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Anthology - Threefold

Page 21

by Desiree Holt


  The man smiled, and reached for the zipper of his jeans. The metal teeth hissed open and he shucked them off, taking his briefs with them. Donovan heard Faith’s breath hitch as Parker’s cock sprang free, bobbing down from his waist, until it was hanging even with her mouth. Faith was masterful at oral sex, but Donovan wasn’t ready for her to take control just yet.

  “Soon, darling, but first, you have to help me out with my condition.”

  Faith glanced at him over her shoulder, wiggling her ass as she flashed him a smile.

  God, he loved the sassy side of her and gave her butt a quick tap before reaching for his zipper and freeing his aching cock. Her eyes darkened as she watched it emerge from his pants, the head flared in anticipation, his skin sticky with pre-cum. Her tongue darted out and traced her upper lip, as he pushed the jeans aside and sat behind her, his thighs between her splayed knees as his feet pointed towards Parker. Donovan loved it when she rode him backwards, her beautiful ass bobbing up and down over him, and it seemed like the perfect way for them to reassert their claim on each other.

  “There’ll be time for you to indulge in your desires later. This time is our gift to you.”

  Her eyes softened and a flicker of pure love flashed through them before the wicked smile returned. “As long as you remember, baby,” she teased. “Payback’s a bitch.”

  He smiled at her choice of words. Only she could make bitch sound sexy and alluring.

  “I’m more than certain we’ll suffer at your hands, but for now, we’re in charge.” He nodded at Parker. “Parker. I think she needs to be relieved of her bra.”

  “About fucking time,” said Parker, reaching behind Faith’s back and releasing the clasp.

  “Beautiful,” he rasped, as her breasts jiggled free.

  Donovan’s cock jerked as Parker leant forward, his head disappearing behind Faith’s body. Faith moaned and her head fell back towards Donovan, her long hair tickling his chest.

  God he’d thought watching Parker touch her was erotic, but only being able to hear the man suckling her chest as Faith moaned and writhed above him was practically orgasmic.

  Picturing Parker’s mouth around her tight nipples while her face twisted in pleasure flared his cock against her ass, and he knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

  He grabbed at her hips, lifting her up enough he could shuffle slightly lower, calling to Parker to toss him a condom.

  Faith glanced at him and he read the question in her eyes. They hadn’t used condoms for months, and he knew she didn’t like even the thin barrier between them. He smiled at the small pout that formed on her lips as Parker tore a packet open and handed it over.

  “We don’t have a shower here, darling, and since we’re planning on loving you all night, it makes sense for us to wear one…at least this first time.”

  Faith’s pout deepened, but she nodded, moaning again when Parker’s head vanished behind her again. Donovan could feel Parker’s knees pressed against his legs as Donovan sheathed his cock and centred it against her slit. Parker wrapped one arm around her waist and held her still until Donovan was perfectly positioned beneath her. A harsh curse rumbled from his chest as Parker slowly lowered Faith, stopping her with just the crown nudging her entrance. The man seemed to thrive on Donovan’s unquenched desire, and prevented Faith from taking more of his shaft inside her.

  He clenched his jaw, waiting for Parker to allow him entrance. Parker glanced at him over Faith’s shoulder. Their gazes clashed for a moment before Parker rocked backwards onto his heels, focusing on where Donovan’s cock jutted against Faith’s flesh.

  “I want to watch him claim you,” said Parker, his voice thick with arousal. “I want to feel your body take him deep inside."

  Faith chanted a raspy ‘yes’, anchoring her arms on Parker’s shoulders as the man moved his other hand to her channel, parting his fingers around Donovan’s shaft at the spot where Faith’s body joined his.

  Donovan shouted her name, throwing his head back in ecstasy as Parker slowly lowered Faith onto him, the man’s fingers preceding every delicious inch of Faith’s wet heat until her moist lips caressed his groin like an intimate kiss.

  “Ah, fuck, Faith,” Donovan groaned, feeling her tighten around him. “You’re amazing, darling. Truly amazing.”

