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Anthology - Threefold

Page 16

by Desiree Holt

  They ate and she told them of Mr. Cop-a-feel Anderson, keeping it brief because she didn’t want to sound whiney. Instead, she talked about her dream of perhaps writing. Both Gareth and Logan thought pursuing publication was a great idea—unlike everyone when she’d been younger. They both offered to help with research which led to their shirts disappearing and an uproarious session of ‘what do you think of this heroic pose’.

  Apparently, they’d both seen more than their share of romance novel covers.

  Logan stacked away the plates then they pulled McKenzie into the next pose. Gareth dispatched her shirt, leaving her in a lacy, red bra while Logan draped her over his arm. He kissed her neck while Gareth knelt before them, his lips pressing to her belly. She moaned as their mouths grew hungry and more intense. They kissed her wherever their mouths could reach.

  Soon, she was on the blanket with a man on either side of her.

  “You taste so sweet,” Logan groaned as he made a trail over her shoulder. He pulled down the cup of her bra, exposing one breast. Immediately, he sucked the nipple into his mouth. She cried out, arching her back.

  “Yes, Logan! Harder. Please!”

  The pressure increased while his tongue pressed the pliant peak.

  Fire poured through her, burning through her veins before turning to lava in her pussy. She grabbed Gareth, pulling him in for a kiss when she felt his hands at the closure of her jeans. His tongue thrust against hers then delved inside claiming her mouth for his own.

  His hand came up to cup the back of her head and hold her still for his sensual assault.

  She grinned as he continued to fumble with her pants with one hand. Not to be outdone, she skimmed her hands down his chest to his button fly. With a pop-pop-pop, she had him open and had her hand inside to cup him through the soft cotton of his underwear.

  She reached her hand over and opened Logan’s trousers just as easily. In a moment, she was stroking both hard shafts.

  Both men groaned as she slipped her palms up and down, taking particular care with circling the heads. She pulled her mouth from Gareth’s and grinned up at him.

  “Trouble, hot stuff?” she asked. Her pants were still closed. She squeezed their shafts, loving the feel of the flesh-covered iron in her hands. She wanted it in her mouth. She squirmed from beneath them. “Stand up,” she urged.

  As soon as they were on their feet, she knelt before them and yanked down their underwear enough to expose their cocks. Hmm…who first? The scent of their musk was nearly intoxicating, and the sight of their arousals, both long, thick and curving slightly towards their bellies was pure beauty, but Logan’s tip made the decision. She licked her lips at the sight of the pre-cum pearled there, waiting. While her hand continued its up and down motion on Gareth, she leaned in and took Logan in her mouth.

  “Fuck,” he breathed as her tongue swept over the head to claim the drops there. She looked up at him while she sucked him deeper. His hand fisted in her hair while his head dropped back, his eyes closed. His teeth sank into his bottom lip. She took him as deeply as she could then pulled back. Her hand took over as she turned to Gareth to claim the pre-cum that had formed for her.

  Triumph and delight twined through her as she pleasured both men, bobbing her head up one shaft then up the other. That naughty part of her surfaced again as she envisioned herself on her knees before these two masterful men, seeing to their needs. There was a reason she’d so enjoyed that spanking last night. She had a submissive streak that ran deep—

  not so deep that she wanted to play Master and slave games, but deep enough that she enjoyed a little mental subjugation even if it was only in her own head.

  Gareth guided her mouth down his penis while he gently thrust forward, holding a handful of her long hair. She was his now until he came; he wasn’t letting go. She could feel that much. Logan carefully extracted himself from her grip as Gareth went to his knees. She followed, partly because she wasn’t letting him go and partly because his grasp forced her lower with him. He sat back on his heels while she sucked him on all fours.

  Logan moved behind her and had no trouble opening her jeans. He pulled them down her hips, along with her red silk panties, leaving both around her knees. She moaned around the cock in her mouth as he stroked two of his fingers inside her. In a moment, she recognised his plan. When she slowed on Gareth’s shaft, Logan slowed. When she stopped, Logan stopped. And the faster, she went… Oh, pleasure.

