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Grady's Awakening: Resonance Mates, Book 4

Page 16

by Bianca D'Arc

  “You what?”

  She’d gone too far, she realized, to stop there. With a sinking feeling in her stomach, she swallowed and answered.

  “He said we Hummed. It’s one of their ancient tests for Resonance Mating. I didn’t hear it, but human hearing is less sensitive than Alvian. All the other Alvians at the table heard it, and they remarked on it.”

  “So you’re his mate?”

  Oh, she definitely heard the growl of disapproval in his tone that time, but she wasn’t exactly sure what it meant. Was he staking some kind of claim or was he only objecting to the idea of her being with an Alvian in a general sort of way?

  “No. It’s only the first of the tests, they tell me. It just means that we have the potential to be mates, not that we really are. Besides, he’s on a mission and so am I. I’ll probably never see him again.”

  “Why do you sound sad about that?”

  “Damn it, Jim!” She rounded on him. “You can stop right there if you’re going to go all judgmental on me. I liked Grady Prime. He was nice to me. He treated me with respect, and he was the first man in decades that sparked my interest. There’s no shame in that.” He’d sparked a whole lot more than just her interest, but she figured it wouldn’t be too smart to tell Jim that.

  “He’s an alien, Gina. You deserve better.”

  She couldn’t believe his nerve.

  “He’s a good man, Jim. Don’t judge him. You’ve never met him. And there isn’t exactly a parade of men knocking on my door. Frankly, with my past experiences of human men and the barbarians most of them have become, I might be better off with an Alvian. At least I know they won’t act like starving savages.”

  Jim became quiet, his eyes penetrating her very psyche as he held her gaze.

  “Who hurt you, Gina?” His words were whisper soft in the darkness of the pod interior, inviting her to share confidences, to tell him of her most harrowing experiences—the events that haunted her dreams at night.

  “It was a long time ago.”

  “Apparently not long enough if it still bothers you. If it’s given you a distrust of your fellow man.”

  “You know what men have become, Jim. You know how they hunt women. I’ve done my share of fighting my fellow man.” She nearly spat the words. “I’m safer with the Zxerah. At least I know the males in the clan won’t attack me in my sleep and try to rape me.”

  “Fuck.” The strength of his curse brought her up short. “I’m sorry, baby. No woman should have to live in fear of rape. It’s one of the first and most important rules of society—of the society we’ve built in the old NORAD bunker. Violence against women is not tolerated. Anyone attacks anyone else, they’re either locked up or out on their asses in the snow. I won’t allow that kind of behavior in my house.”

  “Not all men are like you, Jim.”

  He was silent a long time.

  “You don’t know how sorry I am for that.”

  The pod coasted to a stop shortly thereafter and they set to work silently, side by side, coaxing the vehicle onto the next set of rails. The turn was sharp—almost ninety degrees—and Gina got a feeling for why they’d designed the system this way considering the sharp turns that could not be taken at speed. She made note of the well marked escape tubes leading up to the surface but wasn’t comforted by the fact that when she looked upward into one of the tubes, she couldn’t see the sky. They were deep underground, and the realization of that fact gave her the willies.

  Jim, sensitive as he was, picked up on it of course.

  “Don’t like it down here, do you?” He pushed the pod onto the track spur in preparation for putting it onto its new course. Gina was at the console and had powered down the previous section of track and was ready to power up the new section as soon as Jim was clear.

  “Can’t say I like tunnels much,” she allowed. “And we’re down pretty deep. I don’t think I’ve ever been this far below the surface before.”

  “It’s not bad once you get used to it. It’s quiet and still, and a nice constant temperature.” Jim shook his arms as he moved clear of the pod. “Cold, but constant. As long as you have heat, you can do pretty well down here. Purified water isn’t usually a problem, and we’ve learned to cultivate mushrooms as well as the hydroponically grown produce. We even managed to get some livestock to live below for at least part of the time. We let them out into protected pastures a few at a time, but we can’t risk a herd being seen. The sheep are best at living at altitude but the other animals have fared reasonably well as long as we keep a sharp eye on them.”