  Faith answered him with another squeeze of her internal muscles. He gritted his teeth, waiting for Parker to lift her so he could feel the exquisite sensation again. But Parker held them both there, his hand still wedged between them, his face a mask of raw desire. He kicked one side of his mouth into a dangerous smile, then moved forward, capturing Faith’s lips in his.

  Donovan could hear their passionate kiss, but didn’t have the strength to think past the tight feeling encasing his shaft. He cursed under his breath, certain his cock would explode before he’d had a chance to move when Parker finally allowed Faith to rise, releasing the sweet pressure.

  “Sweet mercy,” said Donovan, feeling her body close behind his retreat, the wet sounds of tongues battling for dominance drifting in the background. He wanted to watch them interact—watch the contrast of Parker’s tanned flesh against Faith’s creamy white—but couldn’t drag his gaze away from the vision of his cock slowly emerging from Faith’s body, the thick shaft now covered in her slick juice.

  Parker stopped Faith with Donovan’s shaft wedged at her entrance, keeping her there for what felt like eternity before lowering her again, dousing his cock in her fiery heat once more.

  “You’re killing me,” he huffed, squeezing his eyes in an effort to hold on. He didn’t want this moment to end, and he sure as hell didn’t want to come before Faith had screamed her way through at least one orgasm. He’d always prided himself in seeing to her pleasure first, before indulging in his own.

  “Then you’ll die happy,” said Parker, showing no signs of swaying his agenda to accommodate Donovan’s plea.


  Parker merely laughed at his tone, lifting up so he could smile at Donovan over Faith’s shoulder. “Fine. But I think Faith needs a distraction so she doesn’t come just yet.”

  Donovan groaned when the man removed his hand from between their bodies and eased back, grabbing his shaft and offering to Faith. Faith glanced back at him, licking her lips again before falling onto her hands and taking Parker’s cock deep into her mouth.

  Donovan growled as the new position tilted his cock forward, rubbing the tip across her pelvic bone. He pushed up, not sure how he was going to fuck her with his legs trapped beneath both hers and Parker’s. And if he didn’t start moving soon, he sure as hell wouldn’t be the one to make Faith come at all.

  Parker’s rough moan drew Donovan’s attention. He watched as Parker slid one hand through Faith’s dark hair, helping her move along his cock, as the other moved under her ass, squeezing the taut flesh as he urged her up, once again relieving the pressure on Donovan’s cock. But Parker didn’t stop this time. As soon as Donovan’s crown rimmed her pussy, Parker pressed her back down, slamming her into Donovan’s groin.

  “Ride him, sweetness. I want you to ride him while you suck my cock.”

  Faith moaned around Parker’s shaft, releasing just long enough to flash a wicked smile at Donovan before tilting her hips back a bit and moving along his shaft, taking him deep then pulling away, leaving him barely inside her. Donovan threw his head back, chanting her name, unable to do anything other than feel.

  “That’s it, Faith. Show Donovan how much you love having him inside you. How much you want him to come.”

  She replied around the man’s cock, making Donovan’s shaft flare again. Just hearing the mumbled words, knowing it was Parker’s cock making them incoherent caused his arousal level to soar. He squeezed his ass, trying to strengthen her thrusts against him and was rewarded by the firm slap of her ass against his hips.


  His voice sounded as raw as he felt and he revelled in her answering groan. Parker
started moving with her, claiming her mouth with the same rhythm he helped her fuck herself on Donovan’s cock. It felt like an erotic dance, where every partner fed off the other.

  She slapped against him, building the fire welling in his sac. It grew with each pass of her pussy until he could barely contain it. He shifted his weight onto one hand and reached around with the other, finding her clit with his finger. Her body tensed as he rubbed the small nub, feeling it quiver against the tip. She thrust back against him three more times before she screamed and broke, clenching Donovan’s cock with steady pulses.

  “Fuck. Yes.”