  Tingles prickled down her thighs as Logan fucked her with his fingers. She pressed into his strokes while she swallowed as much of Gareth as she could. He jerked against her, his hand wrapped in her hair as he intermittently grunted and swore under his breath. Then she pulled up to the head, sucking hard and pressing her tongue to the soft hollow beneath his crown.

  “Fuck,” Gareth gasped. “I’m…Princess, I’m gonna…”

  She shot towards his base again, squeezing him with her hand where her lips couldn’t reach. He shook, his fingers tightening and pulling her hair as he erupted, spewing into her throat. McKenzie swallowed as fast as she could, wanting to take as much as possible. Her eyes rolled back in her head as Logan took advantage of the moment and ploughed home with his cock, surging inside her to his base.

  Gently, Gareth pulled free of her, smoothing her hair and rubbing his hands over her back while his cousin pistoned in and out of her. She loved it, the attention of both men, the closeness. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure she could ever go back to just one guy. And all at once, she hoped she’d never have to.

  Logan’s fingers digging into her sides dragged her from her thoughts and plunged her into a sea of visceral reaction, where tension and explosions ruled and reflection didn’t move beyond the need for more pounding sensations.

  She screamed as Gareth leaned over her then reached beneath and pinched her clit. She toppled headlong into a chasm of release, her cry echoing on the glass surrounding them.

  Her body squeezed Logan’s cock, the grasp so tight the friction sent her into another orgasm. He groaned, then swore on a hiss as his climax hit him, and he drove deep inside her, losing his seed.

  It was several long moments before she realised she was collapsed forward onto Gareth’s lap. She gasped for breath while her heart pounded as if she’d run the Boston Marathon.

  “I think I’m dead,” she whispered between huffs.

  “Too bad,” Gareth said, pulling her up to sit on his lap while Logan recovered himself.

  “We brought dessert.”

  “I might be able to claw my way from death’s door for that,” she replied, without opening her eyes. Gareth’s heart thumped soothingly beneath her ear, the solid sound wrapping around her and making her feel warm and fuzzy. At the moment, the whole world was a muzzy, perfect place. Even the thunder crashing outside seemed just right.

  “The storm sounds like it’s getting worse,” Logan commented. “We should probably move inside. This doesn’t exactly qualify as a good shelter.”

  “Wet blanket,” she teased, already standing then pulling up her pants.

  “Nah. Just don’t wanna pull glass splinters outta my cock.”

  “Logan!” Gareth shuddered. He moved quickly to grab things, too.

  Soon there was a pile of clothes, blanket and picnic things inside the front door and they were curled up on her couch like a puppy pile.

  “Can we stay over tonight?” Gareth asked.

  “Will you make me coffee in the morning if there’s power?” she teased.

  He laughed. “Princess, I’ll make you coffee every morning. All you have to do is ask.”

  “Mmm…perfect.” She turned to Logan. “And what about you? What’s your bribe?”

  “Well… I’m better at messing up beds than making them and I burn breakfast because I tend to zone out—Gareth never makes me coffee—”

  “Lies,” his cousin accused.

  “So maybe I can…wash your back.”

  “What a deal! You can both stay. But one more th

  “What’s that?” Logan asked.

  “I really like to ride in the morning.” She blinked at them as if she’d said something perfectly innocent and wicked grins bloomed across their handsome faces.

  “Deal!” they agreed in unison.

  Chapter Five

  Days with Gareth and Logan seemed to fly past, and before McKenzie knew it she’d been seeing them for a couple of weeks. A perfect, idyllic two weeks. Every morning, they left her to go off to their jobs at the bar, but often they came back in the afternoon. The three of them took long walks along the beach. They went on drives in the country, to the movies or out to eat. Each day was a special, laidback time of getting to know each other.

