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Pop Goes the Weasel: The Secret Meanings of Nursery Rhymes

Page 21

by Albert Jack

  Bishoprick Garland, The 254

  sheep 216

  sheep farming 8

  shepherds 9, 171

  Shining Cliff Woods 184

  Shoreditch 159

  Shoreditch Church 150

  Shrove Tuesday 75

  Siege of Oxford 204

  Simple Simon 190-93

  Simple Simon’s Misfortune(chapbook ballad) 192

  Sing a Song of Sixpence 35, 139, 193-8

  skipping rhymes 90

  Skye Boat Song, The 34, 99, 246, 260-62

  slapstick 164

  slave trade 242-4

  slavery 267

  abolition 244

  Smith, John Stafford 263

  Smithfield Riots 101

  sneezing 180, 182, 183

  Solemn League and Covenant 204

  Solomon Grundy 7, 198-200

  Song of Hiawatha, The 205

  songbirds 194

  Songs of Innocence and Experience 128

  South Sea Bubble 209

  Southey, Robert 194, 231

  Southwark 221

  Spanish Armada see Armada Sphinx 86

  spiders 110, 112

  spirituals 268

  Spitalfields 159

  Spratt, Jack 94

  Stanley, Edward 153 ‘Star, The’ 226

  Star-Spangled Banner, The 262-4

  stealing 218

  steam ships 16

  Steevens, George 193-4

  Sterea Ellada 127

  Stirling 132-3

  stocks 144

  Stuart dynasty 97

  Sturlson, Snorri 89

  Sufis 19

  sun 137

  swallows 171

  sweatshops 159

  Swing Low, Sweet Chariot 65, 256, 265-70

  Swinton, John 13

  symbolism 253

  Taffy Was a Welshman 200-201

  tarmacadam 31

  Taurus (constellation) 69

  taxation 102

  taxes 10

  Taylor, Jane ‘Star, The’ 226

  tea 102

  ‘Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ 250

  teenagers 74

  Tempest, The 29

  Tenniel, John 83, 168, 222

  Tewkesbury, Battle of 60

  Thames (river) 117, 120, 185

  There Was a Crooked Man 43, 202-4

  There Was a Little Girl 205-6, 231

  There Was a Little Guinea Pig 206-7

  There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 208-9

  Thessaly 127

  Third Crusade 93

  Thirty Years’ War 202

  This Is the House That Jack Built 236

  Thor 137

  Thorne, John 109

  Three Acres of Land 210-12

  Three Blind Mice 35, 85, 107, 134, 145, 212-16

  Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There 83, 222

  thumbscrews 135

  Times(newspaper) 161

  tobacco 102, 119, 140

  Tom, Tom, the Piper’s Son 216-18

  Tomlinson, Ralph 263

  Tower Bridge 119

  Tower of London 12, 32, 59, 60, 66 69, 109, 134, 174, 261

  Trafalgar, Battle of 54, 172

  treason 51

  Treaty of London 203

  Turn Again, Whittington 39, 121, 151, 218-21

  ‘Twa Lasses, The’ 12

  Tweedledum and Tweedledee 83, 222-5

  Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 226-8

  two fingers 38

  Tyr 137

  Underground Railroad 266-8, 270

  unicorn 97

  Ursa Major (constellation) 70, 268

  US Navy 264

  V-sign 38

  vaccination 90

  vagrants 56

  Victoria, Queen 168

  Vienna 155

  Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham 45-6, 47

  Wakefield, Battle of 60

  Wakefield prison 64

  Wales 201

  devolution 201

  Walpole, Sir Robert 208, 237

  Wampanoag 186

  War of Jenkins’ Ear 245

  War of the Austrian Succession 246

  Ward, James 185

  Wars of the Roses 58, 67, 68

  Warwick, Earl of 60

  Warwick Castle 68

  Waste, Joan 215

  Waterloo 54

  Wedderburn, Robert 42

  Complaynt of Scotland 42

  Wee Willie Winkie 23, 228-30

  welfare state 114

  Wellington, Duke of 54

  Welsh mythology 201

  Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia 248

  Wenceslas Square 248

  Wessex 176

  West Indies 242

  Westminster Abbey 46

  ‘What All the World Is Made Of 231

  What Are Little Boys Made Of? 230-33

  Wheatley, Dennis 43

  whisky 196

  Whitehall, palace of 4

  Whittington, Dick 151, 218-21

  Whitworth 21

  Whitworth Church 22

  Who Killed Cock Robin? 28, 122, 233-7, 253

  ‘Whore of Babylon’ 179

  Whyting, Richard 106, 109

  Wilberforce, William 244

  William of Orange 55, 56, 57, 184, 228-9

  William Rufus 236-7

  William the Conqueror 236

  Willis, Wallis 265-6, 270

  Wilson, President Woodrow 264

  Wise Men 253

  witches 23

  Woden 137

  Wolsey, Cardinal 104, 144-5, 146

  wool 8, 9, 10, 11

  export 10

  woolsack 11

  Worcester 105

  workhouses 189

  Yankee Doodle Dandy 123, 270-71

  yellow fever 90

  York 9

  York, Duke of see Frederick, Duke of

  York Young Pretender see Bonnie Prince Charlie

  Zeus 127




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