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by Sturgis, Matthew;

  and the Queensberry libel trial 547–8

  Insull, Samuel 296


  1848 uprising 10

  ancient Celts 7, 16, 24–5

  Anglo-Irish Protestants 5, 53

  Bray properties 1, 15, 87, 88, 92, 94, 118, 124, 128–9, 135

  Catholics 5, 52–3

  Church of 6, 52

  Clonfeacle 87, 135

  Clonfin 84, 94, 117

  Famine 8–9

  Illaunroe 87, 92–3, 130

  OW lecturing in 303

  OW’s visits/holidays while at Oxford 74–5, 84, 92–4, 116–18, 129–31

  Wilde family holidays in 14–16

  Young Ireland movement 9–10

  see also Dublin; Moytura; Portora Royal School

  Irish Home Rule 358–9, 360, 382

  ‘Bloody Sunday’ 360, 362, 408

  Irish language 24

  Irish nationalism 136–7

  and OW’s American lecture tour 239–40, 244

  Irving, H.B. 340–1

  Irving, Henry 71, 96, 131, 137, 141, 159, 162, 177, 182, 287, 385, 412, 453

  and OW’s Vera 169

  and Ruskin 153

  Isaacson, Lieutenant-Colonel H.B. 602, 603, 608

  Italian Renaissance, Ruskin’s Oxford lectures on the 65–6, 72

  Italy 72–4, 101–3

  Capri 655–6

  Florence 72, 73–4, 502, 503–4, 666

  Genoa 101–2, 103, 695–6

  Ravenna 114, 117

  Rome 106–9, 702–3

  Sicily 668–9

  see also Naples

  Ives, George 490–1, 495, 519, 526

  Jackson, Charles Kains 491, 525

  Jackson, Kains 502

  Jacob, Arthur 22

  Jacomb-Hood, George 364, 369–70

  James, Henry 141, 221–3, 246, 357, 374, 405, 443–4

  The Turn of the Screw 693

  James I, King 19

  Guy Domville 532, 533

  James, Jesse 249

  Jansen, Marie 267

  Japan 256–7

  Jarry, Alfred 682

  Jecks, Clara 241

  Jeune, Mrs 342, 351–2, 353, 355

  John, Augustus 698

  Johnson, Lionel 392, 407, 419, 469, 470, 471

  Jones, A.H. 477

  The Dancing Girl 458

  Jones, Arthur 149

  Jones, Arthur Henry 423

  Jones, Cholmley 76

  Jopling, Mrs 444, 445, 466

  Josephus 435

  Jowett, Benjamin 64, 65, 83

  Julian, Philippe, Oscar Wilde 431

  Julius II, Pope 107

  Kearley, ex-police inspector 546, 547, 580, 581, 592

  Keats, John 45, 46, 47–8, 56, 110, 142, 150, 333, 335, 610

  and Chatterton 337

  grave 107

  and OW’s American lecture tour 207, 217

  OW’s sonnet on 113

  relics of in America 238

  Kelly, James Edward 211–12, 226, 294, 296

  Kernahan, Coulson 413, 417, 430, 442, 445, 590

  Kingsford, Anna 383

  Kipling, Alice 179

  Kitchener, Herbert 496

  Knapp, John 656

  Knight, Joe 242

  Kottabos (college literary magazine) 48, 76, 84

  Kraemer, Lotten von 13–14, 17, 25, 49, 76

  Kropotkin, Prince 619

  La Jeunesse, Ernest 690, 691–2, 705–6, 707

  la Purée, Bibi 429

  La Révolté 433

  La Sainte Courtisane (Wilde) 493, 498, 567, 593, 699

  La Terrière, Bulmer de Sales 61, 89

  Labouchère, Henriette 266, 291

  Labouchère, Henry 189, 196, 229, 291, 340, 597

  ‘Lady Alroy’ (Wilde) 348

  Lady Windermere’s Fan (formerly A Good Woman) 423–5, 426, 439–41, 450, 452, 453, 456, 457, 458, 478, 479, 518, 534, 633, 701–2

  American rights to 425, 451

  in book form 482, 493

  British touring rights to 498

  and Brookfield’s The Poet and the Puppets 447–8

  earnings from 466–7, 473, 499

  first night 443–4

  and green carnations 442–3, 446

  plans for French debut 427–8, 451

  revival of 538

  Lady’s Pictorial 309, 366

  Lady’s World see Woman’s World magazine

  Lake District 304

  Lamartine, Alphonse 11

  Lamb, Charles 372

  Lamb, Edward 293

  Lane, John 438, 451, 468, 475, 482, 489, 500, 504, 564, 594, 686

  Lang, Andrew 334, 388

  Langtry, Lillie 110–11, 136, 141–2, 145–6, 147, 148–50, 152, 153, 154, 159, 163, 181, 182, 191, 235, 292, 311, 443, 640

