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Anthology - Threefold

Page 26

by Desiree Holt

  Through the two open doors they passed, she caught a glimpse of a bathroom and a bedroom before they reached the doorway at the end of the hall. In the dark room, he brought her to the bed and sat her down on the silky brown coverlet.

  “Give me a minute.” He dropped her hand and walked to a tall dresser on the far wall. With a click, a flame appeared on the end of a candle lighter. He lit a set of three candles of various heights on the dresser. Then he moved to the bedside table where he lit a thick candle with a triple wick.

  The little flames illuminated the room with a soft glow, and her body heated at the sight of the light and shadows defining Zed’s muscles on his bare chest and arms.

  When he came to stand in front of her, she stood and reached for his belt, helping him out of his pants. The corners of her mouth lifted when she saw his long cock spring free from his black, silk boxers.

  If she had to wait a year without sex to get a cock that size, then it was worth the wait.

  He outsized her longest dildo by a few good inches.

  Reaching behind her, he flung back the coverlet on the bed to reveal creamy sheets.

  With his hands on her shoulders, he pushed her gently onto the mattress. Then he opened his side table drawer and removed a foil square. With practiced ease, he rolled the condom down his shaft.

  She raised her hand to touch him, but he lowered his body over hers, blocking her access to his cock. Instead, she ran her hands along his back, over his shoulders and down his pecs. His body was all hard planes and curved muscles.

  The sensation reminded her of her sculpture, Adam, except Zed was warm, living flesh and bone, not a wire cage surrounded with cold clay. She wondered if she could make the bronze casting of Adam match Zed’s skin tone. Zed had the most beautiful coppery skin.

  Bending his head, he pulled Mia’s breast into his mouth. He rolled her nipple around with his tongue, driving the thoughts of her work out of her mind and making her arch into him seeking more stimulation.

  He lifted his head and waited for her to meet his gaze. “What do you need, Mia?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Her voice came out breathy.

  “I want to hear you say it,” he said.

  “I need you.”

  “I’m right here.”

  “I need you inside me,” she whispered.

  With a slight shift of his hips, the tip of his penis rested at her opening. She lifted her hips for penetration, but he moved away.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please what?”

  “Please I need you to slide into me.”

  With excruciating slowness, he eased into her channel. She wiggled and drew in a relaxing breath in order to adjust to his size.

  “Are you good?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes.” She exhaled.

  He lowered his mouth to hers and nibbled at the corners of her lips, soothing the love bites with gentle swipes of his tongue, but he didn’t move his hips. She moaned and tried to get the action started by wrapping her legs around his waist. But he still didn’t move.

  She groaned and bounced her heel off his tight ass, hoping he’d get the hint.

  “Problem?” he asked with a little smile tugging at his lips.

  She bounced her heel off his backside, again, and considered adding a swat with her hand, but she was afraid of how he might react. She liked his dominance, but she wasn’t ready for it to get out of hand since she didn’t really know him, yet.

  “I thought you said you were good,” he said. “Is there something more you need?”

  She nodded as she lost herself in his chocolaty eyes.

  “Tell me,” he said.

  She wasn’t a prude, but telling him how badly she wanted him to fuck her while he watched her face was a little difficult.

  “I need you to move your hips, please,” she managed.

  “Like this?” He slid nearly the entire way out of her before he glided in even slower.


  “Oh, yes, please…continuously,” she thought to add.

  His movements were unhurried and drove her need higher and higher. She tried jerking her hips closer to him, but he had complete control of the amount and speed of penetration with his hand firmly holding her hip in place.

  Damn, him!

  “Is this working for you? Because it feels amazing to me,” he whispered in her ear.

  “More, please,” she gasped.

  He chuckled. “You’re getting everything I’ve got here, baby.”

  “Faster, harder. Please,” she begged.

  “You just had to ask,” he said.

  Then with a powerful surge, he thrust deep into her and out again before she could catch her breath. He continued the demanding pace as Mia’s orgasm shattered through her core. She gasped then yelped as his thrusts continued to pound into her sensitive spot. Her yelps grew into screams as the pleasure reached the edge of pain.

  She tried to wriggle further up the bed to lessen the intensity of his penetration, but he held her firmly under him. Just when she thought she would splinter into pieces, he groaned as his penis throbbed inside her with his climax. His body shuddered over hers with multiple aftershocks. He took some time to catch his breath, then he slipped out of her.

  Rolling to his side on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Mm, hmmm,” she said, snuggling into his heat as he drew the top sheet over them.

  He kissed her forehead while stroking a hand lazily up and down her back. The gentle touch and the hormone release from her two recent orgasms made her eyes heavy. She dozed off securely tucked into Zed’s arms.

  Chapter Two

  Mia woke from her nap in Zed’s bed with a gnawing feeling in her chest and an itchy sensation crawling across her skin. Zed slept curled around her with one arm heavy across her stomach.

  She had to get out of here. She needed to get to her studio. It was almost like she could hear Adam calling to her, like he knew she’d been with someone else. It was ridiculous, but she still couldn’t shake the feeling. She had to see Adam.

