Chapter 20

  A Circle Of Friends

  Merlin handed Kellan a glass and the Sentinel stared at the amber liquid for a moment then shook his head and offered it back to the wizard. “Thanks, Oren, but I need to keep my wits about me tonight.”

  The older man, pushed the glass back to Kellan while wrapping both his hands around those of the Sentinel. “You will have your wits and much more, my old friend. You know the effects don’t last long with you and look at your hands.” The wizard released Kellan and took a step back. The young Sentinel watched the glass as it trembled.

  “What the hell is wrong with me?” growled Kellan. “I’m never going to get her back acting like this. I haven’t fallen apart like this even when—” He broke off as Shannon’s arms slid over the back of his chair and rested loosely on his chest. She bent down and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

  “Even when I’m in danger or injured?” she asked without a note of reproach in her voice. “Kellan, my silly, stupid, beautiful man, you cannot compare the two. I am in here.” She paused and kissed his temple. “You can sense me. If I am close enough, we can even share thoughts. I hold your power within me.” She stood and put her hands on hips. “I am a warrior.” He glanced up at her but didn’t smile at her affected display. She sobered and knelt down before him. “I don’t blame you for being worried, my love. I share that worry.” Her voice hardened just a touch as she continued, “But I will no
t suffer you to blame yourself for what has happened here tonight. We will get Juliet back, safe and sound. We will also make Maurius pay for what he did at James’ party this night.”

  At this last, Kellan’s eyes regained some of their focus. “James? Oh shit, I’d even forgot about James. I need to go and—”

  “He’s fine,” said Shannon softly. “They are all fine. Everyone awoke shortly after we cleaned up the place and Merlin ravened us here. James says they are none the wiser and that he’s never inviting you to another party. Oh, and by-the-by, I don’t like traveling by raven-cloud, Kellan, I’ll tell you that for nothing. It makes my stomach twist.”

  “Sorry,” he said sullenly. “I couldn’t focus enough to make a stable portal. I really suck.”

  She sighed. “Please don’t make me slap you again. Now drink your bourbon like a good lad.”

  Shannon moved off to talk with Merlin when a brilliant runic circle appeared in the middle of his library. Both the wizard and Shannon took a couple steps away as it flared for a moment with a bright blue light. Meghan and Ares stepped from the circle. The god of war went to confer with Merlin and Shannon while Meghan walked over to Kellan.

  She leaned on his chair and said, “How are you?” Kellan gave a non-committal shrug. She knelt before him and rested one hand on his knee while staring into his eyes. “Tell me what you need.” It was such a simple statement and from most people in the world would have been an innocuous thing to say, but it roused Kellan because he knew the woman before him. He knew there were no bounds to the statement. What he needed, she would get.

  “I need her back. I need her safe,” said Kellan quietly.

  Meghan nodded. “We can do that. What else?” Kellan shook his head uncomprehendingly and Meghan said, “Yes, there is something else. We can’t make any new, old, friends Kellan, and you are my oldest.” She smiled. “I know you are old, Kellan Thorne.”

  The young Sentinel shook his head and his mouth quirked up as he reached out to place his hand on hers. “You shouldn’t try to use my Shakespeare quotes, Meg. You just butcher them. It’s ‘I know you of old’ not ‘I know you are old.’”

  “Don’t correct me when I’m being nice,” said Meghan, then added, “Jerk!”

  Kellan sat for a moment staring at her silently then took a deep steadying breath and said, “Bitch!”

  She smiled and stood, then leaned over and kissed his forehead. “That’s better. Now what else do you need?”

  Kellan’s eyes narrowed as he stared darkly at the former Marine. “I need him dead.”

  She nodded. “That’s what I’m talking about. Oorah, Kellan. Oo-fucking-rah! Now get off your ass, soldier, we have some planning to do.”

  Without another word Meghan turned on her heels and joined the others by the fireplace. Kellan walked over a minute later and all but Meghan looked at him with concern. “He’s done moping,” she said, then bumped her shoulder into him. “Aren’t you?”

  Kellan nodded, “Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s just—”

  Ares stopped him by resting a hand on the young Sentinel’s shoulder. “No, Kellan, you have nothing to apologize for. Whether the love be eros, philos, or agape, those with whom we share it will always be our greatest weakness.” He squeezed Kellan’s shoulder meaningfully, then added, “and our greatest strength. Trust me Sentinel of Order, I would not want to be Maurius this night.” He laughed unexpectedly, “and if the wrath I know you will unleash gives pause to the god of war, well, let us just say that your opposite has no idea what dragon’s tail he holds.”

  The three others nodded in agreement, then Shannon gestured to the package Meghan had been holding since she arrived. “What that? It has my name on it."

  The Nephilim gave Shannon a wry smile, “Oh come on now, Kellan always tells me how clever you are. What do you think it is?” She shook the medium sized box and held it up for the Soulborn to see. “It’s a box. It’s wrapped in silly nerd-friendly Rankin-Bass paper. It’s got your name on it, and it’s Christmas.”

  “You brought me a present? Now?” asked Shannon incredulously.

