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A Forever Series Box Set: A Paranormal Reverse Harem: Books 6-10

Page 105

by Eve Newton

  He grins wickedly and pushes me back up against the wood paneling, his lips barely touching mine, and he says, “This is the only time you will not be able to beat me; I should take full advantage.”

  “You take advantage of my wife while she is in this condition and I will have your head,” CK says and we pull apart. He is standing next to us, arms crossed and looking pissed off. Mostly at me when I remember I haven’t Shifted back from Elizabeth.

  “Seeing as you had the strength to Shift, I assume you can get back?” he asks.

  I nod and do so. “Better,” he says smugly. I hold Devon back who is about to go berserk, I don’t need the drama.

  “Library, five minutes,” I say. “Everyone,” I add and disappear into my bedroom to get changed. As I close the door, I hear Devon say, “She isn’t as weak as you think she is. She was perfectly able to keep up.”

  I fling the door back open and hope that CK isn’t standing there with Devon’s head in his hand. The hallway is empty, I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. I sigh and close the door again. I start to get dressed the old-fashioned way. It is really starting to stink. I will never take that Power for granted again. I grab two blood bottles out of the mini fridge and chug one on my way back downstairs. When I reach the bottom, I open the other one and decide I have had enough. It’s Feeder time. I text Edward and tell him to come immediately. He messages back almost straight away that he is on his way. Yay for me, but he seems a bit eager, not so “yay” for him.

  I find my four boys assembled in the library and smile at them. There is a very apparent hostility and it seems everyone has been apprised of my activities over the last hour.

  “We need to talk,” CK says shortly.

  “Me first,” I say, and he nods, wrongly assuming I am going to start explaining myself. I look away from them and with a flush that starts at my toes and ends on the top of my head, I tell them what Tiamat told me. There is silence when I finish, and I look back at them. They are all avoiding my gaze, not unexpectedly, as “lady issues” are not exactly something any of them have ever had to deal with.

  Lincoln speaks first. “So that’s how it works with you?” he asks. “Interesting.”

  Interesting? Odd choice of word. I’d use “embarrassing.”

  “So, tomorrow Tiamat will come for me and take me away for a bit,” I say and get interrupted by CK.

  He stands up suddenly and barks at me, “Away? Where to? For how long?”

  “The Underworld, and only for about a day,” I reply.

  “Why can’t you stay here?” he asks.

  “She has to take me away because apparently, I will let off pheromones that will drive you all wild. And while I wouldn’t say no to a mass orgy, I’m afraid I will also be highly fertile and sorry, but no babies here,” I say lightly, trying to make a joke out it.

  “So, She is taking you to the Underworld? Closer to that bastard while you let off all of these…” Cole waves his hand about “… sex signals. Over my dead body!” he finishes.

  I huff at him. “Exactly how small do you think the Underworld is?” I ask him. He stares back at me blankly. “Do you think it is just the size of Xane’s house? I can assure you it is a vast place. Bigger than Earth and consists of many different layers. There is even a whole section built just for Dragons to fly and walk around in. Big!” I say to him, holding my hands out to make my point. “Tiamat is taking me to Her cave there. I will be well guarded. No one will be allowed to see me. She doesn’t want this either. This time.”

  “This time?” Lincoln asks, ignoring my outburst. “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means that I need to be strong to carry a magickal child and I am not. She doesn’t want it,” I explain.

  “This time,” Devon sneers. “Who, pray tell, is supposed to get the job done? Obviously not Sebastian as he is Drake’s father-to-be of choice.”

  Ooo, snark coming from my darling boy. I may have to beat him after all.

  Each of them is focused entirely on me and I look at Cole and say, “The Chosen One.”

  He beams at me and I frown at him. He wants this? I see him exchange a long look with CK, which I have no idea how to interpret. He did mention something about kids months ago, but I slammed the door closed on that conversation. And of course, CK and I were making plans, but that got firmly shut down too after I found out about Sebastian’s spelling me. I am just not sure if it was my idea or his. I must nip this in the bud, pronto. “However, I am not some brood mare and there will be no babies of any species.” Cole’s face falls a bit and CK looks somewhere between smug and upset himself. We never did get to discuss it properly. I should probably carve out some time for that when I get back.