  “It’s amazing what you’ve built, Jim. You deserve a lot of credit.”

  “Not me.” He stood next to her as they powered up the next section of track. “The folks who were already there figured out most of it. There were a lot of scientists in that installation, and some of the things they came up with to survive were ingenious. By the time I got there, General Yeager had already set up a thriving community.”

  “Wally was telling me about him. He sounds like a great man.”

  “That he was. I had nothing but respect for the general, and I miss him every day.”

  “You and Wally both. Your general must have been an impressive man to stir such loyalty. Of course, an outsider looking in might say he sounds like some sort of cult leader.” She looked up at him as the hum of electricity filled the chamber and the pod began to levitate once more. Bumpers held it in place for now, but they’d be withdrawn once they boarded the craft.

  “Touché, mademoiselle.”

  She liked that Jim was quick enough to realize she was echoing his earlier words about the Patriarch. She nodded her head in acknowledgment and would have left the console, but Jim took her hand, spinning her around to face him.

  He stood much too close, and her hand was imprisoned against his chest. She could feel the pulsing beat of his heart against her palm as her mouth went dry at his nearness.

  “I’m reserving judgment on your Alvian friends, Gina. I won’t lie to you about that. I don’t understand it and maybe I never will, but I’m willing to try.”

  “That’s all I can ask.” Now why did her voice sound so breathy and hot? She really had to have more control around him than this. It was embarrassing.

  Jim shifted closer, his free arm going around her waist and drawing her into his warmth. His head drifted down, his lips angling along hers until he was kissing her for all he was worth.

  He didn’t coax. He didn’t ask. He just took her on the ride of her life. She was with him though, and she didn’t object. Not at all. She’d been wondering where she stood with him all day and this was a definite answer. The most delicious answer possible.

  His tongue dueled with hers, eliciting a response that lit a fire in her womb. She couldn’t hold out against him. He was too tempting, too commanding, and he knew just what to do to make her moan. A sound tore from her throat and it seemed to bring him back to his senses, drawing him back. But he didn’t go far.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” His forehead rested against hers, their breathing matched in raggedness and tempo. Both had been affected by the tumultuous kiss, she was glad to see. She’d hate to be alone in her uncontrollable response to this man and his stirring passion.

  “You could have fooled me,” she muttered, glad when he backed away. He searched her gaze with questions in his eyes.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “I’m getting mixed signals from you, Jim.” She valued honesty and wanted it from him. “You tell me you want to protect me, you want me to live with your people in Colorado, but what do you want from me?”

  He ran a hand through his hair and looked away. “Hell if I know.” He turned back to her and she could see the confusion in his expression, feel it coming off him in waves…along with the undeniable attraction and heat. “I want you near, Gina. I have all these protective feelings for you, but they go deeper than normal. I want to watch over you. I want you.”

p; “But you don’t want to want me, is that it?” The thought hurt more than it should have.

  “Right now? Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t understand your relationship with the aliens, but when I touch you it doesn’t seem to matter. Nothing matters but you in my arms. But when I have a clear head, I worry about it—about you—about the aliens and what they mean to you. I want to mean more to you than they do, but I fear I’ve already lost too much ground. You’ve been with them a long time and from all appearances they’ve been good to you, but you’ve got to know it’s been hell for me and my people out here with the rest of them. Pure hell. And I’m not so sure I’ll ever be able to forgive…or forget.”

  Silence held for a long moment while she thought about his words.

  “I appreciate your honesty, Jim. Let’s just give it time, okay?”

  “I’m not sure I can give you that, Gina.” He stepped close once more, his gaze pulling her in, his expression daring her to step into his arms, into his world. “I want you too much.”

