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Eye of the Dragon (Vision of a Dreaming God) (Fallen Drakon Empire Book 3)

Page 7

by Diana Drakulich

  “Besides,” She continued. “I don’t deserve your heart, since I am only a guest here on Rastabahn. Who knows for how long?”

  “Yet you have snared me in your web of light. I can’t stay away from you Roxanne.”

  “So you are trying to stay away from me? That hurts, because I love being with you. You know that right?”

  Grasping her waist he pulled her into him. Planted a slow teasing kiss on her lips. His touch electric.

  “Aye. I did try to stay away. I tried to stop thinking of you. But you have me hooked. I am gasping for you like that fish flopping on the beach. You have become the air I breathe. But don’t forget, I am a magic fish. Make your wish Roxanne.” His rasping purr promised carnal delights.

  Chapter 18

  Lifting her lips to his she pressed her soft lips to his in a deep soul-searching kiss.

  “Ah...You wish to kill me softly. Then tell me - are gold and jewels your heart’s desire?” Wordlessly Zoran held out an elegant gold necklace with a diamond pendant that glittered in the moonlight.

  “For my beautiful Queen of the Sea.” Gently placing the gold necklace over her head, he tenderly straightened the diamond pendant between her breasts.

  “Oh Zoran, this is the most beautiful, precious thing I have ever owned. Thank you. I will always treasure this necklace. Where did you get it?” As if I didn’t know.

  The Drakon warrior only shrugged in answer. His warm muscular arms coiled around her waist, pulling her to press against hot hard loins. Squeezed. Kissed her open-mouthed. Tongues sucking, intertwining.

  Ah… A thrill chased up her spine. Feels so good. So right.

  Her eyes fell on several fresh, deep scratches running from shoulder to waist on his golden skin. She was struck with awe at his courage. He had risked death, going alone into White City.

  Gazing up into Zoran’s simmering gaze, Roxanne’s fingers lightly trailed down a scratch that ended in what appeared to be a deep tooth mark. “You are hurt.”

  “It’s nothing. Hazards of the hunt.” He shrugged.

  “It’s not nothing. Your life is precious to me. Even a hundred diamond necklaces are not worth your life Zoran. Where in all the galaxy will I ever find another You?”

  “You can’t. I am irreplaceable. One of a kind.” He smiled, white teeth glinting in the moonlight. “And I feel the same for you Roxanne.” He kissed her deeply. Slow and tender. Sending sparks through her core. “This necklace will bring you good fortune. Even if you leave me, leave Rastabahn, I will still be with you. In here.” He patted her heart.

  And the thought struck her with stunning force - It’s going to kill me to leave this man.

  “Zoran…” Her moan was a prayer - “Please touch me. Love me.”

  His large strong hands grasped her ass, pulling her tight against his arousal. Their tongues dancing swirling sucking as he ground his hips sensually into her core. He kissed her like a starving man who has been given food. Food for the soul. For the heart.

  Uttering a low growl, he sat down on the ledge and pulled her onto his lap, straddling him. Grasping his broad shoulders she rolled her hips, grinding against his tumescent manhood.

  His his fingers twisted and tweaked her nipples to tight buds, running a hot line straight to her clenching pussy.

  Sinking her fingers into his long black hair she pulled his head back to gaze down into his eyes, studying his expression. Dark flames licked in the Drakon’s smoky stare. His sculpted lips half-open, inviting her kiss.

  He seemed changed. Possessed by a primal energy. His beast aroused. Prowling.

  “What is your wish Beauty?” His voice a low warning rumble, mindful of a coming earthquake. Lightning crackled through the storm clouds in his eyes.

  “I want you Zoran. Tonight.”

  Fingers trailing down his taut belly, she grasped his turgid erection. Hot silk on steel. Pumped it. Ran her thumb over the silken crown.

  “I want you Roxanne.” His groan hungry, husky. “Tell me the words I need to hear.”

  “Words?” She whispered, grinding her slick pussy over his throbbing arousal.

  The act of joining with a woman is not a casual thing for us. I need to know that you want me as your Mate. For a lifetime.”

