In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 6

by Gayle Keo

  It killed Colby to think that maybe they were right after all. Maybe he was a fraud. Maybe his heterosexuality was just a bunch of make-believe, plaster put over the real him. A mask meant to hide his deeply and profoundly homoerotic self.

  Colby could feel the rage bubbling up in his stomach. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth. Veins bulged in his neck and forehead. Ivanka took several steps backward. She crouched as if preparing to receive a hail of blows.

  Colby had never hit a woman before. He wasn't sure how much of a woman she really was. But he didn't want to hit her anyway. The rage he felt, the anger he felt in his stomach, wasn't really for Ivanka. He believed her story. For the most part. Women always left something out. He would get everything out of her eventually.

  He saw how the pieces fit into place. This had been the plan all along: to throw him off his game during this critical playoff series. The plan had worked, almost.

  Colby had struggled for the last several weeks, unable to score, getting into fights, and generally being the least productive member of the team.

  He even got benched for more than ten minutes, which was something unheard of. That had never happened to him before in his career. It was the wake-up call that he needed. Figuring out what exactly was going on with Ivanka, figuring out who exactly was blackmailing him, and why, was just what he needed as well.

  He felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

  “What are you going to do if they release the tape before the first game?” Ivanka asked.

  “I'm not even going to worry about that,” Colby said. “It doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter.”

  “It matters a lot,” Ivanka said. “Your career, your reputation. Lots of endorsement money. All those things matter and you know they do.”

  “Yes, I know. All those things do matter, but I have to be true to myself,” Colby said. “Or else none of it makes sense. None of that shit is worth anything if I have to pretend in order to have them.”

  Ivanka lowered her eyes. A slight smile broke out on her face, then quickly disappeared, but it was there long enough for Colby to catch it. He had a pretty good feeling what it meant. He had a pretty good feeling that she was very receptive to what he was saying. Maybe she would be able to forgive him for his outburst, his tantrum, his inability to keep his calm.

  Ivanka raised her beautiful green eyes and fixed them on Colby. Then began walking towards him, her heels clicking against the wooden floor. She came closer and closer, stopping inches in front of him.

  “I've been waiting to do this for so long,” Colby said. “So fucking long.”

  “I know,” Ivanka said, throwing her head back and brushing a long strand of hair behind her ear. “Me too. Every night before I go to bed I start thinking about you, and—”


  That was all Colby needed to hear.

  Colby closed his eyes reached out and pulled her full-figured body to him. He loved Ivanka's long legs, her big tits and huge, pointy nipples, and, of course, her round, soft ass. Yes, he loved all those things. There was no question about it. But at the same time, there was no denying that he thoroughly enjoyed the sight and then the feel and the taste of her cock.

  A beautiful, slightly curved circumcised purple headed cock with the big thick veins running down the middle of the meaty shaft. It was his first cock. The first piece of dick meat that he’d ever held in his hands. It was so strange. It didn't feel anything like his cock, at least not at first as he stroked the semi-hard shaft up and down, on his knees in front of her, her hand on top of his head.

  He never would've imagined that something like that would’ve been possible. He was the submissive? He was the bottom? No, this couldn't be happening. But it felt so good. He looked down at his cock. It was hard and twitching, ready to go, ready to plunge into a tight asshole, pump in and out, in and out and covered with ass juice. Then he would pull it out and tell her to turn around and give it a good suck. Lick it clean. That would be so primal, so fucking primal. Just thinking about it was sending the pre-cum leaking out of his cock onto the carpet. He could explode at any second.


  After they had finished making love, they lay in bed, sweaty, panting, legs and arms intertwined.

  Colby turned to Ivanka, brushed a long tangle of blonde hair out of her face, and stared into her golden green eyes.

  “You're so beautiful,” he said. “More beautiful than any woman I've ever seen.”

  Ivanka ran a finger down his cheek and smiled sadly.

  “What's wrong baby?” Colby asked.

  Ivanka turned away, covered her mouth, and hid her eyes.

  “What's wrong?” Colby asked again.

  She completely turned away from him and threw her head down on the bed. She was shaking convulsively, sobbing.

  Colby didn’t know what he’d done wrong. Had he said something to offend her?

  “Please, tell me what it is,” Colby said.

  He felt bad. He still wasn't quite used to this dating arrangement. Dating a woman, who wasn't quite a woman? It was still so strange to him.

  For the next ten minutes or so, Colby held Ivanka as she cried, sobbed, cleansed herself. He didn’t badger her with questions. He was doing all that he could do. He was doing exactly what she needed him to do, just being there, being her rock, her emotional ballast, the man to hold her in his strong, powerful alpha arms.

  After a while, she’d finally calmed down. She wiped the tears clean from her face, sniffled, laughed and smiled as if she were embarrassed by her inability to control herself.

  “I'm sorry,” she said. “It's stupid. But I get like this sometimes. I can't help it.”

  “That's okay,” Colby said. “It really is. If you don’t want to talk about it, then we don't have to. That's perfectly fine with me.”

