Ossian 4, 5, 14, 130
O’Sullivan, Vincent 642, 648, 667, 669, 688, 691, 706
Ouida (Maria Louisa Ramé) 351–2, 428, 444
Our Continent (American journal) 196, 202, 214, 217, 257
Ouroussof, Princess 433–4
North Oxford and the Aesthetics 97
St Aloysius Catholic church 79–80
Victorian Theatre 68
Oxford and Cambridge Undergraduates’ Journal 128
Oxford University 53–4, 57
the Ephemeral periodical 483–4
Magdalen College 54, 61–4, 69
and the ‘new culture’ 525–6
OW at 61–132
academic efforts 85–6
appearance and clothes 62, 67, 68, 79
chancellor’s essay prize 132
commemoration week 88–9
degree awarded 129, 132
entertaining 75–6, 79, 89
examinations 66, 88, 91, 95, 100, 126–7, 128, 129
fellowship attempt 129, 132, 151–2
financial worries 94–5
fourth year 118–28
Freemasonry 69–70, 78, 79, 84, 95
friendships 65, 71–2, 78–9, 90
fun-loving diversions 67–9, 77
Hinksey Road ‘diggings’ 66, 70, 71
money troubles 67
and Pater 81–4
poetic achievements 84–5
rooms 62, 75–6, 98, 121, 132
rowing 63
and Ruskin 65–6, 70–1
rustication 109, 112
scholarship 54–5
subverting authority 100–1
and OW in London 144–5
OW reviews student production 332
and OW’s Poems 187–9
The Spirit Lamp magazine 467, 471, 472, 479, 483, 525–6
sports and games 68
tutorials 64
Union 53, 188–9
wider intellectual life of 64–6
‘Young Oxford’ set 67
Oxford University Gazette 54, 116–17
Paget, Violet (‘Vernon Lee’) 503–4
Pall Mall Gazette 229, 259, 314, 360, 433, 445, 521, 542
on the Ballad of Reading Gaol 674
on OW’s death 715
OW’s reviews and articles 323–8, 330, 340, 359–60
on ‘the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 399–400
Palmer, Edwin 330
Palmer family 465
Palmer, Walter 402, 545
PAN (satirical weekly) 165
Panizzardi, Alessandro 677–8
Pape, Edward 507
Calisaya American Bar 690, 691
Exposition Universelle 704, 705–6, 710
the Louvre 277
OW’s exile in 670, 673–85, 686–92, 698–702, 703–15
OW’s honeymoon in 308–11
OW’s visits to 170, 415–17, 426, 427–37, 447
literary life 272–85, 427–37
with mother and brother 26–7, 55
Père Lachaise cemetery 711, 718
production of Salomé 605, 619
Symbolist movement 415–16, 431–2, 433, 434, 436
Parker, Charlie 473, 490, 518, 546, 553, 557, 580
and OW’s trial 562, 568, 571, 572, 581, 583
Parker, William 473, 553, 580
and OW’s trial 562, 568
Parnell, Charles Stewart 358, 382, 409, 410–11, 426
Parratt, Walter 76, 164
Parry, Hubert 422–3
Partridge, Bernard 341
Pater, Walter 81–4, 109, 114–15, 118–19, 128, 143, 144–5, 175, 178, 250, 392, 624
death 511–12
Marius 417
and Ouida 352
and OW’s American lecture tour 208
and the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 417, 418
Studies in the History of the Renaissance 81–2, 119, 356, 394, 401, 591, 597
Paton, W.R. 651
Pattison, Mark 119
Peck, Jacques 150, 151
Peel, Willy 428
Pember, Phoebe 210
‘Pen, Pencil and Poison’ (Wilde) 372–3, 379, 398, 418
Pendleton, Senator and Mrs George 221
Pennell, Joseph 219, 567
Pennington, Harper 177, 318, 379
Pentonville Prison 587–92, 624, 625
books in 590, 591
conditions in 588–90
OW’s reception at 588–9
punishments 588
visit from Robert Haldane 590–2
Perrin, Louis 54
Perzel, William 265, 295
Pharaoh 665
Philadelphia, OW lectures in 209, 213, 214–18, 253–4, 267
Phillips, Wendell 224, 238–9
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde) 393–6, 405, 406–7, 424, 442, 458, 466, 666, 690