  “A lifetime? But Zoran - Ahhh…” She moaned as he persuasively thumbed her nipples, pinching the rosy nubs. “Zoran…” She undulated her hips, grinding against his turgid erection.

  Breathing in deep, rhythmic pants she grasped his cock, rubbing the leaking crown over her juicy slit, rolling her hips, pushing him in a little more with each flex.

  “You want this pussy, hmmm?” Humming deep in her throat.

  “You know I do.” He growled.

  Rolling her hips back and forth she slid his one-eyed serpent along her slick channel, rubbing it over her throbbing clit. Slowly. Rhythmically. With all the time in the world.

  Sliding it up and down, nudging the bulbous head into her pussy. So wild and delicious. And so dangerous. To her heart. Where will I ever find a man like Zoran again?

  “How much do you want me?” She asked, taunting him.

  “Always and forever.” The Drakon male spoke in a growling purr.

  She slowly slid his dick back up her slick channel to sweetly caress her clit. Teasing him unbearably.

  “You like to play with my one-eyed serpent?” His lips curved in a wicked smile. “Good. I like this game.”

  He seemed changed. Possessed by a primal energy. His beast aroused. Prowling.

  “What do you want Beauty?” His voice a low warning rumble, mindful of a coming earthquake. Lightning crackled through the storm clouds in his eyes.

  “I want you Zoran. Tonight.”

  Chapter 19

  Nostrils flared, she ran her nose along the crook of his neck, inhaling his potent male musk. His golden skin exuded a spicy male fragrance that went straight to the pleasure centers in her brain sending her wild with mindless lust.

  Eyes half-lidded she forgot everything amid paroxysms of raw libido. No need to overthink about what would come on the morrow. Just enjoy the pure pleasure of immersing herself in HIM.

  “ good...Roxanne. My Queen of the Sea.” Strong fingers holding her ass, he took control, rocking her hips against his turgid cock.

  A low feral groan emerged from the Drakon’s throat, but then he pushed her back.

  WHY did you push me away? Her eyes asked.

  “I want you Roxanne.” His voice a groan. Hungry. Husky. “But you have not told me the words I need to hear.”

  “Words?” She moaned in frustration, sliding and grinding her slick pussy over his throbbing bulge.

  “Tell me you want me as your mate. For a lifetime.” He panted.

  “A lifetime? But Zoran -”

  “BUT What? I want you. You want me. There is no BUT.”

  “Zoran there are some very big BUTs to consider.”

  “I don’t want you for one night Roxanne. For us the mating act is sacred. Two become One. With my life-giving seed I bind my heart and soul to you. If you go away you will take my heart with you.”

  “Then come with us Zoran! I can show you the galaxy. You could learn so much. Bring back weapons and medicine for your people.”

  His contemplative gaze shifted away from her anxious face, out over the pool, then up to the silver moon floating over Rastabahn.

  “If you are not committed enough to stay here with me, how do I know you will not lose interest in me when we get to your world’? Your people will look upon me as a primitive savage. What if I can never return? My people will mourn me as a lost ghost. Disaster could befall the Drakon and I will not be here to defend them.”

  She could only stare at him. It was true. Zoran was a born leader. It would be a great loss to his people if she took him away from Rastabahn.

  It was selfish of her to expect him to follow her blindly into an uncertain fate. And would it last when he was out of his element - away from Rastabahn?

p; I am crazy about Zoran but is it love or lust?

  “What do you have up there,” The Drakon waved at the stars, “That we don’t have here on Rastabahn? Do you have - this?” His hand swept over the seven magical pools down to the primeval forest and beyond to the rolling blue-green sea.

  “I may be a primitive man compared to your culture, but I know what beauty is.” Zoran continued. “This is a rich world. Here we leap high, run in great bounds. The pure air gives us energy. Here we live close to the Great Spirit.”

  “Great Spirit?”

  “Aye the Great Spirit. The Force that rules the universe has given us powers. To leave here would be to renounce my god-given wealth. There are some things more important than weapons Beauty.” He pressed her lips with a sweet tender kiss that rocketed through her body.

  “Zoran I want you. Can’t we just have this one night together - without worrying about what comes next?”