  and OW’s Poems 185

  and OW’s ‘The New Helen’ 146, 149

  theatrical debut 195–6

  in the United States 265–6, 291, 303

  and Whistler 177, 179

  Lankester, Ray 371, 571

  Lawrence, George 164

  Lawrence, Henry Buxton 74

  Lazarus, Emma, ‘The New Colossus’ 211

  Le Figaro 437

  Le Gallienne, Richard 370–1, 383, 441, 442, 475

  Le Gaulois 437

  Le Rouge, Gustave 690

  Leadville, Colorado, OW lectures in 247–9, 285

  Leadville Daily Herald 248

  Leblanc, Georgette 676

  L’Echo de Paris 433, 437

  Leland, Charles G. 141, 164, 214

  Lenoir, Helen 193, 194, 199, 246

  Leonard, Bibidie 367

  Leonardo da Vinci 82, 235

  Leopold, Prince 65, 69, 100, 136

  Leslie, Mrs Frank 202, 294, 512

  marriage to Willie Wilde 425–6, 451

  Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper 209

  Leverson, Ada 446, 482, 500, 521, 522, 537, 543, 545, 557, 560

  and OW in exile 657, 669, 689, 699

  and OW’s release from prison 627, 628, 629

  and OW’s trial 565, 567, 579

  Leverson, Ernest 543, 579, 580, 582, 619, 621, 622, 659

  and OW’s release from prison 627, 628

  Leverson, Violet 579

  Levy, Amy 353

  Levy, Edwin 151, 234, 256, 271, 452

  Lewis, George 159, 170, 180, 189, 191, 287, 368, 382, 390, 443, 452, 491, 495

  and the blackmail of OW 474

  and OW’s American lecture tour 192–3, 194, 218, 220

  and OW’s case against Queensberry 541, 542, 560

  and OW’s imprisonment 595

  and OW’s trial 566, 579

  and Queensberry’s campaign against OW 508, 510, 523

  Lewis, Mrs 205, 232, 233


  and Irish Home Rule 358–9, 360, 409

  and OW’s trial 559–60

  Liddell, Mrs 100

  Liebich, Frank 414

  Life (society paper) 171

  Lincoln, Nebraska, OW visits 249–50

  Lindsay, Sir Coutts 110

  Linton, Mrs Lynn 674

  Lippincott, Craige 396

  Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine 386–8, 417

  The Picture of Dorian Gray in 398–403, 417

  Littlechild, private investigator 546, 547, 548

  Lloyd, Constance see Wilde, Constance (formerly Lloyd)

  Lloyd, Horatio 176, 300–1, 306, 312

  Lloyd, Otho 130, 175, 287, 288, 299, 300, 368, 467, 593

  Lock, George 404

  Locke, Charles E. 241, 243, 247

  Lockwood, Sir Frank 559–60, 575, 579, 581–2, 583


  Albemarle Club 539–40

  Beaumont Trust Fund 331

  Birkbeck Literary and Scientific Institution 337–8

  Charles Street lodgings 191, 286–7, 311

  Cleveland Street scandal 389–90, 459–60, 502

  Grosvenor Gallery review 109–10, 113–15, 121, 143, 17
7, 277

  Hotel Albemarle 440, 442, 476, 491, 533, 562

  Hotel Avondale 536, 540

  Lyceum Theatre 131, 137–8, 141, 153

  OW in St James’s Place 490

  OW’s election to St Stephen’s Club 101

  OW’s visits to

  in childhood 54–5

  while at Oxford 91, 96, 109–11

  police raid on Fitzroy Street house 518

  Royal Academy Schools 288–9

  Salisbury Street lodgings 136, 164

  Savile Club 357, 400

  Savoy Hotel, OW and Douglas at the 473–6

  Thirteen Club 497

  Tite Street (Keat’s House) 140, 164–5, 182

  banishment from 190–1

  Tite Street (OW’s marital home) 305–6, 311, 316–20, 321, 375, 440, 496, 566

  burglary 426

  sale of effects from 567

  Wilde family move to 130–1, 135–7

  The London Cuckoo 173

  ‘London Models’ (Wilde) 379

  London Standard 445

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 223, 224–5, 268

  Hiawatha 14

  Lonsdale, Lady 171, 196

  Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime and Other Stories (Wilde) 418

