In Her Arms

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In Her Arms Page 7

by Gayle Keo

  “The decision was made. About time I say. Then again I am not as uptight as some. How did you feel about it?” Joe asked him.

  “Hey, you know what, he deserves to be himself, or should I say her. He…she helped me through a lot of shit when we were younger. I am glad to hear…she followed her heart,” he said. Joe’s eyes twinkled and he nodded. “It is and don’t worry, it took me awhile to get used to the change in pronouns too. She comes around now and then. Are you staying in town long?” Joe asked, getting Mike his beer.

  “My whole off season, you will be sick of me. I want to reconnect with my roots man. I love this place,” he told him honestly. Joe nodded and then pardoned himself to go serve someone else at the bar. Mike already felt good about his decision to come back and stay awhile. Once he had left to play professional basketballs for the NBA, he had always felt weird in the old neighborhood. Now though, he loved it. When his burger was ready he dug in hungrily. Happy Jacks also did up the best fries, too. No one at the restaurant would ever tell him what spices were used, but you could not find the mixture anywhere else.

  Mike got another beer as the traffic picked up and he finished eating. Joe was kept pretty busy with serving pretty ladies and the guys hitting on them. Mike watched the sexy blond he had noticed earlier order two drinks at the other end of the bar and then walk off to one of the little privacy pavilions down on the beach. He sighed and turned back to crowd watching. He noticed Joe around the side of the building talking with a familiar face. The conversation did not look like it was going well, so he went over to say hi to an old classmate.

  “Hey Tony, don’t you know you can’t harass the burger man,” he said jokingly. Tony turned to him with a strained smile.

  “He look at this. The hockey hero returns. Too bad you couldn’t win the Cup,” he said sarcastically. Mike ignored it.

  “You know how it is. What are you up to Tony. You look like you are taking care of yourself,” Mike told him. Tony was a dark haired guy with rough features. He was always living on the edge when it came to his occupation.

  “I am doing business and you are interrupting,” Tony told him, no longer pretending to be friendly.

  “Too bad. I know the kind of business you do. Everything okay here Joe?” he asked his friend. Turning away from Tony as if he wasn’t there.

  “Sure, once this pip-squeak gets used to the idea that I run a clean place and always will. I don’t want any of his shit around here,” he said jovially. Mike noticed the irritated glint in his eye as he looked at Tony.

  “You heard him Tony. He doesn’t want any of your shit around here, take off,” Mike told the thug. Tony glared at the both of them and they glared back. Tony had never been stupid and would know Joe and Madden could easily wipe the floor with him.

  “All right, all right. I’m going. Don’t think you have heard the last of this. Next time it won’t be me you have to deal with. You will be lucky to be able to run this place again!” He told them trying to be tough and walking away.

  “What the hell was he up to?” Mike asked as they walked back to the bar.

  “Nothing big. He just wants to sell shit in here. It isn’t happening,” Joe told him. Then he smacked his forward comically.

  “Damn I almost forgot. You got an invitation from a stone cold fox man. She is in that pavilion over there waiting for you. Sorry about that, I was distracted,” Joe apologized. Mike realized it was the same pavilion he had seen that lady in red go to earlier. He smiled.

  “It is my lucky night my friend. Catch you later,” he told him and tossed payment on the bar with a smile. Somedays you just live right, he thought to himself.


  Savanah paced nervously in the big red tent on the beach. She trusted Joe to pass her message, but Mike had not come. She wondered if he had recognized her and felt repulsed with the changes she had made. She took a sip of her drink and sighed. She had not seen him in over a year. He was going to be surprised.

  “Hello pretty lady. Did you invite me to your beach front palace,” Mike said from the open front of the pavilion? She smiled, setting down her drink next to the one she got for him.

  “I did handsome. I was wondering if you were going to take me up on it,” she told him coyly.