  Meghan reached forward and moved aside the long woolen wizard’s robe Shannon had borrowed and exposed her bright red underwear. Merlin averted his gaze while both Ares and Kellan did the opposite. The Soulborn arched an eyebrow and Meghan said, “I know some part of you enjoyed killing demons while dressed like some deadly Victoria’s Secret model.” Shannon opened her mouth to object but Meghan continued while raising her voice. “I know that because I would have enjoyed doing it.” She opened the robe a bit further and nodded to the numerous wounds including Shannon’s cauterized shoulder which continued to seep blood. “But those are going to last a lot longer than the impression you left during the fight.” Ares tilted his head almost imperceptibly to indicate that the impression on him might not have been as transitory as Meghan thought. The Nephilim glared at him before handing Shannon the box. “So, I’m giving you your Christmas present early. Wear it well, Highlander.”

  Shannon accepted the gift but frowned and said, “Yours is back at the house. I feel bad not being able to give you one in return.”

  Meghan waved her off. “It’s not that kind of gift, Shannon. Don’t worry about it.”

  She nodded and asked, “Should I open it here?”

  “Yes,” said Ares, which earned him both a glare and elbow jab from Meghan who shook her head.

  “No, not here.” The former Marine turned to Merlin and said, “Oren, do you have a nearby bathroom or spare bedroom in this mausoleum you call a house. Our Scottish assassin here needs some privacy.”

  The library’s large grandfather clock had just finished striking midnight when Merlin led Kellan through the twin doors and onto a large side balcony. The young Sentinel had prepared himself for a blast of cold British winter air, but it did not come. Instead, he followed the wizard across the flagstone balcony to a bannister and leaned against it.

  “Why am I not freezing my ass off here, Oren?”

  The old wizard just waved a hand dismissively, “Magic, Kellan, most answers to questions like that are simply, Magic.” Normally, Kellan would have pressed for a more adequate answer, but his heart just wasn’t in it.

  He sighed, “Ok, whatever. Then why are we out here not freezing our asses off?”

  Merlin nodded. “Because I will be dead soon, Kellan and only you can know.”

  For the first time since Juliet’s abduction, the young Sentinel’s face registered genuine interest and concern. “What are you talking about, Oren? I haven’t even begun to figure out how to get you a bloody soul and I’m a bit distracted with the whole Juliet being abducted by my mortal enemy thing. I’m sorry, but you can’t die now. Die some other time when it’s more convenient.”

  “Death or destruction, Kellan, those are my only options. I suspect all the events unfolding are related, but cannot know for sure. What I do know is that the thread of my life will be cut before a new year dawns.”

  Kellan had been staring over the balcony, but looked up to meet Merlin’s gaze. “The thread of your life?” he asked.

  The wizard nodded. “Atropos told you this?” Another nod. “Well, shit, fire, and damnation, Oren, what am I supposed to do with that. Just put one more straw on this camel’s back.”

  “I’m sorry, Kellan, this is not how—”

  “And you have not fulfilled your side of the bargain, either,” interrupted Kellan. “What great mysteries have you revealed that will keep those I love safe and, what else did you say, oh, I know,” Kellan affected Merlin’s proper British accent, “ grant power that will cause the mountains of heaven and caverns of hell to quake with trepidation. Dude, you haven’t done any of that.”

  “I arranged for you to receive three gifts from Gaia and introduced you to the natural energies we now call Universal power,” said Merlin defensively.

  Kellan shook his head. “Are those gifts as you call them even real or are they just applications of the Universal power?
I will grant that you introduced me to it, but you also almost got me lost in the void between worlds so I’m calling that a wash.”

  Merlin frowned at the young Sentinel and said, “No, even when you discover how to make use of those Universal energies, without the tacit approval of Gaia’s aspects, you would not be able to accomplish what now you can with their blessing.”

  Kellan sniffed. “I’m not convinced. I tried to fly, Oren. Nothing. Then I thought maybe I needed an incentive to make it work, so I jumped off the roof. It was either fly or break something. Guess what happened, Mr. Wizard?”

  Merlin furrowed his brow. “You broke something?”

  “Yes. Yes, I did. Snapped my leg clean in two. Barely stopped myself from screaming while I channeled enough healing to stumble back into the house and take a bath before Shannon found out.”

  Merlin sighed and leaned over his balcony. “So you will not help me. I understand. I had hoped to fully live up to my side of the bargain, but I also thought I had more time.”

  Kellan stared at the old wizard. “Oh, don’t be so melodramatic, Oren. Of course I’m going to help you. From my vantage point, it’s been less than two years since you were that little boy who climbed out of the tree I created. The fact remains, I don’t know how to find you a soul.”

  Merlin had brightened and clapped Kellan on the shoulder. “That does not bother me at all. So long as you are willing and intend to help, Lachesis has assured me the opportunity will present itself.”

  “Wonderful,” began Kellan dryly, then added “but until you are completely dead, I still expect you to help me figure out how to fly. You have no idea how—”

  “Perhaps I can be of service with that, Sentinel of Order,” said Ah’Anon and both Kellan and Merlin looked up to find the vampire gently gliding down to meet them on the balcony.

  Kellan ground his teeth. “First, you are showing off. Second, how is your wife and the baby. Third, I thought you said you couldn’t help me with the whole flying thing lest I lose the chance to gain the ability forever.”


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