  Sinking her fingers into his black hair, she pulled his head back, gazing down into his eyes, studying his expression. Dark flames licked in the Drakon’s smoky stare. His sculpted lips half-open, inviting her kiss.

  “So... when your rescue comes, you will leave me here, a sweet memory, lost without a trace. I want more than that Roxanne. I am ready to give you all that I have. All that I am. But you are not ready for me. Not yet. Not until you are willing to give it all up.”

  His fierce golden eagle eyes trapped hers. “Do you want me? Not once but for all time? If that is not what you want, then it is better we split now.” His voice a lash. “Because when you leave Rastabahn you will take a piece of my soul with you.”

  “Zoran…” She searched for the words, dumbfounded after his great gift to her. “We’ve only known each other a few days. We may be leaving soon. Koba is going to Kolor Mountain tomorrow to set up a rescue beacon for us.”

  “Who is taking him to Kolor Mountain?”


  “It could be dangerous.” Zoran shook his head. “I should go too.”

  “But you just got back! You need time to rest and heal.” And be with me. We may not have much time left.

  “Nay I will go. Koba is important to you and he is a friend to the Rasta. It is my duty to protect him.”

  Zoran gave her another breathless, searing kiss. “Don’t play with my heart Roxanne.”

  She looked up, captured by the intensity of his dominant gaze. By the naked pain glowing in his stormy eyes. He’s right. I am not being fair. These people are real. They play for keeps. Not for a day but a lifetime.

  Rising to his feet, he pulled her up with him. Holding her tight, he pressed her lips in a warm tender kiss.

  “Think of me Roxanne, as I will think of you, with every breath.”

  Then he walked away, head high, shoulders broad, lithe hips swaying. Disappearing like a rippling shadow into the night.

  Roxanne watched him go, her walls crumbling.

  What the hell, do I really want to spend the rest of my life flying through space in a cold metal box? Hell no! I need HIM. HE is real life. The rest is all illusion.

  Still… Her ever skeptical mind spoke up - I could get pretty damn bored with this place. What if something bad happened to me here? No modern medicine, no computers. No computers that would be the real hell.

  Chapter 20

  Flanked by Balian and Zoran, Koba stood on a rocky outcrop of Kolor Mountain, staring down at the fabled ruins of White City. The ancient city was built on a peninsula that extended into the middle of a river.

  A crumbling stone bridge connected the city with the Kolor Mountain side. Just past the ancient city, the deep rushing river tumbled into a spectacular thundering waterfall. Spraying droplets formed a rainbow bridge across the air.

  Despite its ruined appearance there was an ageless, pristine air about White City. As if the ghosts of those who built it still walked the streets. Still prayed to their unknown god in the magnificent step pyramid that stood in the city square. In front of the pyramid was a wide stone pool flanked at each corner by four massive urns.

  Where are the Rasta? Koba’s eyes caught flickers of movement along the edges of stone buildings. As his vision focused he saw that White City was not dead but alive, slithering with sinuous reptilian movement.

  A man-sized lizard resembling a velociraptor, with green skin marked by coral stripes flashed by, chasing a smaller reptile. An even bigger velociraptor walked on its hind legs toward the temple, its long thick tail making wavy patterns in the fine dust. That’s a Rasta alright.

  The big Rasta’s heavy, snakelike head was crowned by a fan of brilliant green and coral feathers. The feathers alternately snapped out, fanning around his head, then flattened against its neck. The alpha Rasta was followed by a pack of ten or so large sub alphas.

  “There.” Zoran pointed, saying in a guarded tone: “The Rasta king.”

  The Rasta king’s head and long snaky neck rippled with menacing, muscular power. But it was the alert expression on its scaly green face, the darting, piercing golden-green eyes full of awareness that were most disconcerting. These velociraptors were not to be underestimated.

  “Do the Rasta value gold?”

  “Nay. They just don’t want us to have it. But we steal it anyway.” Zoran fingered the thick gold torque hooked with snake’s head finials around his neck.

  The more Koba studied the ruined city, the more Rasta he saw. The reptiles were sly, furtive and lurking in their movements, staying mostly in the shadows in the heat of the day.

  “More Rasta come out when the sun gets lower.” Balian said.

  “So the best time to attack is in the heat of midday?” Koba looked up at the sun which was starting its arc down over the crystal blue horizon.