  “Of course. Joe was distracted with a customer problem before he could pass the message. May I have your name?” He asked her. He was studying her face and she could tell that up close he was noticing something familiar. She had got that look a lot since her surgeries.

  “You don’t recognize me Mike. I should be hurt,” she teased pouting a moment. “But truthfully most people don’t any…” she was interrupted.

  “Savant! Damn, Joe mentioned you took the plunge. Sorry, I did not recognize you at first, I can see it now. I have to say you look much better!” He said with his devastating smile she remembered from her former days. He was almost a foot taller than she was and wearing a tank top, shorts and sandals. Looking gorgeous as always. She felt a huge relief within her and the tension melted away.

  “It is always surprising to me how good it feels to be remembered, despite everything. Want a drink basketball star,” she told him pointing at the little table between two chairs. He grinned and came forward and hugged her. She closed her eyes, surprised and pleased.

  “I am glad you did what makes you happy, you are happy?” He asked pulling back and moving to the table and drink. She smiled big for him, taking a seat herself.

  “Happier than I ever have been. Really and for true. There have been a few hassles when people found out, but overall people are cool,” she said and they clinked glasses. It is going better than I had hoped, Savanah said to herself.

  “I go by Savanah now, changed my name,” she told him and he nodded.

  “I like it. It fits you, too. So what are you doing for a living nowadays, Savanah,” he asked her companionably. She noticed a little hesitation at her name. She expected that.

  “You will never believe it man, I am a private detective and the money is actually good. It helped pay for this,” she told him and gestured down at her chest and then briefly between her legs. He grinned.

  “I figured you had to become fairly well off if you rented one of these things. Joe does not rent them cheap,” he said. “So is it exciting work or just digging through files.”

  “You would be surprised. I get to tail people of various levels of thuggery. I try to avoid the marital spats and that kind of shit. Who needs it, right. Every now and then though the money is just too good. Baby needs a new pair of shoes,” she told him with a laugh.

  She felt amazed at how easily they were back in their old friendship patterns. As if nothing had changed. Then again Mike had not been surprised when she told him her plans four months earlier.

  “So really, this did not surprise you, when I told you?” She asked.

  “Naw, I always figured you had problems I couldn’t see. For a while I thought you were gay, but then decided it was something else. When you called and told me, I thought, okay that makes sense. I hope you didn’t think I would have a problem with it?” He asked concerned.

  “Logically, no. I know you to well. But emotionally I was taking a lot of shit. I was getting nervous honestly. Sorry,” she apologized he waved it off.

  “Considering how much shit people take for their decisions in life and who they are, I am not surprised. I do have to ask though, it is something important,” he said solemnly. She nodded leaning in to hear.


  “Did you see me make the three pointer in the final game. We may not have won but I was smoking that game!” He said with a grin. She busted up laughing. Mike was still Mike. It made her happier than she could say. Now she just had to see if he would be interested in her the way she was now, as more than old school friends.

  They ordered desert and another drink. Laughing and talking old times. Savanah wanted to take it slow this first meeting. She had always admired Mike. As far back as she could rem
ember and as she had got older, her admiration had turned into something else. She had set those feelings aside as she dealt with who she was and wanted to be, but now that she had become Savanah, she was ready to move forward. She just hoped he was into the idea.

  “Wow, Savanah, you can still eat like you used to. You must work out like a demon,” Mike complimented her. She laughed.

  “I work out a little, but my metabolism is still high so I can usually eat what I want. I am blessed that way. Most girls are counting calories and all that crap,” she told him with a smile. His eyes twinkled in response. A breeze off the water made her shiver at the same time she saw someone spark up a beach fire closer to the water.

  “Do you want to go to the bonfire,” she asked pointing.

  Mike was up for it. So they stood and she grabbed a blue silk skirt that wrapped around her hips and he held out her blue blouse that had been hanging on the back of a chair. She smiled to herself as he treated her like a lady. She felt a warm glow begin within her at his kind action. As they departed the tent, they heard a “whooshing” sound behind them and turning back to the tent saw the whole back of the thing was on fire.

