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by Sturgis, Matthew;

Sickert, Helena (Nellie) 151, 249, 368–9

  Sickert, Oswald 140

  Sickert, Walter 140–1, 256–7, 276, 644

  Sidney, Philip 188

  Simmonds, Gertrude 487, 496

  Slee, Miss 151

  Smith, William, Smaller History of Greece 34

  Smithers, Leonard 641–2, 643, 645, 648, 650, 652, 654, 659, 660, 661, 662, 664, 665, 668, 669, 673, 675, 680, 681–2, 682, 686–7, 689, 696, 697, 706, 709

  Smyth, Ethel 94

  Snow, Mrs 656

  Society of Authors 357

  Socrates 56

  Solomon, Simeon 45, 115

  Somerset, Lord Arthur 390, 471, 502

  Somerville, Edith 352–3

  ‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism’ (Wilde) 410–11, 414, 430, 433, 657

  the Souls 420–1

  Southey, Robert 304

  the Speaker 433, 478–9

  The Spectator 113, 353, 364

  Speed, Mrs Emma 238

  Spencer, Countess 505

  The Spirit Lamp magazine 467, 471, 472, 479, 483

  Spottiswood, Mrs 154

  Spottiswood, Professor 136

  Stannard, Mrs 632, 643–4

  Stead, W.T. 326, 597

  Stedman, Edmund Clarence 211

  Steele, Frederick 25, 35

  Steele, Rev. William (Dr Steele) 19, 20–1, 26, 35, 36

  Stephenson, B.C. 319

  Stevens, Mrs Paran 204

  Stevenson, Robert Louis 29, 405

  The Black Arrow 374

  The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 398

  Treasure Island 356, 517

  Stewart, Mrs Duncan 287

  Stockton, Frank 334

  Stoddart, J.M. 214, 215, 217, 250, 386–8, 394

  Stoker, Bram 47, 131, 137

  Stokes, Dr William 18, 53

  Stoner, Monsignor Edmund 106

  Stopes, Charlotte 367

  Stopford, Albert 668

  Story, Waldo 177

  Strangman, Edward 633

  Strauss, Richard, Salome 717–18

  Strong, Belle 245–6

  Strong, Joseph Dwight 245, 683

  Strong, Rowland 677, 678, 684, 689

  Stuart-Wortley, Charles 71

  Stuart-Wortley, Mary 143

  Sturges, Jonathan 404–5

  Sullivan, Arthur see Gilbert, W.S.

  Sullivan, Edward 32, 35, 49, 50, 72, 96

  Sunday Special 673–4

  Sunday Times 444

  and OW’s death 715

  Sussalich, Vera 168

  Sutro, Adolph 245

  Swedenborg, Emanuel 11

  Swift, Jonathan 8

  Swinburne, Algernon 43–4, 46, 47, 53, 55, 75, 82, 91, 113, 142, 143, 158, 161, 172, 188, 380