book version 404, 406, 413–14, 416–18
and Douglas 419, 420
and John Gray 406–7
in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine 398–403
and Mallarmé 428, 429, 433
and OW’s trial 570
press coverage of 399–402, 401, 421
and the Queensberry libel trial 544, 545–6, 551
Pigott, E.F.S. 169, 447, 454–5
Pigott, Richard 382, 575
Pinero, Arthur Wing 423
Pissarro, Lucien 415, 564
Pissarro, Camille 276
Plato 64, 65, 83, 103, 104, 120, 338, 340, 435
Republic 66
and Socratic dialogue 373
Symposium 56, 388
Plunkett, David 101
Poe, Edgar Allan 30, 55, 223, 279, 323, 505
‘The Raven’ 266, 282
poetry 84–5, 380
influences on OW at Trinity College Dublin 43–5, 46–8
OW’s love of 30
OW’s poems 33–4, 98, 131–2
‘Ave Imperatrix’ 165, 187, 258, 292
‘The Burden of Itys’ 142, 186
‘Charmides’ 142, 186, 189, 193
‘Conqueror of Time’ 144
‘The Dole of the King’s Daughter’ 75
‘The Garden of Eros’ 142, 318, 320
in Greece 103, 104
‘The Harlot’s House’ 282
‘Hélas’ 184
‘Humanitad’ 147–8
‘Impression de Matin’ 178
‘Impressions’ 274
in Italy 74
‘Les Silhouettes’ 185
‘Libertatis Sacra Fames’ 165
and the literary world 112–13
‘Love Song’ 93
‘The New Helen’ 146, 149
‘On the Grave of Keats’ 113
‘Poem on England’ 165
Poems 183–90, 192, 199, 211, 212, 216, 218, 275, 276, 363–4, 370, 404, 438–9, 452, 453
publication of 127
‘Ravenna’ (Newdigate Prize poem) 117, 127–8, 151, 155
‘Recent Massacre of Christians in Bulgaria’ 113
‘Requiescat’ 237, 317
‘Rome Unvisited’ 85
‘The Rose of Love and With a Rose’s Thorns’ 84, 85
‘Roses and Rue’ 149
‘San Miniato’ 73, 80, 84–5
‘Sonnet written in Holy Week at Genoa’ 102
‘The Sphinx’ 55, 282, 283, 453, 504–5
‘Spring Days to Winter’ 85
‘Symphonie en jaune’ 274
translation of ‘Chorus of Cloud Maidens’ 70, 76
‘Tristitiae’ 85
‘The True Knowledge’ 85
‘Urbs Sacra Aeterna’ 115
‘Ye Shall be Gods’ 47
see also The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Rodd’s Rose Leaf and Apple Tree 250–1, 262
Swinburne 43–4
Symonds’ Studies of the Greek Poets 46–7
see also Swinburne, Algernon
Pollitt, Jerome 690
ock, Walter 380
Polycrates 691
Ponsonby, Spencer 455
Portora Royal School 19–22, 23, 27–36, 37
and OW at Trinity College Dublin 38, 42
and OW’s imprisonment 590
sports and games at 21, 28, 30
‘The Portrait of Mr. H.W.’ (Wilde) 381–2, 384–5, 387, 394, 404, 422, 593–4
and OW’s trial 570
see also The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde)
Powell, Frederick York 580
Powell, York 603
Poynter, Edward 610
Pratz, Claire de 712
Pre-Raphaelites 45–6, 65, 75, 80, 84, 110
and interior decoration 96–8
and OW in London 158–9, 179–81
and OW’s American lecture tour 207
and Whistler 177–8
see also Aestheticism
Prescott, Marie 265, 274, 293, 294, 295
Proust, Marcel 431
Public Ledger 214, 215
Punch 136, 188, 456
OW parodied in 160–2, 164, 173–4, 500
on OW’s American lecture tour 210
on OW’s Poems 185–6
on OW’s Vera 297
Purser, Louis Claude 32–3, 35–6, 37, 49, 50
Quain, John 118, 128–9
Queensberry, Lady 464, 492, 502, 542, 543
and Lord Queensberry’s campaign against OW 508
and OW’s exile 636, 651, 659, 663, 667–8, 680
Queensberry, Marquess of (The ‘Scarlet Marquess’) 419, 464–5, 476, 494–5
attempted reconciliation with son 689
campaign against OW 505–6, 507–11, 522, 523, 533, 536, 536–8
card at the Albemarle Club 539–40
death 701
divorce 502
and Drumlanrig’s death 524–5