  Ivanka sniffled, looked away, looked back at Colby, and then looked away again. Colby had never seen her like this. He was worried. What could possibly be eating at her, gnawing at her soul, keeping her from enjoying this wonderful moment that they’d been experiencing together?

  “It's just… this isn’t the first time that I've been with a macho, alpha guy,” Ivanka said. “And it's never worked out before.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” Colby said. “I'm not any of those other guys.”

  “Well, how long do I have to wait before you introduce me to your friends? To your family?” She asked.

  “I don't know,” Colby said, defensively. “We’ve only been seeing each other for a couple months now.”

  Ivanka crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't seem convinced by that answer.

  Colby had been thrown off guard by the question. He loved spending time with her. He really did. And it went beyond the physical. He was sure that. There was a real connection between them. But introduce her to his friends and family? He definitely wasn’t ready for that. He still had so much to lose if this affair were revealed, if the tabloids got wind of the fact that Colby Matthews, NHL star, leading candidate for the MVP award, was gay. That wouldn't go over well at all.

  “I hadn't really thought about that,” Colby said.

  “Bullshit,” Ivanka said, throwing off the covers off and getting out of the bed.

  As she walked towards Colby’s closet, she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Colby couldn't help but admire the bounce of her tits, the jiggle of her ass.

  She went to one of Colby's closets and pulled out a robe and slipped into it. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed, lowered her head into her hands.

  Oh no, Colby thought. Is she going to start crying again? I don't know if I can handle any more of this emotional shit.

  He would’ve never said that out loud, would never have wanted to hurt her, to show that maybe he was getting a bit annoyed, a bit tired of her clinginess. They'd only been together for two months. Why did he have to introduce her to his friends and family?

  But he knew that he
wasn't quite honest. He did feel somewhat ashamed, worried what family and friends would say about him. He was also worried how quickly the rumors would spread if anyone outside of his close personal circle was to find out.

  “How about this?” Colby said. “I'll throw a big party for my friends and family, and you'll be my date.”

  “Really?” Ivanka said, her eyes lighting up with excitement and optimism. “When?”

  “The day after I win the MVP award,” Colby said.

  “The MVP?” Ivanka said. “What does that have to do with us?”

  “It's just that I wanted it to be a really big celebration,” Colby said. “Everyone there will be people that have known me for a long time. I'd love to introduce you to them as my new girlfriend.”

  Most of what he’d just said was true. But there was one part that he wasn't telling Ivanka, one part that he’d left out of his explanation, and that had to do with the MVP trophy itself. He’d been the front runner all year long. Lately, things that tightened up a bit. But he was still thought to be the favorite because he played in the massive New York market.

  He had to win that award. It was something he’d dreamed about all his life. Of course, he’d dreamed about winning the Stanley Cup as well. But individually, he’d always wanted to prove himself as a great scorer. He'd always wanted to win the MVP trophy.

  This was the best chance he had yet in his career. It may be years before he had a chance this good before he got this close to the trophy. He didn’t want to take any risks, didn't want to compromise himself in the voting. There was no way he could let this cat out of the bag before the results were made official.

  The next day, Colby woke up bright and early, stretched his arms and yawned. His body ached. It would be another long hard day. No, it wouldn't. He smiled. This was the day. He would be crowned MVP. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table, checked his messages. Nothing from the league. Nothing from his agent.

  What was going on? They were supposed to call. Wasn't that what happened when you won the MVP? He went into the living room, flicked on the television, turned to Sports Center.

  Breaking News: George Simmons Named NHL MVP.

  Colby gritted his teeth and cursed under his breath. Then he slammed the remote on the floor. How the fuck did this happen?


  Four games into the series with the Bruins and none of the tapes had been released. Everybody could tell that Colby's game was off. The media kept asking him whether or not he was injured. No. He wasn't injured. And even if he were, he wouldn't have used that as an excuse.

  The Rangers were down three games to one in the series. They were on the brink of being eliminated from the playoffs. This would be the end of their season.

  Colby was tired of worrying about when the videotape would be released, or if any of the videotape footage would be released. He couldn't keep worrying about that anymore. It was destroying his self-confidence, completely eroding any ability that he had to concentrate. If the Rangers lost to the Bruins, he would be at fault. He would never forgive himself.

  The night before game five, the decisive game, he made one of the most important decisions of his life.

  Just before they fell asleep, Colby turned to Ivanka, took her hand in his and squeeze, staring into her eyes lovingly.

  “I want you to come to the game tomorrow,” Colby said. “I want you to sit right behind our bench.”

  Ivanka’s eyes opened wide with surprise. “You're serious?” She said. “Wouldn’t I just be a distraction?”

  “This whole series I've been distracted,” Colby said. “And it’s because I haven't been true to you. Haven't been true to myself. I don't want to do this any longer. Even if I win, I’d feel like a coward if I didn't have you there at the games with me.

  “If you're good enough to lie in my bed then your good enough to come watch me do the thing that I do best.”

