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Bound by Blood (Fire & Vice Book 6)

Page 19

by Nikita Slater

  “Will you sit quiet in this chair for me, tiny kotenok?”

  “Yes, Mister Godzilla,” she whispered, staying true to her word to be quiet.

  Boris stood and approached the bed, confident that Jin would not disturb Laney for a few moments at least. He did not want to separate them. He suspected there would be hell to pay if Laney woke for even a second to find her daughter missing. He would have to start earning her trust slowly where the child was concerned. He hoped saving both of their lives was a decent start.

  He stood over her and tried to thrust aside the intense anger that threatened to engulf him each time he looked at her battered face. The bruises were beginning to really show against her lovely skin. The scrape over her eye had been cleaned and taped so it wouldn’t scar.

  “Any… anything broken?” she whispered without opening her eyes.

  He sat as carefully as he could next to her on the bed and gently lifted her hand to place it on his thigh. She didn’t complain or try to move at all. Her eyelids fluttered and then opened. It took a few more seconds before her pain-clouded blue eyes focused on him.

  He shook his head. “The doctor doesn’t believe anything is broken. There may be hairline fracture on some of your ribs, but nothing permanent or life-threatening. Worst damage was to your organs from the beating. They are swollen and bruised.”

  She nodded slightly, her lips quirking just a little. “Yes, I can feel that.”

  Rage swept over him once more and he wished they were still at the compound so he could deal with the men that had hurt his Laney. Hudson had taken most of them out while Boris and his men had dispatched the guards and anyone not in the courtyard beating up Laney. If Boris had his way, he would have been the one meting out justice to the men that had touched his woman. He would have shown them exactly what kind of punishment they could expect for such an infraction. A quick bullet to the head had been too much of a kindness.

  As if reading his dark thoughts, she ran her fingers over his arm. “I will recover.”

  He gazed down at her, anger and concern warring within his chest. He wanted to sooth her, but he also needed her to know that their path wasn’t complete yet. That they were just starting out together. “You should have trusted me. Should have told me about Jin from the start. I would have moved heaven and Earth to get her back for you.” His voice was hard when he spoke.

  Tears filled her eyes and she looked away from him. She didn’t say anything for a long time. When she opened her mouth to speak a sob came out. She brought her fingers up and pressed them against her lips for a moment. She shook her head and glanced toward her daughter. Jin was busy tracing the intricate shapes on the side table lamp and ignoring their conversation.

  “I was sent to kill you,” Laney whispered bluntly. “How could I trust someone like you with my child?”

  He glared down at her. “Even after I gave you my heart? Offered my life up to you, not once, but twice?” he growled angrily. “You had every opportunity to trust me, to give me your heart in return and you failed.”

  “You cannot understand,” she said desperately. “You don’t have a child to protect!”

  He flinched back as though she’d slapped him, his eyebrows snapping together. He saw regret cross her features and she glanced quickly toward a wide-eyed Jin who had abandoned her lamp and was watching the adults curiously.

  “I did not have a child,” he said succinctly, standing and stepping away from the bed. “But I had a brother that I spent many years protecting.”

  She gasped and closed her eyes for a long moment before opening them to meet his. He didn't greet her with accusation, only stark acceptance of the fact that he knew she had killed Dimitri.

  “I’m so sorry, Boris,” she whispered brokenly.

  He shook his head. “I know you did what you had to where he is concerned. What angers me is your lack of trust where I am concerned. Your constant running from me, though you profess to love me with your heart and your body. Now I will give you no more choice. You and Jin will stay with me forever. You will learn to accept this life and trust me.”

  He turned to leave. She called out to him, struggling to sit up. “Please, Boris! We need to talk!”

  “No more talking, Laney,” he rumbled and closed the door firmly.


  Despite the rough start, the next weeks were some of the happiest that Laney could remember in her life. Though she was recovering from a brutal beating, nothing could take away from the fact that she received, for the first time in her life, unlimited access to her daughter in a place that felt safe. It was the best gift that anyone had ever given her. And the man she had to thank was largely absent as Laney got to know her daughter in a way previously denied to her. She suspected this was deliberate on his part.

  Boris was very thoughtful that way. He would want Laney and Jin to be together without interference. She knew he was very busy assessing the damage that Dimitri had caused among his considerable Russian holdings. He was also fixing any damage done to his reputation among the Bratva, a more sensitive and dangerous prospect. He was often away in Moscow or St. Petersburg, sometimes for days at a time. He saw them most evenings for their meal where he was always kind and joking with Jin, but distant toward Laney.

  She began to wonder about the way he was treating her. He had declared that she would never be allowed to leave, and indeed that seemed to be true. He had Laney guarded whenever she left the mansion to wander around the property. Her favourite spot was the rose garden behind the east wing of the mansion. It was incredibly beautiful and rapidly becoming a close second in her heart to her love of the open ocean. She was not yet allowed to leave the estate.

  She knew he had her communications monitored as well. She had attempted to confront him about this, but he had brushed it off as a precaution in case there were any Yakuza still after her. The other clans may not be happy that the Russians had wiped out an entire faction, creating an imbalance in power.