  Donovan shouted the words, wondering if his eyes were going to pop out of his head as the pressure built to the point of pain, before his cock jerked and released, filling the condom with spurt after spurt of fluid. He moved against her ass, still milking his seed from his shaft, when Parker’s voice filled the room. Donovan forced his eyes open, settling his gaze on Parker’s face. The man’s eyes were squeezed shut, his lips parted on what sounded like a growl as Faith brought him to orgasm with her mouth. He heard her moan as Parker’s body jerked, then she swallowed loudly, her hand and mouth still working his shaft. Donovan watched Parker thrust again, and knew he’d emptied another load into her sweet mouth.

  “Shit, that’s hot.”

  Parker moaned and his head fell forward, his shoulders drooping as he pulled his cock free, a drop of cum still dotted on the slit. Faith looked back at Donovan, and raised one eyebrow. He groaned and nodded, watching as she leant forward and licked the man’s shaft clean.

  Parker grunted, opening his eyes as Faith eased back, resting against Donovan’s chest as he pushed up on his hands. “You’re dangerous, sweetness.” Parker moved forward, planting a quick kiss on her nose. “Very dangerous.”

  “Too dangerous for us to let loose on the world,” echoed Donovan, cupping one hand under her chin as he drew her face towards him. “Now give me a kiss, lover, and let me see how good he tastes on you.”

  Faith’s eyes darkened in renewed arousal as her lips met his, her mouth opening for his questing tongue. He drank in her sweet murmurs, tasting the musky remnants of Parker’s cum. The heady flavour excited him, though he’d never felt sexually attracted to the man. It had nothing to do with wanting to fuck him, and everything to do with sharing his greatest love with him.

  “Delicious,” said Donovan, loving how her cheeks blushed again. He nodded at the bed. “Now how about we all get a bit of rest before Parker and I are forced to suffer your…payback.”

  “Hell, I think I already received mine,” chirped Parker, pulling the blankets back. “But I suppose I could suffer again.”

  Faith huffed and opened her mouth, but Donovan covered it with his lips again, swallowing her little protest. She was still mumbling when he finally pulled back.

  “Don’t say anything, darling. Just let us lay with you and savour the moment. You can talk all you like later. But for now, we just want to stay in the dream.”

  Faith’s eyes softened and she nodded, wrapping her arms around Donovan’s neck as he lifted her up, cuddling her close as he crossed over to the bed. Her hair puddled on the pillow as he lowered her down, placing her in the middle of the mattress. Then he disposed of the condom, wiping his shaft clean before joining her in the bed. Parker was already on the far side with Faith’s ass curled into his groin. Donovan bit back another moan, willing his cock to stand down as he climbed under the covers, sighing at the gentle weight of Faith’s head on his shoulder.

  “Sleep, darling. We have big plans for later.”

  Chapter Four

  “Ah, Faith. I love it when you touch me like that.”

  Faith cracked her eyelids opened, drawn to the sexy voice mumbling in her ear.

  “That’s right. Open yourself for me. Touch yourself. Ah, fuck.”

  She giggled, listening to Parker talk in his sleep. Having never slept with him before, she found it amusing that he talked dirty in his sleep. But it was even more arousing to hear him talking about her.

  Visions of their interlude skipped to the front of her mind and she had to bite back a moan as a familiar warmth spread through her core, once again settling between her thighs.

  Damn, what was it about these two men that made her weep from nothing more than a smile, or a stray thought of a cock thrusting into her mouth.

  She giggled at the image, still not sure what to make of the situation. It’d been more than evident during their encounter that both men loved and adored her. She’d actually expected the whole scene to melt down into a jealous fit of rage, but they’d looked at her with only love in their eyes, and their simple approval had stolen her heart.

  Two men. Could she really live that way?

  “Now, Faith. Please, sweetheart.”

  His sleep-filled plea answered her question, and she turned towards him, watching his eyes dart back and forth beneath his lids. She’d never noticed before how long and dark his lashes were, or how he had a slight bump in his nose. He was definitely the playboy she’d suspected of earlier, but there was also a softer side to him. The side that was still stuck in the tree, wondering if he’d see the dawn.