  “Dammit, Jim.” She shook her head, marveling at the way he could turn her head with just a few words. A fire erupted in her belly and though her mind told her no, her body was screaming yes, yes, yes!

  “It doesn’t have to be complicated,” he coaxed. “I think you want me too. Don’t you, Gina?”

  “You are the most infuriating man.”

  “I think you like infuriating men. Particularly me. So how about it? Can we boil this down to the most basic things for the moment? You, me, desire and pleasure?”

  “And let all the other stuff wait? It won’t go away, you know.”

  “I know. It preys on my mind. But I can’t walk away from you. I can’t keep my distance. I stayed awake deep into the night, thinking about you. About this trip. About all the myriad possibilities. But what it all came down to was my desire—my need—for you. Am I wrong in thinking you want—and need—me too?”

  “I—” She had to be honest. “I want to be with you. Right or wrong, heartache or happiness, I want more of what you showed me last night, Jim. And you should know I always had a crush on you. You might’ve watched me in my dad’s dojo, but I was watching you too.”

  “No kidding?” A grin lit his face as heat blossomed in his eyes. He pulled her into his arms and shifted his weight from foot to foot, rocking her against his hard body. “Last night wasn’t supposed to be about sex, Gina. I didn’t mean to push you that far when I walked into the room with you. It was supposed to be a search, plain and simple, but the moment I touched you, all my good intentions went right out the door. I’m sorry for that.”

  “I’m not.” She rubbed her cheek against his, breathing in his breath, reveling in his warmth as he drew her into his arms. “After I got over the shock, I liked what you did. It was exciting and probably the kinkiest thing ever to happen to me.” She laughed as he started, then gazed at her with open fire. “It shocked the heck out of me, but I liked the feeling. And I want to feel that again.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.”

  His hands went to the fastenings that held her top together, parting them expertly until she was bared to his gaze and his hands. He kissed her again, taking her lips with savage fury as his hands molded the roundness of her breasts. As his thumbs rubbed over the excited peaks, she gasped into his mouth. He broke away to trail his lips downward, capturing one tortured peak in the wetness and urgency of his mouth, rolling the other between thumb and forefinger, plucking gently. She cried out as his other hand delved beneath her waistband, seeking and finding the hot spot between her legs that cried out for his touch.

  He wasted little time, sliding one long finger through the slick wetness of her arousal and pushing deep. She cried out as he began to rub that spot he’d discovered the night before. The tiny point deep inside that brought her so high, so fast.

  She shuddered as he pushed her higher, his teeth raking over her skin gently, arousingly.

  “Come for me, baby. Give it to me.”

  She shuddered and shook in his arms as her sheath convulsed around his finger, a sound of indeterminate pleasure ripped from her throat.

  “That’s it. You’re so hot, baby. You set me on fire.” He stroked her through the last of the shudders, stroking the flame to make her rise once again. It was so fast. She didn’t remember it ever happening this fast or this hot.

  She leaned back against the rail that surrounded the console as he stripped off her pants, pushing his own down past his straining erection. He was built on the large side, as she’d guessed. As she’d hoped. His thighs were a work of art, muscle and sinew straining as he moved back to her, taking his place between her legs.

  “I don’t have anything to protect you, Gina, but I’m safe from disease. How’s your cycle?”

  “I’m on birth control. The Zxerah are careful about reproduction and I’m clean too, so it’s okay.”

  “God, you don’t know how good it is to hear that. Damn, baby, I wasn’t thinking straight or I would’ve been prepared. I’ll take better care of you from now on, I promise.”

  She stroked his sexy, stubbly cheek with one hand. “You take care of me just fine, Jim. Now take care of me some more.” She sent him her sexiest smile, her libido racing far ahead of its normal pace. This man brought out the siren in her, and she wanted him. She needed him. Now. “Come into me, Jim. I want to feel you inside me. I want it so bad.”