  Atalanta in Calydon 43–4, 47

  as a critic 329

  Essays and Studies 120

  meeting with OW 180–1

  and OW’s ‘Pen, Pencil and Poison’ 372, 373

  and OW’s Poems 185, 186

  Poems and Ballads 43, 44, 47

  Poems before Sunrise 44

  Rosamund 47

  and Whitman 216

  Swinburne-King, Mrs 300

  Switzerland 694, 695, 704

  Sykes, Christopher 181

  Symonds, John Addington 54, 88, 109, 216, 253, 327, 371, 379, 471

  ‘Chimaera’ 336

  Marius the Epicurean 401

  and Ouida 352

  and OW’s Poems 185

  on the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 401

  A Problem of Greek Ethics 342

  Studies of the Greek Poets 46–7, 82–3, 99

  Studies in the Greek Poets (Second Series) 92, 93

  Symons, Arthur 406, 642, 674

  Tabor, Horace 247

  Tailhade, Laurent de 595

  Taplow Court house party 420–1

  Tavernier, Jules 245

  Taylor, Alfred 460, 462, 464, 473, 518, 547, 548, 553, 555, 588

  trial of 561–2, 563, 566, 567–74, 576, 579, 580, 581

  sentencing 583–4

  Taylor, Tom 136, 158–9, 196

  Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander 405–6, 578, 710

  Tennant, Dolly 153

  Tennant, Dorothy 274

  Tennant, Margot (later Asquith) 420, 423, 505

  Tennant, Mrs 136, 153

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 9, 30, 48, 55, 337, 380

  In Memorium 505

  The Promise of May 465, 538

  ‘The Lady Clare’ 14

  Terry, Ellen 137, 140, 147, 148, 158, 200, 365, 385, 578, 706

  and OW’s Poems 185, 187

  and OW’s Vera 169

  and Whistler 177

  Thackeray, William 29, 334

  Thaulow, Frits 632

  The Theatre magazine 137, 153

  Theocritus 46

  Theosophists 383–4

  Thirteen Club 497

  Thomas, Mathilde 150, 151

  Thomas, Maud 94

  Thorpe, Courtenay 305

  Thursfield, J.R. 77

  Tilton, Theodore 266

  Time literary magazine 143, 146

  Trinity College Dublin, Willie Wilde at 31, 36, 37, 38

  Tisdall, Dr 50

  Titian 437

  ‘Assumption of the Virgin’ 73

  Todd, Charles 99

  Todhunter, John 48

  The Torch 590

  Toronto, OW in 254

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 691, 697

  Townsend, F.H. 347

  Toynbee, Arnold 71, 83

  Tracy, Peter 254

  Travers, Mary 21–3

  Trench, Richard 84, 116

  Trevelyan, Florence 668

  Trinity College Dublin 31, 32, 36, 37–53

  and the Mary Travers case 22–3

  OW at

  academic achievements 50, 53–4

  entrance examination 37, 38

  foundation scholarship 50

  relations with other students 48–9, 51–2

  rooms in college 50–1, 52

  tutors/mentors 39–43

  ‘sport at 42–3

  ‘the Phil’ (Philosophical Debating Society) 42, 47, 49

  Willie Wilde at 31, 36, 37, 38, 41, 47, 51

  Troubridge, Laura 156, 287, 318, 330

  Troubridge, Violet 99

  ‘The True Knowledge’ 78

  Truth (journal) 165, 189, 196, 229, 291, 391, 597

  Tucker, Dr Maurice a’Court 707–8, 710, 711, 712–13

  Turner, Joseph 65, 177

  Turner, Reggie 481, 505, 523, 546, 547, 557

  and OW’s death 713, 714, 715

  and OW’s exile

  final illness 710, 712, 713

  in France 640, 642, 645, 646, 647, 647–8, 680, 683, 689, 693

  in Naples 650–1, 654, 665

  and OW’s imprisonment 592, 612, 613, 620, 621

  and OW’s release from prison 628–31

  and OW’s trial 567, 570–1

  Tyrrell, Professor Robert Yelverton 39, 40–1, 42, 43, 48, 53, 54, 64, 88

  Tyrwitt, Thomas 381

  United States

  OW’s lecture tour 192–4, 196, 199–261

  African-Americans and racial animosities 255–6

  and American ‘Indians’ 240–1

  anecdotes about 284–5

  Baltimore 209, 219–20, 223

  ‘The Beautiful’ 193

  Boston 209, 223–6

  California 241, 243–7

  Chicago 209, 235–6, 237, 238, 239

  Colorado 247–9

  ‘The Decoration of Houses’ 239

  ‘Decorative Arts’ 234–5, 236, 239, 251

  earnings and expenses 233–4, 241, 256, 267

  ‘The English Renaissance’ 205–9, 217–18, 230, 234, 250

  informal summer lectures 257–60

  interviews by journalists 200–1

  ‘Irish Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century’ 244

  Minneapolis and St Paul 239–40

  New York 199–213, 230–1, 254, 256

  Niagara Falls visit 255

  OW’s black valet 214, 234

  OW’s dress 194, 203, 206, 222, 225–6, 233–4, 258

  Philadelphia 209, 213, 214–18, 253–4, 267

  press coverage of 204, 205, 209, 227–9

  props 226–7

  reading of a ‘Lyric Poem’ 193

  St Louis 237–8, 239–40

  and sales promotions 231

  San Francisco 241, 242, 243–7

  Sarony photographs 202–3, 211, 230, 231, 233

  on Shakespeare’s poetical methods 193

  the southern states 254–6

  train journeys 218, 242–3

  Washington 218–23

  and OW’s Poems 184, 185, 187, 212

  and OW’s theatrical projects 262–8

  production of Guido Ferranti (The Duchess of Padua) 411–13

  props 226

  reviews of the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 401–2

  and Vera

  premiere 292–6, 297

  production plans 212–13, 251–2, 262–3, 265, 274

  Utah, OW lectures in 241, 242–3

  Utica (New York state), OW’s lecture (‘Decorative Arts’) 234–5

  Vacaresco, Hélène 712

  Vale, J. Sydney 234

  Valéry, Paul 675

  Vanbrugh, Irene 537

  Vanity Fair 143, 229, 304–5, 312

  Vera; or The Nihilists (Wilde) 167–70, 174, 191–2, 194–5, 272, 273, 284, 301, 386