  A tentative smile touched her lips as she let her doubts fade away, replacing them with plans of seduction. She’d barely said a word during their first session, her mind still reeling in shock too much to get anything out, but now that she’d had some time to gather herself, she wanted a chance to turn the table on the boys. To watch them squirm from her teasing as she took them to the edge, only to leave them there until she decided it was time for them to explode.

  The thought made her smile widen as she imagined tying both men to the bed, their heads at opposite ends. She’d take one of them into her mouth, while tempting the other with fleeting glimpses of her wet pussy. She might go as far as making herself come as they watched, helpless to taste the creamy dew that’d gush from her sex.

  The warm feeling grew as she worked out more details, wondering if she had any rope in the chopper.


  She bolted up, remembering she hadn’t called the base to let them know she and the men were safe and merely waiting the storm out at the cabin. The last thing she needed was Search and Rescue showing up while she had the men hog-tied and her fingers deep in her sex.

  Faith sighed and turned to climb over Donovan when his warm hands settled on her waist, pulling her back tight to his chest.

  “Going somewhere, darling?” His voice was edged with just a hint of worry, and she smiled, knowing it’d soon be rough with desire.

  “I forgot to call the base. I don’t want them to send out the SARs on us.”

  A low chuckle feathered over her ear, making her shiver. “Parker already called when you were landing. They’re not expecting us back until the storm clears.” He grinned against her skin. “And I have a feeling it’s going to last quite a while.”

  She looked back at him. “While I was landing,” she repeated. “How did you know I wouldn’t just walk out on the two of you and fly back to camp alone?”

  Donovan shrugged, licking the end of her shoulder. “I hedged my bet.” He smiled at her pout. “Was it so wrong of me to plan for the best?”

  “I suppose not—”

  Her voice cut off when another set of lips descended on her other shoulder. She whipped her head around and stared into the deep blue of Parker’s eyes. Damn. Now she was going to have to talk them in to letting her tie them up, instead of just sneaking out and binding them while they slept.

  “Hey, Parker. See that look?” asked Donovan, a musical lilt to his voice.

  “You mean the one that looks like she was planning something and just got caught?”

  Donovan laughed. “That very one.”

  “I wonder what she was planning?” mused Parker, drawing his finger up her arm and along her collarbone, stopping at her lips. “I bet it was something…dangerous.”

  Faith couldn’t help but smile at the way he wig
gled his eyebrows as he emphasised the last word. She crossed her arms on her chest and tried to stare him down, determined to keep to her plan. But as Donovan’s hands cupped her breasts, tweaking each nipple between his thumb and forefinger, she knew she’d already lost control.

  “Oh, it wasn’t dangerous,” said Donovan, tugging on her nipples this time. “It was wicked.” He released her long enough to skim his hands across her ribs and settle them around her waist again. “You did mention something about payback, darling, and I’m guessing your plan involved us suffering in the only way men can suffer…with longing.”

  Faith was just about to deny their accusations when the world tilted as Donovan launched out of the bed with her in his arms. She stifled a scream, watching the floor of the cabin bounce past, only to find herself perched on Donovan’s knee. She grabbed for the table, but missed as he shuffled her again, leaning her back in his arms. She heard another chair scrape across the wood planks a split second before the scenery flip-flopped again.

  “What the…”

  Her voice trailed off as she finally regained her senses, only to realise she was staring at the floor, with her body slung across both men’s legs. Arousal like she’d never felt surged through her, tightening her nipples and coating her silky lips with juice. She didn’t need to be experienced in sexual games to realise her position could only mean one thing.

  “Donovan Riley Jones. You have five seconds to let me go before—”

  “You come,” he finished, smoothing his hand over her bare flesh, making it bead beneath his fingers. “Really now, Faith. If you want us to believe you’re not enjoying yourself, you really should put some bite in your words. Not make them sound as if you’re a woman about to explode.” He bent down over her, nuzzling his mouth next to her ear. “And I know how close you already are. I can smell your heat.”

  Faith cursed under her breath, hating that Donovan knew her better than she did. How could he have guessed she’d fantasised about being spanked? “That’s from before,” she lied.


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