  “Your wish…” he stepped up to her, pushing the large head of his cock between her slick thighs, “…is my command.” They both watched him push in, gaining entrance as she strained to take him. He was thick and long. She shimmied against him, seating herself on the railing, trusting him to hold her upper body so she wouldn’t fall off onto the electrified tracks. The danger only added to her excitement.

  “Deeper, Jim,” she urged in a low voice. She was nearly incoherent with sensation as he slid home, hard and deep within her. “That’s it!” A cry wrenched from her depths, ripping out into the silence of the tunnel, echoing back to her.

  “Damn, baby, you feel good around me. You’re tight and wet and hot. You were made for me.” He began to thrust, holding her shoulders tight, keeping her in place for his powerful thrusts. She gave control to him, trusting in his strength, his power.

  His cock felt good against the sensitive walls of her sheath. The sensation stole her breath and made her want to moan in pleasure as he increased his pace. Her hands clenched his thickly muscled shoulders. His shirt was on, but she’d managed to undo a few of the buttons. She worked on the rest now. She had to feel his skin, see his abdomen rippling as he drove into her.

  She achieved her goal only moments before the biggest wave yet hit her, sending her over into mindless pleasure as he pounded into her. She screamed then, and he followed not far behind her, jetting into her in hot waves of wet heat, sending another spiral of pleasure deep into her core.

  Gina clutched his ribs, leaning heavily against his chest as he held her through the last of the spasms, the last echoes of incredible rapture. She’d never come so hard in her life. She’d never thought it was even possible.

  No words could describe the whirlwind that had just taken her on the wildest ride of her life. She wasn’t even capable of speech at the moment and Jim didn’t seem inclined to break the silence either, for which she was grateful. He held her to him, rubbing her shoulders almost absently as he placed sporadic soft kisses on her hair and shoulder.

  At length, he pulled out, lifting her off the railing and placing her gently on her feet. She wobbled and he steadied her, sparing her a smile of pure male satisfaction. She wondered what it did for his ego to know he’d fucked her dizzy.

  “That was…” He seemed to search for words as he found her clothes and handed them back to her. “Baby, you blew me away.”

  “Not yet.” She felt the desire to tease him. “But we can try that next if you like.”

  He growled as he stalked closer, pulling her in for a quick hug and a nippi
ng kiss. “You’re a vixen, Gina.”

  “And you’re a stud. But I’m sure you knew that already.”

  “Seriously?” he asked as he fastened his pants and she did the same. “I haven’t been with a woman in a long time. I wasn’t kidding when I said I protect the women in our community. Most are already involved with another man or are too old or too young to get involved with. It’s been a long time since I had the pleasure of spending time with an unattached female who wasn’t under my protection, and I don’t ever recall it being as explosive as we just were.”

  “Me neither.” She had to be honest, though, her night with Grady had been explosive and exciting—just in a different way.

  She continued dressing until she was presentable again and found him watching her with a strange, soft expression on his face.

  “So are we good? I didn’t hurt you, right?”

  “No, you didn’t hurt me.” She smiled at him, stepping into his arms to place a gentle kiss on his jaw. “And we’re definitely good.”

  “You’re okay with this? I mean, you’re okay with the sex?”

  “The sex was way more than just okay, Jim.” She blushed even as she teased him. “And I’m definitely okay with it. In fact, I’d like to do it again, whenever you’re up to it.”

  “We’ll have things to settle when we get to the end of this road, Gina. Even the hottest sex I’ve ever had won’t make me take chances with people’s lives.”

  “I never expected anything different,” she assured him. “Let’s take this one step at a time, Jim. We’ll get to know each other and maybe by the end of this trip you’ll be able to come to terms with things as they stand with the Alvians and me. All I ask is that you think about it. And the sex isn’t meant to coerce you. That’s strictly between you and me and has nothing to do with anyone or anything else. Agreed?”


  They walked together up the small ramp and into the pod. She was seated and the pod was accelerating before she remembered what he’d said and she couldn’t help but tease him.


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