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Unholy Vows

Page 7

by Ciar Cullen

  His expression had changed to one of shock and wonder. Jen walked towards him and sat close by on the bed, holding his gaze.

  “I’m not looking for a lord of the manor or a sexual god, Shawn. I’m a grown woman, a homeowner, a business owner, a divorcee. After Frank went to prison, I didn’t want to get involved with anyone.”

  Shawn nodded in understanding. Jen nodded back. “I don’t want to insult your family, but you know how bad it was between us, right?”

  Shawn reached out and brushed the single tear that trickled down her face. “I knew about the drugs and the women. But he hurt you, didn’t he, Jen? Like in the book. That’s what you wanted to tell us.”

  “That’s not the point.” She took in a deep breath. “The point is I didn’t feel anything sexual until I saw you again last summer. And…”

  “Don’t lie to me. Please don’t do it, Jen.” Hope welled up in his chest.

  “And I realized that I’ve wanted you longer than you can imagine. While Frank and I were separated. Maybe before…”

  She looked back into his eyes. “I know I’m older and you’ve just started a spectacular teaching job and all. Oh shit, now here I go. You’re right, this feels bad. Help me out here, Shawn. Throw me a freaking bone, okay?”

  “I’d like to throw you a bone.” He grinned and examined her head to toe, his gaze finally lingering on her lips.

  “Are you going to kiss me, Shawn?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Oh, yeah, I’m going to kiss you. Are you going to kiss me back?”


  Jen’s words were cut off by the gentlest brush of his lips, so light that it nearly tickled. He looked into her eyes and kissed her a little more firmly, his full lips pulling at hers a bit this time. The third time he leaned in, he bit at her lip and she moaned low in her throat. He pushed his tongue slowly into her mouth and explored her, savored her. Then he pulled away.

  “Raven, I’m going to kiss you now. Please don’t push me away. If you do, I’ll die, I swear.”

  Jen shuddered as he put both his hands on her cheeks and plundered her mouth with such fierceness she gasped. He sucked at her lips and tongue and she responded by grabbing his hair and pulling him in tighter. Heat tore through her body as the taste and smell and sensations of him filled her. “Oh my God, Shawn.”

  He pushed her back onto the bed and crushed her with his body, kissing her face and ears and neck and mouth repeatedly until she was lost in him, lost in a world that was spinning away. He finally sat up and smiled at her shocked expression, her swollen lips. He peeled off his T-shirt and pulled her up to peel off her tank top. He held her up and rubbed her breasts harshly, squeezing her nipples until she cried out.

  “You’re fucking beautiful. Damn, Jen.”

  “So are you.” She arched to let him pull off her shorts, leaving her in a tiny patch of red silk. Shawn pushed the silk aside and gasped.


  “I shave.”

  “I noticed.” He was panting heavily as he pulled off his shorts and underwear in a single motion.

  Jennifer squeezed her eyes shut, feeling as if she might come at the sight of him. She wanted to laugh. What had made this amazing man insecure? He was exquisite.


  “Oh, no, what’s wrong?”

  “My God, Shawn, do you know how gorgeous you are?”

  He grinned and pulled off her thong and ran his fingertips along the folds of her pussy. She arched and cried out and he moved to his knees to feast. He licked slowly, and a wave of tension pounded through her with each caress of his hot tongue.

  He rifled through his pants pocket and pulled out a condom. “Ever hopeful.” He arched a brow and handed it to Jen, who tore open the package and rolled the condom down his cock, panting.

  He moved up her body, spread her pussy lips and pushed into her as he leaned in and kissed her neck and mouth. Within moments, he was pounding as if his life depended on it, building an instant fire inside her.

  “Oh God. My God.” Jen cursed and cried as he intensified his thrusts. Shawn lifted her ass and kneeled to angle into her. Jen screamed out when the release flushed her whole body. From a great distance, she heard Shawn’s gratified sigh.

  My God, he’s not close to coming! Shawn rolled her over and pushed her onto her knees at the edge of the bed. He stood behind and thrust into her again, pounding, pushing, moaning. “Come again for me, Jen. Come on, honey. Oh, you feel incredible.” He moaned louder.