  She slid out from under Zed’s arm and got off the bed without disturbing him. She crept from the bedroom to the kitchen to find her dress and panties and got dressed. After locating her purse, she pulled out her cell phone. As she pressed the buttons to call a taxi service, she froze at the sound of Zed’s voice.

  “Where are you going?” he asked. His deep voice reached into her core, making her thrum.

  She looked up to see he’d pulled on a silky burgundy robe. “I need to go,” she said.

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. I’ve had a wonderful evening.”

  “Then why are you ending it now? We could have a wonderful morning, too,” he said.

  How could she explain this uneasiness in her heart that wouldn’t settle until she was in the studio? “I would really like that, but I can’t stay.”

  He stared at her, waiting for more explanation. When she didn’t give him any, he said,

  “Give me a second to throw some clothes on. I’ll take you home.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can call a cab,” she said, preferring he didn’t know she was actually going to the studio instead of home.

  “No, I’ll drive you.”

  “Thank you.” This could still work. She could tell him about her car at the studio and have him drop her there. When he drove off, she’d go inside to work.

  Mia walked barefoot with her shoes in her hand to Zed’s SUV and climbed into the passenger seat without his help.

  “I guess the romance is over,” he said under his breath as he closed her door.

  When he got into the driver’s seat, he sat with his wrists hanging over the steering wheel, staring out the windshield. “I wish you’d tell me what went wrong,” he said.

  Her heart ached. She hadn’t meant to hurt him. “Nothing went wrong. I really like you, but I’m worr
ied you’re going to think I’m a crazy artist if I tell you that I have this incredible compulsion to go to work in the studio. That I have to go right now.”

  He turned to stare at her. “Right now? It’s four in the morning,” he said.

  “See. Crazy artist thing,” she said, nodding.

  “There’s another way to think of it.” His face lit with a wide grin. “We woke your inner muse with our wildly hot sex.”

  She laughed with relief. “Now that sounds about right.”

  “Good. Now tell me where your studio is,” he said, backing out of the garage and turning around in the driveway. “I assume you want to go straight to work, though you don’t look like you’re dressed for it.”

  “I have a change of clothes there,” she said. Then she gave him directions and settled back into the leather car seat as the full moon shone down on them.

  At the studio Zed parked and moved to get out of the SUV.

  “I’ve got my key. You don’t need to get out. Thanks for driving me,” she said.

  “I was hoping, if I wasn’t too much of a distraction, that I might be able to watch you work. I showed you mine. I was hoping you’d show me yours,” he said. The left corner of his mouth lifted in a boyish grin.

  She didn’t work in front of an audience, and she wasn’t fully comfortable with the idea, but she didn’t want to hurt Zed’s feelings again. He looked so eager to watch her.

  “Okay, come on in,” she said, unlocking the door and leading him across the studio by the light of the moon shining through the large windows to her current work in progress. She clicked on her lamp and removed the plastic cover that prevented Adam from drying out.

  Zed circled the clay form, inclining his head to study various angles while she slipped into the bathroom to change her clothes.

  When she pulled off her dress, she remembered she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were going to jut out from under the t-shirt she slipped over her head. She shrugged. Oh well. He’d already seen them.

  She quickly stepped into a pair of cotton shorts and walked barefooted out to the studio.

  “This is brilliant, Mia,” Zed said when she reached his side. “He’s amazing. Any more realistic, and I’d be feeling a little insecure around him. He’s built like a bulldozer.”

  “Thank you,” she said, staring at the muscular clay form. She ran her hands lightly over Adam’s shoulders and up his neck to where his face should be. The clay felt surprisingly warm under her fingertips, and an image flashed through her brain.

  “Oh, my God. He’s here,” she exclaimed. Grabbing the ribbon cutter, she dug into the clay on the face.

  “Who’s here?” Zed asked. When Mia didn’t respond, he asked again. “Who’s here?”

  “Adam. He’s ready to show his face,” she said, forming with quick strokes and sure fingers the visage revealed in her mind. “C’mon, baby. Let’s get you out of there,” she whispered as she worked.

  She cut and smoothed, losing herself in the creation at her fingertips. Her heart beat quicker as she worked, until finally, his perfect face stared back at her. She put down her shaping tool and held his face between her hands.

  How beautiful he was. Her fingers moved to push the lock of hair off his forehead before she remembered it was made of clay.

  “My God, Mia. You are an incredible artist,” Zed said quietly from behind her right shoulder.

  She startled at his voice. She’d forgotten he was in the studio. She’d been lost in her art.

  She stepped back from Adam and felt a tug in her heart as her hands fell to her sides.

  Adam was complete, but she still heard him calling to her. Maybe once he was cast in bronze, his presence would leave her. She felt bereft at that thought.

  She glanced at the clock on the wall. Six o’clock, Saturday morning. She would have to wait until Monday to get him to the foundry. Then it would be a long twelve weeks before they returned the finished piece. Her eyes actually misted at the thought of being separated from him for so long.

  Zed wrapped his arms around her from behind. “What’s wrong, baby?” he asked.

  She sniffed and hugged his arms to her chest. “I’m just being silly. I was thinking about how I have to send him away for twelve weeks to the foundry to get cast in bronze. I don’t want him to go.”