  “Linc, you wanted a word?” I ask him then to change the subject.

  He sighs. “It can wait,” he says.

  “Are you sure?” I ask in concern. He looks beaten, as if someone has let all the fight out of him.

  “I’ll speak to you when you get back,” he says.

  I nod, feeling bad all of a sudden. I have never seen him so deflated.

  “Well, if that’s it, I have some shit to deal with,” Devon says, standing up. He whispers to me as he passes, “Midnight,” and I nod.

  Lincoln slopes off after a long hug, which makes me feel even worse now. Whatever is on his mind is weighing heavily on him. “What is it?” I ask him telepathically, but he doesn’t answer me. “Linc,” I press.

  “Later,” he says gruffly and then leaves me alone with my husbands.

  I look at them each in turn and then hold my hands out to them. “It’s time,” I say to CK. “You said you wouldn’t refuse when I asked again.”

  “Only a fool would refuse you, my love,” he says, standing up and taking my hand. Cole takes the other and CK Teleports us upstairs to our bedroom and I shut the door on the rest of the world.

  Chapter 15

  Buckinghamshire, England, September 2013 – Liv

  After a very satisfying sex session, I struggle to stay awake. I have to meet Devon soon and I can’t let myself go to sleep. Oddly, both Cole and CK have crashed so I sneak off the bed and get dressed. I hastily make my way outside and to the clearing, where he is already waiting for me. He smiles as he sees me dressed in jeans, boots and a thick coat. He pulls the lapels of the coat together as he kisses me.

  “You look adorable,” he says.

  “Thanks,” I say, wrinkling my nose at him. “So, what did you want to talk to me about that you didn’t want anyone overhearing?” I am eager to get this show on the road. I still have to go back to feed Cade and get some shut eye before the Heat hits.

  He steps back and goes over all formal. I am worried now, and wonder if this has something to do with his odd behavior of late. He clears his throat and I wait for him to start.

  “Err, I don’t know if perhaps Cole has mentioned to you about this weird connection thing we have?” he asks.

  I nod, as I remember him telling me that the day after CK and I got married. “A bit, not much.”

  “Oh, good,” he says, a bit relieved. He turns his back to me and starts to pace. “I have some feelings for him, that are…different,” he says.

  “Different how?” I ask in the dark.

  “Different as in, maybe, slightly, more in line with how you feel about him,” he replies cautiously with his back still turned.

  “Err,” I say, totally sideswiped. He is in love with him?

  “I wouldn’t say I was in love with him,” he says, turning back to face me with a soft smile. Gods, he knows me so well. “But there are some feelings of, you know.” He shrugs to show that he isn’t bothered, but he wouldn’t be telling me if it wasn’t affecting him.

  “Okay,” I say, shoving my hands into the pockets of my coat. “What do you intend to do about it?” I don’t mind sharing. In fact, my mouth kind of starts to water when I think of the possibilities. A true three-way indeed.

  He moves quietly to stand in fro
nt of me, pushing me back against a tree. He lifts my chin up and stares into my eyes. “What can I do about it?” he asks. He isn’t asking me, per se, more of what he thinks Cole would let him get away with.

  I breathe out slowly and think about it. I have no idea. Cole is still very much in the hetero zone. He will be for some time, or maybe he will never leave it. But centuries of going around the block tends to make one curious and more adventurous. I know that Devon has been with men, as he knows I have been with women. “He’s still so new,” I say carefully. “I couldn’t say.”

  He nods. “Thought as much,” he says stiffly. Not angry with me, but at the situation.

  “I’ll talk to him,” I say, wanting to make him happy. “I won’t ask him to do anything he isn’t sure about, but maybe just a bite to start?”

  “Just one bite,” he says against my lips and I shiver as I picture it. Oh, the gods, I am going damp and I stick my tongue in his mouth. He sucks it for a moment, grabbing my lapels again to get me closer to him. He steps back suddenly and clears his throat.