letters about OW 501–2, 507, 542–3, 555–6, 559–60
libel trial 540–8, 549–58, 560, 569, 572
and OW’s exile in France 635, 636
and OW’s imprisonment 592, 593, 594
and OW’s trial 563, 564, 566, 576, 577, 580, 581
Quilter, Harry 322, 328
Racine, Jean
OW lectures in 238, 239
Phédre 146
Raffalovich, Marc-André 340, 341–2, 385, 475
Rambosson, Yvanhoe 433
Ransome, Arthur, Oscar Wilde: A Critical Study 201, 718–19
Rational Dress Society 362
Raynaud, Ernest 433
Reade, Charles 155, 158
It’s Never Too Late to Change 195–6
Reading Prison 602–24
children in 623
conditions 602–3
execution of Wooldridge 608, 637–8
governor 602, 603
OW’s health in 606–8, 609–10
OW’s release from 623–4
OW’s transfer to 600, 601
warders 610–12, 618
see also The Ballad of Reading Gaol
Régnier, Henri de 416, 430, 432, 434, 484, 503, 595, 675
Rehan, Ada 696, 697, 701, 705, 710
Reid, Sir Robert 559–60
Reid, Wemyss 350, 355, 366
Reid, Whitelaw 227, 346
Reinhardt, Max 717
Oxford University 64–5, 79–80, 126, 132
see also Catholicism
‘The Remarkable Rocket’ (Wilde) 348, 365
Renaissance art
Pater on 81–2
Ruskin’s Oxford lectures on 65–6, 72
Renan, Ernest, La Vie de Jésus 410, 610
Renaud, Jean-Joseph 640
Reni, Guido ‘Sebastian’ 102, 103, 107, 618
Retté, Adolphe 432, 434, 675
Reul, Paul de 150–1
Reul, Xavier de 150–1
Review of Reviews 525
Revue Blanche 595, 613, 676
Reynolds, Joshua 80, 306
Reynold’s Newspaper, on the Ballad of Reading Gaol 673
Rhymers Club 407, 414, 415
RIA (Royal Irish Academy) 4, 7, 8, 13, 54
Richards, Frances 393
Richmond, William Blake 143, 181
‘Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon’ 114
and OW’s Poems 185
Ricketts, Charles 388–9, 391–2, 406, 414, 423, 439, 440, 452, 454, 482–3, 504, 539, 618, 646
Ridgeway, William 50
Rimbaud, Arthur 280, 432
Roberts, Arthur 448
Roberts, Sir Randall 368
Robertson, Charles Gray 346
Robertson, Graham 401, 442–3, 454
Robertson, W. Graham 340, 341, 342
Robins, Elizabeth 367–8, 386, 425
Robinson, Mrs (the ‘Sybil of Mortimer Street’) 511, 534, 545, 560
Rocco, G.G. 657, 666
Rochefoucauld, François, Duc de, Maxims 492
Rochester, Earl of 90
Rochester (New York state), OW’s lecture (‘Decorative Arts’) 235
Rodd, Rennell 145, 150, 153, 164, 177, 191, 196, 229
and OW’s Poems 187
Rose Leaf and Apple Tree 250–1, 262, 272, 279
Songs of the South 217
Rodin, Auguste 682, 706
Rollinat, Maurice 281
Rome 106–9, 702–3
Roosevelt, Robert B. 209, 259
Rosebery, Lord 495, 509, 524–5, 555, 556, 559, 575, 592
Ross, Alec 357, 364–5, 710
Ross, Robert (Robbie) 201, 338–40, 342, 357, 373, 375, 380, 382, 410, 475, 491, 495
and the Ballad of Reading Gaol 659, 660, 661
and Beardsley 482
and Constance Wilde 469
and De Profundis 617–18
on The Importance of Being Earnest 686–7
and OW in Rome 702–3
and OW’s death 713, 714, 715
and OW’s exile
final illness 709–10, 710–11, 711–12
in France 631–2, 634, 635, 636, 642, 645, 647–8, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685, 686, 689, 693, 696
in Naples 650–1, 654, 655, 656, 658, 659, 662, 664, 668
and OW’s financial settlement from Constance 622
and OW’s imprisonment 592, 601, 605–6, 607, 613, 620, 621
and OW’s literary reputation 717–18
and OW’s release from prison 628–31
and OW’s trial 561, 565, 567
and Queensberry
campaign against OW 508–9
libel trial 540–1, 557
on ‘the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 398–9