  “Please, Shawn, please don’t stop.”

  And, as if she had never stopped coming, the wave hit again and she fell forward onto the bed, darkness littered with stars filling her vision.

  Shawn rolled her onto her back and she looked down to see him running his hand along his huge shaft. He arched back and squeezed his eyes shut at the pleasure of his own touch. “Come here, Jen.”

  Shawn gently rolled her onto her back and held onto one of her legs as he angled his cock into her. “I need to see you. Tell me again…that you want me…” He pushed and pulled, never taking his eyes off her face, except to squeeze them tight when he finally throbbed in release. He collapsed by her side and pulled her in tightly, kissing her neck and lavishing her face with short kisses.

  Finally he rested and pulled her into the crook of his arm. She rubbed his stomach with her palm and played with the feather-soft dark hair. “Phew. Where the hell did that come from, Shawn?”

  “That was waaaay too fast. I’m sorry, you’re amazing, feel amazing. I don’t do anything kinky, have any fetishes or anything. I mean, if you do, I’m willing to try.”

  Jennifer burst out laughing. “You’re fine, trust me. If I think of anything, I’ll ask.”

  Shawn smiled and kissed Jennifer on the forehead. “Jen?”

  “Hmnn?” She ran a finger along his chest.

  “I’ve been in love with you my whole life.”

  “You did what?”

  “I asked her to marry me.” Shawn grinned and Dana stared at him open-mouthed.

  “And what the hell did she say?”

  “She said she’d think about it. In the meantime, we’re pretty much seeing one another.”

  “One night? In one night?”

  “It was a pretty good night.”

  “Geesh, get that look off your face. I get the idea.”

  Jennifer waltzed into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, pecking Shawn on the cheek as she passed by. Shawn pulled her in for a passionate kiss and released her as quickly. She stood with her eyes closed for a second, then opened them to see Dana staring at her in shock.

  “What are you staring at, Dana?”

  “Sweet Mother of…”

  Shawn pushed his hand through his hair and the two women laughed. “What’s funny?”

  They laughed harder. Jennifer leaned back against the counter and sipped at her coffee, pausing briefly to look at Shawn. “Yes.”


  “I said yes. That is, if the offer still stands.”

  He slid into a chair and put his hands over his face.

  “Gosh. Dana, does that mean he’s happy or upset?”

  Dana pulled away one of his hands to see a tear slip down his cheek. “Oh, he’s okay with it.”

  Chapter Eight

  Simon felt betrayed by Gwyneth’s reticence, she was sure.

  “In good time, then,” he had said when she refused to reveal Lester’s killer. But the tension grew between them during the morning, bleeding the joy from their newfound love.

  Cecelia was thrilled at her brother’s announcement of their betrothal at breakfast and spoke endlessly of the forthcoming arrangements.

  “Enough,” he said harshly. “I am traveling to Cloores to speak with Adrian. A moment alone, Gwyneth.”

  He nodded curtly to Cecelia and she left the table. Simon took Gwyneth’s hand and squeezed it, holding it to his cheek.

  “You would leave me so soon, Simon?”
  “I will return at dusk. I would like to be married soon, Gwyneth. Indeed, tomorrow if you will have it. I go to fetch Adrian and the Father.”

  She sighed and smiled.

  “You were worried that I was untruthful? I intend to have you forever.”

  “Aye, I was worried.”

  Simon pulled his chair in close to hers.

  “Dear, we spoke last night of how vile I am.”

  “Indeed, we spoke of how delightful you are. Ah, I see. Then a special request comes already? I am to be watched this evening, then, is that it?”

  “You are quick. What say you? Just once, as a wedding gift?” He smirked and his eyes flashed dark and threatening. She shuddered at the intensity in his voice and nodded.

  “But you would not ask me to be party to whoring such as with my former husband?”

  “You will not mind this spectacle, I believe. But you may stop at any point. I would not hurt you.” His voice turned to a shy whisper. “Once, Gwyneth. I will never ask you again. Indeed, I want no one to touch you but your husband after tomorrow. At least, unless I am party to the act…”

  “You speak of another?”