  “There’s more,” he says and turns from me again.

  “Dev?” I ask. “Is everything okay?” I need him to talk to me. This Cole business isn’t what is really bothering him.

  “No,” he says. “In a nutshell, Lizzie. I want you. I really want you. I had hoped to be able to ask you this months ago, but then after…you know…I didn’t think that I could. But then with Constantine, I don’t want you to think it’s a copycat move, because it isn’t. I had this idea ages ago.”

  “Dev,” I say in frustration. “What are you saying?” My heart is pounding.

  He turns back to me, something clutched in his fist. “I want you, Elizabeth, to somehow, be my wife. I love you and I should have done this hundreds of years ago. I was a dick for thinking it wasn’t really what you wanted after you turned me. I should have followed through.” He is holding out an eye-wateringly gorgeous diamond ring in front of me, that my eyes go to instantly. My mouth has gone dry and I choke as I try to speak.

  “What?” I rasp.

  “I know it is not the grand gesture it was supposed to be. Constantine kind of ruined that. As usual,” he grouses. “But I couldn’t wait any longer. I need you. I need you full time. Marry me, Lizzie.”

  “Oh, Dev,” I say, my hand on my heart. “I-I…how would that work?” I ask stupidly. “And Cole…”

  “He knows,” Devon interrupts me. “I told him this months ago.”

  “What?” I snap. “Then why did he come up with the suggestion about CK?” I am totally confused right now.

  “You’ll have to ask him,” Devon snaps back. He drops to his knees. “Please, Lizzie, if you have to think about it, then tell me that. Don’t say ‘no’ because you think Constantine will have a shitfit, or whatever. I don’t want this decision to be about him and his reaction. Just you and yours.”

  I drop to my knees and take his face in my hands. “I love you so much, Dev. I really do. You have kind of blindsided me here. I didn’t think this is what you ever wanted from me.”

  He closes his eyes. “I know it’s a surprise. Just tell me you’ll think about it.”

  He opens his eyes as I stay silent. I chew my lip. I want to say yes. I want to scream it from the rooftops, but I do have CK’s reaction to factor into this. He will go fucking ballistic. Things are good with us, right now after everything. I don’t want anything to screw it up. Even this.

  I nod at him. “I’ll think about it.”

  He breathes out. He was truly worried I’d tell him an outright no. I need to say more.

  “I want to say yes,” I say carefully. “I just need the time to figure it out, not only because of CK, but also the Shifting. It’s complicated. Just tell me you’ll give me the time, okay.”

  He nods quickly. “Yes,” he says and crushes his mouth to mine, pushing me back against the tree.

  His hands go under my shirt to tweak my nipples. He tugs them roughly, shoving his knee in between my legs. I grip his arms tightly and then he pulls back with a low growl.

  “What do you want?” he spits out.

  I turn and see Jess glaring at us. Her eyes are on the ring that Devon is still clutching between his thumb and index finger. We both stand hastily.

  “Thanks for finding that,” I say to him quickly and grab it off him. I put it in my pocket as he covers up his snort of amusement. He knows this is best kept under wraps until I give him the go-ahead. Fortunately, he is cool with that, my darling boy. I can always count on him. But if CK were to find out about this from Jess, of all people, I dread to think what would happen to my gorgeous charge.

  “No worries,” he says with such a smirk, I find it hard not laugh. Then his face goes cold as he turns back to Jess. “Get back inside and do not dare follow me again,” he growls at her.

  She hesitates, wanting to stand her ground and get me away from him. I fan her anger by moving closer to him and crossing my arms. It lights like an inferno and I think I am going to have fun playing with her. Bad me.

  She storms off and Devon turns back to me.

  “Don’t leave me waiting long,” he says, slipping his hand into my pocket and grabbing the ring. “I’ll hang onto it.”

  I nod at him and then he pulls me to the ground. We sit and talk for a few minutes. He tells me of this hilarious legend that he heard when he went back to Helsby about the two of us. We laugh uncontrollably and everything is perfect with us again, as close as we ever were. I hate to break it up, but I must go inside. It is freezing out here, and I need to feed Cade.