  ‘Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime’ (Wilde) 347–8

  Loring, Edward G. 221

  Loring, Harriet 222

  Lormel, Louis 595

  Lorrain, Jean 429, 435, 706

  Louis of Battenberg, Prince 149

  Louise, Princess 136, 350

  Louisville, Kentucky, OW lectures in 237

  Louÿs, Pierre 430, 432, 433, 437, 447, 450, 456, 475, 476, 561, 675

  and OW’s relationship with Douglas 484, 485

  and OW’s trial 565

  ‘Love is Law’ (Wilde) 640, 689, 696–7, 700, 701, 705, 707, 708–9

  Lowell, James Russell 194

  Lowther, Aimée 385, 489, 706, 707

  Lugné-Poe, Aurélien 605, 630–1, 639

  Luini, Bernadino 73

  Lysippus 107

  Lytton, Emily 428

  Lytton, Lord 428

  Macaulay, Lord, History of England 8

  MacCarthy, Denis Florence 14, 638

  New Year Song 638

  McCarthy, Justin 137, 359

  McDowell, J. 35, 36

  McDowell, Robert 35, 37

  McIlvaine, Clarence 404–5, 418, 433

  Mack, Mrs John 209

  Mackaye, Steele 248, 263–4, 265, 266, 267, 286, 295

  Mackenzie, Ross 254

  Mackmurdo, Arthur 337

  Macmillan, George 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 144, 345, 357, 359, 363

  Macmillan, Maurice 397

  MacPherson, James 4

  Maeterlinck, Count Maurice 676

  L’Intruse (The Intruder) 436

  Princess Maleine 426, 436

  Magazine of Art 356

  Mahaffy, Professor John Pentland 39–40, 41, 42–3, 46–7, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 64, 85, 88, 110, 128, 331, 359