  Laney felt he also monitored her movements so he could keep tabs on her to see if she was making any plans to leave. So far she had only contacted Claudia and Daniel to formally give them her notice and let them know she wouldn’t be coming back to America. Claudia had been upset until Laney finally spilled that she was in Russia with Boris. Then Laney had been forced to play avoid-twenty-questions with Claudia until King had insisted his wife leave Laney alone and get off the phone. Thank goodness for that man and his big heart.

  Daniel Mercer had been a whole other story. He had heard about Mack Hudson’s trip to Japan and demanded answers. When Laney tried to put him off, he made it clear he would be on the next flight to Moscow if she didn’t start explaining and Boris would be his first interrogation. It was at this point that she discovered her communications were being monitored when Boris had come thundering into the room and demanded she hand over the phone. Open-mouthed, she placed the iPhone in his palm and then sat listening in silence while he gave her former boss a succinct rundown on exactly what went down in Japan. Laney’s cheeks flared red as Boris made is clear that Laney was staying in Russia and Mercer could fuck off. Then he hung up and handed the phone back to Laney.

  “Don’t think he was too happy to find out he was harbouring an assassin among his ranks. I do not think he will be coming to your rescue any time soon,” he grunted before turning to leave the room.

  Laney had groaned and buried her head in a pillow. What the heck was wrong with these males? He spent weeks at a time ignoring her until Mercer threatened to come take her away from him and then he roared and beat his chest. She wanted to demand an explanation, but she also didn’t know where she stood in his life. Was she his girlfriend or was she his prisoner?

  He wasn’t treating her much like a girlfriend. Except for the occasional twinge of pain, she was pretty much healed. Yet he hadn’t tried to touch her. Though the brief moments he spent with her over their dinners together proved he still wanted her. He watched her with the
same fiery intensity he always had. She had kicked him under the table and reminded him of the presence of a certain impressionable five-year-old. He had blinked slowly, as though waking from a trance, started chatting animatedly with Jin and then gone back to undressing Laney with his eyes moments later.

  Laney decided she needed a friend and she needed uncomplicated. She needed Addison Sterling. It took a few days to set up the communication. Which wasn’t easy, considering Daniel Mercer, Addison’s significant other, was a still pissed about the whole ninja assassin thing. She had to wait for a day that Daniel was at work and Addison wasn’t.

  “Seriously, an assassin?!” Addison asked incredulously, only half of her face visible in the laptop screen. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know that a year ago or I probably would’ve contracted you to murder my boyfriend. He was such a dick back then.”

  “Newsflash girl, he’s still a huge dick. And I didn’t get a choice in either my parents or my career,” Laney explained with a snort. “Addison, you need to move a few inches to your right. I can’t see your whole face.”

  “I don’t know why we’re doing this over Skype,” the brunette grumbled, shifting anyway so Laney could see her better. It made Laney’s heart sing to see Addison’s long wavy hair, glowing skin and pink cardigan. She wanted to hug Addison and Laney never wanted to hug. “I didn’t get less blind while you were off assassinating stuff. I still can’t see you, or the laptop, or anything.”

  “I have a very important reason. Now stop complaining and tell me how you are, my good American friend.”

  Addison grinned. “It’s so good to hear your voice. I was worried about you!” she seemed to think for a moment. “I haven't been doing too much. Daniel would bubble wrap me and lock me in the closet if I tried to do anything even remotely strenuous. I’m trying to convince him to let me do our annual orchestra fall tour. You know, the same one that happens every year. He’s extremely reluctant and thinks I should just quit my job. Maestro is freaking out because I haven’t confirmed dates yet.”

  Laney laughed, not at all surprised by Daniel’s extreme reaction to the idea of Addison travelling. Addison was one of the most talented musician’s in the country and highly unlikely to quit her job as First Chair in the city orchestra. She had no doubt Addison would convince him, in time. It would likely mean a lot of negotiating, several bodyguards and his vicious presence every step of the tour. But he would let her go. Because she would be sad if he didn’t and Daniel would rather cut out his own heart than hurt Addison’s feelings.

  They talked for a few more minutes about mutual acquaintances before a disheveled Jin came bouncing into the room interrupting their video chat. “Mama, can I show you what nanny Rosa and I found near the pond?”

  Addison’s gasp was audible through their distant connection. Laney knew her sensitive friend understood right away the significance of Jin’s declaration. She lifted the child onto her lap and said, “I would love to see what you found, but first I would like you to meet one of mama’s favourite friends. Can you sit still for a moment, darling?”

  “Yes, mama!” Jin said, beaming. “Is that her on your laptot?”

  Laney and Addison both laughed at Jin’s mispronunciation. “Yes, this is my friend Addison Sterling. Can you say hello?”

  “Hello!” Jin chirped.

  “Hello, yourself,” Addison greeted her, clearly fighting back tears. “You must be very happy to have your mom home with you. I know she was away making friends with us for a long time. But she sounds so much happier now to be there with you!”

  “Yup, she is,” Jin announced. “I can tell. She gets to hug me all the time and the Master doesn’t tell us that we have to go be apart any more. We like it so much better here in Russia with my new papa.”