  She learned that they’d both gone to school for business after growing up in the willy-nilly, what-will-be-will-be lifestyle their parents had lived. They wanted a better way for their kids—and they did want kids, but with the same woman. The ménage-sharing mentality was one of the only traits that had carried over from their upbringing—that and enjoying simple things like sunsets, the sound of waves, the way an early October frost had painted her porch windows.

  Late most afternoons, they left once more to go back to the bar, but they always came back between eleven and two. Logan and Gareth had made it clear that as long as it was okay with her, they’d rather be together than apart. If she’d rather not have visitors that late…

  And she thought they were high to even consider that she didn’t.

  As she’d suspected, Kimberley was scandalised that McKenzie was sleeping with two men— at the same time! What are you thinking? She didn’t speak to McKenzie for a week solid then showed up with a big box of doughnuts on the morning that McKenzie had been seeing her guys two weeks. She stood in the doorway, wide-eyed and hungry looking, as the two men bade her friend goodbye.

  “Write a lot today,” Gareth urged as his lips left McKenzie’s. Since she’d officially quit her job, she’d been writing every day. “You’re doing so well. I can’t wait for what happens next.” He kissed her again. “I’ll miss you today.”

  “Miss you, too,” she replied as she was handed into Logan’s arms.

  “You’re coming to the club tonight?” he asked. She hadn’t been back since her first time, but her guys had specifically asked her tonight.

  “I’ll be there at ten,” she promised against his lips then groaned as he kissed her deeply until Gareth horned in and kissed her again, but since Logan wasn’t inclined to give up her mouth, it turned into a torrid three-way joining.

  “Bye, Princess,” Logan sighed. Then they were gone, and Kimberley was staring at her in stunned amazement.

  “I think that’s the hottest damn thing I’ve ever seen,” she muttered and headed for the kitchen.

  “I like it,” McKenzie replied, smoothing her mussed hair then tightening the sash of her robe. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Teachers’ in-service day. My in time is flexible, and I wanted to see you.” She put the pastries on the table. “Please tell me Gareth made the coffee.”

  McKenzie smiled. “Gareth made the coffee.” And Logan had washed her back—and a whole lot of other places before he’d been true to his claim and messed up her bed with his cousin’s help. Damn, life was good.

  Kimberley pulled out a mug and set it on the counter. She stared at it, her hands braced on either side. “I get the sex,” she said. “Sorta. I mean seeing that,” she gestured towards the front of the house, “it’s kinda easy to fathom the allure, but Kenz, how can you—”

  “If you’re planning to lecture me, you can take your doughnuts and go.”

  “Have you thought about the future?” her friend asked, ignoring her directive. “Sure, it’s all fun and good right now, but what about when you need to get a job or you have to talk to people about your…mates? What about when people stare at you, wondering what guy you’re with then deciding you’re a slut because you’re with both?”

  “Is that what you think of me? That I’m a whore?”

  Kimberley spun around, anger slashed across her features. “Of course not! But I don’t want you getting hurt and that’s all I see ahead for you. Hurt, hurt and more hurt. I’ll be here for you, but people don’t understand threesomes. They don’t. Ménage is just fine for a fantasy or a porn movie, but in real life… Men and women are expected to be in pairs not bunches.”

  And there it was. Laid out in harsh black and white. All the things McKenzie had worried about that second night with her men. Before she’d known them, really known them. Before they’d delved deep inside her thoughts and dreams and the past that had formed her. She’d pushed aside the complications to focus on the relationship, forgetting that no relationship was insular—not outside deserted islands.

  “I’m going to get dressed,” she announced and dashed for her bedroom before Kimberley saw her cry. Because McKenzie knew it was true. In real, conservative Midwest American life, permanent threesomes just didn’t happen. And they certainly weren’t accepted.

  She closed the door before Kimberley followed her then sank down the wood, drew up her knees and let her tears silently flow.

  Her chest hurt from holding in heaving sobs. It was stupid, she berated herself, to be so attached to two guys after a couple of weeks. To want them so much. To be thinking of the future. But as Kimberley had pointed out, without knowing it, McKenzie had been ignoring everything but being with Gareth and Logan.