  We walk back together slowly and then part ways in the hallway with a soft kiss. He goes to his room and I go to Cade’s. I take the coat off and climb on the bed beside him. He turns stiffly and wakes up.

  “What the fuck?” he asks as he sees me next to him. “Get out.”

  “No can do. You need to feed. I am fairly sure I will be going shortly, and I won’t see you for a day or so.” I know this because suddenly, I’m not cold anymore. In fact, I am nice and pleasantly warm, and I know it isn’t because this room is well heated.

  “Whatever,” he grouses. I give him my wrist and he drops his fangs and bites down on me. He gets it over with quickly and then lies back down with a hiss.

  “Still hurting?” I ask.

  “I’ll live,” he says with a grimace.

  “Please don’t ever let anyone do that to you again,” I say to him. “I can’t bear it.”

  He glances at me with a look of sorrow. “I would never have been able to be here if they hadn’t. Choice is yours,” he says.

  “If I had been stronger, I would have protected you,” I say. I have been on the receiving end of CK’s wrath, so I know how he must be feeling. Although, I ended up being thrown out of a tower. Seems Cade got off a bit lighter. “Just know that,” I add quietly.

  “Yeah, too bad you’re a weak ass and can’t keep your men in line,” he snickers despite the slice of pain that goes through him.

  “Hah,” I say. “Too bad for you indeed. All of this could have been avoided if you had just come to me in the first place.”

  “And said what? I had already told you, but you weren’t listening,” he says.

  “I know,” I admit. He stares at me as if seeing me for the first time.

  “Jesus,” he says. “Since when did you ever admit to being wrong?”

  Not very often, I’ll give you that. Even when I know I am wrong; I am as stubborn as my sire. I just shrug and then say, “Go back to sleep, you look like shit.”

  He laughs and then grunts. “Thought I’d heal quicker than this,” he mutters.

  “Not without hu…” I get as far as that before he growls at me.

  “Say it and I walk. If you are so desperate to keep me here, keep your piehole closed.” He lies back with his eyes closed.

  “I don’t eat pie,” I sulk at him.

  “Well, bloodhole sounds absolutely disgusting,” he says, opening one eye.

  “Ergh, even I have to admit that doesn’t sound very nice. Very well, have it your way. Suffer as you must,” I add loftily.

  “I will,” he says stubbornly and then he falls into a deep sleep. I scoot down to lie next to him and fold my hands on my stomach as I stare at the ceiling. I can’t believe what Devon has asked me. It has floored me. I have a nervous excitement fluttering in my stomach. I can’t wait to talk to Cole about this. But I can’t believe he knew and never said anything, and then offered up this arrangement with CK. What the Hell is that all about?

  My Vampy senses tell me CK is a nanosecond away from opening the door.

  “Aefre,” he says. “What are you doing in here?” He glowers at the sleeping Cade and I sit up.

  “Being creepy,” I say as I touch him one last time and then get off the bed.

  He raises his eyebrow at me but says nothing.

  Strangely I don’t feel all that tired anymore, being asleep for three months will probably do that to a girl, so I take his hand and say, “Come. I want some alone time with you.”

  He brightens considerably and lets me lead him downstairs. “Poolroom fixed yet?” I ask, remembering that I practically destroyed it with my Dragon fire.

  “Sort of, not enough,” he says, and steers me in the direction of the ballroom. This room is very rarely used and is on the other side of the billiards room, effectively under most of the bedrooms. “Dance with me,” he says, and I grin.

  “Yes,” I say, clapping my hands excitedly. I love to dance with him. He is exceptionally gifted and can Paso Doble with the best of them. I look down as I am hardly dressed the part. He holds his finger up and disappears, returning momentarily with a pair of dancing shoes.

  I smile my thanks and sit down to put them on. He sorts out the music and then whisks me up and away. We move so well together, like we are one. The perfect partner to each other in every way. We get lost in each other, the music and the dance and when it ends, I find myself quite disappointed. I could dance with him forever.

  “Again,” I say.

  “No, my sweet. You need your rest,” he says and leads me over to a chaise longue to sit.


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