  “Well, you do a bunch of other things pretty well also,” Ivanka said reaching under the covers and letting her hand slither and slide down Colby's hard chest, resting it on top of his semi-hard cock, giving it a light squeeze.

  They were down three goals to one with 10 minutes to go in the third period.

  Colby hadn't been able to focus all game. He kept looking back behind the bench, seeing that empty seat. Where was she? Where the hell was she? The one time he invited her to a game, the one time he really wanted to see her there, to feel her love and support and she hadn't shown up. He had no idea what had gone wrong.

  Everything seemed lost.

  Bang! Bang! As he sat on the bench, he heard a fist hanging into the glass behind him. He hated when people did that. He turned around, ready to give the fan a telling off, to release all his frustration on the disgruntled customer. What he saw completely changed his mood. It was Ivanka, dressed up in her fur coat, look looking sexy as ever, waving and smiling and trying to tell him that she had some sort of hang up at the club.

  Colby felt a surge of adrenaline pass through his body. It had been weeks, maybe months since he’d felt this good with all his equipment on.

  “Let's go boys!” He bellowed.

  A few of guys looked at each other in surprise. It had been a long time since they heard Colby take the role of the vocal leader, the alpha dog willing to get out in front of the pack.

  For the next ten minutes, the Rangers skated as hard as they had all season, fighting for every loose puck, desperate to get back into the game.

  Goal! Goal!

  Their hard work finally paid off. They scored two quick goals and sent the game into overtime. Sudden Death. First goal wins.

  Goal! The Rangers Win! The Rangers Win!

  The crowd went crazy. The Rangers won the next two games defeating Boston and moving on to the Stanley Cup finals. They made quick work of the Los Angeles Kings. Four straight wins and they were champions.

  Colby had a great series. He felt like he could be MVP. But unfortunately, yet again he didn't win the trophy. This time, it didn't matter.

  After the final game of the series, he brought Ivanka back into the team locker room with him. Then he brought her on the championship parade through Manhattan.

  It wasn't long before the tabloid seized on the story. The Ranger captain was dating a transsexual? Could that be possible? There was plenty of laughing and giggling and whispering. But in New York the only thing that really mattered, the only thing that counted at the end of the day, was winning. Colby had won. He could date, love, or fuck whomever he damn well pleased.


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 2 of 36

  Wild Desires

  Mike decided to go out for the evening and looked up some old friends. The excitement and rush of the championship game was fading and he felt ready to enjoy his off season. The L.A Lakers had made it to the last game of the play-offs and he was proud of that. It would have been amazing to win the big game, but just getting there was a huge thing for their team these days. Unlike some of his fellow teammates, he was happy with the whole experience.

  The nice thing about living in Los Angeles was the nightlife. He planned to avoid the usual hangouts and go to some of the old hangouts from his pre-Lakers days. There were several friends he wanted to see and catch up with. A few of them had made the rumor mill and he was curious to find out the truth of those rumors. He parked on the outskirts of Venice Beach and started walking. You really couldn’t enjoy the beach in a car. He waved to people he knew and accepted their congratulations and sadness that they hadn’t won the championship. He was hungry though and had a specific destination in mind.

  Happy Jacks Burgers were the best hamburgers he had ever found. He took a seat at the beach front bar and waited for the owner to notice him. Madden eyed the women who were always around on Venice Beach. There was always a lot of skin showing and the sexy ladies were a great atmosphere to enjoy a meal.

  “Mike Kalick! I’ll be damned, man. Long
time no see. We thought you forgot about us once you went pro,” said the big Hawaiian man who came down the bar to him. Joe Littleton, owner and proprietor of Happy Jacks Burgers. His father, Jack, had started the business, twenty-five years earlier and Joe kept it going.

  “No chance buddy. It is good to see you. How’s business?” Mike asked.

  “Same ole, same ole, you know how it is. Sun, surf and the beautiful ladies. It is a hard life, but I get by,” he responded. They shared a laugh and Mike had to agree, looking around again. There were blonds, brunettes, redheads, and all the different sexy bodies types to look at a man could dream off. Mike caught one woman’s eye and smiled. She had dusty blond hair past her shoulders that was blowing in the wind off of the surf. She was about five foot six and wearing a red spandex half top showing off her fantastic breasts and a matching pair of spandex mini shorts. Her tanned belly was particularly enticing. Mike winked and turned back to Joe.

  “Yeah I can see you are suffering. My heart bleeds for you man. Are there any of the old gang still hanging around?” Mike asked looking over the menu. Nothing had changed on it, so he knew exactly what he wanted.

  “Now and then, Ricky was by last week with his new girl. A short little looker named Darlene. Tommy came by looking like the desk job is getting the best of him. He needs a break. Oh and do you remember Savant Lorrel?” Joe asked. Mike laughed.

  “Of course, we were best friends. I talked to him about four months ago. It sounded like he had some heavy decisions to make. Have you heard anything?” Mike asked and pointed at the big blue cheeseburger he wanted. Joe wrote out an order and passed it back to a waitress who took it into the building.


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