  They rushed away from the tent and looked around. Savanah could see all the tents along the back below Happy Jacks had flame crawling up the back casting a red glow that reminded her of blood.

  “We have to get people out,” she said to Mike and began running down the line of tents shouting to whoever was inside them.

  “Get out, Fire! Fire!” She cried going from tent to tent. Two of them had couples she interrupted scrambling to gather clothes and get out. Mike had gone the other direction, rousing the tents that way. She got them out and by then the rest of the partiers at the bar and on the beach had run over and were getting water to put out the fire. Mike was organizing them and Savanah helped calm the people who had been in the tents. Savanah had found over the years she was good at stemming panic in people.

  Savanah thought it weird that Joe wasn’t storming around taking charge and cursing his tents going up in a blaze. Then she heard a scream from up the beach at Happy Jacks. She turned and cried out for Mike and began running up the beach. The waitress Lean was waving from the side door so Savanah headed that way. She skidding to a stop just inside and saw Joe on the ground unconscious and bleeding. He had been beaten badly. She knew what that looked and felt like so she knelt next to him. Savanah had several first aid classes under her belt and began checking him out.

  “Did you call an ambulance Lena?” She asked and let out a sigh seeing Joe was breathing okay. His shirt had been torn in whatever happened and he ribs felt out of place. He flinched, even unconscious when her hands went over his abdomen. Mike knelt next to her.

  “How is he,” he asked.

  “Unconscious. He was beaten pretty bad,” she said.

  Lena handed her a wet cloth and she wiped the blood off of his face. She could see his left eyes was swelling shut, his nose looked broke and he had lost a few teeth. He was going to be pissed off when he woke up. The man was proud of his smile, she thought to herself. The cops showed as well as an ambulance and fire department. She backed off with Mike as they too care of him and Lena went with him to the hospital. Savanah knew Joe would appreciate her being there when he came too.

  Since Savanah and Mike had been the first to notice the flames and had been proactive about the incident, they were the ones everybody pointed the officials towards for answer. Not that we have any, Savanah thought sarcastically.


  Mike looked at Joe protesting from his hospital bed. The guy had cracked ribs, internal bleeding in his abdomen, a broken nose and missing teeth, yet he was insisting he wanted to keep Happy Jacks open. Mike thought about it for a minute and decided what the hell.

  “Look dude, if you want it open, Lena can run the place well enough and I’ll help if she will have me,” he told him. Savanah immediately added her name to the list with a gleam in her eye. Lena nodded fiercely. Ready to back her boss up.

  “I can’t ask you guys to do that,” he said with a slur to his voice caused by pain meds.

  “You didn’t ask us to. We volunteered Joe,” Savanah pointed out.

  “You are in no shape to be up and around. Your doctors flat out said if you leave, it is against medical advice. They seemed pretty pissed you would even think about it. So let us take care of things. I can order these two around ok. In fact, you have restaurant experience, right Savanah?” Lena asked.

  “Yep. Not a problem,” Savanah answered. Mike smiled remembering Savanah had not been that good at it, but she did have experience. Besides, she had other things she was going to be doing. As Joe pointed out.

  “I thought you were going to do that detective thing and look into getting proof that ass Tony was behind this whole mess,” Joe asked her.

  “I will Joe, now worries. But once I ask around I have to wait for answers and I can do that as easy at Happy Jacks as I can at my office or home. Relax and let the doctors take care of you ok dear,” she said. Joe sighed. He seemed to realize he was out numbered

  “Ok, ok. If you guys really want to do it. I want to hear how it is going as often as possible, okay?” He gave in. Mike grinned and shook his hand on it.

  “Sure, whatever you want man. Just take it easy and rest. You need to get better before my off season is over. I’ll have hoops to shoot then,” he told his friend. Joe grinned and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. It was not long before he was asleep and the nurses hustled them all out. Mike, Savanah and Lena talked it over in the lobby of the hospital.