  in Italy 72

  OW accompanies on tour of Greece 102–6

  and OW’s rustication 112

  Rambles and Studies in Greece 92

  Social Life in Ancient Greece 55–7, 82

  Major, Lilian 175

  Mallarmé, Stéphane 178, 416, 428–9, 431–2, 433, 434, 675

  Mander, Theodore 304

  Manning, Cardinal Henry 80, 91, 92

  Manning, Pentonville Prison governor 592

  Mansfield, Richard 498, 504

  Marbury, Elisabeth 451, 493, 503, 660, 669

  Mariller, Harry 152, 332–3, 334, 335–7, 339, 345, 520

  Markower, Stanley 657

  Martin, Thomas 618, 619, 630, 631, 637

  Martin, Violet 352–3, 401

  Mathews, Elkin 438, 451, 468, 475, 482

  Mathews, Willie 543, 557

  Maturin, Charles 13, 618

  Melmoth the Wanderer 9, 30, 498

  Maturin, Father Basil 214, 217

  Maurice, Dr Oliver 603, 607, 609

  Mavor, Sydney 462, 463

  and OW’s trial 562–3, 568, 569, 573

  and Queensberry’s libel trial 546, 547, 548, 553

  Maxse, Mrs Cissie 156

  Maxse, Violet 156, 505

  Maxwell, Willie 394

  May, Arthur 96

  Meineke, Auguste, Fragments of the Greek Comic Poets 53–4, 55

  Meinhold, Wilhelm, Sidonia the Sorceress 11, 29–30

  Mellor, Harold 693–4, 695, 702, 704, 706, 707

  Melvill, Harry 341, 371

  Mendès, Catulle 395, 429, 432

  Mercure de France 596, 676

  Meredith, George 405, 465–6

  Merrill, Stuart 404–5, 429, 430, 431, 432, 447, 565, 604, 682, 691, 706

  Merrion Square, Dublin 53, 84, 115–16

  and OW at Trinity College Dublin 36, 38, 41, 49–50, 51–2

  OW’s childhood home at 12–14, 17–18

  sale of 131, 137

  and Sir William Wilde’s death 86–7, 88

  Miles, Canon 92, 189

  Miles, Frank 71–2, 74, 75, 90, 94, 95, 100, 109, 110, 129, 277

  holidays in Ireland with OW 92–3

  and Lillie Langtry 149, 192

  sketch of 111

  London house 306

  ‘An Ocean Wave’ 146

  and OW in London 136, 140, 141, 157, 177, 179, 181

  banishment from Keats House 190–1

  move to Tite Street 164–5

  OW visits family home of 91–2

  Miles, John C. 248

  Millais, Sir John Everett 90, 110, 111, 113, 153, 286

  Millard, Christopher 718

  Miller, Joaquin 209–10, 211, 228

  Mills, Townsend 51, 54

  Milner, Alfred 71, 83, 124, 314, 326

  Milton, John, Paradise Lost 238

  Milwaukee, OW lectures in 238

  Mirabeau, Octave 675

  Mirbeau, Octave 595

  Mitchell, Peters Chalmers 707

  Modjeska, Helena 157, 169

  Moffett, Rev. Benjamin 35

  Molesworth, Mrs 334

  Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald 361

  Mommsen, Theodore, History of Rome 591

  Montefiore, Charlotte 157

  Montefiore, Leonard 71, 83, 151, 157

  Montesquiou, Count Robert de 279, 310, 429

  Montgomery, Alfred 508, 524, 555

  Month journal 84

  Moore, Augustus M. 127

  Moore Hall 24

  Moore, Kate 275–6

  Moore, Tom 14

  Moréas, Jean 416, 432, 433, 434, 690

  Moreau, Gustave 310

  Morrell, Harry 503

  Morrell, Mr and Mrs Herbert 125

  Morris, Clara 195, 212–13, 251–2

  Morris, Jane 185

  Morris, William 53, 73, 75, 122, 142, 161, 337, 380, 493

  Coach House 362

  Commonweal 360, 408

  The Earthly Paradise 45

  interior decoration 97–8

  meeting with OW 180

  and OW’s American lecture tour 234

  and OW’s Poems 185, 186, 188

  Red House 97

  Morrison, Lewis 293

  Morrison, Rev. W.D., prison chaplain 593, 598, 599

  Morse, Colonel W.F.

  and OW’s American lecture tour 193, 199–200, 201–6, 207, 208, 211, 219–20, 226, 228, 233, 239, 241, 249, 256, 257–8, 259

  and OW’s British lecture tour 289, 291–2

  Moulton, Louise Chandler 404

  Mount Temple, Lady 426, 458, 467, 468, 470, 533

  Moytura 53, 84, 369, 694

  childhood holidays at 16, 24–5, 35, 43

  OW’s holidays while at Oxford 74–5, 92

  and Sir William Wilde’s death 87

  Mrs Arbuthnot see A Woman of No Importance (formerly Mrs Arbuthnot (Wilde)

  Muir, Joseph 118

  Müller, Friedrich Max 64–5

  Müller, K.O. 56
  Munro, George 218

  Munthe, Axel 656

  Murray, George Gilbert 106

  The Musician 654, 660

  Musset, Alfred de 278

  Mycenae 104

  Napier, Eliza 545

  Napier, Mary 469


  Museo Nazionale 657–8, 666

  OW’s exile in 665–70, 686

  with Douglas 647, 648, 649–64

  OW’s sexual adventures in 658–9

  Posillipo villa 653–64

  The Nation newspaper 9–10, 11

  National Art Exhibition 358

  National Association 17

  National Observer 564

  National Review 28

  National Vigilance Society 403

  Nelson, Major James O. 608, 609–10, 623, 624, 630, 669, 674, 697

  Nethersole, Louis 700, 708–9

  Nethersole, Olga 700

  Nettleship, Adeline 305

  Neville-Rolfe, Eustace 655

  New Review 409, 654

  New York

  Lambs Club 264

  and OW’s lecture tour 199–213, 230–1, 253, 254, 256, 267

  theatrical schemes 262–8

  premiere of Vera in 292–6

  theatres 264

  New York Herald 412

  on OW’s American lectures 209, 213, 227

  on Vera 294

  New York Journal 669

  New York Mirror 295

  New York Times 187, 295, 678

  review of the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 401–2

  New York Tribune 412

  on OW’s American lectures 204, 205, 209, 227, 235, 268

  on Vera 294

  New York World 293

  Newbolt, Henry 188

  Newcastle, Duke of 344, 366, 404, 420, 495, 684

  Newdigate Prize for poetry 116–17, 127–8, 129, 155, 170, 318

  Newman, Cardinal Henry 15, 85, 92

  Apologia 591, 597

  Newport, Rhode Island, OW lectures at 258, 259

  Nicholson, John Gambril, Love in Earnest 519

  Nicholson, William 640

  Nicolson, Dr 608

  Nielson, Julia 527

  ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ (Wilde) 348, 365

  Niles, Thomas 364

  Nilsson, Christina 163

  Nineteenth Century 113, 143, 351, 373, 379, 380, 397

  Nittis, Giuseppe de 276, 284

  OW’s essay on ‘Shakespeare and Stage Costume’ 329–30

  Noble, Rev. William 25

  Nogent-sur-Marne 683, 687–8

  Norfolk, OW and Constance Wilde in Felbrigg 456, 458–9

  Norton, Charles Eliot 223

  Norton, Eliot 223–4

  Nutt, David 363

  O’Brien, Kevin, Oscar Wilde in Canada 234

  O’Brien, Smith 17

  O’Brien, William 359

  O’Connell, Daniel 75

  O’Connor, T.P. 362

  Olivecrona, Rosalie 22

  Olympia 104

  Orde, Charlie 145

  O’Reilly, John Boyle 223, 244, 262

  Ormond, G.H. 118

  Osborne, Bernal 181–2

  Osgood, J.R. 405, 418, 433

  O’Shea, Kitty 409

  the ‘Osquiths’ 420–1


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