  “Aye.” He shook his head and smiled. “Not a whore from the town, my dear.” He leaned in and whispered hotly into her ear. “My cousin, Patric. What say you?”

  “You and Patric? Sir! What is between you?”

  “Nay, nay. Shush. Keep your voice down. Not between us. For you. For your pleasure.”

  “Aaah. While you watch?” Gwyneth took in a quick breath. “You would watch me couple with the young man, and enjoy it? Patric?”

  “Aye.” A glimmer of mischief came to his eyes. “Why, Gwyneth, you blush as you say his name! Do you fancy him?”

  “He is comely enough, of course. I am not blind. I am… Why, do you mean to take me at the same time, my Lord?” Gwyneth felt her cheeks flush at the mention of her common fantasy. Could he mean it?

  He nodded and color rushed to his cheeks as well. “Please, and I will give you something you desire in return.”

  Gwyneth held her hand to his cheek. “Then, vile one, I ask that you release me from suspicion.”

  “Why, I no longer suspect you of Lester’s murder, you know that!”

  “Do not ask again who killed him. I am not able to say. Please, Lord, that is all I ask of you.”

  Simon stood suddenly and sighed. “This is a poor bargain, Gwyneth. You will enjoy both sides of the dealing. But I love you and trust that you have a good reason before Almighty God for your silence. I accept the bargain.”

  “Then I will be ready tonight, Lord, for whatever you plan for me.”

  He winked. “This one time only. That is, unless you find it enjoyable…” He leaned in and kissed her quickly and strode out of Carnoor Manor House.

  “God help me,” Gwyneth muttered. “How could I not enjoy it?”

  “Let me sit, young man, my heart is not what it once was. Can you repeat that?”

  Simon laughed and patted his friend on the back. “You will come to the wedding, Brother Adrian? Indeed, all of Cloores is invited. I ride to town now to see if I cannot find a fine dress already made and some jewels and such.”

  “My head swims! You must tell me the tale.” The Brother smiled. “And please, by the look on your face, I believe I would like to hear every one of the details.” Adrian laughed heartily at his own expense and beamed jovially.

  Simon regaled the man with the story of their monastery assignation, Gwyneth’s discovery of his true identity, and their subsequent nocturnal adventures.

  “Ah, child, God will forgive this old man for enjoying such a tale. But you must let me hear your Italian! I have no doubt she did not like your imitation of her good friend Adrian!”

  “Good friend?”

  “Aye, if I may be bold enough to believe her to be. And her confessor, as well, of course.”

  Simon turned to the man quickly and grabbed him by the cloak. His face was anguished.

  “Ah, then here comes the question finally.” Adrian patted the bench next to him and Simon sat.

  “Did Gwyneth tell you who killed Lester, Brother? Please, I must know. I love the woman, and I do believe her…”

  “However, doubt lingers.”

  “Only the tiniest doubt, Adrian. I would not marry her otherwise. I have desired her for so long, perhaps I would forgive her even that sin?” He arched a brow at the Brother.

  “The one thing you do poorly, lad, is lie. You cannot trick me into betraying one of the flock. You know the sanctity of the confessional. I am good-natured, but I am not a fool.”

  “Aye. I will live with that tiny doubt then. She is a good woman, you said so yourself. After what she went through with Lester, she deserves good treatment. She will receive such from me. I will let it drop. Indeed, whoever killed Lester did us all a goodly favor.”

  Adrian pulled at his frazzled grey hair for a moment and reached into his cassock, clutching at a cross.

  “Simon, I will now tell you a story, and you will keep your silence until I am finished, is that understood?”

  Simon nodded and looked at the Brother curiously.

  “When you were at Castle Combe for those many months, settling the affairs of your aunt and uncle after the Black Death took them, well…things were at their worst at Carnoor.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Adrian held up his hand in a call for silence.