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 45–6, 47, 53, 55, 73, 97, 122, 142, 158, 161, 188, 337, 380, 590
and OW in London 181
and OW’s Poems 185, 186
Whistler on 178
Rossetti, William Michael 113, 141
Rossi, Cesare 666
Rothenstein, William 431, 481, 567
and OW’s exile in France 633, 634, 641, 648, 674, 684, 698, 706
Rothschild, Constance de 456
Routledge’s Christmas Annual 157
Rubinstein, Anton 109
Ruggles-Brise, Evelyn 592, 598, 604, 607, 608
Ruskin, John 70–1, 81, 113–14, 117, 123, 322, 365, 431
The King of the Golden River 334
and Ouida 352
and OW in London 143, 153
and OW’s American lecture tour 234, 250, 251
Oxford lectures 65–6, 72, 80, 119–20
The Stones of Venice 82
Russell, Charles 542, 546, 547, 559
St James Gazette 400, 401, 402, 403, 553
St Louis, OW lectures in 237–8, 239–40
Saintsbury, George 328
Sala, George Augustus 241
Salomé (Wilde) 434–7, 438, 447, 453–4, 458, 468, 469, 471–2, 482, 538, 566
Beardsley’s illustrations 482, 494, 499–500
Beardsley’s translation of 493
Douglas’s translation of 488, 489–
90, 493–4
Italian text 657, 666
Paris production of 605, 619, 630, 639, 676
set designs for 539
Strauss’s opera of 717–18
Saltus, Edgar 213, 349, 361, 435
Sambourne, Linley 173–4
San Francisco, OW lectures in 241, 242, 243–7
San Francisco Chronicle 244
Sand, George 328
Sandhurst, Lady 362
‘A Woman’s Work in Politics’ 360
Sargent, John Singer 276, 277, 308
Sargent, John Young 64
Sarony, Napoleon, photographs of OW 202–3, 211, 230, 231, 233
Sarrazin, Gabriel 395
Saturday Review 236, 364–5, 526, 532, 537, 619, 674, 692
the Savoy 641–2
Sayce, A.H. 54, 144, 152
Scarfe, Ernest 553
Scheffer, Robert 682
Schliemann, Heinrich 106
Schopenhauer, A. 310
Schuster, Adela 580, 582, 610, 617, 619, 621, 622–3, 703
Schwabe, Maurice 453, 459–60, 462, 468, 473, 475, 546, 555, 568, 575
Schwabe, Mrs Salis 438
Schwartzkoppen, Colonel von 677–8
Schwob, Marcel 429, 430, 431, 433, 469, 504, 675
Scots Observer 384, 400–1
Scott, Clement 445
Scott, Walter 29, 335
Scott, William Bell 158
Sebright, Lady 110, 111
Sedger, Horace 689, 695, 696
Seeney, Michael 717
‘The Selfish Giant’ (Wilde) 365, 433
Sellick, ‘Hungry Joe’ 268
Seton, Lady 368
Shadwell, Lancelot 77
Shairp, John Campbell 127
Shakespeare, William 30, 188, 273, 437, 693
As You Like It 266, 353
Henry IV, Part 1 332
Macbeth 309
The Merchant of Venice 147, 153
sonnets 348, 381
Twelfth Night 332
Shannon, Charles 388–9, 391–2, 406, 423, 432–3, 482–3, 539
Shaw, George Bernard 260–1, 328, 455, 532, 537
and OW’s imprisonment 603
and Queensberry accused of criminal libel 545, 547
Shelley, Edward 441–2, 475, 502–3
and OW’s trial 562, 568, 569, 573, 576, 581–2, 583
and Queenberry’s libel trial 546, 547, 552, 555
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 56, 107, 113, 150, 333, 357
The Cenci 273
Sherard, Robert 3, 277–80, 281, 282–4, 308–9, 408–9, 416, 429, 431
and Gray’s break with OW 474–5
The Life of Oscar Wilde 718
Oscar Wilde: The Story of an Unhappy Friendship 718
and OW’s exile 645, 651, 679, 682, 700–1
and OW’s imprisonment 576, 594–5, 596, 597, 599, 606, 607
and OW’s trial 565, 577, 578
Sheridan, Richard, School for Scandal 445, 493, 513
Shrewsbury, Lord 149
Shrimpton’s booksellers 127
Shuster, Adela 493
Sibleigh, Charles 691
Sicily, OW visits Taormina 668–9
Sickert family 140–1, 151, 159, 303, 368–9
Oscar Page 121