  Constance Lloyd (Wilde)’s verdict on 298–9

  Milan production 657

  plans for American production of 212–13, 251–2, 262–3, 265, 274

  premiere in America 292–6, 297, 298

  Verlaine, Paul 280, 392, 432, 433, 485, 495, 619, 675

  Vezin, Hermann 143, 169, 290, 330, 448

  Vian, Alsager 346

  Victoria, Queen 171, 182, 224, 354, 369, 495, 555, 597

  Diamond Jubilee 640–1

  Villon, François 429

  Vivian, Herbert, Reminiscences of a Short Life 390–1

  Vizetelly, Henry 403

  Volkmar, Charles 261

  Wagner, Richard 109, 310

  Waifs and Strays poetry magazine 145

  Wainewright, Thomas Griffiths 69, 372–3

  Wainwright, Henry 69

  Walkley, A.B. 478–9

  Waller, Florence 527

  Waller, Lewis 498, 503

  Wandsworth Prison 592–600

  conditions in 593, 603

  OW’s health in 593, 598–600

  transfer to Reading Prison 600, 601

  visitors for OW 594–5, 596, 598, 599

  Ward, Florence 89

  Ward, Genevieve 169–70

  Ward, Gertrude 89

  Ward Howe, Julia 228, 255, 258, 259, 350

  ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ 224

  Ward Howe, Maud 258

  Ward, Lock & Co. 397, 403, 404, 413, 417

  Ward, Mrs Humphrey 350

  Ward, Sam 209, 220–1, 224, 259, 266

  Ward, William ‘Bouncer’ 78–9, 89, 90, 95, 98, 101, 115, 118, 135, 185, 315

  in Rome 106–7, 108

  Warren, Emily Thomasine 28

  Warren, Herbert 129

  Washington, OW’s lecture in 218–23

  Washington Post 228

  the Wasp (US satirical paper) 243–4

  Watson & Pim 118, 128–9

  Watts, G.F. 143, 165

  Watts, Theodore 349, 466

  Weeden, Ethel 502

  Wendell Holmes, Oliver 258

  West, Benjamin 323, 324

  Westminster, Constance, Duchess of 100, 152–3

  Where’s the Cat? (farce), caricature of OW in 171, 173

  Whibley, Charles 400–1, 402, 403, 578

  Whistler, James McNeil 46, 52, 101, 110, 143, 144, 250, 256

  and Aestheticism 161, 162

  Arrangement in the Grey and Black (The Artist’s Mother) 276

  ‘Nocturne in Black and Gold’ 114

  OW meets in Paris 682

  and OW’s American lecture tour 196, 248

  in OW’s ‘The Decay of Living’ 374

  and OW’s marriage 303, 305–6

  OW’s relations with 177–9, 229–30, 321–5, 397

  and OW’s trial 580

  public criticisms of OW 358, 428–9

  ‘Symphony in White’ 177

  ‘Ten O’clock’ Lecture 322–5

  Tite Street house 140, 147, 164, 305, 388

  Venice etchings 271

  White, Harry 421–2

  Whitehall Review 165

  Whitman, Walt 30, 46, 91, 215–17, 253, 268

  Wilde, Constance (formerly Lloyd) 175–6, 287–8, 298–303

  adopts family name of ‘Holland’ 595

  artistic interests 288

  at Babbacombe 467, 468–71, 533, 536, 537, 566, 579

  at Goring 486–7

  birth of sons 330, 338–9

  death 681

  decoration of Tite Street house 316–19

  and dress reform 362

  dresses 306–7, 309–10, 311–12

  engagement to OW 299–303

  family and social life 342–3

  friendships with OW’s young men 342

  honeymoon 308–11, 385

  and Hubert Parry 422–3

  ill-health 383, 644

  in Italy 472–3

  jealousy 367

  and La Sainte Courtisane 498

  legacy 446

  letters to OW 300, 302

  and Mariller 335

  marriage settlement 301, 312, 349, 593, 594, 597

  OW’s allowance from 605, 614, 621–2, 648, 662, 680–1

  and Oscariana 516, 526

  and OW at the Hotel Albermarle 476

  and OW at Worthing 515–17, 520

  and OW in Felbrigg, Norfolk 258–9, 456

  and OW in Germany 456

  and OW’s exile

  in France 634–5, 644, 646, 648, 677, 680–1

  in Naples 650–1, 651–2

  and OW’s homosexual relations 540

  and OW’s imprisonment 593, 594, 594–6, 597, 598, 604, 605, 614

  and OW’s relationship with Douglas 501, 651–2

  and OW’s The House of Pomegranates 432

  and OW’s trial 561, 566, 577, 579

  palm reading 320