  “One night, a cold, windy night mind you, your sister rode to Cloores, alone. I was woken by old Fastius, telling me the girl was near exhaustion and hysterical.” Adrian peeked at Simon’s horrified expression and continued. “It seems that Lester was especially in his cups, and had been for days. He was becoming more brutal to his poor wife. At one point, he had no less than four women roaming the house, taking over, doing his pleasure. He threatened Cecelia with his advances as well.”

  Simon gasped and grabbed the Brother by the arm. He ignored Simon and went on. “It was clear Cecelia had nowhere else to turn, unable to reach you, unable to betray Lester to another outsider. I rode with her the few miles to Carnoor, only to hear screaming from your betrothed. Aye, the brute was beating fair Gwyneth.”

  “Cecelia, in her youth, took the stairs more quickly than my old legs could manage. I saw her grab your ancestral short sword from the wall and, as I entered the room, she had already plunged the blade deep into Lester’s back as he raised his hand to strike his cowering wife.”

  “May God forgive me, I counseled the women to silence, to tell of a stranger who entered and killed the man. Perhaps a cuckolded husband, I suggested.”

  “No one would have blamed them, Adrian.” Simon whispered in horror, “I had no idea. My dear Cecelia.”

  “Everyone would have blamed them, young man. A wife against her husband simply because he whored around and raised his hand? She would have been in shackles in no time. And the girl, she was not willing to speak of Lester’s advances to anyone, save me.”

  “He never actually forced himself on Cec…?”

  “No, thank God.” Adrian stood and brushed his cloak straight. “There is your tale, Simon, the one that has haunted you for all these days. Can you now forgive your new wife?”

  “Why did they not think they could confide in me? I would not have blamed them. Does Cecelia not trust me?”

  “You do not quite yet understand the way of women, Simon. You are her brother. To tell you of such things…” He shook his head. “And of course, you can blame me. For I held the lie, kept the secret. And there is more.”

  “How could there be?”

  “Lester had threatened to close the doors of Cloores Abbey. He had no use for our ways, of course, and he wanted this pitiful piece of rocky land back. It is nearly useless, but he wanted it out of spite, to dishonor the Church.”

  “Never, not in five hundred years, not in a thousand more! Our family has long supported Cloores!”

  “Aye. You see, I held no love for Lester.
I have spoken of my hatred for the man to my own confessor. And I have held another secret from you.”

  “Indeed? Could it be harsher than this one?” Simon sighed. “What now?”

  “You will have to ask your new wife to tell you again what she does each month at the full moon. Do not make a mistake, Simon. She is a good woman.”

  “You are telling me she is a Pagan? A witch? I thought as much. This is sad, Adrian, that there are many secrets between the woman and me. She is dear to me. What should I do?”

  “Tell her your own secrets, Simon. All of them.”

  “What do you mean? I hold nothing back.”

  “No? Then we are finished here and I will come on the morrow to partake of your wedding feast. I am happy for you both. More than I can express.” Adrian smiled but looked tired as he left Simon in the garden to take in his words.

  Gwyneth paced the length of Simon’s bedroom, sorting through the dresses that Cecelia had laid out for her early in the day. It was close to sundown and Simon had not returned. And she saw no sign of Patric, or Cecelia. Servants bustled to and fro through the entire manor house, cooking and cleaning in preparation for the next day’s festivities.

  Fear crept into Gwyneth’s heart and her most joyful day was becoming one of dread. Simon would not be able to keep the bargain, she was sure. It would plague their marriage. She resolved to tell him about Lester’s death, but she first needed to speak with Cecelia. Perhaps she should be the one to tell Simon? And what of Adrian? Would he not forgive her? He had always encouraged her to guard her own interests in this matter, but wasn’t that what she was doing now? Wasn’t her marriage the most important thing in her life?

  Simon entered the room suddenly and threw huge sacks down on the bed. His eyes looked tired but he smiled.

  “For you. I do not know which of these will suit.”

  Gwyneth opened the bags curiously to find a half-dozen gowns of different styles and fabrics.

  “Oh, my, Simon.” Tears welled up and she rose to kiss his cheek. “I have nothing to give you.”


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