  “He’s really something, isn’t he? I think I can understand your feelings. He’s very lifelike, almost like there’s an energy coming from him. I can feel it, too. There’s something so masculine, yet so vulnerable about him. He draws me to him. You are unbelievably gifted, Mia, to have done such a piece of art.”

  “I can’t take all the credit. Somehow Adam’s presence was here with me the whole time, directing my progress,” she said.

  She stood in Zed’s embrace as they silently gazed at Adam until Zed’s stomach rumbled against her back. She broke her eye contact with Adam as she turned in Zed’s arms.

  “Sounds like it’s time to feed you,” she said. “We didn’t get to eat very much of the frittata you made, and I’ve kept you awake most of the night.”

  “And I’ve enjoyed all of it.”

  “I’m sure they can’t create anything comparable to your frittata, but how about Patsy’s Diner for breakfast? My treat,” she said.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Oh, I forgot,” Mia said, looking down at her messy clothes. “I’ve got to run by my apartment first and change. Will you follow me in your car?”

  “Of course,” he said.

  Mia turned back to Adam to cover him with the plastic. Refusing to analyse her actions, she placed her lips against his in a lingering kiss. “Thank you for coming to me,” she whispered.

  After turning off her work lamp, she walked out of the studio ahead of Zed, afraid to see his reaction to her fanatical attraction to her clay man.

  After a hearty breakfast of pancakes, bacon and a side of fried eggs, Mia kissed Zed goodbye outside of her apartment building.

  “I’m sorry I can’t spend more time with you today,” Zed said.

  “Not a problem. You need to get some sleep before going to work tonight,” she said.

  “I’d invite you to join me for naptime, but I know I wouldn’t spend the time sleeping.”

  “I’ll see you at my place when you finish working, tonight,” she promised him.

  “It’s going to be late,” he warned.

  “I don’t keep regular hours. It’s not a problem,” she said.

  He pulled her hard against his body and covered her lips with his. His tongue delved into her mouth and swept the interior. Her hormones awoke to the passion in his kiss and sent her pulse racing. She groaned and pushed her hands against his chest.

  He took a step back. “Problem?” he asked, grinning.

  “Yes, but only if you don’t fulfil the promise of that kiss by coming back to my place later,” she said.

  “I’ll be here,” he said.

  “I’ll be waiting,” she said. “Now leave so you can get some sleep. I promise you’ll need all the energy you can get for tonight.”

  This time he groaned. “How do you expect me to sleep now with those thoughts going through my head?”

  “A little self-loving should help. Now go!” she said, shoving him away with her hands on his back.

  When his SUV was out of sight, Mia turned to walk into her apartment building, but instead her feet took her to her car. She climbed in, knowing she was going back to the studio to Adam. Even though he was complete, and there was nothing left to do. She felt driven to see him again.

  Adam heard Mia’s key in the lock and the swoosh of the studio door as it swept open.

  But he couldn’t move his head. He couldn’t move anything. He didn’t understand. She’d finished his face, and he could see clearly with the eyes she’d crafted for him. She’d even kissed him before she left. There didn’t seem to be anything left to do. Why wasn’t he animated?

  The lamp next to him clicked on a moment b
efore she walked into his line of sight and lifted off his plastic cover. Her hair was long and curled over her shoulders down to her breasts. She’d changed clothes, and he was disappointed to see she was now wearing a bra under her t-shirt. But she’d left her legs bare in a short pair of denim cut-offs. She was as beautiful as the goddess of love, but he wouldn’t tell his mother that.

  If only she would touch him again. He loved the feel of her strong, soft hands gliding across his body, moulding his muscles. When she’d pressed her lips to his, his heart had swelled.

  Well, his figurative heart since he physically hadn’t manifested a heart yet. He wished he knew how he could end this limbo state and become fully human.

  She stared at him, but he couldn’t hear her thoughts anymore. That ability had ended when he’d been granted permission to come to earth.

  Kiss me, again, Mia.

  She drew closer and brushed her mouth over his. He desperately wanted to reach out to hold her to him, but his arms were immobile.

  She took a step away from him, but didn’t break eye contact. “I think I’ve finally gone over the edge,” she said. “I’ve fallen in love with a clay statue. It doesn’t make any sense, but I love you.” Her fingers gently skimmed down his cheek. “I love you, Adam.”

  Adam’s skin burned, and his heart raced erratically. And this time it was a literal heart pounding in his chest. He sent a message to his arm to move, and it did. He grinned as he raised his hands to watch his fingers wiggle.

  “Oh, my God!” Mia gasped, backing against the far wall.

  His eyes jerked up to meet Mia’s stare. “Hhhh…” He cleared his throat. “Hello,” he said. His new voice sounded strange to his own ears.

  She looked terrified with wild eyes, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

  “It is okay, Mia,” he said. “You are okay.”

  “I’m so not okay,” she said in a shaky voice. “I’ve definitely fallen off the cliff into madness. They’re going to lock me up now, for sure. I’ll be lucky if they ever let me touch a sculpting tool again. Hallucinations that are this serious require heavy-duty drugs.”


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