  “I am not going to open again until tomorrow. We have to get the wreckage of the tents cleaned up and replaced as well as reschedule employees, because Joe covered two shifts a day and never seemed to get tired. I can’t do that. Hell, no one else can. Then I have to check stock and see what needs ordered and all of that. It should give you time to do some detective stuff Savanah before we open,” Lean explained.

  Mike was a little concerned about Savanah on that point. The cops had been unable to find anyone who saw a suspect throw the Molotov cocktails the fire department had said were used. Not to mention, Lena had found Joe lying beat up in the back. No one had seen anything and there was no way to trace it to Tony. Although they were all sure he was behind it. Tony was going to be surprised when they opened again. Which also meant he would be back. Mike pointed that out to Savanah. Realizing as he said it, that Lena and anyone else working there might be in danger. The ladies were not impressed by his worry.

  “I know Mike,” Savanah began. “That is why I don’t mind working at the restaurant. Tony has to come back and try whatever it is he wanted to do in the first place. I will be there to see it and stop him. You guys will be there to help. Easy as pie,” she finished. Lena nodded and high fived Savanah. Mike sighed, knowing he was being double teamed but could not stop it.

  “Ok fine. Let me buy the new tents for the beach. I am thinking fire retardant stuff and the top of the line. I want Tony to really be frustrated when we open. I was also thinking actual security camera’s so we can get a look at any one trying it again,” he said. They were both enthusiastic about it. He knew Joe would not be but he did not have to know and they agreed on that too. At least for now. Mike had a sudden thought that cheered him up.

  “I want to work in the kitchen Lena, can I?” He asked. She was startled by his question.

  “Uh I guess so. Why would you want to work in there?” She asked. Then Savanah started laughing. She had figured it out. Mike reminded himself she did know him very well.

  “He wants the Happy Jacks fry recipe,” she said between giggles. Lena grinned.

  “I don’t know about that, but you can work in the kitchen,” she said.

  “Thanks,” Mike told Savanah who winked at him.

  “Any time,” she said in return.


  Mike followed Savanah into her little house up the highway from Venice beach at three thirty in the m
orning. It had been a long night and everyone needed a rest. She had given him the invitation and he had taken it without thinking. Once there though his eyes traveled to her well-shaped rear and the way her blouse rode up over her tits. Nice, he thought and shook his head. They had been friends so long he was not sure it would be a good idea. She did look great though.

  “Hey Mike, do you mind if I take a shower. After the fire, smoke and Joes blood I feel the need to get clean?” she asked.

  “Naw go ahead. I’ll be here when you get done,” he told her. She took off down the hall and he looked around her little house. It was nice.

  Hardwood floors, leather furniture and brass fittings on the sink. Very tasteful and kind of elegant, he thought. He had to admit it suited her. Who she had been before and even more now. He got some juice out of the fridge and ate a cookie out of cookie jar looking out the window at the view of the beach. She had to be doing really well to have a view like this in southern California. It wasn’t cheap, Mike knew from experience. He watched the lights of traffic on the hill and the clear skies over the ocean. Sipping his juice and letting the tension of the day flow out of him.

  “Hey Mike. Mind if I join you?” Savanah asked coming up next to him.

  “Of course. Good shower?” He asked turning to her with a smile. She was wearing a silk, filmy robe of red. Her hair was damp and her face had that after shower flush he always found so attractive. She nodded and he saw she was drinking juice as well. They both stood side by side looking at the view.

  “Thanks again for inviting me back. By now the press is all over my place. I never would have been able to get any rest and the company is better here,” he said honestly.

  “I am glad you accepted. It just occurred to me though, that the press will be at the restaurant, too, and Lena may tell them that I am investigating as a detective. If they look into me, they may find out who I used to be and that we are friends. Is that going to hurt your relationships with the team?” She asked.


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