  and the ‘Picture of Dorian Gray’ 304

  political interests 362, 383

  pregnancies 316, 338–9

  and Queensberry accused of criminal libel 542, 545, 547–8

  and relationship with Douglas 492–3

  and spiritualism 383–4

  There Was Once 363

  wedding 303–5

  on Willie Wilde’s marriage 426

  Wilde, Cyril 330–1, 390, 416, 458, 470, 486–7, 487, 517, 520, 561, 596, 605

  Wilde, Dorothy Irene 582

  Wilde, Isola Francesca Emily (OW’s sister) 13, 14

  death 25–6, 49

  Wilde, Jane Francesca (formerly Elgee, OW’s mother) 3, 4–5, 8–12, 93

  appearance 5

  ‘The Brothers’ 9–10, 14, 638

  and the Catholic Church 15–16

  and Constance Lloyd 287–8

  death 604–5

  death of husband 86, 87–8

  financial difficulties 94–5, 257, 512

  and Isola’s death 25, 49

  known as ‘Speranza’ 4, 9

  as ‘Lady Wilde’ 18

  and Lady Windermere’s Fan 440, 445

  letters from OW to 27–8

  in London 137, 151, 369

  ‘at homes’/receptions 153, 360

  awarded civil list pension 369

  books and articles written by 359, 369

  Oakley Street house 505, 577–9, 581

  visits with OW and brother 54–5

  marriage 11

  and the Mary Travers case 22, 23

  and Mer
rion Square, Dublin 115

  and motherhood 12, 13, 14

  and OW at Oxford 112

  and OW’s American lecture tour 216, 218, 229, 230, 239, 240, 244, 256, 258, 262

  on OW’s articles and short stories 347, 379, 380

  and OW’s marriage 299–300, 307, 312

  and OW’s trial 566, 577, 581, 582

  and OW’s works 84–5, 187, 398, 413

  in Paris with OW and brother 26–7

  Poems by Speranza 24

  political writings 8–10

  reading to her children 14

  reviews and translations 11, 15

  and Ruskin 68

  ‘To Ireland’ 28

  and Willie Wilde 76, 426

  and Woman’s World 353–4, 360

  Wilde, Lily (formerly Lily Lees) 505, 577, 582, 599, 619, 710

  Wilde, Oscar

  on absinthe intoxication 687–8

  appearance 29, 32, 287, 311–12

  on American lecture tour 200, 203, 209–10, 211–12, 266–7

  at Oxford 62, 67, 79, 120, 121, 125–6

  in Belgium 150

  during trial 564–5, 568, 581

  hairstyles 275, 278, 290, 292

  and imprisonment 601, 606, 618

  in London 138–9, 146, 164, 174

  on release from prison 629

  sketches of 74

  as art critic 113–15

  articles and essays 372–5, 379–80, 381–2, 397–8, 409–11, 418

  at country house parties 420–3

  in Belgium 150–1

  birth and baptismal names 3–4, 12

  blackmail over ‘madness of kisses’ letter 473–4, 479–81, 544

  character 21, 30, 62–3, 79, 139–40, 151

  conversation 343–4

  physical manner 343

  questionnaire on ‘tastes, habits and convictions’ 117–18

  childhood 13–18

  death of sister 25–6

  family holidays 14–16, 17, 24–5

  letters to his mother 27–8

  shooting and fishing 24, 43

  visit to Paris 26–7

  death 712–15

  dress 29

  at Oxford 62, 67, 68, 72

  on British lecture tour 290, 316

  in exile 675, 682

  lectures on 313–15, 316

  lectures on women’s dress 305

  in London 138, 139, 344

  in Paris 275

  on release from prison 620

  in the United States 194, 203, 206, 222, 225–6, 266–7, 292

  and dress reform 212, 213, 350

  Eighty Club membership 358–9

  in exile

  assumes name of Sebastian Melmoth 618

  in Dieppe and Berneval-sur-Mer 628–48

  in Naples 648, 649–70, 657

  in Paris 670, 673–85, 686–92, 698–702

  philosophy of failure 699–700

  fairy tales 259, 274, 334, 335, 345–6, 347, 348–9, 363–6, 380–1, 405, 423, 502–3

  financial troubles 151, 271, 286, 349, 495, 499, 512, 538

  and American lecture tour 232–4

  at Oxford 94–5, 118

  in exile 652–3, 659, 663, 680, 688–9, 709, 710

  and imprisonment 592, 593–4, 597


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