  Two weeks and she felt this strongly. What would she feel like in another week? In a month? Longer? How long would it be before the world started chipping away at the relationship and leaving it in crumbled ruins?

  Better to end it now before any of them got more deeply involved. Right?

  She got up, her heart rending, and went to look for clothes. Two weeks and she felt as if someone had died.

  Two, two, two, two, fucking two!

  She wanted two damn it. This was so unfair.

  It was a half hour before McKenzie was suitably made up to hide her red eyes. She wore black jeans and a black turtleneck that could have been considered melodramatic, but she really didn’t give a fuck. Her long hair was scraped back into a ponytail that still curled to the middle of her back. As she recalled the way Gareth liked to twist his hands in it, she considered getting the mass cut.

  Kimberley wordlessly hugged her in the hallway.

  “Let’s go shopping,” McKenzie said.

  “You hate shopping.”


  Kimberley stepped back and pursed her lips as she looked at McKenzie. “How about pedicures instead? And maybe a trip to the pottery shop to paint?”

  McKenzie shrugged a shoulder. Her friend was trying. And she really did care, even if she didn’t understand. “Sure. Let’s do that,” she said. “A girls’ day. But don’t you have to work?”

  “I called in while you were…changing.” Kim sighed, shoving her hands into her pocket and nudging the edge of the carpet runner with her toe. “I’ve only made things worse.”

  “They’re not things I haven’t thought about. And maybe you don’t speak for the whole world, but you do speak for a whole lot of them.”

  “Only partially. You have to understand, I’m not going to lie to you, but I really would try to be on your side—I’d even try to like the two guys if that’s the way you chose to go.”

  “You know what I’d like?” McKenzie said. “A world where people would just mind their own damn business.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Not you. That’s not what I meant.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Well, that was the million dollar question wasn’t it? “I don’t know.”

  * * * *

  ‘I don’t know’ involved pedicures, Death by Chocolate cake, pottery, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, a purchase of an entire collection of Barry Manilow CDs that neither of them could explain later, and Kimberley getting her drunk. Of course, McKenzie didn’t know her friend was ge
tting her drunk until she was a few drinks in, since they were fruity and didn’t taste alcoholic. By the time she realised it, she was too toasted to be able to care.

  She did care, a hell of a lot, when she woke on Kim’s couch the next day with a pounding headache and a mouth that felt full of cotton. Her head screamed as she bolted upright and stared at her watch. Noon. No!

  No, no, no! This wasn’t how she’d planned to end things with Logan and Gareth. Not like this. Not by standing them up.

  She moaned, pressing a hand over her eyes. She didn’t want to end things. Last night, she remembered deciding rather drunkenly, but still validly, that the world could just go worry about other things. Like peace or cleaning up oil spills or ending poverty. A threesome in Michigan was small beans. She wasn’t letting society dictate whether she saw two men or not, and if she wanted to be with them forever, then everyone could just piss off as she’d very elegantly declared last night after her fourth Pomegranate Splash.

  “I’m sorry,” Kim said from across the room. McKenzie moved her hand enough to open one eye and look at her. The eye immediately closed against the insidious light and the load of sand behind her lids.

  “You should be. What the hell, Kim? You know I barely even drink. And you know the guys were waiting for me last night. This is mean.”

  “I was only trying to relax you. You were so upset. Then we were both so far gone…

  I’ve done nothing but hurt you and screw up things over this whole situation.”

  McKenzie sniffed and sat up. “You’re a menace. And you’re gonna help me fix this. As soon as I can see straight and don’t feel like throwing up.”

  “You’re not pregnant are you?”

  She glared at her friend.

  “Okay. Bad joke. Sorry.”

  “Stop apologising. Oh my God! This is a hangover. How long will it last?” She had things to do and a relationship to put back together. And she couldn’t do that while she felt like dying. “Do you know where my phone is?”


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