  Zoran nodded. “We could drive the Rasta out of White City with our warriors and your weapons. But the Rasta would hide in the forest. Wait us out. Then kill our people when they come out of the city to farm or hunt.”

  “Rasta have very tough, thick hide. Very fast. Hard to kill.” Balian agreed.

  “And their numbers are growing.” Zoran observed. “Every year the Rasta range closer to our lands. Kill anything they can.”

  “What are their weaknesses? How are they vulnerable? Do the Rasta lay eggs?” Koba asked.

  “Nay, Rasta have live births. 10, 20 at a time.” Zoran replied.

  “Do they guard their young?”

  “Aye the females guard the young ones ferociously until they can hunt for themselves. Then they stop.”

  As Zoran spoke, a pack of some 20 juvenile Rasta raced down a street after a terrified deer-like animal. The animal frantically dodged around buildings in a desperate attempt to escape.

  The lead Rasta pounced, pulling the animal thrashing down. The scene devolved into a mob of juvenile raptors hissing and fighting, tearing apart the bloody remains.

  Koba lowered the binoculars, his mind buzzing. This was a job for armed mercenaries. But if he came back to Rastabahn with mercenaries, they would raid anything of value. It would be a riot of killing and stealing that would not stop with the Rasta. The Drakon could lose everything. Their primitive cold weapons would not stand a chance against high powered lasers.

  “Look Koba!” Balian hissed, touching Koba’s arm.

  A pack of Rasta were crossing over the crumbling stone bridge to the Kolor Mountain side. The line of raptors quickly disappeared up a forested path.

  “That trail leads up here.” Balian’s tone was ominous.

  “Did the Rasta see us?” Koba pulled out his laser pistol.

  “Hard to say.” Rasta can scent prey two miles away. Better we go. Now.” Zoran replied.

  “Wait - I need to set up the rescue beacon. How much time before they get here?” Koba asked.

  Zoran pointed to a shadow cast by a boulder. He drew a line close by. “Maybe when the shadow gets to this line.”

  Koba figured that gave him 15, maybe 20 minutes. Not much time.

  “Where can I set up the bea
con so the Rasta won’t find it?”

  Balian pointed at a tall pine behind them. “Rasta not good climbers. Their forelegs too short and weak. Hurry!”

  Leaning his rifle against the trunk, Koba took a mighty running jump - 20 feet up. Grabbing a heavy branch he swung his feet up onto the branch, then climbed rapidly to a thick branch some 40 feet up. There he attached the rescue beacon.

  “Hurry Koba! Rasta very fast.” Balian called up, looking nervous.

  Koba swung down dropping the last 20 feet with a thud.

  “No time to outrun them now.” Zoran said. “If they come for us, we have to fight.”

  “Don’t worry my friends. Just watch closely.” Koba cocked one of his laser pistols. “See that rock?” He aimed at a rock the size of a human head sitting on a boulder next to the trail. “Watch.”

  He fired a short streaming red burst. The rock exploded. Pulverized. The Drakon gasped, hugely impressed at such powerful magic.

  “Don’t let a single Rasta get away.” Koba said, handing a pistol to both men. From their expressions, Hahq and Balian were both thrilled and terrified at handling such potent killing power.

  Chapter 21

  “We need higher ground to hold them off - Climb that tree!” Koba commanded.

  Tucking the pistol into his leggings, Balian took a running jump and grabbed an overhanging branch, followed by Zoran. Koba brought up the rear, the rifle slung over his shoulder. The men began scrabbling up the rough bark of the massive old tree like the hounds of hell were after them. And they were.

  “Hey - You’re stepping on my hand!” Zoran hissed at Balian a few feet above.

  The tree creaked and groaned. Loose bark dislodged by clambering feet began showering down. Koba was six feet tall, 180 pounds, but the Drakon were taller and massively built. Koba guessed Zoran was about six foot six and 230 lbs. Despite being only 15, Balian was well on his way to matching Zoran’s size.

  “Great Spirit’s stinkin balls - I can’t see!” Zoran brushed at his face and eyes swiping off a shower of bark and dust loosed by Balian scrabbling above.


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