  Addison’s mouth fell open. Laney shook her head and covered her eyes. “Okay, well I think it’s time for you to go find nanny now!” she said brightly, scooting Jin out the door. “I’ll have a look at your prize later after I’m done talking to my friend.”

  As soon as Jin was safely out the door, Addison began babbling way more than Addison usually did for being the calm one in the group. “I don’t even know where to begin! Laney, you have a daughter? I mean, that explains so much. And she has a new dad? Is it Boris? Please tell me it’s Boris and you didn’t pick up some random dude…”

  “Well, time to go!” Laney said brightly. “We’ll catch up again soon when Daniel’s over the whole assassin thing!”

  Addison laughed, wiped tears from her eyes and blew Laney a kiss before closing her laptop. Laney turned in her seat, intending to go find Jin and Rosa and spend what was left of the afternoon with them before their evening meal. She was surprised to find Boris’ massive frame filling the door of her bedroom. His arms were crossed in front of him and he was watching her with an unreadable expression.

  “Da,” he finally said, his lips quirking a little. “Tell me her new papa is not some random dude you picked up and brought home.”

  Laney burst out laughing. He spoke in English and the word ‘dude’ rolling off his tongue in such a heavy accent sounded hilarious to her ears. She shook her head and, still smiling, said, “There is no dude.”

  “I hope there is at least one,” he growled in mock annoyance.

  The smile drifted from her lips. “I… I hope so to, but he isn’t random.”

  He studied her for a moment in silence, seeming to drink her in. He made no move toward her, but his eyes on her body were almost a physical touch. The way he could make her feel was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. He made her heart beat and her body heat in a way that not even her first lover had been able to do, and certainly no one since. She suspected no one would ever again make her feel the things Boris could. Now that she wasn’t in a constant state of fear and anxiety, she found pleasure in experiencing these emotions. But also, confusion. What if something happened to end her happiness?

  She wondered if he knew some of her thoughts. Boris was a sensitive man, despite his Godzilla status. He seemed to know her almost better than she knew herself. Perhaps he was giving her time to get to know herself better.

  “I thought you were going into the city today?” she said, the first thing she could think of to fill the heavy silence between them.

  He nodded his head, his dark eyes still devouring her in a way that brought a blush to her cheeks and made her feel as though she wore much less than cargo pants and a black T-shirt. “I am. I thought perhaps you would like to join me.”

  Laney thought about it for half of a second and then nodded eagerly. “Yes, please!”

  He chuckled. “If you are alright with leaving the mini kitten for an evening, we will go out for our meal at a restaurant in the city. Would you like that?”

  Laney nodded eagerly and grinned from ear to ear. She didn’t care if she looked like a teenager about to go on her first date. She was getting out for the first time in weeks! She loved her daughter dearly and she was growing to really enjoy Rosa, but she desperately wanted to get out and see Moscow.

  Boris stared at her like he was about to rethink his evening plan, tear her clothes off and lock them both in the bedroom for the rest of the night if she kept looking at him that way. Laney backed up a few steps and forced her expression back to neutral. When she dropped her gaze to the front of his jeans, she saw she was correct. He was most definitely ready to resume their former intimacy. Too bad she was ready to get out for an evening on the town!

  He cleared his throat and forced himself to step away from the door. “I know you will not want to wear a dress and I respect your wishes.”

  Laney snorted and rolled her eyes. “Since when? The last time you kidnapped me?”

  He grunted. “Perhaps we can let that go?”

  “Perhaps not,” she replied snappily, standing with her hands on her hips.

  He sighed and rubbed a hand over his bearded chin. “I am not trying to fight with you woman. Just the opposite. I intend t
o take you out for a formal meal. I will have an outfit delivered to your room in a half an hour. Let the maid know if it is not to your taste and I will have it exchanged.”

  Her mouth parted in surprise and she tilted her head. He was giving her a choice? He wouldn’t force her to wear something she didn’t like. It was such a simple thing, but for the first time in her life she was experiencing the freedom of choices. He studied the emotions flickering across her face for a moment before he turned and strode away down the hall. His tread was light for such a massive man.

  She twirled excitedly on the spot and grinned. She couldn’t wait to tell Jin all about her plans for the evening. She knew Jin would be happy for her and Boris to go out alone together. Jin loved Rosa and would be pleased to have the older woman to herself for the entire evening. It was a toss-up whether Rosa or Laney spoiled Jin more at the moment. The little girl’s life thus far had not been an easy one, so a little spoiling would not hurt her. They would eventually settle into a more balanced routine.

  Laney’s eyes widened at that thought. She realized it was true though. Despite Boris’ threats to keep them there forever, she knew she wanted to stay. She wanted to keep the happiness she was currently experiencing and hold on to it forever. She would kill anyone that tried to fuck with her new life or her small family.


  It took every ounce of self-control for him to walk away from her. He had wanted to throw her down on the bed that she was standing right next to and fuck her more than he’d wanted anything in his life. These past weeks of abstaining from her had been some of the worst he had ever experienced. He didn’t understand how, after having her body so many times in so many different ways, he could now crave her even more. She was like a drug.


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